The abrupt, sudden and sudden encounter caused words to blur the back of my brain...

"Look at this. You're safe or something!

His right eye - pointing to the crushed organ, Subaru puts such a high penetration against the dignified rum.

Currently, the right eye part of Subaru is made of a torn sleeve section cloth, which is quite combined with an outfit that tickles the middle two centers. If this was just a fashion cylinder, it would have been a laugh later, but it shouldn't be for Ram, who's supposed to know about Subaru's tragedy.

With that Subaru penetration, the ram in front of him gently tilted his little neck and gently stroked his own peachy hair shaking in the motion,

"I'm sorry, but I don't see the difference because I haven't seen much right from time to time."

"I appreciate the rather shocking remarks, but you know what? Humanoid organisms basically have two holes in their eyes, ears, and nose, right?

"I mean, the balus today is not a humanoid organism, but an organism that I don't understand?


While returning the usual exchange to the awesome Ram's response, Subaru checks his surroundings with just his sight here and to the left. Run your eyes to see if there are any other people besides Ram who lay low, then seek the path in your sight that you might be able to escape from. We need to buy time and set a position to step out.

"Otto, we're going to run off to the scatter at Ichino's. You raise your voice and attract chasers. I can quietly escape. Any objections?"

"Super, but are you burly alert before then, Mr. Natsuki?"

"Stupid, they followed me. Look at that lamb in the eye. He's going to kill us both. Definitely. I see those eyes everyday in the mansion, trust me."

"What are you going to believe about people who are being seen with their eyes that are going to be killed from day to day!?

Subaru deviates in trying to assemble a calculus to escape in a low voice, but Otto is too weak to absorb the area to make sense. Wow, I even think about killing him and running away alone, but I also hesitate to recall the exchange of friendships earlier.

"Shit, I thought you took my shackles off, now you're tying me up with a shackle of friendship. What do you want from me...!

"Mr. Natsuki is the one who can't have a conversation without making it easier for me to understand what I want to do! And there's a lot of misunderstandings going on, and I'm wondering if you want to do something about it, too."

"Can I have the comic genius around it and move on? Instead, I'll move on. I don't have time, but I can't hang out with you. It's a waste of time. It's a waste of my life."

The ram stepping out cuts to the point, butting the men who push each other to take responsibility. Nevertheless, Subaru's statements are not all a joke. Instead, I meant wandering the escape gap, stretching out the story lightly. What,

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"If you were to meet me shortly after you behaved violently towards Master Roswar, you might have. I put some time aside and the heat of anger subsided. … thank you Gurf"

"Thanks to Garfiel for not being twisted to death here and now, but it's not easy to change the person's rating for this face-to-face reason."

Without turning off his vigilance, Subaru scratches his neck with his fingers as he responds to Ram's words. While watching the trick, I see no animosity in the lax footsteps ram though.

At least as the word goes, they're not going to set me up without question. But then the next thing I care about Subaru,

"I'm going to meet up with someone who's here..."

"Yeah, I know."

"Mr. Natsuki. I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth in front of you."

Nodding and affirming the far-flung inquiry stuffing, Subaru asks Otto here and still gets a similar reply. arms together, bending his lips. Subaru became "hmm,"

"Accepting what you see, you're Otto's collaborator who showed up on this scene... which means you're a collaborator in getting the people of Aram Village out of the 'sanctuary'?

"That's for sure. Both Gurf and Lewes are in the middle of Emilia's" trials "now. The face you started is gathered in the cemetery, so now is the only time."

Emphasizing the lack of time, Subaru's discomfort does not disappear in the ram trying to make him rush. Push her with your palms in your hand and she'll stare at this one silently. Mindful not to be pressured by the sharpness of its eyes, Subaru foretold, "Let me hear it,"

"Why are you helping the villagers escape? Even if you give up a hundred steps and are well-intentioned, it's too inexplicable to involve me. I mean, you're not gonna let me put on any slack about your anger cooling down. I don't have a lot of questions."

"That's a lot to ask. A man with a lot of words isn't hot, Balth."

"You're less convincing than me to a man with a fever.... Answer me, Ram. I just don't think it's possible for you to be obsessed and work with me at the moment. Still, if you were to be here, it would be."

Breathtaking, Subaru fears ahead of the words he tried to carry on from his own mouth.

If what Svalbard imagines, what Svalbard does on this occasion...

Keeping your eyes tight and teeth chewed away keeps the weak noise away.

