First, it was the discomfort that first interrupted Subaru's consciousness.

"Ugh! Hey! Ugh."

The bitterness overlaps with the sense of foreign matter chewing gravel in his mouth, the sense of earthly odor dancing over his tongue, and Subaru opens his eyes as he spits it out to cough.

Vision is falling into darkness, with a limp and cold feeling touching the whole body. If consciousness points in the direction of stiff feeling and gravity, recognize the fact that you are overthrown. Then I slowly turned my gaze around, with the sight I had become slightly accustomed to the darkness - and understood that it was among the old ruins that I had seen several times.

"In the graveyard, or...?

Mouth it to be sure, and if you spit out the gravel in your mouth, the taste is also new to your memory.

Before, I had this memory of containing gravel here in my mouth at the same time as awakening of consciousness. I mean, now,

"You mean right after the first 'trial'...? Back so far...... no, more than that"

If now really means a return from the 'trials', i.e. a separation from the past, Subaru is not the only one falling into this place.

"- Emilia!

Right beside me, I find a silver girl who falls in the dark.

He walks over, sees the expression he put to bed beside him colored in agony, and Subaru hesitates only for a moment to stretch his fingertips to that sleeping face.

Already on several occasions, I know Subaru, who has accompanied Emilia to see how the 'trials' go. When someone else touches her in this sleeping state, she returns interrupted no matter what the 'trial' was in.

Therefore, it is not necessarily possible that there will be no third-party failures at the present time due to the trespassing of the Trial. In the cemetery, touching Emilia requires careful attention. But...

"I know this time is no good..."

He shook his head and killed hesitation, and Subaru softly held that body up as he burned Emilia's sleeping face into his eyes, tucking it in his arms. As soon as it was painful, Emilia's expression rapidly turned away, and her consciousness was led straight to awakening-

"Shh, bul...?

"Oh, yeah. It's me, Emilia. Are you okay?"

The fallen call of awakened Emilia's late awakening of consciousness. Smiling and responding to reassure him, Subaru awaits Emilia's current perception of the situation.

Remind her of her place situation as it is, take the results of the 'trials' and wait for her to start crying like a child.

I know I'm going to cry down, and I can't do anything about my weakness.

Still, I get up behaving in a temperament, her integrity.

Hold him gently so that he wouldn't break at least, Subaru kept holding his arms tight until Emilia settled down.

"Back to Death," Subaru said calmly, putting things in order after bringing crying Emilia to Ryuz's house and making sure Ram laid her to sleep.

Around wanting to hear what's inside - he says no to Rams and Ottos "first, wait for Emilia to wake up" and now he's left alone.

Complex thoughts intersect in the mind of Subaru in the wind as he leaves their side where he was told and looks out into the night sky outside the house of Lewes.

"Nevertheless... again?"

Confirm with your fingertips the non-existent wound that should have occurred there, touching your left belly.

It's a deep, bladed wound that spills your guts out. I think it's the opportunity to see my gut and other things in life that aren't, but Subaru's experience with it would have already loosely surpassed that of the majority of people around the world.

"Whether that's a pleasure is a different story. I don't have the wrong combination of sensibilities to remember hunger and trance when I look at my own moth... and there's that."

Words that go that far, past Subaru's brain.

- I told you. You made a promise, didn't you?

I think it was a glossy woman's voice. The voice of an abnormal person who, by wetting himself with blood, reaches its peak with a grossly disloyal gloss in his voice and a view of the life to be lost.

And Subaru hated his voice, his promises, and his anomalies.

More importantly, it's not even the first time I've been torn apart like this.

"You mean the re-enactment of 'Bowel Hunt' here... give me a break..."

Svalbard with his hand on his forehead and looking up into the sky to mourn.

Floating behind its lid is a pitch-black beauty with long stretches of the same dark hair as Subaru. A killer who shook a vicious blade and twice took Subaru's life.

The threat that most hunted down Subaru during the first loop and was driven away at Reinhardt's hands - was Elsa Granhilte.

"I didn't see him, but you must be Elsa. I don't want to think there's anything else like that. Let's go in Elsa."

More than two months should already have passed in physical time, but only a little over a month has passed since I met her in real time. The wounds she sustained at that time should not have been shallow either, but the aftermath didn't seem to be any obstacle to the killing of Subaru.

Is the difficulty too low or is it already fully healed?

