Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter IV.42: The Value of Life

- The golden tiger is standing low, staring at his surroundings with a sharp gaze.

The body length of the Great Tiger is approximately four meters. As a four-legged beast, he boasts a body that surpasses Subaru's known beasts such as lions and tigers.

Thick legs on his thick arms, fangs stretching from his closed mouth that won't fit into his mouth, swinging left and right to show off that he dyed the tip with lukewarm red blood.

"Oh, that's..."

What, a jumped dragon car falls to the ground before the voice of the question runs out. The sound of destruction echoes, wood splashes, and screams wooden spirits.

Shock swallowed passengers are thrown to the ground, and conscious things moan of pain. The unconscious does not move lying on its body in a bloodbath that overflows from its own body.

- For once, Subaru's brain has to help the wounded. I thought.

But before moving it into action, intense manoeuvres wield Subaru.

Ignoring Subaru, who swirls and speaks out in surprise, Patrash, who scrapes out of the ground, tries to get out of the woods in a straight line to escape the Wesen.

"Ma-! Hey, Patrash!?

Subaru speaks out for the behavior of disregarding the will of that rider, but there is no indication that she will absorb that will, as on the journey she has traveled so far.

Patrash with Subaru increases his speed in order to leave the faces and ottoes of other dragon cars suddenly unable to move. but

"- Huh!!

The roar roars, ripping through the woods and chasing the backs of the Subaru.

A run of anger and beast animosity pushes the way through, and even Patrash's instinct, which was trying to keep him away, finally shoots.

A feeling of being hostile to a mighty being, with life-threatening powers. Fear and fear rush up the spine of Subaru, feeling them that I have tasted more than once. It's Subaru who knows all about that feeling, which is why I don't get the feeling of blaming Patrash for stopping my legs on this earthen field. It didn't spring up, but the results were historical.


Looking back, Svalbard sees atrocity with the roots of fear in his sight.

A forefoot swinging away gently flips the dragon car like a toy box, slamming the contents all over the swarm of forest trees. If we multiply the thickness of the sound like breaking chopsticks by a hundred times, will it be the sound of the day when the wood and human bones are cracked together?

I know there are consequences ahead of a literal monster and if I don't do anything, they'll just take my life, and everyone can't move the spot.

By moving, he inspires the giant beast and fears that he can point the fingernails, fangs, and spears at it.

Even if you instinctively know that that must just be a change of order.

"Is that why you left the 'sanctuary' deserted...?

Svalbard burns the Wesen into his eyes ready to die, trembling at the roots of his teeth on a humming dragon.

The golden furrows are beautiful and the face is atrocious yet somewhere harsh and riddled. Too sharp an eye shimmers in animosity and anger, and the sharpness of the fangs that are struck is not enough for a blade. - If this is something that strikes the 'sanctuary'.


Svalbard, who was staring at all of his tricks, posture and every act missed, noticed the discomfort of the LTTE slowly advancing his legs. Then he narrows his eyes in search of what the discomfort is, and realizes what it was caused by.

- Something is standing on the left side of the tiger's back.

Given the size of the body and its inexhaustible health, the damage would be insignificant. He didn't even look conscious of his injuries when he walked, and that's what he thought of as a kind of predatory wound.

But that meant a lot to Subaru. The wound itself is not. The object that caused the wound looked familiar.

- That's my favorite wand that Ram should have had.

Small. That's what Ram uses to chant magic, at least I've never seen a scene where she used mediation other than that wand to exercise magic. Earlier on, it was something I was also holding on to on the relative scene with Garfiel, and I can't possibly see it wrong.

You can't possibly see it wrong. How is that piercing the flesh of the Great Tiger? The answer to that is...

"Ancestors, return..."

Huh, it was one day the scene that passed that blurred Subaru's brain.

It's about the day Garfield told Subaru about one end of his birth and showed off the specificity of his flesh. At that time he showed himself to be the half of man and beast man by making only part of his arm a beast, but

"If Wartiger is the one..."

This Wesen will mean Garfiel, who turned the whole body into a beast.

