With crown and pico, Subaru, out of a house far away, became aware of his drowsiness for the first time when he realized that the eastern sky was turning pale.

"Ugh, the night is dawning... it's been a dark night with a lot of content"

Not connected as Subaru's physical time, but tonight begins with Emilia's first "Trial," returning to reality after Subaru's "Trial" intervention, "Return to Death," and a skirmish with Garfield after the "Trial" risalt. Then we uncovered the location of the facility, and the inside of it was revealed from the crowd for a long time.

I was not aware of the velocity just because it was an intense time, but I cannot hide the fatigue of the flesh who, unlike consciousness, continues its activities. The lack of subtle spiritual and physical harmony is also arguably a shortcoming of 'Back to Death'.

"If it's true, I'm my cousin who went straight back to the cathedral and slept until noon..."

"You don't have to do that. I'm not gonna let you take turns with the next crown and give me a good rest."

"I don't have time for that enviable work system. Doesn't work either."

Six days later - no, because the day has already passed, the number of days left is five. Given that travel to and from the Mansion only takes one day, only three days is the limit on which we can practically act.

I couldn't use my precious half-day here to crush it, and even though I was in a position to know the witch about the future I had just seen, I was hesitant to reveal it to the crown.

"I can't take the action of a 'jealous' witch lightly right now..."

A shadow witch drinks up the 'sanctuary' through the back of Subaru's brain, which sweats gently on his forehead.

I am thinly aware that that tragedy was caused by Subaru's much-mouthed contraindications in Echidna's castle. It was that place that prevented the witch from stopping in time and caused enough to buy that much anger.

Therefore, if the witch's hand reaches Subaru directly in the real world, it is fine to assume that the penalty will probably only strike Subaru as before -

"I don't give a shit about other people's lives to make sure of that."

What Svalbard, whining powerless, looks down at is Pico standing blurred with Svalbard and his left hand connected. When she receives Subaru's gaze, she stares further round with her round eyes waiting for instructions to come out of her mouth.

Once, he clearly recognized the transfer of command by taking orders from Subaru. Now Pico's condition was as submissive as a chick obeying a parent bird.

"So, what's Sue Boy going to do now?

"In the meantime, back to the mansion. There's one guy I need to talk to... and I want to see Frederica too. I have a lot to ask you to supplement."

"Frederica, or..."

Subaru is surprised to see the long-lasting maid I can think of, the crown who heard the name frown and call the name meaningfully. Because it seemed like an undesirable reaction.

"Something, too, I suppose? To Frederica."

"... nothing, not a big deal"

"Mr. Lewes. I don't want to use command if I can. I'd like you to give Mr. Ryus a break, honestly."

shrugging his shoulders, Subaru begs with signs of plea. but on the back of what he said, Subaru's eyes, which sharpen his trileukoeye even more, insisted vociferously that he would "use it if necessary" extraordinarily. The crown spills a sigh.

"Come to think of it, since Frederica left, I feel like the 'sanctuary' gear is starting to slip a little bit."

"Gear's starting to slip?

"Originally, it's doubtful that it was in good health because it was made. Still... well, neither the residents, nor the replica of Ryuz Mayer, nor Garbo could have rocked as much as they do now."


"Sue Boy, I hope so."

To the silent Subaru, the crown turning upwards spills so.

Expectations, Subaru realized his chest was badly rubbed by the words of. Being inclined to think starting with that word is for Subaru -.

"The 'Sanctuary' has been barely holding its breath for a long time by continuing to connect and maintain its lost role in the craftsmanship. That impossibility is now creating debacles everywhere. So let's hope not, Sue Fong."

"Tell me what..."

"Let the witch's paranoia put an end to the survival of the Sanctuary, to the wishes of Louise Mayer, to the way Sue Bo wants everyone to."

It's an expectation that is too heavy on the other side.

Subaru tried to respond with a "I can't" word. But the mouth that looked straight into the eye of a serious crow,


He didn't try to say a word to me.

