Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter IV.34: The Ending World

There are signs of severe pain rushing up.

It's an unpleasant feeling, but since I've been in this world, I've lived an indispensable life for one of these life-threatening levels of injury. The feeling says. He said these last few seconds were the battle.

Petra's screams echo the narrow passage, reaching out as though trying to pull through two piles poking at the left side of Subaru. I can see it begins as soon as it touches. So Subaru rotated his head at dizzying speed before it arrived.

Two piles, not so much wounds as fatal wounds. You have a few seconds before the pain comes. Petra can't harden and move. Where is the attack coming from? Keep your hands on the open door. An echoing, tall voice. A wet voice creeps into the tympanic membrane as it slips through it.

- It's Elsa.

I can see the shadows in front of me, in the darkness without light. That's Elsa trying to lower herself and jump in here in a crawling position.

The hip-wearing attack was thrown from across the aisle. It's such a precise control that you don't like it, part of the doctrine and aiming at your belly. First, I want to offer a round of applause.

Ridiculous thought, lukewarm thought. Why is Elsa here now? Where is the respite that should be. Why lurk in a hidden passage that no one should know. How do you know? Everything's behind us. The questioning pursuit is second only, burn your brain cells to survive this moment now -!

"- Shamaaaaaaaaaa!!

Unarmed, no means of interception, and badly unprepared.

With something like that in front of me, there's only one thing that Subaru could do - or one thing that I was deciding on my mind as a means to take as mundane when I encountered Elsa.

In response to Subaru's cry, an incomplete gate reduces the mana in the body to a form equivalent to chanting. The right hand of Subaru protruding forward, black smoke erupts from the end of it - darkness covering the passage.

Darker than the shade of light, the pitch black devours the narrow space, instantly separating the imminent threat from the Subaru's. The smoke that erupts does not in itself have the effect of obstructing action. If you push it through, you can push it through without pulling it off. But...

"The wall of incomprehension, if you can transcend it - haha!!

Immediately after attempting to cut, the fierce onslaught of pain, which had been sent ahead until then, strikes Subaru. Scorching heat rushes all over his body at the beginning of his left hip, scorching like his brain marrow and lower abdomen were plugged in burnt iron and screaming. Even the price of incomplete chanting, the feeling of mana being squeezed away more than necessary from your whole body, causes your knees to drop to exhaustion and fatigue like your body dries up.

that still seems to collapse into it. I fastened that to the

"Subaru -!"

A small, soft feel that holds the hand of a breaking Subaru. When I saw it, I could see Petra with a crying face leading Subaru through himself, shaking his long eyelashes.

Fear of the incomprehensibility of the situation is now in the eyes of rejection of an unreasonable threat looming. But more than that, the color considering Subaru's cheap or not is darker.

As soon as I saw it, I forgot for a moment the intense pain of being cut off my nerves and the sense of loss of being stripped of my soul. hold back the hand held within which its effect persists,

"Anyway, up there -!"

More than we can move forward, the only way out is the main road back the way we came. I don't even know Subaru himself when it comes to the duration of Shamak. The only achievement now is whether you have become accustomed to your body after several uses or did not run out of mana until you passed out.

Anyway, now don't miss the opportunity for the black jaws to block the way -,

"Gee...... up!?

The moment I step out trying to rush out, the pain of getting meat decided on something sharp again strikes me.

If you looked at the cause of the pain, a total of four piles were pierced in the position from the right shoulder to the back of the neck. Fortunately, the depth of the prick is shallow, but the pain of being screwed more than once through it, as thick as the pinkie finger, brings in further pain with the sight.


I judge for a moment whether I am clairvoyant about Shamak's black smoke, but I immediately realize that I am not. And Subaru understood across the smoke with intuition what Elsa had done.

Elsa, who decided that black smoke was some kind of threat and that she was in danger of jumping in, threw it from across the hall toward us without aiming.

