Waking up and Subaru's first confirmation is whether or not now is a reality.

It often crosses between dreams and the narrow of the present, and its borders tend to be obscured for some time now. Not to mention the fact that the point of return of 'Back to Death' often leaves the brain asleep immediately after the return of consciousness, thus remaining in the same state as a rounded sleep.

"- Whoa, whoa."

The taste of earth and dust that mingles in the mouth where consciousness comes back to reality and feels first.

bitter running. Spitting it out with his spit, Subaru, who woke up his upper body, looks around. Dim spaces, damp cold air, enough silence to make you anxious - in the graveyard.

"You're back, or..."

Subaru shrugs so, making sure his body feels as he opens and closes his lifted hands.

Just before "Back to Death," I was remembering how I died.

"I wondered what would happen when I was about to be swallowed by a shadow... was it worth killing myself"

The sharp feeling reminded me of the feeling of wearing my throat, touching the throat buddha that should have been scratched and Subaru leaked a soothing exhale.

The bitterness of the blood that plunges in blocks your throat, soaking your lungs and drowning. The distant consciousness and sense of loss will not fade even if it is' death ', which I have already tasted many times.

No matter how many times you taste it, 'death' always inflicts fresh suffering on Subaru. Still,

"It's like you won't be able to come back... much better than what you can't take back"

Subaru temporarily shelves his reflection on 'Back to Death', remembering with some satisfaction that he could have chosen 'Death' without hesitation on that occasion that he was back.

It is still too early to realize that you have returned safely to this hour.

"Not if you're thrilled to be back. Anyway, organize what you do, do what you have to do, and then..."

Then you should question your readiness.

Eyes closed, Subaru took a deep breath only once. And then when I open my eyes, I don't have any more confusing emotions left in my eyes. I'm just staring at what needs to be done.

Standing up and dusting his body, Subaru looks inside the room and finds the girl who will be overthrown a little further away.

It's Emilia. In the middle of "trials," she will still have a distressed look on her face as she faces her own past.

He rushes over and reaches for that body to try to wake him up. Take her out, rendezvous with the rams outside the cemetery, and then the flow has an idea first.

And that's all I thought about, Subaru noticed right before his arm touched Emilia, shivering its fingertips.

"... what?

With his eyes round the tremor at his fingertips, Subaru put something and his hands in front of his face. Subaru sends directives from his brain in an attempt to hold back that tremor, but his fingertips, aware of the tremor, continue to tremble in defiance of that directive. And Subaru realizes late.

to the heel and that my teeth are ringing without meshing.

"My hands and teeth tremble... what the hell..."

Though surprised by the modulation that had happened to his body, Subaru had an inner understanding of what it meant.

As soon as I tried to touch Emilia, the sight of the past was the reason for the tremor.

- On his death, Emilia's frozen face of emotion overlooking Subaru.

I think the witch of 'Jealousy', itself, was descending into the 'Sanctuary' at that time. And somehow it was shadowing with Emilia's flesh, and Subaru saw it at the last moment.

Perhaps the witch was possessed by Emilia's flesh, which sleeps in the cemetery.

Subaru, who knew that he had the ability to possess the flesh of others, called Petergius, could swallow that possibility so much.

And the reason the witch targeted Emilia's flesh is simple.

Subaru uttered contraindications at a pepper and tea party. The witch, who manifested herself in an attempt to punish that Subaru, could not, however, step into a tea party place. Instead, I noticed that it was Emilia sleeping beside Subaru.

As it was, the witch took her flesh, filled the 'sanctuary' with shadows, and tried to kill Garfiel and swallow Subaru with shadows - which is the first, arguably the end of the line.

"You know that much... you still tremble, my body... eh"

A weak mind that can calmly afford to look back at its upside, while not forgetting its fear of having preceded that alien.

If Subaru's reflection is correct now, that was a tragedy caused by Subaru's invitation to the Tea Party shortly after 'Back to Death'. I mean, I'm not at the tea party. I'm not stepping on that mine this time.

- To Emilia, it is guaranteed that there are no witches.

Still, it's just cowardice that Subaru's flesh reacts to rejection with fear.

I just can't get rid of my worst imagination.

Namely - will the 'jealous' witch fulfill it and stop chasing Subaru about separating 'Back to Death'?


It is the witch of 'jealousy' who is making Subaru 'return to death'.

This is Subaru's view, and Echidna also affirms this opinion. The appearance of witches so far and the last time, in view of them, there will be no doubt.

The witch doesn't want Subaru to end up in 'death' for any reason. You can only thank me for that. In that regard, only.

The only question is, would that 'jealous' witch, so bigoted, strengthen her paranoia by the time a witch with so much power interferes with reality, give up Subaru?