"Is it easier to see that there are no scratches? Thinking about restorative magic, this world is going to do something about it except die. Even I've been dead many times when I said that... no, I'm actually dead."

Too many cases of dying and picking up lives and dying just like that make it hard to grasp where you stand.

Either way, it is concluded in Subaru that the threat that struck the mansion was Elsa. If you do, the problem is...

"Why Elsa was at the Mansion and what happened to the Fredericas"

When Subaru arrived at the mansion, there was a slight but residual sense of life in the mansion at night. The lights in Petra's own room and the lighting in the entrance hall are. The office shall be excluded because it was used to use the escape route, but it is conceivable from those two lights that

"At least nothing happened until that night... you mean?

Consider whether it is too early to conclude that.

Maybe Petra's room, entrance hall, office room and other lighting have been left on all day, and it's possible Subaru mistook it for safe until that night. However, what can be raised as an element that denies that assumption is the duration of the lighting.

"Unlike ragmite ore, crystalline lamps need to be charged with atmospheric mana during the day. I know from experience that if you let it go, it won't last half a day."

During a letter mastery class at the Mansion, a crystal light that I had forgotten to turn off suddenly went out at night. The memory of Ram blowing Subaru making a fuss over suspicion of the rap phenomenon, Lem taking it gently and Emilia shuddering smaller in the corner of the room loosens Subaru's cheek. but now we don't look back at that memory, we just pull out the important part,

"If you've been on all day, it's weird that the lights stayed on at night. You can erase the line that the mansion has been empty since the day before. Then the limit is...... the night of the sixth day. Now is the second night, four days later. No, between three and a half days."

In time, approximately eighty-four hours are the time limit left in Subaru.

This role imposed on Subaru using its limited time. It's

"Defense of the mansion attacked by that 'intestinal hunt', or ensuring the safety of the mansion guys"

Before that snake-like, spider-like killer, I can't be sure if they got away safely. I don't know where that escape route was going, but if the Fredericas who fled the mansion were to head, it should be the 'sanctuary' with a view to joining the Lord, Roswar.

Yet Subaru and Frederica have not encountered each other on the way to the 'Sanctuary'.

"A case where that evacuation passage was a tunnel as long as an asshole, leading to nowhere to fall there. Or..."

I don't want to think about it, but I didn't get away with it.

In view of his differences in power, Subaru frowns at the latter's high probability, which he does not want to think about.

But in reality, the strength of Elsa in Subaru's eyes was so high. I have seen few experiences in different worlds and a few powerful people.

That killer, if weighed purely by his skill of combat,

"More than Julius, less than Mr. Wilhelm... or something. Not really, but I'm not the one with the teeth to stand as hard as I tried."

Even Subaru has low foundational skills. There will be as much difference in power as cats and tigers without metaphorical representation by comparison. Equals zero likelihood of winning alone, etc.

Even in the last offense, the impact of the part that eventually relied on coincidence is significant.

"It would be great if the invincible Mr. Reinhardt happened to be on the street again this time...... no matter how much of a handsome character he is in the protagonist correction burly, it's too good a bug to put his face to this phase"

Assuming it's a story, such a development would be too convenient for Subaru to throw out. However, as a reality, I would like to welcome you with my hands up if you put the ordeal ahead of me.

and so on, and he has not escaped reality, and Subaru, when he drives away the weak sound with one exhale,

"The reason Elsa came to the Mansion... after all, is it the same as last time, obstruction of the king's race? Who hired him to stand in Emilia's way?"

Emblem theft of Emilia by Felt in the Wang capital. Its client is Elsa, and furthermore behind it is the presence of the mastermind who hired Elsa. Based on how he tried to take the badge from Emilia, who was eligible to participate in the King's race, Subaru was on the wrong side of the camp.

"After seeing the other candidates... I can't seem to say enough about that"

First, the point of view of asking the assassin to steal his badge.

At that point Kursch comes off the candidate. I can assure you that Svalbard, who actually saw with this eye a masterpiece called her. She's never the kind of person to do that.

Also, the felt naturally falls off the candidate from the situation. The only two people left are Priscilla and Anastasia...

"Priscilla... that arrogant lady likes to imitate like this? If I'm not mistaken, that's the kind of person who really thinks he's the center of the world. You don't seem to be actively hitting hands like this. Then Anastasia..."