The aisle is narrow, and the road width is full of it if Subaru lines up the three of us. If you have control that can aim in the middle of the aisle, you have a high chance of hitting it somewhere on your escaping back.

The moment he realizes it, Subaru pulls his arms out thoughtfully and holds Petra in his chest. "Hih," screams Petra. The same iron pile that stood against Subaru's body raised the wind cut sound and passed through the soot where its body passed.

If I hadn't let him take his aim off, he'd be in a straight line to Petra's head.

"It sucks......!

Throwing away a bloody spit, Subaru walks down the aisle toward the mansion shaking his head. Pull Petra's arm and push her forward forcefully when she's about to be delayed.

Vision blinks in pain. A world flashing red and black. A thin blurry blue glow emerges in the dim passage. Red and black alternate in there, and the world is no longer certain.

With just a flash of defense, Subaru has rooted out his strength and strength.

Where I could go back to the mansion like this, the means to open it isn't immediately on my mind. Subaru just keeps running, chewing up the roots of his teeth, just like he hoped for right now.

In the blink of an eye, the fear rushed up the nod may have been a sense of imminent death that could be felt because it was Subaru who touched 'death' more than once.


Leaning his neck back as he was led by an unpleasant fear, Subaru saw a death trajectory in his black eyes.

A blade that looms while killing the wind, which is too easy in terms of cutting the wind, etc. Elsa's biggest and worst song knife, Kukli Knife, approaches the back of the Subaru's while spinning vertically at a squeamish speed while fully riding its weight.

The rate at which you can't react. Unthinkable power such as being fat.

It could be said that it was an indisputable miracle that occurred at this moment that I was able to stretch my arms in front of them, but not at all.

Fingertips extend to grab the tip of the blade, and they do pinch the edge of the curved knife between the index finger and middle finger of the right hand - no shards are achieved, such as killing speed and power, and the middle finger and pharmacopoeia of Subaru's right hand blow his pinky finger apart.

The knife breaks Subaru's arm vertically as it is, straightening and amputating from wrist to elbow. The outside of the arm, which is lowered as a shock, is slammed against the wall, and the gushing blood fog dyes the passage, subaru with red spots. Anger. Scream. Such a voice that I wonder if my throat will crush, burn, or rip.

My vision turns bright red, my back teeth crack and crush because I have too much power to bite. Lift the severed arm. Red. Just red. I saw something white. It turns red immediately. I no longer think it belongs to me. Just an extra object that emits only pain.

Cut a thousand. It's gone. I don't need organs that just hurt. No need. Lose it, fly away, chop a thousand. Screw you. Die, die, die - feel.

The feeling of being held by a hand. Opposite only the organ of pain, still warm there. The moment I feel it, the scream breaks. My throat is crushed. Play the pain, the cranial nerves that you just feel fly above the tolerance. I forgot the pain. But I haven't forgotten the warmth.

Drawing his arms, stepping out, trembling his lost throat, Subaru runs out dyeing the aisle with blood. Heavy, my legs. Heavy, arms. Are you pulling or are you being pulled? I don't even know that. I don't know. I don't know. I don't even want to know.

The passage ends. I came back to the stairs. Run up the spiral stairs and you'll be out of the mansion. What do we do when we get out of the mansion? Who, who, who, who, help, Emilia, Rem...?

"Oh my goodness...... ugh!

It won't end. It's not over. It can't be over.

I haven't seen anything yet. I haven't found it. I didn't grab it, I didn't grab it. So how can you throw anything out here?

Look up. Far above the spiral staircase. My legs snap. My tongue is paralyzed. The blood dripping from my arms is spilling my life. Increase the warmth of your left hand by brushing it down, diminishing it. and

"- Master Bal!!

Beastly calling. And the sound of a loaded bullet falling from the hollow. At the moment of Subaru treading the stairs, he saw a wide and large back. This black apron dress is a precious accessory to smoke. Long blonde hair shakes in the cold wind and her body, which was crouching on the landing, rises.