I'm only optimistic that if a witch has the power to go back in time, she can't apply it to herself, which she applied to Subaru.

Just as Subaru rewound the world with 'death', how can a witch say that she hasn't followed Subaru back in time again?

A fearful mind, and an answer that doesn't answer - the answer is now lying in front of me.


Touch Emilia and evoke her from The Trial and you'll see everything.

If she wakes up, as usual, calls Svalbard's name with the voice of a silver bell, Svalbard can be freed from this fear.

But what if that didn't happen?

"... then I guess I'll be done"

If every time you come back, a witch appears in front of you, it can no longer be worn. The witch's strength of "jealousy" is absolute, and that strength that overshadowed the "sanctuary" with shadows doesn't give me any visions that I can fathom with this existing force.

Before a nightmare where Garfield was even lightly buried, what countermeasures are there?

I mean, this is the watershed.

"If you're dead and you're not sure you might be able to come back...... not sure if Emilia is herself or not right now in front of you,? What... you're an idiot, me"

Understanding the situation placed again, Subaru breathed softly.

If you notice, your fingers are trembling, and your fear of tooth roots is gone. Aware, I finally realized.

Everything is vague, uncertain and uncertain, that's the case.

"It happens to everyone, isn't it natural?"

It's normal to not know the future, or to be anxious about something a second ahead.

Why are you so frightened just because it is possible to know just a little further?

Such a ridiculous fright that amounts to fear of living, etc.

"... oh, no..."

What a tiny, crappy hesitation to compare it to the appearance of a darling girl who is about to be crushed by her past right now in front of me.

- Emilia.

Calling his name, Subaru gently touches her cheeks with his trembling stopped fingertips.

White cheeks. Skin that conveys heat that seems to melt from the smooth, touched fingertips. Lie down with your eyes, long eyelashes faintly trembling, purple blue eyes glimpsing a weak light from the bottom.

Emilia pulled back into reality. She blinked several times as she was, realizing that Subaru was right in front of her.

"... then, ru?

When trembling eyes capture Subaru and tie the focus, they are called names.

Because the voice, the color of the eyes, the attitude, was Subaru's knowing Emilia herself.

- Oh, yeah.

Subaru felt the shadow of anxiety heavily intertwined with Subaru's entire body until just now, scratching off simultaneously.

I feel myself weakened as I hold a long breath in the words I manage to respond to and hold her back with my hand trying to wake up her upper body.

In contrast to Subaru like that, the risen Emilia looks around busily for a moment. Still a little heavy on his head, Emilia muttered, "Uh..." with her hands on her forehead, confirming her current location,

"What is this place... me, just now..."

Remaining plagued by pain, Emilia gives her thoughts to her memory before falling asleep with her eyes closed - remembering the time she was asleep.

Emilia opened her eyes, remembering that she had been exposed to her memories, and then she shivered those peachy lips and looked Subaru in the eye.

Purple blue eyes swinging in waves of emotion. In my head, I'm sure, I'm screwed up about the past. Subaru knows that Emilia, woken from the 'Trial', will be disturbed. So I could also watch her quietly just before disturbing her like this.

Hold her trembling gently, pick the words so she doesn't get hurt, comfort and reassure her that it's okay, so...

"... Subaru?

Before Subaru, who thought so and was preparing, but Emilia reacted completely differently than she imagined.

The eyes that were about to be disturbed regained their composure, and the shaking lips tied together as if they had been caught off by stronger emotions. Emilia then gently extended her lifted hand to Subaru,

"Why do you look so crying?

"... huh?

Emilia's fingertips stroke Subaru's cheek and slip straight into her surprisingly open eyes. Seeing the white finger plundering his eyeballs, the tears it was overflowing, Subaru realized that he was hoarding tears as much as he was going to cry now.

I didn't have time to ask myself why.

"Ah, uh, huh?

The tremor came abruptly.

It's an unparalleled tremor of a different dimension from what my fingers and teeth trembled just now.

Tremors of sorts that tremble all over your body and deprive you of your power from all over your body. Subaru, who was facing Emilia on his knees, could not resist it and had to shrink to hold his trembling whole body.

Subaru, with his relaxed body, understood what the backbone of tremor was.

Just before I touched Emilia, if that tremor was fear that Emilia might have been replaced by a witch...

"It's okay, Subaru. It's okay, 'cause it's okay. I'm here."

That's what I said, Emilia holds Svalbard's body gently from the side.

Over a thin cloth, we feel each other's temperatures. A quiet heartbeat came from all over her body, and she felt the fullness of her heart more than the heat of her body.

- After being frightened by the fear that Emilia might be replaced by a witch, Svalbard was unable to move because he knew it was gone.

Even though I intended to reopen it with my heart, the flesh did not reflect it at all.