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Don't show weakness. Steel your heart, never shake it.

- Now you just have to be one steel that won't let your emotions flow and won't shake you.

"Roswar's instructions are the most convincing reason. How could he still help me after all that rambling on him? Maybe you know better than me."


Ram is silent on Subaru's reasoning.

However, if it was Roswar with the 'gospel' in his hand that floated behind Subaru's brain, and that prophecy was in his hands all the time, there is no way that Ram, who is her belly and vows heartbreak and absolute loyalty, would not know it.

Of course, I'm sure she didn't know until the details. If she knew the details of the Gospel, it would mean that Ram tolerated a future where Lem would be killed.


But that's only an unlikely assumption. Subaru knows it's just an assumption. Svalbard knows what a ghost sister who lost her sister would react to when Rem was lost, when Ram was not in a special situation like now when she forgot she existed.

And so I believe she never knew the prophecy that could have led to Lem being killed.

But on the other hand, how far is she involved in Roswar's prospects? Roswar still doesn't show the full story of the plot. How far is that belly girlfriend...

"Answer me, Ram. How can you help us? I'm sorry, but I'm going to do it with Otto. I don't want you."

"Hey, Mr. Natsuki-!?"

"Shut up, Otto. I don't have time to explain it in detail, and when I find out about it, I won't be able to guarantee your safety, so I'm really mad about this one. At least you can't deal with the name Roswar in your normal mind!

Touching his painful right eye from above his eyelid, Subaru yells at Otto, who has been trying to block him, before trampling the ground.

The feeling of jumping at Roswar and strangling its thin neck is still in my palm. A feeling of willingness to kill against others, transferring that willingness to execute, and remaining in touch.

It stinks badly, it comes with a vivid sense of reality, and now that I've calmly stood back, it's a nightmare memory that, if I recall, causes nausea and combines headaches with tinnitus.

Again, I would never want to repeat that scene, etc. But...

"I know what I did is bad, except I regret it. He scratched my unforgivable part. That's why I looked at you in pain."

"... if that's the rationale, I don't think Ram can even defend himself against retaliation against Balth?

"Isn't that why you decided the moment I saw you I was ready to run all over my ass? Otto's bastard failed because of Usnoro."

"I don't need to be slandered, but if I'm serious about my ass, Mr. Natsuki, that's why I disappear so fast that I can't even worship it."

"Fuck you, you can only take a laugh out of your bottom story, there's vodka poverty"

"I don't know what that means, but I feel so damn slandered! Feel it!"

Coughing rum interrupts Subaru and Otto entering the routine exchange in the second half. Then he narrowed his eyes again and glanced at her, and the ram that received that gaze spilled his exhale,

"... rest assured. At least because Roswar is not involved in this action."

"I'm not involved... Rosewire? No, that means..."

Subaru cannot hide his surprise at Ram's statement denying Roswar's involvement.

That would mean that she is lending a hand in this evacuation at her discretion. And that's not the only problem.

"The fact that Roswar is irrelevant is not even in the description of the 'gospel'...... is it? Wait a minute. In the first place, if I put it out, how far is the Gospel description going to go?

When he was given the 'gospel' during his conversation with Roswar, Subaru was unable to tell a stepped in story about the book because it became instantly intense.

But if the Gospel, dubbed the finished version, is the all-powerful prophecy that truly portrays the whole future...

"How elaborate and enormous are the texts that are described there..."

Assuming you write down all the things in the world, all the events that can happen as well, that amount of information cannot, of course, fit into a single book. Because people's brains and comprehension are too tiny to perceive every thing that occurs in this world.

Subaru had therefore determined that the information contained in the 'Gospel' was a discarded choice of future contents. It is also to the extent that it is comprehensible to the holder.

"Lord Pete's, incomplete version of the" Gospel "was a version whose contents would be added later... Apparently. I don't know because I haven't seen more."

Apparently, the 'gospel' in that fanatic's possession was what the second half of a book was blank, and that blank page filled every time prophecy was added.

At least the number of pages was definitely different when Subaru first got it and when Petergius defeated it. After that, I couldn't even read the letters to find out more, and more importantly, the creeps preceded me. In Roswar's presence, I was going to start an investigation, but the idea is also very unlikely to be transferred to execution in the present situation.