The strong side that looks back here - a familiar face that gives you a peek at the emotions of anxiety there.

"With a flush..."

"Don't talk! This wound... how terrible"

As soon as he perceived its existence and tried to call it a name, Frederica sees Subaru's wounds and pales his face. She looked painfully at Subaru's right arm, which had lost its shape as a half arm, and then also looked at the traces of blood dyeing her half body. After


and breathtaking in such a small voice that it seems to disappear. I guess the tragedy of Subaru was so shocking. Subaru at the time is no longer feeling pain as a pain due to the effects of intensely erupting brain drugs. My breath is rough and I can't stop my saliva dripping from the edge of my mouth. Spitting blood bubbles back into his mouth, Subaru tried to make words to Frederica,


"- Shh!!

The slaughter of the Kukli knife looming again from beyond the darkness.

A blade spinning around pregnant with death targets Frederica's head. Subaru, who saw the brilliance of steel for a moment, raised his voice, and Frederica, who reacted to it, pulled something out of her waist and flashed - sparks scattered through the darkness of the aisle, making a tall sound and a songknife bounced. It was made up of:

"Intruder, I see."

Frederica crosses her arms as she says - on the tip of both her hands, she wears a hand armor with hook claws. I can tell that the way the hall is built is a familiar prey to her.

In a way, a boneless arm that fits too well. towing the front to tear the air with both of its arms, Frederica turned to Subaru behind her,

"To the Mansion. Give me a signal when you cut up. I'm leaving, too."


"Which way are you going with that wound? - Petra, please."

It was words like Frederica's plea at the end that pushed Subaru's back to stay. Swallow the words that went on, Subaru attracts Petra's little body. It's quicker now to hold him than to pull his arm and run. Petra was also held in her arms without resistance, and Subaru retreated and put her foot on the stairs,

"Don't jerk off..."

"Of course. - It's still halfway down the road."

Dragging his legs and being pulled behind his hair, Subaru rushes up the stairs aiming for the upper floor. As he ascends as he spirals, a blade and blade meeting sword trident echoes from the bottom. If it's a small space, Elsa's mobility is lost, and if it's a front-cut battle, it's a local power comparison. Then there's a winning chance on Frederica's side too - at least I want to be in that hope.

Throw away the shattered back teeth and Subaru curses his own feet spinning no matter how hard. Faster, sharper, Frederica's fate becomes shorter by a second while Subaru strikes a one-second staircase. Quick, quick, upstairs, upstairs, upstairs...

"Duh... duh!!

Cut up and kneel on the carpet in a rough breath. Then stick your neck in the evacuation route with that broken attitude and raise your voice downstairs.

"Flow, and Ria! Yikes!!"

If Frederica cuts up the stairs and closes the evacuation route shortly afterwards, we can break Elsa off. Noticed it as he raised his voice, Subaru went to a statue with an open and closed gimmick to roll. Put your hand around its neck and wait for Frederica to pop out. But...


What struck me on the sieve of Subaru's ear was the enormous crushing noise caused by the whimpering shock and collapse. Falling building materials smashed each other, spraying up smoke and a violent earthquake shook the mansion.

And Subaru left the statue and went out again. And I peered inside - I just saw the spiral staircase that ran up collapsing without a trace.

"This...... ah"

It's not the broken way that the clueless construction came around at this moment, etc. For an unexpected collapse, it is too beautifully broken without damaging the passage itself. Originally, with some mechanism, the stairs themselves were set to come off.

I don't know that now, either to avoid pursuit after using it for evacuation, or in case it is used as an intrusion route, as it is now. Just so you know,

- Now there's no way Frederica can come back up there or anything.

Elsa's chances of coming up to the upper floors have also crushed, but Frederica's survival on the contrary is hopeless. Or maybe there could be a triumph by bypassing the mountain if she beat Elsa with more force, but Subaru's flesh knows how tough the story is.

