Shallow and sharp, life spills out of the incision of the blade that ripped the skin and penetrated it.

I could see the bloodshed staining the green meadow on the spots and Subaru's body spasms reflexively in front of the purple-haired youth looking down.

Neck that keeps spitting out huge amounts of blood as he strips his white eyes and blows bubbles from the edge of his mouth. Gradually that blood momentum slowed, and I wondered if it sounded like I could breathe out.


Now Subaru clearly understood that he had lost his life in the past.

I don't have a sense of sharing between myself just consciousness and myself in the past. However, the vivid feeling of the cleavage of the neck muscle continued to be a lingering echo against Subaru of consciousness alone - the soul alone.

"Dear Emilia, wipe his face... of Subaru"


"He'll want you to be done, not me. At least with your hands."

Wipe the knight's sword wet in blood, and Julius, who delivers it to the sheath, calls out to Emilia, who is suddenly losing herself.

A silver-haired girl falling on her back, beneath Subaru's feet, in a broken knee position. The dropped purple blue eyes of the expression were not accepted into reality, no traces of tears wetting her cheeks were wiped, and she was shimmering in the light.

The figure of Emilia determines Subaru's non-existent chest by a sharp pain that he does not know how many times it will be. The grieving look on Emilia's face awakens the punishment that has turned Subaru's eyes away, causing him to strip his fangs and sharpen the way he has been insensitive.

"Suba...... ru"

Cursorily, in a crawling motion, he reaches out to Subaru's face, and Emilia's palms gently wipe her dirty face with blood and diarrhea. bare hands, but I don't mind getting dirty, fighting to make Subaru's distressed expression visible, and where he wiped the blood away, Emilia,

"Why...? Why did Subaru do this..."

question mark. Emilia releases an empty question to the person who will not return the answer forever.

Hearing ears, responding mouths, everything is not working.

Emilia's words had not reached Subaru, who had become a corpse.


Looking down at the sight, Subaru remembered a scene that reminded him of when the place for the sight was now different from the one ahead.

- It's the end of the second battle with Petergius, when he can't break his possession, destroying every madman in Subaru's flesh, and then.

Carcasses driven mad by Ferris' magic through the circulation of mana in the body and overloaded with capillaries and guts everywhere are not as beautiful as flattery. There is a rash like water swelling all over the visible skin and the thin-eyed open eyes are ruptured blood vessels and stained bright red.

So much so that the lower half of his face was stained with nosebleeds before it was wiped, that he would have exposed the more miserable Death Minister without Julius' intervention.

It's just that where we have a beautiful death face, the hearts of those who are left behind are not saved. Especially those who had survived the battle against the white whales and vowed to triumph over the king's capital after the showdown with laziness - their dismay and their mindless faces were all that approached their hearts.

"Lord Subaru... sorry, no..."

It is Wilhelm who drops his knees and drips his head over the dead Subaru.

Wilhelm, who cut off all the witches under Petergius' banner, leans down with a bitter look at the outcome of the battle. The old knights of the Crusades, like Wilhelm, mourn their misfortune, what hits the ground with their impulses. There was so much passion in there, so much so that there was even something that spilled tears.

Not so long ago, Subaru is stunned by the sight of his death being spared.

Or it brought a tremendous sense of oppression to Subaru's mind more than being shown a post-mortem sight that he had never attempted to be aware of.

"Why... Subaru said so much about me... you know, why was it?

With his hands on the unspeakable Subaru cheeks, he continues the call that Emilia cannot reach.

The sad appearance made Subaru realize even later.

In this world, Subaru has not been able to return an answer to Emilia's inquiry.

She has not conveyed the answer from Subaru's heart to the question she offered in the King's Capital, Why, Help Yourself?

Emilia therefore has no idea why Subaru is devoting himself.

- It was conclusively grooved with the sight shown earlier, but all as a result of the sins committed by the irrevocable kind of Subaru.

"Witchcraft, whose spikes, laziness, kept the world suffering for a long time, was retreated. That is a tremendous feat for the world. - But"

Looking down at the wreckage of Subaru, Julius taps the pattern of the sword he holds with his fingertips. over and over again, the rhythm that can continue to be repeated gradually narrows its interval,

"Not all of the sacrifices for that matter are acceptable. - I would have liked to have spoken to you more. Natsuki Subaru"

Mumbling bitterly, Julius turned away from Subaru's dead face.

looking up into the sky, and the knight dwelt in his eyes, worried,

"I wanted to call you my friend"

Julius' whispering powerless voice brought an end to the meadow world.

Again in the dark, and in regression Subaru awakens with his body trembling like a bounce.

"-Boo, ha!... Oh, oh, oh!?

If you get bored, you're on a hard, cold floor.

With his nostrils offended by the mossy smell, the rolling Subaru tries to escape the emotion of trying to storm his inner surface by immersing himself in even empty acts.

Don't think about what's going on, etc.

I want to be unconsciously sinking by rolling, rolling, hurting the triple tube, suffering my lungs and gasping for breath, and reducing the percentage of consciousness that is divided into thoughts, even a little, shard.

"- Ugh, gu!

but even if we try to delude ourselves in such a way that we have compromised our humanity, our purpose is frustrated when we are hit by a wall and bounced back.

The pain transmitted from the beaten back and the feeling of blood seeping through the rubbed forehead. He repeatedly breathed roughly as he pressed his face against the floor, and tears were only overflowing from Subaru's wax.