That's why I have too few samples to go ahead with my thinking and it's just an empty theory. However, it was true that Subaru had a suspicious eye as to how far that accuracy, supposedly the finished version, could be trusted.

take it, the ram takes such a trick as to put his right hand against his mouth and contemplate,

"... the Rams don't have the authority to speak of it. Even though it is not Roswar's will to be in this place right now, it does not change that Ram's heart is dedicated to that one"

"Too cocky. It's gothic, damn it"

"It's just..."

Subaru tries to mourn the fact that the path to obtaining information has been closed due to bad behavior. but ram plugging words in there. with a small voice as she looked up at Subaru in surprise,

"It is certain that this situation is not in the description. Because it's not in the description, this is how Ram can stay here."

"... I don't know what that means. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna help me? If that's what you're gonna do to help me, is that your will?

"I'll help you evacuate. And that's Ram's will. Nor will Mr. Roswar ever try to stop anything more than this."

"More than this happened...?

It was more of a catch than a rush, but there is no sign that Ram will respond to Subaru's questionable voice. I mean, there's an answer to that in a field she can't talk to out of her mouth.

Quite simply, I was unable to step into the accuracy and actual text of Roswar's description of the 'Gospel'. All I could see was the suspicion that even that supposedly full version of the 'Gospel' might not be foreseeable for all of the future.

"Well, if that's all you know, will it be a little advantageous the next time you question Roswar"

Shelves a first question, Subaru makes words that force him to convince himself to put this place away. And I didn't even get my thoughts around what my current statement meant.

"Whether or not I believe in Ram from the bottom of my heart, I want to confirm the steps as leaving room for debate later. Come on, what's going on?

"From the day after Balls worked the fool, he was ready to evacuate today with a deadline. If the people can't make sure the valves are safe, they can't move. What a waste of time. I've wasted my time searching for a valance that's vague."

"Black and white. I'm sorry I didn't die easy to understand, you idiot. Still, since the day after I broke out..."

I subtly feel something that catches on to the date around it as well. but Lamb and Otto brief Subaru roughly on their escape plans while not being able to put into words exactly what the catch is. In other words, in brief:

"The moderates are opening their escape route through the ram, so they escape in dragon cars all at night in the dark. Otto leads the way, and my role is mascot unanimously for the villagers to escape the 'sanctuary' without worry."

"I don't know what that mascot is, but I can't evacuate it while you can't make sure Mr. Natsuki's safe. Well, either I or Mr. Lamb didn't get the trust to be an evacuation guide."

"Does the merit name come in handy when you come here and make warcraft noise? Humans, I don't know where they're going to come back, and I'm going to do life threatening occasions."

"As far as I know, Mr. Natsuki, I think you've risked your life for being a white whale or a witchcraft, but is that just a crisis?

Otto groans like he was stunned by Subaru's remarks. Subaru repeatedly shook his head sideways with "no, no, no," to his words like that,

"I have a lot of opportunities to be exposed to the malice of a world I don't even know about. By the way, a killer who loves to open someone else's stomach and have a hot party, and he's got a dead line with your sister."

"Sometimes people brag about painful stories, but when people say they're passing through all sorts of painful scary occasions, the martial arts of the former people get laughable with their noses."

Let Subaru, who thumbs up and points thumbs up, try to thumbs up with a loose grin without Otto's help either.

And when Subaru sees a paragraph in the story,

"So it's settled. How long do you think there's been a temporal respite?

"If it's not unusual, it's a long two hours for Emilia to give up and come out of the cemetery. You would have just entered the 'trials', so an hour and a half to look at it a little shorter. If you take half an hour to leave, you'll have an hour."

"An hour. If that's all you got, you can't break the 'sanctuary' line for now."

As long as that junction falls out, at least there will be no obstruction from the 'sanctuary' side.

It should also be avoidable to reach extremists who do not want the liberation of the 'sanctuary' and who want a deterioration in their relations with the people. However, there are issues not to be missed when it comes to the juncture.

Subaru raised his face and called the girl with "ram" and peach hair with his hands on his chin,

"I'm in the juncture, but I have one problem. Through there, even if the extremists and the others don't come after us..."


"... you know"

"I'm Frederica's brother, and we're dating for different lengths. I don't mean it, but it's an ancient familiarity from seven years before the lamb was taken under Master Roswar."

Last time, one end of the information Subaru has obtained at the Mansion will be disclosed lightly.