If so, I can also see why the Remaining Lamb wand is being punched into this tiger's body for reasons of stopping Garfiel. However, that paradoxically means this too.

- That Ram, who lost his wand, has failed to stop Garfiel, who turned him into a tiger.

"Garfield, what the hell... what's wrong with the ram?"


"Answer me, dude! What's wrong with the lamb? Garfiel!!"

Wesen just puts his face on the call and doesn't answer anything.

I just shake my head annoyingly at Subaru's voice and shake my forelegs up and down to show off my toes. On the tip of that nail was caught a piece of black fabric too familiar to see, and only then did Subaru understand the end of the peach-haired girl.

"Garfiel ooh!!

Leaving anger to scream, Subaru jumps off Patrash as he takes his hand off the reins. He twisted to the landing and rolled unnecessarily, limbing and staring forward as he rolled.

limbs to each other about the ground, one and one facing each other at a distance. The difference in power is obvious, with no hair, such as wins, and perhaps no room for conversation.

"You hate me so much..."


"You don't like me that much..."


"Not so much! Take me! If you want to kill me! If only you could aim at me!!

"- Huh!!

In response to Subaru's angry cry, the Beast looks up into the sky and raises its roar.

The atmosphere sounds, the forest shakes its leaves in fear, and the living and living things rise up to propagate fear. But Subaru bounced it off and stripped his fangs.

"Hands up to the woman I fell in love with, what's with the 'sanctuary' fangs, don't make me laugh!!

"- Huh!"

At the next moment, the Great Tiger rushes in response to Subaru's curse.

The wreckage of the dragon car between Subaru and the Wesen is blown with a whimpering momentum, and a golden beast penetrates it as pieces of wood and blood are scattered.

The speed is fast and the mass is enormous. Direct hitting is comparable to that of a large truck and probably instantly dies without any breathtaking time.

'Death' looming in front of you. I feel that inevitable up close and Svalbard's brain starts spinning at an unprecedented rate. Brain cells are burned, directly linked to anger, and emotions explode.

Something blackened around his chest and ran all over his body on a bloodstream. Hot, black, dark, pale, cloudy, vain, immaterial, something nasty - I can grab it.

Opening his eyes, Subaru gained the feeling of grasping something inside him.

Look forward. Beast fangs loom so far away that breath is no longer likely to arrive. Subaru's flesh presently reacts beyond its limits with a seemingly foreseeable entrance to death behind a wide open mouth, even the red and black esophagus. That is, lift your arms and let them interrupt between your fangs and your chest,


For a moment, the wind rolled up and the flesh of the giant beast disappeared from Subaru's sight.

No, disappearing is not right. The body of a giant tiger that half rotates the universe to its starting point while coning it into momentum. As it is slammed from back to ground, a huge mass bounces off the ground with a barking voice indicative of pain and incomprehension, blowing loudly as it produces shock.


Svalbard doubts his eyes at the appearance of a tiger looking back and rolling as he hits more and more. I was just halfway convinced that they did take my life.

Similar astonishments have come to the side of the beast, and the beast in the matter is overthrown on the ground with a face that does not understand what happened to him, shaking his head and trying to wake up his body, the Triple Pipe collapses again without following his consciousness.

Both gasp incomprehensibly, not knowing what happened to each other. but Subaru's side suddenly falls on the fatigue of visiting, while the Great Tiger shakes his head in frustration and stands up.

After one encounter, it is more obvious than to see fire which is in the vantage point. However, I do not understand what happened...

"I mean, I've been on a provocation... and I don't think I've made a mistake with Garfiel"

He scolds his trembling arms and wakes up his upper body, and Subaru bites off the edge of his lips to connect his consciousness. Front, a giant beast swinging his body left and right loosely to alert this one. I guess you're inferring the implausible phenomenon that happened in the present moment of attack.

It's a puzzling feeling when they tell you to do it, but you can't possibly do it again.

I don't even know what it's like to pay off an arrow.

The opponent's vigilance is hilarious, but Svalbard, who even lost sight of the basis for mocking it, is only a dogma again.