A floating purple-haired merchant woman.

There is a glint as a sharp hunter of smell in his soft face, conscious of his standing around and able to take a full response. - So much so that Subaru was also allowed to use its nature.

If it's her, or she might choose a way to kick someone else down reasonably. He would also be good at the rushing idea of hiring outside humans with gold, a kind of forbidden hand as a delight. If there are only elements that deny that theory,

"I don't even think Julius's guy will overlook that, huh? No, it's not like I appreciate him or anything. Yeah, it's just, well, I feel like it."

Or maybe it's about hiding in that 'best knight', but the question doesn't disappear whether we'll do it until we put an irrevocable crack in the circled subordinate relationship.

As a result, the involvement of the Anastasian faction was also passively abandoned,

"There will be no candidates from the candidates. It's just... Still, you've got as much room to think about it. Emilia's, given the way she's treated."

If the king's candidate is not his client, there is the possibility of a faction human being who wants to purely exclude Emilia from the king's race. If you think that something abhorrent about her, the half-elf, has chosen a short-circuit means, this is also a coherent idea.

I guess the idea that we will get that far will mean that Subaru's idea is sweet. Her resentment of her lineage for being a half elf is so deeply rooted.

"Just don't make it virtually impossible to reveal the identity of your client when that happens. Unless Elsa herself throws up."

And there's not enough power to make it throw up - it's a grand tour.

Quite possibly, we can deal with the Elsa attack by:

"Don't let the impoverishment of our faction be compassionate. I just can't. Otto is just futile to count too. Emilia can fight well if Puck is alive and Ram is anxious for Stamina considering the possibility of a long fight. Roswar is an injured and unstable man. I don't know how much Frederica can do and Petra's cheat character setup with just hidden powers...... it's impossible. then."

There are two possible ways to open Subaru.

One is to return to the mansion and take out four people, Petra, Rem and Beatrice, starting with Frederica, to flee into the 'sanctuary' and avoid the Elsa raid.

And the other one,

"- This is the place where you're hanging out and you got cancer, huh?

Garfiel, who came out, looked down at Subaru, who kept his back on the wall and sat on the ground. It is rare to be looked down from him with a low back length, and Subaru shook his neck sideways with a taste of freshness, "No,"

"There's something I want to sort out, I've been thinking. What about Emilia?

"Not if you're a princess. Sleep with Gooska. Cancer." I hope Morolok's nap lasts all day and night. "

"I don't know what it is, but Morolok sleeps too well"

Subaru stands up and turns back to Garfiel as he puts his penetration into the unconventional idiom that became the norm.

Back length half a head lower than Subaru, short blonde hair. White scar on forehead on sharp eyes. Feelings released from overpointed dog teeth and fierce beastly bodies - trust in oneself, held only by the strong.

Two means floated around as a response to Elsa, another of which is this young man.

If we break through the 'trials' and free the 'sanctuary', we can get him out of this place. And if his strength speaks loudly, he can expect it as a counterweight to Elsa. Given that the escape is only temporary, repelling or crusading is desirable.

"Hey, Garfield."

"Holy shit."

"You're the strongest, what is it? I'm confident no one can beat you, right?

"Ah? I think so. Whoever it is, I'll crush it, I'll bust it, I'll bust it, I'll beat you to death."

Garfiel's confidence is not shaken by Subaru's inquiry, even though he is somewhat grumpy. Subaru nodded with a sense of comfort in his response,

"When I get out of this' sanctuary ', I think it'll be quick when I need that power of yours. When that happens, I think I can count on your best."

"That's you?

"Let me prove that word. That's the best I can count on."

Beating Garfiel's shoulder with a puzzled face, Subaru then went inside Ryuz's house. Three people inside Svalbard, who opened the door and came in - Lamb, Ryuse and Otto's gaze gather, but with such their attention Svalbard turns his foot toward Emilia's sleeping bedroom,

"Barus, Master Emilia yet..."

"Nha, you should be awake soon. - Emilia, I know it's hard to show your face, but let's talk. Everyone's waiting for it."

Calling inside through the door, a faint breath arrived from the other side.

A faint patrol. And after a few seconds, the jaws and door knob are turned, and Emilia shows herself from the bedroom to the top and bottom.

She shivered her lips upwards at Subaru standing in the front of the door,

"The... I'm sorry for all the inconvenience. Among the graveyards, and still..."