Even though he felt a sense of shoulder watermark about it, Subaru was heartily relieved that he was able to recognize the same. Success to the words "what to do" on the lamb of the clear face,

"Garfiel will definitely come after me if he finds out I escaped from where I was imprisoned. Where I thought my actions were suspicious, there was a fuss about escape. Now I don't think I have time to tell you what to do. He's got three inches on his chest to cross the line."

"Where is the rationale that the girlfriend is coming after you? At least that one's supposed to respect Master Ryuz's will, so as far as I'm concerned, I'm going into moderation.... because I went out to imprison Balth, and now I don't belong to either of them on the way."

"That's why he's after me... it"

Why Garfiel has hostility close to hatred towards Subaru.

That is undoubtedly due to the leftover incense of the 'witch' emanating from Subaru's flesh.

Every time he "goes back to death," he increases the odor. By capturing it, Garfield unleashes unspeakable vigilance and hostility against Subaru. And that's the result of stripping my fangs and being transferred to action this time. Still, I get a glimpse of his short-circuited yet rational part where he treats and keeps the dying Subaru alive.

Having summed up that reasoning in his head, Subaru wondered whether it should be spoken of.

As we speak now, the first reference to the 'witch' smell remaining in Subaru is to Rem. And I'm also somewhat guessing from her words, from that fragment, that Rem has a strong hatred for witchcraft and that Ram is related to it.

I mean, the witchcraft thing isn't irrelevant to Ram either. Witchcraft, so much so that Rem loses his cool just when he hears it. What does this fact mean for Ram?


"Oh, oh."

"Suddenly shut up, what's wrong? Even though you can't see through your face, there's no part of you that you should really see if you put your stupidity and incompetence on there."

"It's refreshing without hesitation or forgiveness, you are. And that's why Garfield is after me... well, it's because I worked rampantly on Roswar"

Distracted from his gaze, Subaru avoided mentioning the matter of witch scent to Ram. Instead, it was Roswar and I who spoke, rather than the memory of a scene that struck me unilaterally.

"When Roswar does something about it, the 'sanctuary' will circle around and be burdened. I don't think he's gonna let me get away with this."

"... just to be clear, I'm bored. It's an extreme escape, but let's just say it's okay. Because it lacks fairness to force Bulbus to think so, even in his businessmanship, beyond what Ram can't say."

"Which way can you talk without snorting me into small pieces? Hey, Otto."

"Well, I don't think Mr. Natsuki is very comfortable with me."

Otto resented Subaru for asking for consent. I'm turning my gaze. Subaru shrugged his shoulders and responded to that unintelligible attitude. and Lamb looking up at the sky behind such an exchange between the two, his eyes softly narrowed in the moonlight.

"- Blue and white moon, crazy moon. It was such a moonlit night."

And he was squeaking in such a faint voice that he couldn't hear.

- Once, if we were to move into action, the subsequent actions were quickly cleaned up.

In the first place, plans for evacuation were underway even without Subaru, and Subaru was just needed as a steward to get off to a start in the final stages of the plan.

Rapid rides of villagers to prepare each dragon car. Subaru couldn't help but get an exclamation for the fact that the ride was organized smoothly until the collaboration of your people and that it took fifteen minutes to see it take thirty minutes to leave.

"In fact, I could have shortened it to fifteen minutes. About five minutes..."

The high consciousness of the villagers would have further reduced this speed. It was still Subaru to hide what I watered there.

It was Subaru, who joined the villagers in the village of Aram and tried to prepare for evacuation quickly and only, but was too grand and the right eye defect was immediately discovered by everyone.

This form of evacuation has been completed by somehow convincing the villagers who are about to make their voices absurd of retaliation for taking Svalbard's right eye away, and falsely pretending that their right eye is not crushed but being treated -.

"I didn't feel bad about being worried."

I still can't believe that so many people were surprised that Subaru was wounded, despite what they actually saw.

Even though I have assumed that a human being named Natsuki Subaru is isolated, complete by himself, and is not enough to take for anyone or against anyone, and has nothing to do with joy and sorrow. When did you get people angry about Subaru so much?

The name of the warcraft during the noise, etc. and the tsunami earlier, but it is not that big of an event, such as what Subaru did.

It was Lem who saved the children who went into the woods, and then Lem who hunted the bulk of the juggernaut in the Warcraft Forest. It was Roswar who annihilated him, and that was the moment when Subaru's handles stood out.

"... Oh, is that what this is all about"

Think that far, Svalbard understands the fact that he has put a lid on it without thinking about it before.