The giant beast, who comes packing a twist and a distance, seemed half-hearted by the lack of action from Subaru's side, but when he stopped moving to the pretend...

"- Huh!!



Subaru covers his face with the illusion of a storm, being shot at and shrinking himself. And the stiffness sews through the gap where it was born, and the sound of stepping in sounds.

Crushing the earth, the flesh of the beast flies on Subaru as it dances through the universe.

Weight, nails, none of which can be avoided. This time, the feeling ahead doesn't come up through your fingertips either. It's over. The end is near. And


"- Huh!?

A patrash penetrates from across, slamming his head into the torso of a giant beast. The bitter squeal rises, and the Great Tiger is extinguished with a broken posture in the Ku Letters. Patrash waves his tail and plays the face of the unmatched rolling Great Tiger to take away his sight.

Flipping instantly as it were, Patrash rode in the wind to pick up Subaru and enter the escape again -,


The call is interrupted by the sound of the flesh being torn apart.

He was Subaru with his hips around Patrash's mouth, but was thrown to the ground so that his body could swing quickly. Seeing, Patrash's tail trying to take Subaru out is caught in the fangs of a giant beast, and his body weighing more than four hundred kilograms loosely shakes like a paperworker.

Patrash's sad voice. As soon as the flesh was torn, the blood splashed, and her tail was pulled a thousand times from the base, the blood spraying out of the bah dyed Subaru's body bright red.

Patrash blowing and rolling without a rinse. While keeping an eye on its unbroken appearance, Subaru stares at the Great Tiger, who repeatedly stops by with his rough breath.

hatred in the eyes of a ship, and Subaru, against whom he or she might have called friends,

"Ha... I don't know... ugh"

Just put an endless amount of hostility on it and call its name.

No response. Did you lose your vocal organs as a person when you turned into a beast, and the throat of the Great Tiger stretching his mighty forelegs this way makes no words of hostility or killing.

I'm just going to show you that instinct in action.

- Can you break your neck? Or will they bite your head off?

Whatever the pain, whatever the end, let's swallow 'death'.

I'll swallow everything, feed it, and make it a reason to win the right future.

"Do you think I can have you in the future when that happens..."

Slowly looking at his impending nails in front of him, Subaru declared a grudge festival with his last intentions.

Then, turn your left eye and close your vision to darkness.

Patrash's dedication and the only thing I can't do to help him with it...


It was Subaru waiting for the end that was supposed to come, but that's not how it's supposed to come. Surprisingly frowning, Subaru finds himself heartily frustrated that 'death' is coming off timing. And slowly open your left eye,


In front of me, the nail that should have been about to tear Subaru apart now is removed, and the beast's face, the beast's bearer, is the bearer of that nail. Subaru's throat made a dumb noise only because that beast's face, which should have been wet with the intention of killing and staring at Subaru, was staring in a direction that was not this one.

The giant beast takes its gaze off Subaru and looks here and towards the left. In an attempt to get his eyes on you, Subaru saw something flying from that direction hit the body of the beast and roll down the ground. - Stone.

There is no such thing as a philosophy, a stone the size of which rides over the palms falling there. It was thrown. If you draw a parabola and return your gaze, you will reach the shadow that stands at the edge of the forest.

Short hair, slightly long hands and feet on a pierced cheek. Not a special, eye-catching characteristic, but Subaru knows him.

He is one of the villagers of the village of Aram, one of those belonging to the village youth group, one of the evacuees who has taken refuge in this' sanctuary ', a person who should have been on a rolling dragon car, and who is still bleeding from his forehead and fluttering his body.

When he bends his body in a cursory motion, he picks up the stone that was nearby, shakes it up in a weak motion, and throws it toward the body of the beast. Hit. Power, etc., equals no. But...

"S, away from Master Bal, away. You monster..."

There was an attitude there that squeezed out his voice, groaned in pain, and still showed his will.

Tremors run through Subaru's whole body the moment his words hit him. It goes all the way to his fingertips. Losing words to it, Subaru continued to look, losing sight of the voice to be called.