The moment I think about it that much, the forgotten wound hurts and Subaru spits out the blood clot. Piles piercing his shoulders, neck and hips began to jerk and erode his flesh. My fingertips slipped even to pull through, my fingers trembled and I couldn't move because I was afraid of massive bleeding.

"Hell, if you're doing it... Baga, I..."

Stop your legs, I don't have time to stop thinking. Whether or not Frederica's survival is desperate should still be a situation that can be changed depending on Subaru's behaviour.

Slipping his knee through the pain of the wound, Standing up Subaru tries to take action. And then I remembered the presence of Petra that I was supposed to have. Running back to the office, where she should have been in her arms until then -,

"Peeto, Ra...?

Around his neck, Subaru finds the opposite of the room - the figure of Petra around the statue. The girl who falls in has been overthrown, and apparently I wish I had let go of my hand during the gotagota earlier.

Is the neat girl unconscious or not responding to the call? In a polar of fear and fatigue, he may not have been able to remain conscious.

While we guide Frederica's cheapness, we must also protect Petra in the sense of obeying her words. Standing up with a trembling knee, Subaru takes his feet beneath a falling petra. And trying to hold the girl who falls down,

- From the back of the neck to the back of the fallen girl, I saw a song knife sticking up.

A large amount of blood is dripping from the wound and a portion of the brain is spilling from the broken back of the head. Chestnut soft hair heavily stained with blood and soft, warm palms don't move anymore.

Lift your right hand. Poor chunk of meat that lost three fingers and half his arm. The song knife that gave me this arm and tried to stop it was still attacking Petra. This is all I gave you. I couldn't protect one thing.

"- Wow!!

A crushed throat raised a scream of blood.

Stepping on the carpet of the mansion with fluttering footsteps, Subaru was aiming for the west wing with a ghostly face. Petra's remains are held in the arms of the walking Subaru. Put on a white sheet from the top and keep that dead minister hidden from anyone.

A dead face with a surprised look was at least that was the only salvation in the proof that it was instant death. Taste the same pain that Subaru tasted, and lose his life on it, etc. It's too bad. She can't be saved. There was no salvation anywhere.


Didn't you come back thinking that you wanted to help everyone in the mansion? Didn't you decide in your heart that you would do everything in your power to at least help with that?

Even if I haunted Petra, I got caught up in this spiral of death. This is the third time Svalbard has seen himself in Petra's death - all the way to an end that couldn't have happened if Svalbard had done something about it.

There was a decidedly different part of the last time, but this time, that originated with the existence of witchcraft.

I could even disagree with Subaru when Frederica decided to welcome her as a maid apprentice so she wouldn't have to involve Petra.

By being beside Emilia, by being beside herself, Subaru should have known that she might be in danger.

"If I... I don't know."

If you say "if" and "if" after the game set, there is no point. I also know that Subaru. Even if you know it, it's Subaru's weakness that you can't help but think about.

As per the broken feelings, the dragging footsteps are heavy. There is a pain where unstoppable traces of blood carve red and black spots on the carpet and hang nerves every step you take.

One step, another, the sound of flesh and spirit shredding, pain. Even that, now, seemed to be punishment and salvation. If sin is in Subaru, then punishment should also only be given to Subaru. If that rule is to be followed, no matter how much pain you are inflicted.

So the girl in this arm, the woman who stayed to let Subaru escape, and...


Keep any disaster away from her as she continues to sleep ahead of us.

We reach the west wing, the stairwell of the servants' room. I picked the shortest path from the top floor where the office was located, but I think it took me a long time to push my injured self to get here. Just opposite the staircase side, at the far end there is the intended room.

I'm not thinking about anything right now about what happens when I get there. The only purpose is to get there, the only purpose is to touch her who is supposed to be there, and she no longer has the energy to live.

There was too much blood, mixed with flowing blood, and determination and readiness overflowed from my body. More importantly, we lost too much this time. With this sense of loss, I can't possibly walk up in my face or anything.

So at least, if you can finish it, by her side.

