Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter iv 66: red snow scenery

- Seeing Subaru come out of the cemetery alone, Garfiel's hostility was growing enough to pierce his skin.

Inside and outside the cemetery, there is still a missed chill momentum.

Compared to some insulated graveyards, the 'sanctuary' of extreme cold slowly shreds away the body temperature and strength of what stands up in seconds.

A blizzard that won't stop blowing and a white book that keeps blocking your sight. The exhaling breath is going to freeze as-is, and Subaru can't stand the tremor from the core of his body.

Garfiel stares at Subaru, who holds his shoulder and trembles.

chewing the stripping fangs, Garfiel turns his consciousness behind Subaru, but

"Doesn't look like it's gonna come out of behind you, Oi."

"Oh, you're not coming out. Emilia's asleep inside right now."

"Sleeping, huh?

"I'm exhausted. For two days, I woke up to be a 'trial'. I woke up feeling like I was repeating 'trials'. My mind and body are a lot worn out. I didn't even eat dinner. Girls can't do that."

I can imagine the remorse and impudence to myself when I think of Emilia's mood for continuing to challenge the 'trials' hard and still not breaking through the 'trials'.

Because that would be right and equal to the sense of powerlessness that Subaru has bitten off many times.


Behind the cemetery, between "trials," Emilia sleeps with a happy face.

I whispered my love for Blind Subaru, remembering Emilia's temperature as she kept hugging me with her hot body, Subaru was beaten by so much love that her blood seemed to boil and so much remorse that she wanted to die.

I can remember Emilia blushing her cheeks, shivering her voice with enthusiasm, trying to drown Subaru with all of her emotions all of the words that Subaru wanted to hear.

How much Subaru thought if he drowned in soft decadence as it was and sank with Emilia. No one can understand that.

This is how Subaru came out, cutting off the temptation of Emilia, which even God confuses.

I'm not going to let Emilia sleep inside, let her know what's out there. And Subaru didn't even intend to let Garfield's harm reach Emilia.

On Subaru's quiet determination and back, Garfiel's flames of anger show no signs of weakening.

kicking the snow at his feet, Garfiel kept his white fangs squeaking sharply,

"The half demon pulls it out. There's no sign of stopping the snow. No souvenirs, no spicy odor surface hanging back, so what kind of drop did Je put on me, huh?

- Emilia says she likes me.

…… …… .................. ha?

I guess it was because Subaru's remarks, which interrupted momentum, were too out of place. For a moment, Garfiel looked at me like I didn't know what they said. But soon you decide that you've been made a fool of, and how dare you make that look rude,

"I can't see the situation. Apparently, it's just the half demon in there. How dare you talk shit in this situation, Oi! Oi! Oi! Ahhh!?

Anger conceived the fever, and the snow touching Garfiel's body turned white and evaporated. Around, Garfiel's flesh grows larger and visible not because of the illusion of his eyes, but because he is beginning to entrust the state of his body from man to the Great Tiger.

With that in his eyes, Subaru's expression is unwavering.

cursory, looking at Garfiel with dry eyes, with the expression on his face when he uttered a determined word.

In front of Angry Garfiel, Subaru repeats.

"Emilia told me that she liked me, that she wanted me to be there."

"- Eh, meh."

"Lovely face, sweet voice, trembling tricks, close enough to melt, touching each other enough to breathe... tell me, he did"

"So what! As good as that half demon is, I've known it since I walked in here. If you are blessed as you wish, I will chew you to bits."

The roar begins to mix with the curse, and Garfiel's hostility prompts the flesh to mutate. That's how Garfiel's words, which are still going to jump, pierce Subaru.

- It was already the limit.

"... so I guess hey"

"Ah? I can't hear you, more clearly..."

"- I'm not saying Emilia likes me!!

"- Huh"

Face up, Subaru shouted.

Even Garfiel speaks to the flurry of emotions. Staring at that frightening garfiel, Subaru explodes his heart with a sad face.

Round out the words exchanged in the cemetery, the heat touched, the affection confirmed.

It's a shame. There's no way it's a shame. And yet, it's hard to let go. It's in Subaru, and it doesn't shine in the true sense.

How good was it if you were stupid enough to keep being fooled by that fake glow.

The unfortunate thing about Natsuki Subaru was that he couldn't be that foolish.

"Will you tell me? I can't believe Emilia likes me...... sweet on me, leave everything to me and I don't need anything else as long as I'm there...... never"

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"There's absolutely no such thing as relying on me that way and telling me that my feelings for me are all I have. - If there was a pack, there would never be a way for you to dip it off on me like that..."

I don't know if it was Emilia's best and how much I wanted it.

However, Subaru does not appreciate himself or underestimate Emilia enough to fall in love that Subaru could have been Emilia's best at this stage.