"That's fine now. Not yet, that's fine."

Let Svalbard's hesitations and patrols snort, as he understood them all.

Despite her appearance as a child, only at this moment did she understand clearly that Subaru had values commensurate with the number of years she had lived.

"It's time for the end of Non's time."

Left behind in a tone that makes you feel untrained, the body of the crown begins to shine a pale light.

That reminded her of the spiritual figure on the verge of disappearing, and Subaru accidentally stretched his fingers out to her body. but

"Rest assured. I'm not returning to Mana. You don't just go into dormancy for a little while to restock the mana you consumed. Soon, a replacement crown will come."

"Mi, even if you look and tone together, it doesn't mean you're the same, does it?

"Bye. Look, tone, even personality, I make it look conscious... but not someone else. Therefore, the only person who has spoken to Sioux Fong now is Sioux. Do you miss me?

"It's not a matter of loneliness or anything. Mr. Lewes... Mr. Lewes, isn't it hard? Don't you think the four of us don't like to keep playing one, Ryus Mayer? I don't know where my life is..."

With that said, Subaru understood that this was too cruel an inquiry.

Whatever Rews himself thought, even if she was genuinely in pain and sorrow for her current state, what can Subaru do with it knowing.

How much sense does it make to continue to stretch your fingers carelessly, unreachable, with no magical principles, no mana details, no way to untie even the superficial layers of the procedure?

I'm guessing Ryuz understood Subaru's grid. She smiled lightly and her thin red hair swayed gently in the wind that put together the morning color.

"What do you think, Sioux Boy?


"The answer to this inquiry is one of the things that Nong expects from Su Fang."

Leaving it behind, the body of a crow fading like a sumptuous melts in the morning burn.

Unlike fogging, it's an incredible, fantastic sight, even if it's foreshadowed. One person disappeared into the morning sun.

It is not believable to be told that it is not the disappearance of existence, etc.

However, after the blink, a new figure appears where the crown should have disappeared. From outfits to anything, there are two things: crown and melon, in which any good has disappeared.

Once she shook her head and then looked up at Subaru,

"You don't need to introduce yourself, Sue Fong. Really, because I have finished sorting out what the previous" Non "talked about with Su Fang."

To dispel Subaru's doubts, the new crown fixes the stiffness and deviation of each other's values. and then finally she tilted her neck,

"Well, so, Sue Boy...... first, how does it work?


Look up in the sky.

Slip your consciousness between the time that passes and the time that is left as the morning burn slowly erodes the night sky into the edge of your eyes.

Then Subaru dropped his gaze and looked at the two people, Ryus and Pico.

"I want to get out of the 'sanctuary' first. Let me give you a hand with Mr. Ryus."

Yes, I offered.

In front of the dragon car cabin just after dawn, there was a figure of Subaru.

Open and close the door to make as little noise as possible, and look for your partner inside. The pitch-black body blending into the dim darkness awaited his master's call at the deepest end of the cabin.

"Sorry to leave you alone, Patrash"

Patrash, stretching his neck, rubs his nose against Subaru, who speaks. There seems to be dearness in that trick, and he seems to be obstinately messing with what was left alone, which at this time brought a tickling emotion to Subaru.

"I'm sorry to wake up all of a sudden, but it's work. Hey, can you get me to the mansion again?

I stroke his face with my hand, and it seems like Patrash, who rings his throat, said, "I can't help it, Subaru..."

At least, he leaks a breath of relief that the acknowledgement seems to have been obtained, and Subaru removes the fence and prepares to take Patrash outside.

Patrash's foot, which does not take a foot, would also make the journey, which would otherwise take half a day, even shorter.

If we leave now in the morning, it should probably also be possible to arrive at the Mansion before the evening.

"Whatever. Well, it's a cluttered plan of redo assumptions..."