By her side, the only one in this world where Subaru can expose her weakness.

Drawing traces of blood, he turns his undying strength into obsession as he leans halfway against the wall, and Subaru's body barely reaches the room of purpose - to the front of Rem's bedroom.

Lean Petra, who was in his arms, against the wall and remove the sheet. A carcass that caused the lid to close and only the dead minister to be ready. touching those cheeks, glancing at her lips with her fingers, dripping her head into her empty vessel, which had become cold,

"I'm sorry... but I'm a fool and I don't care..."

There must have been some way, but I didn't know that because Subaru was stupid. The resulting sacrifice is Petra, and the words of apology don't reach her here anymore.

Dropping a spilling tear on Petra's knees, Subaru pulls up his sheets as he shakes his head to cover Petra's death phase again. And I stood up and looked back.

"- I think it's terrible to leave you."

At the end of the hallway, a brunette beauty lays her foot on the stairs where the now Subaru has just come down and leans her neck towards this one. He fingers the tip of his long knitted dark hair and hangs a wet kukli knife in all sorts of blood on his opposite hand.

Black bodysuit with black coat. A pitch-black coordination from top to bottom, no different than when I saw it in Wang Du. I should have engaged Frederica, but I can't see the impact anywhere. In the sense of injury or fatigue.

The reason she showed up here - as it were, proves exactly what happened to Frederica.

Subaru can only curse his powerlessness with the thought of spitting blood at the ceiling for more opponents who still can't get an apology.

"It's a wound that I used to walk all the way here. That's impressive."

"You can twist it. Your life is fine..."

"Can I think of it as a courtship where I want your life?"

"If you want to crush it, send it over..."

While nauseating at Elsa's off-target answer, Subaru looks at the killer and manages to raise his hips while relying on the wall. As her vision rose and she was able to capture Elsa in the front, she looked up at the Subaru of full-blown creation from top to bottom.

"The scent of blood, the smell of anger, the scent of 'death'... oh, you're all superb. And then that bowel, if I like, has nothing to say."

"An abnormal person... what are you talking about? I..."

She holds herself with a tranced face, and Elsa sees Subaru with hot eyes without hiding her tantrum. The eyes of an abnormal even a beautiful woman, it only brings fear and disgust to Subaru.

Subaru reveals only a sense of rejection in his expression. on its Subaru. Elsa left her cheeks dyed glossy,

"I don't mind talking to you... but I'm sorry I lost track of my purpose and got mad at you. Are the spiritual and semidemonic ladies at home?

"If you put a phone in before you come, it would save you a lot of trouble. I hired a mercenary regiment to do a great deal of hospitality."

"I'm not going to answer that. Then it would be best to ask your bowels."

Break the red lips and the peach tongue fanatically dampens the mouth. Licking the side of the blade lifted as it was with his tongue, he licked the blood Shizuku and smiled in trance.

It blurs low, squeezing the blade and crawling this way, jumping in the spider position. Quick. I can't think of any interceptions. But...

"Why would I want to die in your hand..."

Saying, Subaru pushes open Rem's bedroom door.

Elsa frowning at an incomprehensible act, but the reaction alone is petty.

Subaru, who no longer half gave up on this breakthrough. The wound is deep, life doesn't stop spilling out, and fate in this loop is wind front light. Then at least in a way that rewards Elsa with one arrow. At the very least, I just want to reward him for not doing what he wants.

Sinking in front of the murder blade, etc. I'm sorry if that's what killed me. As long as it's in his hands, I'll throw my life out first. Before that, I just want to avoid her being humiliated.

Sounds good when it comes to the bitter choice, but that was also too selfish of a mind.

But like Petra, like Frederica, as long as it's in Elsa's hands.

She in this world, which is already over, at least in Subaru's hands...

"What, me too..."

Keep on with that leg and follow her. Break into Rem's bedroom with that readiness -,


- A bookshelf lined forbidden library was welcoming Subaru ready to end.

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