"Emilia, I'm fine because the trouble you can cause me is not annoyance, it's what I want to do. Any heavier or more painful than that? If there's anything strange about it, I can gently stroke it and rub it to heal you."

"Mm-hmm. It's like I hit him in the back when he fell a little bit and he stings a little..."

"All right, all right. Just be careful there...... Mr. Lamb? Mr. Lamb? The tip of the wand is piercing near my liver!?

He pokes Subaru, who tried to slap a light mouth around sexual harassment, with a wand pulled out by a ram leaning behind his back. After being pointed out, she pushed the tip further silently, hurting Subaru fully until he rang like a puppy and jumped away,

"Dear Emilia, is it okay to add or subtract? Forget Balth's disrespectful remarks and tell Ram clearly how well you are."

"I'll get this far done with no comment. You're amazing! Look, I'm a little bloody serious. How powerful is it to pierce these thick clothes?

"Ha," he laughs with his nose, sending a side-eye like Ram would even see in a bug to Subaru's protest while rubbing his irritating painful back. Then she looked back at Emilia again,

"So, is it okay? If you have no problem adding or subtracting..."

"Ugh, yeah, it's okay. We need to talk about the" trials "inside."

Emilia nods ahead of Ram's words and advances to the center of the room. Garfield also walked into the house and put Emilia in the shape that surrounded her face.

That's how Emilia grabbed hold of the 'trials' explaining and announcing the results, with all the attention from everyone, the trail of the last stream. If there's something different about it than the last time,

"So why was Natsuki inside safe?

Yes, the voice of doubt represented by Otto raising his hand small.

So much so that the question rose, Subaru did not plug his information into the current story. It is also meant to measure Emilia's way of thinking about 'trials',

"Told you? I got 'qualified' to go inside, he said. If we're gonna talk about where we got it, maybe in the daytime cemetery. So, what happened when I went inside... I got the same 'trial' as Emilia. The result seems to have come through."

An upset runs indoors into that Subaru statement.

Amongst them, Emilia's stunner, who likewise tried and failed the 'Trial', is significant. She stares silently at Subaru with confusion in her purple blue eyes.

Subaru nodding at that girlfriend,

"I'll tell you in advance, it doesn't mean I missed the 'trials' or anything because I was better. 'Trial' was to face the past. It was just a bonus stage for me."

"I don't know about that without you, but if Su Bo has crossed the 'trials'... Hmm, that's amazing"

"But from what Emilia said earlier, isn't the 'trials' over in one? Firstly, because we can anticipate that there will be a continuation of the word"

Acceptance of crowns and words of rum. Nodding back at them, Subaru asks how Emilia is doing here and there. She is still silent, just floating a complex wave of emotions in her eyes.

Imagining the thoughts in her chest, Subaru shakes off the sweetness though.

The time limit set and the difficulty of Emilia's 'trials' strategy attributed to the 'past'. If you put them on the scale, you can't take many choices. Therefore,

"I heard it when I attacked 'Trial'... when two challengers to 'Trial' enter at the same time, they can't move on to the next 'Trial'. I have to change the day. I can't get in."

"... Hmm, I mean?

"When Emilia and I go into the cemetery, Emilia's" trial "just starts, and I take the" trial "... second, that's why I can't take it."

"Hey, wait, Mr. Natsuki"

Let Subaru's words be interrupted, and Otto interrupts him early. He didn't notice Subaru's gaze toward his frigid self, and inserted his hand into his grey hair,

"From the current course of the story, is it true that Mr. Natsuki is also a belly builder who challenges the 'trials'? Originally, this was meant to be Emilia's feat..."

"Fool, Otto"

Call that name to Otto, who puts a hasty word on his tongue, to stop, but it's too late. In that call he looks back on his remarks and hurries to block his mouth, realizing that it included something he should not have said. But the contents are already in everyone's ears - even Emilia's ears.

An awkward otto and a subaru with an eye for contempt for that otto. And Emilia, who sees those two from a distance,

"What does that mean now?

"Emilia, let's calm down. That's the one..."

"Don't delude me, tell me properly. - Please, Subaru."

Emilia begs Subaru with her gaze.