From around, one stone after another, a plate, a branch, and a shoe are thrown at the body of the beast.

Seeing it, it was the resistance of those who were supposed to have been beaten by the enormous pressure unleashed by the giant beast until then, to the point of being awkward, weak and overwhelmed.

"Oh, hey..."

I wonder what Subaru is doing.

What's the point of such an act? Do you think you can do something about this beast with such behavior? Pierce the fur, and the meat beneath it reaches power? That can't be happening. I can't let you take one plunder wound, it just creates a nasty resistance.


Holding your head, we're all the right to escape, the smartest.

We should all get in the safe dragon car and cut right back and get out of this place. You can run into the 'Sanctuary' or you can break through the woods. We should act on those who have a slight chance of survival. And yet, how could they...

"Guys, what are you doing! Quick, run..."

"Master Subaru! You wouldn't be persuaded to say that!

The words of Subaru, who waved his arms and managed to convey his will, were blocked.

It was the man of his age who raised his voice, shaking his dead tree-like arms up thoughtfully, hitting the nose of the beast as he rotated the branches vertically. Absurd your breath, look here,

"Let's abandon our benefactors, run away and connect our lives, so how can we face our sons and daughters? Not to mention you would have come this far to help us."

"That, is..."

"If you're going to die, we're going to die here too. As a minimum condition when you leave here, we're all discussing this and deciding."

Stunned, Subaru stretches his face.

To the astonishment of that Subaru, somehow the man smiled softly. That's too out of place, with a trend that I just think I've forgotten my current threat.

Attack resumes. Everyone hits Wesen - Garfiel simultaneously with the rubble. As always, those powers have not even given him an itch, as opposed to frightening him.

Slowly lift up its gigantic body and Garfiel moves out. He ignored Subaru, who was in a position to rip right off - the first to start throwing, towards the wounded youth.


Beasts and youth across the street. youth lose their voice before overwhelming intimidation, but still do not try to stop acting themselves, pulling daggers out of their hips,

"Eat this."

The blade is protruded by pushing it in, and the tip slips between Garfiel's eyebrows - shortly afterwards, the blade is broken from the middle by making a tall noise.

Will the golden body hair have some toughness, or will it not pass through a crude blade?

and the lifted forelegs flipped against the youth who had accomplished the last resistance,

"Stop -!!"

Subaru screams. Even that only sounds empty in front of the results.

The sound of meat being crushed turned into meat chunks as the youth's lean body was crushed by impact and power from head to toe. Blood erupts like a fountain from the gap between Garfiel's fingers, and only a vortex of red and black meat falls in the position of the frontal leg that has been removed.


Now it was time for my throat to raise a shout of anger.

With that up like a golden cut, Subaru scratches the ground up his body and jumps abruptly onto the back of the beast. But he was stuffy with a torso hit in the back leg just gently raised. With the momentum of swinging herself as it was, she slammed her tail, Subaru's body blowing gently like rubber, clashing from her back against the tree - her whole body snapping, and she heard bones smashing.

"but ah-!?"

Surround the ground and spill a huge chunk of pain and blood running up your throat from your mouth. I don't listen to my whole body. My right arm is pointing in a strange direction from my shoulder. Nor is the spine decently shaped by the blow now. Weak, brittle, I can't change anything.



Barking Beast. Leaps, fangs to the refugees standing around, nails waved. I can see blood dancing, screaming, and life being picked out of sight.

Someone's screaming. Beastly voice. The beast is stinging, but the voice of man. Confusion runs to the beast. Whose voice is it? I don't know what a roar it is, Subaru dealing with serious errors inside himself.

"- Mr. Tsuki! Survive!

A voice calling his name. Someone's voice I know, but the passage to the brain trying to see whose it belongs is blocked by pain. Thoughts are dashed, the world blurred, one's emotions blurred, dreams and presentations blurred, and hatred and suffering scattered them.

Not if you're asleep. I have to get up. Stand up, stand up, if you're going to die, you die before anyone else.