This time, Svalbard, who has decided with all his heart to return to the mansion, is not going to accompany the evacuees of the village of Aram, unlike the previous one. With all due respect, with the idea of starting over, all the extra elements of uncertainty should be eliminated and information gathered thoroughly.

It's true that the status quo, which I heard about Ryus Mayer and had quite a friendship with Ryus, is a waste of time.

"I've had the worst friendship with Garfield, and I've chewed up even worse elements."

Transfer of command - Originally, it seems Garfield had it in his hands. If that were to have moved to Subaru, I can imagine him looking for a transferee with a blood eye.

Not far away, you will reach Subaru. I haven't even stopped talking to the crown. I had said no beforehand to her that I could answer honestly if asked.

It's all in my head, too.

- Still, I'm the only one left a letter with Emilia.

If you start over and split it it as a world that disappears, the reason you suffer from dealing with Emilia in this world doesn't logically exist.

No matter how much she suffers, how sad she grieves, or how pleased she is on the contrary, it is because she is left in a world that disappears. Yes, even if you understand it in your head,

"It's not rational, this kind of thing"

Even though we know it's a world that disappears and leaves behind, Svalbard still doesn't like Emilia to look sad.

By leaving herself silent, I'm sure she gets painful emotions. You may lose your temper and even lose sight of your feet. While I'm glad Emilia leans on herself so much, I also feel painful.

So that it doesn't, and I hope it doesn't continue to be, Subaru leaves Emilia a letter.

Even so, the content is an unusual, often reassuring line of words. There's only one thing I can subaru to do to repair the relief on the upper edge than not being able to tell the truth.

"Better than not... or if Emilia doesn't depend on me that much"

Emilia's degree of dependence depends considerably more on Subaru than without the pack.

I was resting on my current thoughts and knew they probably wouldn't work that well.

Still, Subaru leaves Emilia and leaves the 'sanctuary'. Haunt your heart that it is a necessary sacrifice to rewrite an unsaveable present into a savable future.

"Well, before anyone finds you, tell me...?

In the process of taking Patrash out of the dragon car cabin, Subaru pulls him out of a passenger car that has been removed from his saddle to cross the directly grounded dragon. I paid the surface lightly and just tried to put it on Patrash's back, something with the edge of my sight plundered. It's

"The Gospel of Petergius, or..."

Of thick black fittings it is the gospel placed to hide in the corner of the passenger car.

It is a relic of Petergius, and honestly I want to dispose of it completely, but I also have trouble handling it properly and crossing it into manpower. Above all, it was something I kept hoping to get a clue as to the purpose and inner affairs of the inexperienced: witchcraft.

"Speaking of which, thanks to Roswar's story, you've changed the way I look at this guy a lot."

With the saddle in his seat, Subaru casually took the Gospel.

The steady weight and feel makes me think of a bloody wet lunatic on the back of my brain.

A man who was obsessed to the point of excessive obsession with the Gospel and believed out as a testament to his loyalty to witches.

It is ironic that this content appeared to the owner, Petergius, to imply future action.

"Roswar, Beatrice, even Petergius... and always this guy, what can he do about books that only he can read...?

Turn the pages of the Pepper and the Gospel with evil.

That finger stopped and a strange groan leaked out of his throat because surprise preceded him.


The letters written on the white pages of the Gospel were also properly visible in Subaru's eyes.

It was only in messy letters as if a child had written and beaten him, but there is a proper line of meaningful words there. It is also in the form of 'letter a' so that it can also be read by Subaru.

"What... no way, the book recognized me as the owner? But nothing special..."

I didn't, and I realized Subaru had a feeling.

It was before Subaru was able to read the contents of this Gospel before he took to this' sanctuary '. Wang du and at the Roswar mansion back from Wang du. Since then, I have not had the opportunity to open the Gospel, so I cannot take confirmation, but I do not see any connection between this and events in the' sanctuary '.

Instead, a more direct cause comes to mind rather than an event in the 'sanctuary'.


"Did Echidna do something to me...?