It's the pack that Emilia keeps her greatest trust in and sticks to at the end of it.

Now I'm just choosing Subaru as that next object to rely on because that pack won't show up before her.

I don't want that confession of love to think that hot fingertips, trembling exhales, are all lies.

I don't want to think about it - it's not real, it's not.

Face up, Subaru stares at Garfiel.

against Garfiel on his face, whose wave of passion drew some way ahead, and now Subaru, on the contrary, stripped his fangs more,

"Who's got to hunt that kid down so much that he can't even lie to someone like me? That way, over and over broke my heart...... still, I can't stop, that's how I think, who!

"Oh, I know it's necessary, but wow! I know you've chosen to do it! Are you calling that because of me or... the others in the 'Sanctuary'? Aah!?

To Subaru's momentum, Garfield also hits the momentum back again.

Subaru slowly shook his neck to the side to answer the barking garfiel.

It was someone who cornered Emilia.

I know the answer to that, I don't have to ask.

"Everyone's fault and nothing is decided... it's my fault"

"- Ha!?

"It's my fault. It's definitely my fault Emilia was so cornered. It's my fault, it's your fault, it's your fault."

"... just kidding. If you can't withstand the pressure and you can crush it, then that's his vessel! With such a weak mindset, how dare you set a high goal, you should be ridiculed and taken for granted!

"Right. You're absolutely right. Emilia is too kind to take the pressure straight. So what you hold in, you can't reveal it to anyone, it crumbles. - I really had to do it."

Facing Garfiel's wrath, Subaru finds his mind chilling out as if assimilated to the white sights around him.

What needs to be done is in a clearly articulated mood.

"That's right. It was something I had to do. For that, I'm here... I was the one who said that to you, and I wonder what you were doing..."

"Convince yourself of what? Ya cancer, oi.... No, that's enough. Enough. Even if you go along with this nonsense, it doesn't reveal it." Moldovan thirst cannot be quenched ". If you can't..."

"You go into the cemetery and take Emilia out...? Can you do that?"

"... well, what does that mean"

Low voice intimidation. Garfiel's words, which are uttered for the purpose of intimidating this one, make Subaru's unfounded assumptions speak the other way.

"Garfield, I already know that you are the Apostle of Greed. You know that's the only way to command Mr. Lewes' replica."


"What I inevitably find out is that you, the 'Apostle of Greed', have been inside the cemetery.... No, I've had 'trials', is that correct"

"- So, meh."

"You challenged me, to 'trials'. I don't know why you're hiding it so hard. For the sake of the decision that the inhabitants of the 'Sanctuary' should not enter the cemetery, or if not... for Mr. Lewes, who entered the cemetery to help you?"

"- Huh"

Garfield's complexion changes.

After all, for him, family matters are a place to be wounded. Seeing her complexion change in sadness, Subaru shapes it in its current progression as she speaks of her speculation.

"Frederica told me that you went into the cemetery. I also know that Mr. Lewes went inside."

"Ah, the... chatty woman...! It's not enough to just get out of here. You can't just use it on the people outside."

"If they find out about it, do they have a bad opponent? In the first place, who did you make the deal with for the inhabitants of the 'Sanctuary'? It was the witch Echidna who created The Sanctuary. So the inhabitants of the 'Sanctuary' continue to keep their covenant with the dead?

"That's all - ugh!

Let me tell you, Garfiel kicks the ground, winds up and jumps to Subaru.

Even wear an iron plate, sharp nails aim for Subaru's face at the shortest distance -,

- It's Rosewire that's snowing.


In front of Subaru's eyes, which touched the core, Garfiel's nails, which were close to reaching, stop.

Subaru nodded at Garfiel, with a flashing face.

"It's not Emilia. I don't even have a pack, Emilia can't. In case Emilia was causing this, there's no way she could talk to me without even giving me a bite about it."

"Well, all of them... with a convenient imagination... ugh."

"Right, just that I believe. He said he wasn't such a seizure-grabbing kid who would ruin everything around him even if he abandoned himself... I just believe that."

With the erasure method, the person who will be treated as the killer may be irresistible.

But it was never a baseless story.

"Roswell's the one who's tying you to the Sanctuary."

"Did Frederica tell you that, too?

"No way... organize circumstantial evidence and information, and then wet clothes with preconceptions and bad impressions. It's a good idea to do it. - It was a hit, I guess."


To the silent garfiel, Subaru spills a white sigh.

- It's an indescribable weakness when someone who thought it was a mastermind was honestly a mastermind. It was obvious who Roswar was up to something, but what is it for that keeps the contract that can push the inhabitants of the 'Sanctuary' into this place and torments those inhabitants with snow? Whether you think about it or not, you don't get a decent answer.


