Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter iv 31: maid of honor

- This is the second time for Subaru to return from the 'Sanctuary' to the Roswar Mansion.

"First time, but I got caught in the eye..."

Svalbard scratched his cheek and descended from Patrash's back in front of the gate so blurry.

After breaking up with Ryuz, the evacuee WITH Subaru line was able to safely return to Aram village. Although I was not worried or anything because I already had my last track record there and I am referring to Patrash who has the trust I have cultivated so far.

"The villagers rejoiced, and it was with the last time Otto left a little in the village. To be honest, I would have liked Otto instead of Shield to follow me..."

He was also hesitant to insist hard that he accompany me back to the mansion. More importantly, there should be no escort of Otto who seems to be able to cope with a certain situation, given the possibility of serious danger.

Even if Subaru can't beat Otto in a pure beating, it's not like he's a thousand strong men on one horse. Before the bowel hunt, you are not allowed to see his built-in feathers.

"Nothing, please don't wake up..."

The last time Subaru returned to the Mansion was six days after the start of the 'Trial'. This is the third day - compared to before, we will be leaving a respite for three days.

Presumably, speculation from various points of view affirms that there was no doubt that the raid on the mansion was the night Subaru was murdered. The problem is,

"Three more days...... that is, a forcible army that listens very carefully from Frederica and returns to the 'sanctuary' for the most part, resolving the 'sanctuary' problem with its feet and returning to the mansion. You can do it if you simply look at it in time. Wow..."

It can be said that quite severe restrictions have been imposed to make the aerospace theory on the desk a reality.

The road between the 'Sanctuary' and the Mansion is roughly eight hours one way. It's an itinerary that almost takes a day just to get back and forth. If we take into account Rothschild in between, the time Subaru is free to use would be more cynical.

"The means of solving the problem was that there were some candidates... is the best or is the route just as tough as the one long live the urbanism"

The best thing for Subaru is the defeat of the assassin, beyond the prediction of Elsa's coming. I also wanted a skinless victory so that I wouldn't have to be frightened by that shadow in the future if I could.

What we need for this is more power than Elsa, and that would not be possible without either Roswar or Garfield. And as it stands, it is not likely that he will be able to return to the mansion again with both of them.

"Quick, we have to go in the direction of the next good..."

Scratch your head and Patrash comes sniffing at Subaru, who roars in remorse. Subaru grinned bitterly at the face of the ground dragon rubbed against his shoulder, stroking his rock-skinned neck.

"It's worth the risk, but it's unlikely we'll have a chance to match the risk instead. Shit, I'm gonna have to go on a spider child scattering operation where I run all over my ass."

One conclusion past the back of the brain, also during the fight against witchcraft.

Last time I saw only the possibility of the number of pawns I could hold, but this time I have too few hand tags. Even if you can detect and avoid an alleged raid beforehand, you can call it your word.

I just have a problem with this, too.

"The face of the mansion. Rem, Petra, Frederica and... I don't know if Bear child is cooperating in the evacuation. Blah, Lem's a pussy and Petra seems to be able to go with him if he holds hands, but don't let the two back persuade you to break your bones."

Of course, I'm ultimately willing to push him into a dragon car and abduct him. I don't even think of competing with my arms against both of them and enemies, but I want to believe that if I push something out and gobble it out that I can't give way to, I can handle it. No, let it pass.

"- Huh."

Exhaling small, Subaru becomes aware of the weight of responsibility that rests on his back.

How many people's fate will be shaped by their statements, by their actions, by their readiness? Even on the eve of the showdown with the White Whale, I was aware of these emotions.

"I can't help but freak out forever at the gate. I still don't know what's going on in there. First, look at everyone's safe face..."

"Since you saw it?

"Then you just have to think of persuasion. That's right. That's what I don't know, Roswell's instructions and everything. Whatever you're lying about..."

"Wow. I'm sorry. - Subaru?"

"Dirty Wild, you're old enough to admire such a choosy, evil male statue..."