Neither the heart of steel nor the tough flesh worthy of protecting that heart is far from Subaru.

With Emilia's temperature, her heartbeat, and her tenderness, Subaru chewed on her pity like that and still couldn't help but feel relieved.

Quiet, quiet, quiet, inside the cemetery for a while, that's how they kept hugging each other.

"Calm down?

"Oh, oh... that, I'm sorry. Something's making a fuss out of me."

Embrace that lasted until Subaru's tremor subsided.

At the end of it there is an inquiry from Emilia and Subaru, blushing at his pity, speaks so of his apology. heard that, Emilia shook her head sideways, "Yeah,"

"It's okay. Because I feel like I've just been relying on Subaru lately. Sometimes this is how Subaru shows me his weakness... hey, I'm relieved"

"It's a killing complaint. I don't really want Emilia to see anything like that, if that's possible."


"Emilia, I always want you to look at me when I act strong and cool. I don't want them to know I'm really weak and pathetic and helpless."

"As weak as I look at it, I don't think that way about Subaru, do I?

gentle Emilia's words, but Subaru's glory rejects it.

She's not that kind of personality, or if she shows weakness, she's disappointed. Such issues are not intrinsic at all.

Just because this is due to Subaru's - boy circumstances.

"I want you to know who you really are by not covering up your weaknesses... and I like the crying scenario a lot."

"Crying system...... what?

"Talk over here. Emilia, I just want to show you the strong part. It's a man's will, this."

Flushing the awkwardness just now with the usual story without benefits, Subaru laughs bitterly at Emilia tilting her neck. Then when you tighten that look,

"So I'd like to hear about the Trials..."

"- Yeah."

A beating Emilia pulled her jaw and responded to a fearful offered inquiry.

Subaru got a brief surprise for a moment at the reaction. Because her attitude when she heard the word 'trials' was different than anything before.

Perhaps shortly after waking up, the process of being oriented towards reality with the shock of 'trials' failure - because a pitiful act of Subaru, which was unintentional, flushed away.

That time of embrace gave Emilia time to calm the shock of a slight but 'trial' failure. That would be one end of the reason why she's keeping calm now.

"Sometimes my weak back helps..."

"Subaru, why are you here? I'm the only one who can get in here..."

"No, I..."

And Subaru, who honestly responded, cut the word there.

And think. - Fulfill, I wonder how best to answer here.

It is easy to tell you that you have honestly qualified and that you have survived the 'trials'. but if you choose to do that, I feel it's the self-blame for the 'trials' failure and the inferiority to Subaru for overcoming that 'trials'.

The inferiority leads to a sense of impatience, and Emilia will suffer between self-loathing and a sense of responsibility. If that happens, there will be no point in the status quo in which she remains calm on this occasion.

Shouldn't Subaru respect Emilia's potential beyond the possibility that Emilia could face the 'trials' in a different way than before?

Whether that will allow Emilia to cross in the face of the 'past' or whether there will be a change to its essential parts.

- It's worth a try, Subaru thought.

"I was worried because Emilia Tan couldn't get out. I felt like I was conscious... but I just got here, and I felt like I was in the daytime."

"Yes, what... sorry, take it easy"

"No, I was the one who dropped five bodies inside, and if I wanted to worry, I'd be in the middle of something."

Since Subaru jumped inside, it should be the same with the faces outside that he hasn't responded. I noticed that Emilia looked up, "Ah,"

"And anyway, I need to get back to everyone... and you're worried about Subaru."

"I don't care if my life or death sucks, Emilia. If you don't just tell her you're safe, it's gonna be a mess."

"... like that, not when I say it"

I turn my attention to the words of the evil Subaru, which Emilia blames. "I'm sorry," she shrugged her shoulders small to her gaze, and they all turned their feet outside the cemetery.

Along the way Subaru went on to say "by the way,"

"Can I ask you something? It's called" trials. "

"... sorry. I think I failed the Trial."

"That's... yeah, I kind of figured it out in the reaction"

Emilia distracts herself from looking sorry. While trying not to look at that girlfriend, Subaru behaves as if he had just learned the facts he knew.

There was guilt in adopting such an attitude, but when Subaru kills that hesitation with one head shake,

"So this is it all over......?

"It doesn't look like it will.... I can try as many times as I want. It's strange, but I can see that. But"

The nature of the 'trials' said directly from Echidna. It was known information for Subaru, but apparently Emilia is unconsciously informed of it.

out of words in the last part. After some hesitation, Emilia

"Yeah, it's nothing. Looks like we can't do this anymore today, but I'll try again tomorrow."

"It's okay, is it? If you're tough, you can open the day for a little while... and that's the better chance of winning after working out more trends and measures."