"It's hard to bathe directly on the side of it."

Garfiel lowers his arm to Subaru's determined whine.

His expression also revealed strong feelings similar to Subaru's.

"- I don't think you're angry."

Roswar, who welcomed Subaru and Garfiel on the bedside of the room to which it was addressed, said so, smiling with pleasure as he remained in his usual cloistered makeup.

"Right. So far, it's ringing. Anyway, you know this one's going to jump right now, right? Speak up, mind your own business."

Standing to block the entrance, Svalbard, who opens his hands, tells him so by squeezing his jaw next door. It is Garfiel who is raising a low groan ahead of Subaru.

Is the breathing sound of the beast a sign that he keeps his human form in his last sense? Though indoors, low temperatures pass inside over stone. Both Subaru and Roswar were exhaling white, but only Garfiel's breath was so feverish that it seemed to have a red color.

"It's an interesting combination - huh. Sure, Garfield's gonna rip you vertically when Subaru gets back. - Oh, my God. I thought you were saying that in fancy language?

"Things may have changed a little bit. Why? I don't know if that really made a difference. I don't know who to ground."

"We're not having a natural conversation. Roswell didn't take it for granted either."

When I left the 'Sanctuary' and headed to the Mansion, my interaction with Garfiel was a terrible one that remained self-loathing for Subaru himself. You haven't forgotten that humiliation. It's not hard to imagine what a curse Garfield hit Roswar and Emilia.

"No, no, no, no," Rosewar shook his head at Subaru, glancing at Subaru and Garfiel with only yellow eyes,

"If it does, then it will. - Oh, Subaru."

"Much. Well, you hated me. I'm sad, Roz. Don't you think I'd feel bad about Garfield eating all over me?"

"Oh, no, that's the weakness. Subaru and Garfiel bump into each other, and it's definitely not decided Garfiel will win, is it?

"You think I can win? If you hear about my track record, you'll be scared too."

After being summoned to another world, Svalbard has been alone in his constant wounds, and he has little experience of winning the battle.

About beating down a tontincan in the alley and barely lowering the juggernaut and stabbing Todome in the dying Petergius?

"I'm starting to feel better than I thought, but if I interact with the cheerful Garfiel, it's a chunk of meat in two seconds. About that, I can self-analyze."

"I guess. I think it's going to be a good battle if the conditions are in place."

Close your eyes and look at Subaru from top to bottom, Roswar says. Try to indulge in that word, but unfortunately there's no place to snort.

It was almost at the same time that Subaru truncated Roswar's words with a shoulder-shrugging trick and Garfiel next door stepped on the floor and smashed it.

"You can go now, but wow! I need to talk to you right now. Whatever happened was more like this, ahhh!? Are you sleeping, Mei Mei La?"

He makes a crater in the middle of the room with his heels, and Garfiel rips out his teeth and flies a curse at Subaru and Roswar.

Before I got to the point, he didn't like the light restraint on his direct line. Most of all, it's a belly art that doesn't suit Subaru either.

Following Garfiel's opinion, Subaru nodded once and then

"Snow outside, you're the one who's letting it fall, Roswar"

I cut straight to the point.


To Subaru's inquiry, Roswar kept his mouth shut.

Subaru also shuts his mouth waiting for Roswar's answer. Silence fell indoors, and all that sounded was the sound of a freezing wind blowing through the window from outside the house and the sound of Garfiel's fangs, chewed in a trivial rhythm like carving a clock.



"- Did you hear that from me?


That was a meaningless question.

Subaru was doing some simulations in his head of what kind of response Roswar would return.

Unstoppably laughing. Some patterns say, "Well done, I've seen you through," while others say, "hey, what are you doing stupid... proof, proof!" and patterns that expose agitation. The most powerful pattern was the pattern of "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

The answer Roswar returned was different from any of those imaginations.

"Me and shit, how am I supposed to have that conversation when I'm talking to you like this right now? Did I say something wrong?"

"Huh... right. Really?... Too bad."

Without chewing through the meaning of the word, Subaru shows Roswar his incomprehensibility. and Roswar laid his eyes on that Subaru word, spilling so with a weak breath.

From time to time the blue-white side looks even more powerless. It looked Subaru to something that seemed to come from Roswar's mind, independent of the fact that the flesh was not adequate.

"- That's right. Wrong word, wrong word. You said something funny."

When he looked up, Roswar immediately retracted his current statement and smiled lightly.

The grin drawn by the red-coated lips looked Subaru like something different from the usual.

But it's Garfield who takes his feet a step forward, not even paying attention to such trivial changes in Roswar.

"Denial, you jerk, oi"

"Don't you feel like lying when you line up your words in suspicion? But, wow, I'm not sure I've earned your trust from my usual words, deeds, and actions."