Saying, Subaru looks back when he hears Couscous laugh. Then there, across the gate, in the front yard of the mansion, stood the little maid - the girl I was used to seeing, Petra.

In front of Subaru, who raises her eyebrows in surprise, she rocks her chestnut hair and tilts her neck lovingly,

"Welcome back, Master Subaru. You're home sooner than I thought."

"Oh, I'm just... there, I can see one scale of Frederica's English talent education. Thanks for the welcome."

His cheeks loosened in relief, not thinking of a way to pick the end of his skirt and bow, and Subaru put his hands on the gate as he weakened and went inside. I turn my neck over there trying to get Patrash into the stables for the ground dragon, and I look down at Petra next to me.


Still, after she looked strange at Subaru staring at herself, she hurriedly turned her back on this one to get her hair and clothes ready with her hands. satisfied with doing it the whole time, then she turned to Subaru with a convincing nod, "Okay,"

"What's wrong, Master Subaru?

and made him laugh even more glamorously, pitifully, than he had smiled earlier.

The girly adorability combined with the appearance of a visionary and glorious future, and that smile contained the magic of captivating the heterosexuality of his age.

A perfect smile calculated after understanding it all about how you see yourself to others. Being pointed at something like that, Subaru of the day takes a small breath,

"Ah, already! Damn, sweetie, you are!


No shards are noticed in the intent behind her smile like that, and she strokes her head with the intricate gesture of carelessness and love, embracing the girl's body as her emotions seek. to sudden behavior. Petra raises a voice of confusion, but

"Don't even know how people were feeling, Pooh. He said. Come on, you bastard! Oh, no more chickies."

"What, what!? Hey, Subaru... I said it's too early..."

"Really, Chickshaw"

- Subaru?

Dyed his cheeks, Petra, who was rampaging in his arms, changes that look. She stayed softly in Subaru's arms, looking up at Subaru's face, which lowered her voice, and erasing the seeping colour of her previous shyness but joy,

"Somewhere, does it hurt...?

The girl's fingertips, stretched gently as she worried, touch the trembling Subaru cheeks. "No," Subaru shook his neck sideways, holding that touched finger gently by his palm from the top.

Breathe through your nose and stop once. And so he opened his eyes, which were closed,

"Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, I'm just relieved. - I'm home, Petra."

- Subaru returned to the mansion with Patrash back in the stables, holding hands with Petra, who wanted to hold hands. Fortunately, Petra's story is that nothing noticeable has changed since Subaru and the others stood up at the Mansion.

"Now that Sister Frederica is out confirming the junction of the mountain, I might make her wait a little while until she returns..."

To Petra, who so tells the fact of the absence of the maid chief, Subaru recalls the mountain junction - that is, the existence of a surgical ceremony that had sealed the juggernaut. Juggernauts in the mountains should have been eradicated, but the junction still seems to be utilized and left.

It seems that even if it is not a juggernaut, there are properties in the junction, such as not passing through harmful things like warcraft, and the maintenance of it is also the work of the village of Aram and its administrators, the Roswar faction.

"When all the people in the village come back, I think you'll get a job back to see if there's any breakdown in the bond, but now that everyone's not back yet, there's Sister Frederica"

"It sounds good to know you two are getting closer together while the sister doesn't know what to call you. And everyone in the village is back."


When you raise your fingers and point to the village, your eyes glow with the voice Petra played.

Her parents should have returned safely to the village because all of her family was evacuation teams to the Wang Du side, but it still made no difference that she was separated from the nearby residents. Petra joyfully slaps her hand when she is informed of its safety.

"Show him later, even on your face. Maid clothes, I'll just show you. I'm sure you'll love it."

"Yeah. Sister Frederica will forgive me, and then you'll get dressed and go back!

"No, you don't have to change... because you're cute, and if you show them to everyone..."

"Eh heh, cute? Pretty?"

"Cute, cute. So to everyone..."

"Yeah! Get dressed and go back!

No matter how many times I chose "no," I ended up in a situation where I was struck out by the sound of thunder.