It is likely that Echidna has had some interference with Subaru's flesh, as he was' tried 'at the cemetery. I didn't feel that Echidna tea had anything to do with it, which is behaved in a discussion that calls it a tea party.

Echidna joked about bodily fluids and such, but could it be something else?

That's like dramatically changing Subaru's flesh from before.

"Actually, I don't know if that's why, but the last change was more than ever."

Wasn't it only the revelation of 'Back to Death' to Echidna that caused that 'Jealous Witch' outrage?

It was hateful for Subaru that he could not have the time to ask questions right now.

"... but maybe it doesn't mean the owner's me now"

It's a frightening story to be recognized in the Gospel that witchcraft had, but Subaru, who runs his eyes at what was written, apparently decides that it's not a message to Subaru, but only that he can read what was communicated to Petergius.

I don't know when the first page is going to happen because the date is not marked. However, the Gospel continues to be described from there on quite a few pages, and it comes to my attention that Petergius has crushed its contents one by one.

Basically, it doesn't even say where it goes and what it should do, and how it will be linked to the concrete results. Perhaps Petergius was self-complementary when all his deeds went in the right direction for witchcraft, with or without consequences.

That is how we proceed with the flush reading and get to the last part described.

Although the page is still there, the blank paper just goes on ahead. On the last page there is still red and black a 'treat' written in blood letters by Subaru as giant.

This is how it remains in the original description of the Gospel before it.

"In the territory of Mazers, test the half demon with silver hair...? I don't know what that means."

This statement is no more information than Petergius' attempt to attack Emilia than he does not know what the 'Trial' is about.

However, I was only convinced that Subaru's known assault of Petergius was caused by this Gospel description.

"... oh, bad bad bad. I'll be there soon."

A rushed patrash pushes his nose tip against Subaru, who kept his back in the passenger car. Bitterly smiling at the trick, Subaru returned the Gospel to the original location of the passenger car.

Now, while I keep in mind what I just saw, I shift my consciousness to a different issue.

That is, escape from the 'sanctuary' and return to the mansion.

"Then we'll leave without making a scene in the 'sanctuary'. Quiet, quietly, in a covert act."

"- Huh!!

Patrash hisses brilliantly high on Subaru, who straddles his recovered saddle-covered back, clinging to him and begging him.

Feeling reluctant to rely on his partner, who didn't understand one thing, Svalbard pointed the needle out of the 'sanctuary', trying to deflect the exciting patrash.

The eastern sky, the brilliance of the sun, which has already begun to show its entire body, is far away, and the sunlight illuminates the heads of the forest trees. If we don't hurry, the early risers will wake up and the difficulty of running at night will increase.

Let Patrash rush, let Subaru taste the power of the first acceleration and Patrash will run out. The body of the runaway grounddragon soon entered under the influence of the 'protection of the windscreen', and the effects of shaking and wind stopped reaching Subaru's flesh.

Fly out of the 'sanctuary' as it is and into the woods. Patrash walks along the path of the Beast Path without straying towards the Mansion. In previous events, I knew Patrash would try to pick the best for Subaru of his own volition, without having to subaru hold the reins.

There's a little loneliness, but it's proficiently wise to leave it to Patrash. Grabbing only the shape of the reins, clinging to hard skin all over the body, Subaru integrates with Patrash running through the woods. If it stayed out of the way, it would have gone through the woods within less than an hour, which would have combined with an escape from the 'sanctuary'. But...

"Hey...... wait, here!!

A longitudinally rotating heel, shaken from above, pierced the ground on the path to blast the earth.

Patrash brakes suddenly on the blowing earthen smoke and tree fragments, killing speed as his sideways feet decide the ground. The stopped patrash stares forward while protecting the axis of the center of the body with divine balancing considerations so as not to shake off the subaru on his back.

At the same time, Svalbard, swallowed by shock by Patrash's back, saw the same thing Patrash was staring at.