"You know what I mean. Then I guess you can imagine how I'm going to move... hey!

It emits a sharp exhalation and Garfiel's body zeroes a few steps away.

Walking over to the bedroom, Garfiel grabs Roswar's throat with his extended arm. Subaru's reaction doesn't even call for a halt to the slightest move in time.


- Me too.

"I won't tolerate your disrespect, Gurf."

A ram popped out of the neighbor's room, taking Garfiel's arms stretching from body to body.

Grabbing his extended right arm in front of his chest, Garfiel glances at the ram in front of him and trembles his throat.

Subaru, who was unaware that Ram was in the house, was surprised by the emergence, but at least because of her, an immediate bloodshed was avoided, a soothing exhale.


"Ram, you're a really, really good squire."

"Yes, Master Roswar -"

When the two conversations plundered their ears, Subaru didn't think anything strange about it.

It's just a statement that Roswar worked hard on the ram he put up to protect the Lord himself. There's nothing strange about it there. Ram, indeed, did the job.

What is the problem? Face up and think Subaru, who frowned.

Subaru standing in front of the bedroom entrance. Front, with Garfiel's back, the little ram stands across the body of the little Garfiel. There was a sleeping table behind the two of them, and it was the inside of the room that Roswar was sleeping there in the name of sanatorium.

- When did Roswar get up?


For a moment, I think it was.

During a moment when Subaru blinked, Roswar rose from his bedroom and walked over to the side of Lamb and Garfiel, which scattered sparks just around the corner.



I wonder what that is.

I feel something like a man's arm sticking out of Garfield's back.

From the front of his chest, he thrust through the middle of his back, with five fingers, which seemed to Subaru to be the right arm of a man.

"Oh, fu... ugh"

In front of me, Garfiel's body trembles loudly.

Whispering, I could see the back of his jacket staining Zhu and his knees falling off. Unable to support his body, his arm disappears from Garfiel's back on his knees.

As soon as I did, there was a lot of blood spilling out of the hole where I lost something to plug.


Collapsing Garfiel. Looking down at it, Lamb and Roswar.

And from the breast of the ram looking down,


"You've been a really, really good squire."

Roswar gently tells the rum, blocking it, that he tried to call his name in a weak voice.

My left hand caressed the lamb's peachy hair softly, and the lamb dyed red on my cheeks embraced it with a clammy look.

- From the edge of its smiling mouth, blood spills late.


The chest is pierced from behind.

My arm is pulled out.

A small body of lamb fell forward, unable to withstand its light impact.

It is Garfiel who is bleeding badly from his own body.

He held the ram that had fallen in his arms,

"but... Roz... ugh. La, mu... lam, lam, lam, lam, lam, lam, lam, lam, lam, lam, lam, lam, lam!

For a moment, a mind nearly dominated by hatred is scratched off by the figure of the contemplating person in front of it.

Garfiel screams the girl's name in her arms many times, letting blue and white phosphorescent light emit from her arms as she raises her bloody roar.

Subaru knows what brilliant brilliance does to healing magic.

Being able to handle it also after prejudging that Garfield is not good at it.

Garfiel is now precisely devoting his full attention to the treatment of the ram in his arms, with a fatal wound that will pierce his chest himself.

That his flesh transforms as he waves as his heart beats.

Lots of body hair on exposed skin, fangs start to grow, eyes pupils narrow all at once. The muscle mass of the flesh increased overwhelmingly, and the clothes could not bear to tear out the body that grew around.

It is a beastification of the Great Tiger who has lost his reason. The human reason for wanting to connect the beast's instincts to protect his wounded body with the lives of the loved ones in front of him is violently sparked.



"It's a pain in the ass to be beastified."

With her neck gently tilted, Roswell said so flashing her garfiel-eyed legs.

Long legs swung to the side winded and hit Garfiel's side head directly - making a mild noise like an egg cracking and Garfiel's head bouncing bright red like a joke.

Garfiel's flesh lost from neck to top. Blood erupts like a fountain from a section of a thousand chopped necks, and the carcass falls over the ram as it fills the room with a blood odor.

Neither the lamb that underlies it, nor the tingling with a thin smiling look, move.

The healing magic effect of Garfield is also not activated. By the time Roswar left his hand, the heart-wrecking ram had stopped beating.

Garfiel was just squeezing his whole spirit unaware of it.

"Even for me, it's hard to use other magic when you're using magic on a scale that interferes with the weather. - As a court magician, you look impeccable."

Roswar, who brutally wiped his blood-stained feet with a nearby sheet and murdered both Ram and Garfiel without a hand, saw Subaru, who was unable to move.

Then Roswar said, with an attitude and tone that didn't change anything as usual.

"So - shall we talk? Natsuki Subaru."

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