Subaru refuses to make any further suggestions to Petra's response, who is stubbornly unshakeable as to whether it is something he cannot give way to.

Ringing the neck bone, then Subaru exhaled deeply, "Nanja," stopping his leg.

The place is on the second floor of the mansion - sliding the back of his shoe on the carpet, Subaru staring at the door with his face up. Petra, who was holding hands, releases her fingers in loneliness. He was a smart kid who could read the air.

"I'm sorry, Petra. Just give me a minute, let me be both of you."

"Yeah, I know. I'll be in the West Hall after cleaning, so call me if you need anything."

As we knew long before we heard Subaru's words, Petra bows down small and after the occasion when she trumps up her maid's look there and pretends to be a maid.

In a sweet form to her compassion, Subaru lightly pokes himself in the head even though what needs to be done is imminent.

Poke it, and still...

"If we talk about what we should prioritize... we'll end up here."

Pushing the door open, Subaru slowly steps indoors.

in a room with no movement of time. A sleeping table placed in a simple room - one girl is put to sleep on top of it. A girl who takes off her familiar service clothes and wears them in thin blue sleeping clothes.

I close my eyes and can't even hear a faint breath. But quietly, the beating of the heartbeat was a whispering proof that her life was connected.

"... rem"

Who will know Svalbard's swirl of emotion in short words that speak its name? An extraordinary stream of emotions directed at just one person in the world.

Strong, I had made my mind steel and decided on my mind to face any difficulties without shaking it. I had decided not to lean on anyone for that, but to look up and yuck.

- That readiness and determination fog as soon as I put her in front of me.

I told Emilia to leave it to me, and when I managed, I pulled my hand, and when I did, Subaru, who had acted mightily. The surface layer of that determination peeled off the moment I put her in front of me.

"Pathetic...... I'm really weak"

As soon as Lem is in front, Subaru returns to his former weak Natsuki Subaru.

Rem affirms me on devotion, and I'm put back when I first stood up.

Slowly, reach for its sleeping face and blur the forehead on its face with your fingers. There is no change in the look on her face that sleeps, 'eaten', and the sight of her return remains unchanged.

Still, if you let him sleep without doing anything like this, it's certain that even the vessel will be lost.

"I may not be willing to do that to you, but thanks to you, I'll be ready"

I can see that the surface layer of the weak, fragile, peeled off mind is covered with new steel.

The fact that the figure of a sleeping lem, a definite heartbeat, just stays there, brings Natsuki Subaru back to those days. of that moment, to a reborn emotion.

"You told me to be weak, because you told me to be strong... I can get up as many times as I want to do something about it"

No matter how painful, painful, or painful things are waiting for her, the love of her whole spirit heals Subaru and the heart that wants to respond to it moves Subaru forward.

"You, Petra, no one else... we're all gonna get you out of here safely."

Gently stroke her forehead to suppress the desire to be more in touch with her sleeping. That's how it's in the windy room, sitting in a chair by the bed, just silently beside her.

Just that much time, pouring all part of the time I had to spare into her was the best way to give her the heart I could make Subaru right now.

How long has such a calm time passed?

To the lid, the sound of Knock brought back to reality the consciousness of Subaru, who was staring at Blur and Rem. Face up, face the door and say yes,

"Excuse me. - More importantly, Master Subaru."

Quietly pushing open the door and coming into the room is a tall female wage.

It's Frederica, a woman whose long golden hair has been shaken and whose heartfelt behavior is familiar to her body.

She looked at Subaru beside the sleeping lem and bowed her head small,

"I'd like to ask you a lot...... that's the same thing with Subaru. Let's change places. Because even though you're asleep, you don't really want to be asked."

"It's quick and helpful.... you got a story or something I want to tell you?


With a modest response, Subaru exhales small before lifting his hips. Touching Rem's sleeping face only one last time, stiffening his fist to sever the untrained,

"Your rambling, mouthless brother and the contented baba gap adorable even though he looks lol. Then in the 'sanctuary' the experimental ground and the thoughts of Roswar. Let me look forward to seeing how well you can answer that."