It's not a boy who doesn't answer that tearful plea of a beautiful girl, and if that's Emilia's, it's not Natsuki Subaru who doesn't. I wish I could have ripped it off with my tough mental strength, but Subaru dropped his shoulder and threw that untrained away,

"If Emilia Tan completes the 'Trial', the people of the village of Aram will be freed from hostages, and the people of the 'Sanctuary' will be able to leave their lives tied to this land. If Trial could be attacked, it would have gained support from those two factions... it was the real prospect of things."

"... of. Did Subaru know?

"No, I didn't even notice until you told me."

In front of Emilia, who can't hide her upset, she lies dignified with her chest up. I have eyes like Otto or Lamb chewed up something bitter on that Subaru bluff, but I sealed the words with just a quick look.

And Subaru turned again to Emilia,

"It's all Roswar's thoughts. Honestly, I suspect even his injuries are part of the performance for that matter."

"No matter how much Roswar goes that far... you can't say enough. Think about what's going on, and that's about it."

"It's just a joke as to the fate of the reason that the thought... is on one end. But more than that..."

Confused Emilia. He folds his hips in front of her, slightly leaning down, and Subaru stares at its tidy surface from the bottom. watching long eyelashes tremble in surprise,

"I want to help you. I don't know what you saw in the face of the 'past'. But if you're going to suffer so much, cry so much, and taste the spiciness that's going to break your heart... I want to reach out to you"

"... Subaru"

"If you take the 'trials' and just liberate the 'sanctuary' you shouldn't have a problem with me doing it. If you need that help, I'll give you everything I have. My accomplishment is yours. Everyone has a 'past'... but it's not a good idea to decide that all of it is something you have to fold."

That's the last word Garfiel told me in the world before I died.

Garfiel preached on the need to overcome the past before Subaru, who continues to challenge Emilia to face the past, but still to the 'trials'.

That was exactly what a blue sky thunderbolt was supposed to be for Subaru.

The look on Emilia's face as she opens her eyes to surprise and bites off her lips to conceive.

I know why she's in the grid. Truth be told, she must be willing to butt in front of the 'past' that she doesn't want to face either. That grip is huge because she's strong and noble and doesn't even float to think about pushing hard roles on people.

Something I can't say enough that it's not like Subaru's heart-breaking, like the 'past' where the remaining 'trials' strike me.

"If you're worried, that's fine. I know it's not something I can make up my mind about right away. - That's fine, I want you to give it to me tomorrow at least."

"Tomorrow, one day...?

"Which way, Emilia Tan, who is so exhausted, will be taken to the cemetery tomorrow. 'Come on, take the test!' What a ghost instructor you can't do. Then even in the sense of previewing the second 'Trial' first, I should still be able to afford it. As a result, if I can break through the Trials, I can make money."

That's how you earn your day, and if you manage to earn another day and push through the shortest distance, the fastest you can, the day after tomorrow, you can also free the 'sanctuary'.

It is the best form of not burdening Emilia, accomplishing her purpose and also in time for the rescue of the mansion.

I can see Emilia shaking at that Subaru suggestion.

It seems to trick her into being weak now, but it's one technique of negotiation that lets you poke big conditions first and then offer small conditions of fate after that.

The second proposed concession on which the first condition was unacceptable, the thought power to just cut through without nodding this, is not in her now mentally unstable.

Tomorrow and the day after, 'Trials' will be overcome by Subaru. The opportunity for Emilia to take the time to stand as Emilia is sure to be ready again.

This is a bad time. I don't even have time. Even if it's deceptive, there's another irrational fate...

"Shut up and listen to me. That's how you can talk to me."

Shortly before that subaru's palliative aim was accomplished, its waiting voice rang from behind.

The interrupter had golden hair, narrowed his jade eyes violently, and came forward chewing his tooth too sharp -,

"Me, that princess... other than Emilia is going to take the 'trials'. I disagree. At least, I want you to let me go."

"Nah -!?"

unexpected words, unexpected statements.

Swallow the meaning of that word thrown at you, but Subaru has no choice but to raise his voice of confusion without a connection between the speaker and its contents.

In front of Subaru, who so floats upset in his eyes, yet the person becomes front-loaded so as to slap the inexplicable reality,

"Ready? I repeat, I admit that no one but Emilia is going to take the test. I won't even let Baba bend it. Think of it as a condition from me."

Yes, he wrinkled his nose and threw up his grumpy, full-open garfiel.

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