"Mind you... die, don't... I'm the only one who's gonna die... enough...!

Squeezing blood and groans out of her throat, Subaru wakes her body diligently. I desperately move only my left arm because my right arm is useless. I found red curtains on my left eye only vision, broken forehead and blood spilling out. I brutally wipe over my eyelids with my shoulders, eating my teeth off enough to break my back teeth and raising my face.


The tragedy was spreading.

Whenever a beast waves his arms, people fly, blood is scattered, and the fire of life burns out.

Everyone protrudes to the giant beast a rebellion that he is brave, ready to die, and that cannot possibly pass. Dirtying the golden furrows is all about returning blood, and there's no point in their death.

It's just teeth to teeth, and it just blows away. No, it doesn't make any sense.

If you can make sense of that 'death', because it's only Subaru.

"Don't, don't, don't, don't... don't, don't...!

If you want to kill, you can kill yourself before anyone else.

Originally, he was supposed to be after himself. There is no place for brave, heartfelt reasons for them to be hurt and take their lives.

Or is it that even the consequences of their loss of life are matters that Subaru's stupidity has invited? If so, it's too...

"- Ugh!

Svalbard's body is lifted when he is bound to eat and leans over his face.

Pulling up Subaru, who had just unnecessarily raised his upper body from behind, was a patrash of bloodshed from all over his body. She reached this point, crawling desperately, half-dead into Garfield's fierce assault.

With that so tragic state in his eyes, Subaru flushed without being able to enjoy what crept up from behind his eyes.

"That's enough... that's enough. That's enough, Patrash..."

That's what he calls it, and Subaru reaches for Patrash's bloody jaw. But she shook her neck to the side of that Subaru voice, showing her a trick like saying "there's no way anything's good yet". And if you keep your head underneath this belly, put it on your back at once without even letting Subaru resist.

Subaru's surprise voice. With that on top, Patrash runs out. A powerful foothold, enough to make you wonder where such power remained.

That, literally, could have been the result of exhausting death.


But even though she spent her remaining life force and exhausted her death, it should be noted that it is far from full speed. And the consequences of escaping the Beast's fangs are also far away.

Fangs eat into the back legs of Patrash and her throat screams sadly. Subaru about to be thrown out once again. Immediately after he floats in the universe and thinks he can beat it to the ground as it is, Patrash's jaw, which has stretched his neck, captures Subaru.

As she thought through her neck, she threw it behind a herd of trees using all the power that could hold Subaru's body.


Subaru knew that was Patrash's attempt, even just a few, to keep Subaru away from the deadly threat.

I realize at the same time. After she broke up with Ram, until she cut a short cut through the road, why did she rendezvous with the evacuation team.

- Patrash was aware of the presence of this beast.

He has fled to this place, where there are multiple other prey, in order to realize and slightly increase Subaru's survival. Everything, to protect Subaru.

Beaten to the ground, Subaru's body bounces once, twice. And shortly after moaning at the third bounce - the floating sensation dominated Subaru's flesh.


A sudden slope occurs in the mountains, and Subaru's body falls there all at once in such a way that it rolls. I couldn't even afford to raise my voice, and while my skin was scraped many times by gravel and branches, I repeated a short bounce, repeatedly. Subaru's body rolled off,


Slipping overhead, with his swinging vision, Subaru barely caught a glimpse of overhead.

And I see a sight I didn't want to see.

"- Pantora."

Patrash's torso, sandwiched in the jaw of the Great Tiger, is shaken by the force of his squeaky jaw, torn by his fangs, pierced and turned into two pieces as he raises a massive blood splash.

He could not even raise the voice of the disconnected demon, and Zhonglong died by devoting himself to Subaru to the end.


I can burn my throat. My throat rips. The feeling of your brain boiling in anger and your blood burning up.

Bounce, roll, slip, fall, shredded, Subaru falls.

- Play hard and float again.

Consciousness swallows up to the shock of being slapped.

Still no stopping body. Yet consciousness leaves Subaru's flesh.

- Only the voices of indelible resentment kept swirling in my chest.

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