Rem, whose memories were devoured from the world by the power of 'bulimia'. There's only one thing left about her already inside Subaru, and there's only one empty vessel left in the world.

The traces of her involvement, the physical evidence, the memories disappear and disappear.

Then what will become of the matters that arose out of her deeds?

- Perhaps all of her actions will be treated in the place of her shoulders by others, modifying her surrounding consciousness to the most impossible form in that scene.

"The people who were helped by Rem's work are turning their gratitude to me."

The more I think about it, the more unconditionally Petra admires Subaru because, for her, Subaru is the one who pulled herself out of the Forest of Warcraft with his life at stake, and has been forced into the half world.

Otherwise how can we be so trusted, such as a Gentile who just looked and was born suspicious after a short time together?

This would mean that Subaru was unconscious, but once again enjoyed it as a matter of course by scratching Wallace over Rem's actions.

"... while I'm at it, I'm gonna throw up. Silly and scumbag."

Throw it away, Svalbard thinks it's her feat that all the blessed things she's put away sleep on.

A sweet girl with blue hair who leaves something warm on her chest. Will she continue to devote herself to Subaru, even if the world forgets its existence?

Even though that may be a convenient delusion of sentimental Subaru.


"Oh, don't worry. I'm fine.... you're a waste of a good boy for me, too."

Patrash looking back at this one worryingly. Disrupting my husband's thinking on his back, the movement is very smart, even though he's putting him on speed. Even apart from the presence or absence of 'windscreen' protection, I can see you running with such a high consciousness.

Instead of pulling a dragon car, it will be the first time in a week that there was a white whale and witchcraft noise that spanned Patrash's back in this way alone.

You had some dissatisfaction with letting something heavy pull off for a while, or the footsteps of Patrash running with only Subaru unloaded or light.

Still, she also worried about Subaru, who became an eye at first, and licked her face off so that she could work with her stiff, rough tongue.

Svalbard glances back behind him as he remembers his encounter with Patrash.

Hidden evacuation by six dragon cars. In fact, the sound of dragon cars cannot be hidden, so it is a far cry. but still at the lowest possible speed, with only the mindset to avoid discovery.

The vast majority of those who operate dragon cars are from positions where they have undertaken to evacuate villagers from witchcraft for reward, and who did not otherwise need to be caught up in this mess. That's why I was worried there might be a lot of dissatisfaction, but to see them hold the tense and hold the reins, that would be something of a worry too.

At least not the personality people who cause problems with this biggest and most emotional theory.


"Mr. Natsuki, Mr. Natsuki"

That's all I've been thinking about, I can inadvertently hear a call from the leading dragon car. Turning that way, there was Otto leading the line of dragon cars, who was cleverly inviting him here as he manipulated the full hoo of love dragons.

"What's going on? I think the evacuation is going well."

"Yeah, so far so good that it's going too well. But we have a problem."

Hissing, Otto leans himself into Subaru lined up next to the dragon car. And I put my hand on my mouth, making sure I couldn't see it from the dragon cars behind me.

"Listen carefully, Mr. Natsuki"


"- The forest is on purpose. Something 'very boring' comes."

That's an ambiguous and overly blurry expression, and Subaru can't react more than frown root. but the look on Otto's face in his mouth was only serious and could not have been in an atmosphere where he could laugh it off.

Subaru breathed, alternating his gaze behind Otto and

"What about that 'very boring' thing, is it coming soon?

"The words of the trees can't be certain because there are many parts of them that don't get the guidelines, but at the current speed, it's possible to bump into them. At least a little more speed..."

and Otto suggests with some cold sweat on his forehead. Feeling certain of that impatient look, Subaru also decided to instruct Patrash to speed up his march. Distance to the junction, if you push it through the fastest, then all you have to do...

"- Wow. I took a big walk this late in the evening, and I didn't want to be out of company."

The arrow tip that blew it off and tried to run out, its voice has shaken this tympanic membrane by cutting through the silence of the forest.

Patrash's leg stops to scrape the ground, and the black dragon bows his head, strips his fangs, and raises the same hostility to his former bumped opponent against the presence standing in the front.

Seeing the ground dragon entering its battle posture, the blonde young man funny distorted the edge of his mouth,

"Ha. That hurts. I wasn't scared to look at you, you're a good woman after all." The more light you shine, the more fingers you shrink in the stone. "

With that said, I glow my white dog teeth, and the keeper of The Sanctuary stands up.

Something 'very boring', whilst making that threat shine.

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