"Thanks.... but I know it's not a problem to do something like that and figure it out. I know."

"... I'll try to keep my mouth shut like I figured it would be easier if I talked to you"

When she tells Emilia as she looks sideways, she looks up at Subaru's gaze and shivers her lips. As it was, Emilia overflowed with emotions that left her in her chest, but she closed her eyes as she had thought just before,

"- I'm sorry. I don't want to show Subaru this feeling right now"

"Emilia, no matter what you look at, you'll never hate me or anything."

"I'm afraid of what Subaru might think, or something like that. Yeah, there's that too... more scary than that"

That said, Emilia shut her mouth. Still seeing the strength of her willingness to dwell in her purple blue eyes unwavering, Subaru confirms that she succeeded in burning it.

Yeah, and if Subaru showed a following attitude, Emilia wouldn't want to cut it off, let alone expose it to sweetness and weakness.

That's how even Emilia's heart even nauseates with disgust at herself rolling over her palms with an attitude that she figured out. - If it's necessary, I wish I'd cut it off.

"- Dear Emilia!

With self-loathing bitten off, it was the moonlight glare plugged into the pretense and the voice calling the girl standing next to him that drew Subaru back to reality as he kept walking.

The blue and white moonlight illuminates the entrance to the cemetery and a cool breeze greets the two of them stepping outside. And when I looked down, I could see all the faces waiting for Emilia, who came to the 'Trial', putting relief on that look.

The first time I called Emilia was apparently Ram. Having confirmed Emilia's survival, Ram rarely stroked his chest down to relief, then saw Subaru standing next to Emilia,

"And, Balth, thank you."

"Oops...... I'm seriously surprised I didn't think I could put words of labor out of you. What's so special about that, huh?

"Once in a while, if you put in a proper handle, you'll also work like this. At least, I'll give you credit for bringing Emilia home safely. Lord Roswell will be delighted."

The majority of the relief seems to be due to reports to the Lord, but honest labor gave Subaru fresh joy. Then Subaru laughed naggingly, only his gaze disguised as casual, next to the ram - capturing a blonde young man standing apart in the face of a lined welcome.

Garfiel, who kept his back in the trunk of the tree, is walking this way with seemingly hundreds of millions of feet as he untied the arms he was putting together. I don't see anything suspicious about that trick or attitude, but if he cares about it, it becomes pointless in an instant, such as distance.

This is why I left the cemetery, not to mention right after 'back to death' and 'back to death'. Think about your current 'stench' and what's happening to him that you can't feel. The horrible Subaru was giving him maximum vigilance.

And Garfiel, who came before Subaru, who makes his whole body nervous, has the best opening,

"I wondered what would happen when I ruined my recklessness to go inside. I'm relieved to be back safe." The fruit of a gaffalo doesn't fall out of the wind, "I thought," but it was a hiya hiya monkey. "

"Ouch! Hey, hey, it hurts!

That's what I said and laughed, slapping Subaru on the shoulder ramblingly over and over again.

To the power of paralysis to the bone, Subaru said for a moment, "Is this the assassination of Garfiel under the guise of subtlety!? I suspected," but I don't feel that evil from him showing his fangs and laughing.

Purely, an attitude like welcoming the two of you back safely. Even if you react differently than you expected, Subaru can't hide your shoulder watermark emotions.

"Is that all...?

"Ah? Oh, shit. You want me to stroke your head to reward you for your hard work."

"If it's from Emilia, who's got it from you? Not..."

Referring to the shoulder watermark, Subaru rethinks that he doesn't even have to bother poking the snake. Whatever's inside of Garfield, I'm lucky he's not willing to set me up right away.

Either way, the conditions under which he strips his fangs are becoming clear among Subaru. No questions asked, if the worst conditions were overshadowed, that was to be welcomed.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to hang out with you, but it's a headache for me."

"I'm not telling you, Oi."

"That's our story, too. Anyway, let's keep our hips down for more stories. I want to give Emilia a break first. Future schedules are over there."

Put one finger up and nothing goes against Subaru suggesting so.

After Emilia apologized to everyone once, "I'm sorry," the group proceeded to the "sanctuary" with her hand-grabbing ram in the lead - as before, the house of Lewes will be chosen as the place.

That Emilia didn't mess up. Garfiel, who did not break his friendly attitude towards Subaru freshly 'back to death'.

Before some unprecedented conditions, Subaru continues to explore how best to stand around and how best to 'die'.

Too often what you have to know has to be tried.

How many times do you have to make sacrifices to get the best future?

I don't realize Subaru to myself to calculate intentionally, keeping my life out of my account.


I don't even notice Subaru staring at the crown staring at Subaru like that from behind.

I don't notice, it stayed.

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