"Hehe...... the whole thing, what are you going to do and what are you willing to make fun of it. No, I got cancer, ah, ooh!

It's a garfiel who kicks the ground with an indignant, angry look.

Wrinkled on his nose and revealing frustration and discomfort, Garfiel stripped his fangs into Subaru, who looked down at himself from above Patrash's back,

"You can't just look down, get off. We talked about it at the height of our gaze. Start there. I'll smash you, you bastard......"

"Somehow I could have imagined getting in your way, Garfield."

"I didn't even think of the shards that I made up such a joke! Now let's get out of here with our tails rolled up, huh? You're kidding me! Me too! And this' sanctuary '! No half demon, no rosewar! All of them! Though you must be a lotus student! Until the end of the Trial, we will never go out of here..."

"That's your pre-construction, isn't it?


Garfiel, who had an angry look, changes that look to Subaru's short inquiry.

The only intermittent sound is the sound of eyes that were sharp enough to whisk the heat of fury and quietly bite your breath off your fangs.

"Garfield, that's how you keep us trapped inside this' sanctuary 'and act like you want us to complete the' trials'... but the real deal is, no?

"Well, what do you mean, Oi?"

"It doesn't mean anything or shit. If you really wish to liberate the 'sanctuary', you should miss my actions. I don't do that, at a point where I can't, I'm involved in troublesome thoughts. Didn't I?"

"Ha, you're not being stupid. It's just that I don't like the smell of witches dripping through me..."

"You, really, you feel the smell of a witch coming from me?

Even so, Garfiel lost sight of the words in a convoluted Subaru inquiry.

My eyes swim and Garfiel lumps her lips. Subaru was about to get a bitter smile when he just saw the reaction that he was a man unsuitable for abdominal arts.

"What caught me clearly was when I got out of the cemetery last night. Honestly, I didn't think you could kill me more than I did at that moment."

"... ah? What did you say, cancer?

"I don't know what you mean by what I'm saying, so I suspect the statement that your nose is clever is a lie."

Shortly after "Back to Death," besides, the reason for his death is his contact with the witch.

Garfiel treated Subaru with the same attitude as before entering the cemetery, which was supposed to be drifting with a fairly dense leftover incense of witches. Then, once we broke up, we called Subaru, as I recall, and it was last night's exchange. - Unnaturally, there's more.

"I also thought of the line that I pretended not to notice it on that spot in order not to distract me from the conversation... because of your direct line, I decided it wasn't there"

"Much, you can say whatever you want. Fuck you. Is it a lie that I can smell a witch's smell from you? Ha, you stupid horse! What's the point of lying like that, Oi? Whatever that means..."

"If it makes sense, it makes sense. If you say that and raise your guard against yourself... distract attention from the key, 'really nosy' opponent."


Garfiel's, a statement that probably would have been sincere.

The moment I hear that, Garfiel's expression changes in a real way.

Until now, we have gone from an attitude that we were trying to put aside in a discussion to one that is short-circuited, that does not resign itself to resolution by violence.

Garfiel's arm becomes enlarged once and for all. Golden beast hair began to cover the exposed skin, further rounding the posture of the cat's back to a position closer to crawling on all fours than to leaning forward.

"I'm not listening to you anymore. If I knew, I'd know. I didn't do it, but I can't let you live."

"Don't say that, Garfield. You should listen to me now. Otherwise, you don't know which one of us leaked your soul or gallbladder."

"My soul gall...?

Garfiel raises his questionable voice as he shivers his eyes.

To dispel that distrust of his, Subaru turned his hand toward heaven on Patrash's back and honked his fingers high. and

"Ah, ah?

Garfiel throats and doubts the sight in front of him.

Ahead of his gaze, he continuously appeared to surround the Grounddragon, a replica of Rhus Mayer gathered according to Subaru's instructions, the number of which was twenty one.

familiar sight, now reproduced with his own hands, Subaru poked his finger at Garfiel,

"If you look at this situation, you know where I stand right now, don't you?