"The fact that your husband hasn't returned doesn't seem to be over the 'trials' yet."

The two of us moved the place from Rem's bedroom to the reception room.

Frederica, who places a cup of hot, standing tea in front of Subaru and sits face to face, said so at the opening. Subaru, who was spooning the received tea, nodded "Oh,"

"You're really quick to talk. - I know what's going on, and I'd like to make a statement about the fact that you sent me out with nothing but information."

"I won't make excuses. It is true that I did not speak up about the Sanctuary, about the Trials, about my uncharted brother."

Frederica's voice, which speaks so lightly, does not contain feelings of guilt as a matter of fact. It's just not the same as not even being evil. It's also hard to say that I'm killing emotions, pretending to be emotionless that doesn't enlighten me inside this one.

Systematically the same type as lamb - though, given the length of the relationship, the difficulty is considerably higher here.

"As I said in my room earlier, there are a few things I'd like to ask you... even if you expect me to get all the answers to that?

"... I'm sure you won't live up to that expectation. The pact between me and my husband remains more than the liberation of the 'sanctuary' has been made. As long as we follow that contract, the facts I can tell you to Subaru will be restricted."

"Another contract... always this guy"

Svalbard with his hands on his forehead and his umbilical bite on his palatability.

It makes me want to rough up my voice that I interpret such a contract and so on ad hoc, but before I swore to Emilia that I would keep my promise, my heart also blames me for forcing it on others.

"Do you mind if I ask you some details about that contract?

"No. It is a contract exchanged between me and Master Roswar, and as long as it is available, there is limited information that can be disclosed from me. - That's all we can talk about."

"You didn't get any more information. Shit, I don't know why that son of a bitch did that. Seriously, this time, I just think he's turning to the enemy."

Tongue-in-cheek at the unexpected reality and key figures, then Subaru carries his tea into his mouth to regain his mind. As always, it only tastes like leaves, but if it's been through your throat again and again like this, you'll start to distinguish between just as high leaves and those that aren't. - Tongue says, this is a high leaf.

"Not if I'm telling you.... Frederica is from The Sanctuary, and Garfiel's sister has the right information, right? Or can't you answer this either?

"That's not a problem. And the content...... correctly, you should say that it was that place that you grew up in, not from the 'sanctuary'. I lived in the 'sanctuary' by the time I got my mind on it, so that's pretty much true though."

"I'm not from... Speaking of which, Mr. Lewes said it too. That place is like Rosewear bringing someone from the halfway house."

On the way home in the dragon car, it was the words of the crown who accompanied me.

Though I couldn't get into that sincerity because the crown refused me at that time.

"Half can't get through the line, so taking half the people out of the room over there means locking them up. Why are you imitating that... and the people in that place are trapped?"

Everyone seemed to live in peace without any particular major dissatisfaction.

At least that life seemed unrelated to feelings of obstruction such as being forced from the margins into that place, or anger at it and other emotions.

In other words, those brought from the margins are also considered to be receptive to life in that 'sanctuary'. - What's the point?

"Does Master Subaru know about the Subhuman War?

"... the subhuman war. Just the literal one, don't feel like you've heard."

If I really dig my memory up to the first one, I think I've heard that word twice or three times. More importantly, the word itself had the impact of telling Subaru exactly what happened.

Hearing such an unreliable Subaru answer, Frederica gently puts her finger through its long blonde hair, holding down her sharp fang peeping mouth gently.

"The existential significance of that 'sanctuary' and the thoughts of Master Roswar. To untie it, we have to talk a little bit about the Subhuman War."

Say, get up, she goes behind the reception room. In front of Subaru, who chases that back with her gaze, she takes out the box that was placed on the table in the back,

"You don't have to be so vigilant. It's just a tea contract."

Smaller and broken lips, she returns and offers a box in front of Subaru.

This world-specific sweet can be spoken of at the Roswar mansion in the extreme sea.

Compare that with Frederica's face, which was offered for tea. to its Subaru,

"Because it's going to be a long and boring story. Relax, please."

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