"What... how did you get that place!

"Sacrificed remorse and suffering, summoned the truth. And yet, my turn."

With his palms facing up, Subaru looks down from the dragon at the wolfing garfiel.

To Garfiel, who gets that gaze and clogs his throat, Subaru gets drunk with the feeling of slamming the uncovered truth.

"Command is being transferred to me. I've ordered Garfield to do exactly what he's been ordered to do all night so you don't notice."


"That's as far as the hideout goes. Look, Garfield. I'm leaving the Sanctuary and going back to the Mansion. Because I have something to do. I can't let you get in my way for that."

Garfiel's expression breaks down when he realizes what Subaru commands.

His expression, which until earlier had been hardened by firm determination, iced away, and his face, peeking into confusion, looked weak as if he were a toddler lost on the road.

The beastification of the body also stops, and the body, which was swelling up, returns to its original small one.

"Don't follow me, Garfield. There's a bunch of things I'd like to ask you, too, but that's behind us this time. Too much to ask, including about command"

"Bullshit...... Bullshit. I thought I'd give up on you..."

"We'll stop. You're so sweet in the root."

A barking garfiel jumps at the provoked Subaru story. As it is, he strips his fangs and presses to crush every ground dragon the Subaru on Patrash. but a small shadow to interrupt there.

A replica. Ha-ha-ha, Garfiel shakes his arm up trying to secure a path. But just before that swinging arm hit,



The look on Garfiel's face, nicknamed, changed and his arm, which was supposed to slap him, cut off the sky. As it is, Garfiel's body, swimming in the hollow, is captured by multiple arms stretching from behind him and assembled on the ground without a rinse.

A replica reached into Garfield's body and restrained it. And standing in the lead and looking down at Garfiel with a sad face,

"Now you've got enough stopping to do, Sue Fong."

"Oh, thank God. I thought Garfield would never think of this hand."

In a battle with the 'jealous' witches, Garfield fought relentlessly using the replicas as pawns. but there shouldn't have been a single willing crown mayer on the spot. At that time, it would have been said that the crown in active condition had been swallowed by the shadow of a witch earlier, but Subaru was admired for other reasons.

It is, in a sense, a formula that should be called more cruel than cruel,

"I can't treat Mr. Ryuse as a flesh parent, just like any other replica. If there's a difference between you and me in how you use command, that's why."

"And, Meiye!

"It doesn't have to be you, you can't break the replica of Ryus Mayer with your own hands, can you? Adults, miss me this time. I'm not gonna make it bad."

"How can there be any worse than this? No kidding, no kidding!

I hear a howl, but Subaru hears it. I consciously ignore it and slap Patrash on the back. The ground dragon, who perceived Subaru's intentions, rang small and turned his back on Garfiel, who could be seized, and turned his neck to the exit of the forest.

Before running out, Subaru turned back to the crown,

"I'm sorry I made you do such a bad job."

"You made up your mind that it was necessary. If you don't like it, you don't have to turn your back on Non."

"Still, sorry"

Leaving words of apology for the crowd pointing their sympathetic eyes at Garfiel, Subaru runs Patrash with it as a farewell greeting.

Again, the unfolding 'protection of the windscreen' leaves the sound, the wind, behind.

"Wait! Wait! Whoa! You're kidding me, Oi!!

A distant voice comes after Subaru.

Accelerating to shake it off, Subaru leads through the woods, through the 'sanctuary'.

"Get off me! I can't let him out... why, why not? Wow! Baba is on his side more than I am. Hey, why..."


"Grandma - Huh!!

A sad voice, a voice betrayed my dear, is echoing in the woods.

Subaru even runs straight through the woods so as to leave them all behind.

Sacrifice of necessity, grief of necessity, that everything is the foundation for the future.

Biting off the edge of his lips, feeling the blood dripping, for a large circle, Subaru broke up the grief of Garfiel at this moment now with the sacrifice.

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