- Pity. Crap. I can't save you.

How many times, how many times, will Natsuki Subaru continue to be beaten to weakness?

No matter what things strike you, no matter what painful you can get in the way, how do you get a heart of steel that will never shake, never break.

So weak, so brittle, so Subaru has always been...

"Pretending not to look, there's a bump I've been turning away... this, is it...?

It wasn't like I never thought about it.

At the edge of consciousness, Subaru did not once, and many times he had thought of the possibility.

Still, it should be noted that that possibility did not come up above the edge of consciousness, except because it refused to consider unconsciously verifying that fact.

If Svalbard, who 'returns to death', thinks about the existence of the world after death, etc. - and if he thinks about it, the way Svalbard fights disintegrates from under his feet.

Everything I thought I would save leaves Natsuki Subaru behind.

No, it was Natsuki Subaru who left me. By welcoming 'death' unusual and selfish, Subaru has left the world behind and fled into a new world for himself alone.

If the world that Natsuki Subaru has left behind at his frivolous discretion continues to remain, it is the sight that Subaru has now been shown.

It's the sight of hell, and beyond, where Subaru will be liberated by death.

- You're lying.

Consciousness starts blurring away again unexpectedly.

A divergence from a compelling reality where consciousness rapidly whitens, unlike drowsiness.

"Look now, Arube."

In his ear, once again, a voice was whispered that did not know whose it belonged.

Whose is it, pursued with a vague consciousness - I realized.

- That's not too bad, that it's your own voice.

There was a girl on her knees before the crushed body of her skull.

To the fall from the heights, the human flesh body could not withstand the shock and crumbled, and the brunette had smashed its contents to the ground, blooming bright red in death.


Again, Subaru is no longer surprised by the sensation of switching consciousness.

It was anticipated that these phenomena would come immediately after a forced change of consciousness.

If there was ever something unexpected, it was one point of what scenario would unfold in front of the consciousness that was thus led to awakening -.

"Until the end, say something I don't know... nothing more..."

It was the peach-haired girl - the lamb - who fell to death, stood beside Subaru rolling to the ground on the big letters and told her to throw up.

Ordinarily, the sophistication is disturbed, and the hook tear hooked to the end of the uniform appears to be noticeable. There are intricate emotions and anger on the side that consciously shapes the faceless.

I spare Subaru's death - not so much a face that remembers intense anger at the consequences.

Ram scratches his head abusively, then looks back.

"Is this all on your schedule, too, Master Beatrice? Thus, it is your..."


The look on Ram's face, who tried to start accusing him early, is tense and the words interrupt.

Ram's thin red eyes looked at Beatrice dropping her knee there in front of Subaru's body. I don't mind the hem of the dress getting dirty, the girl sitting on the ground - Lamb rocked her eyes upset by how that Beatrice looked.

"Dear Beatrice..."

"- Why not?"

A pompous, murmured voice.

Without even passing through the presence of a name-calling ram, Beatrice stares wholeheartedly at the dead Subaru.

From the edge of those blue eyes, I could also see from Subaru that the tears were drawing the way.

- Beatrice is crying.

In front of Subaru's 'death'.

That fact badly plugs the blade of guilt into Subaru's heart.

It feels like the back of my eyes that are not present in the pain that determines my heart gets hot, right now I'm young, I want to rush over to my little body and do what is the only word I can say.

No more legs, no more arms, no more mouth to do that.

"As much as you're not that person... I know... but..."

Beatrice, whose expression disappeared, continues to shed tears as she groans like a rumor.

To his painful appearance, Ram seems to have given up any further reference to Beatrice. Ram spilled his exhale and turned his scornful eyes to the corpse of Subaru with a bent neck to the unlikely,

"What I love - really, I can't save you."

"Look now, Arube."

White chilled air dominated the world, freezing to the atmosphere.

The frozen forest breaks and crushes every time the wind blows, and the view forced to squeeze out the mana returns to dust without being able to maintain its existence.

The trees, the streets, the creatures, the world, were shattered and scattered in white crystals in the winds that blow, and the end of white slowly invaded the world.


Next time it was the end of the world in front of Subaru.

The world was about to have a cold and merciful end, just as it did when consciousness was white.


- After all, it's you.

Low, atmospheric sounding voices thundered with convincing sounds.

Shortly afterwards, the earth-shaking ground runs, and the scenery changes to the impact of a falling, lying giant. And the trees shall be plunged down, and the falling trees shall crumble like frost, and the forests shall be flattened on one side in chains.

A flat, tidy, frozen forest area, the cause of its destruction was a four-legged beast with a giant body to look up to, a cat family and a thought creature stretching gray body hair.

The beast snaps a fang that doesn't fit into his mouth in the middle, exhaling white breath from the gap between his sword-like teeth, turning to the front with his rotten, glowing golden eyes flanked down.

And shaking his whole body to cramp,

"Mouthless...... can't you change it even if you know this is going to happen"

"- I roughly know what happened. That's why I'm sorry."

A hack and clear beauty echoed the voice of an intelligent beast who was not a loser, but just an attitude that embraced the facts in front of him.

Voices that are in the end world, but that do not compromise the health of life force, nor the shards. It is the young man with blue eyes who straightens his length and shakes his redhead into the white wind.

"Is Emilia and Subaru nowhere else?"

"Leah slept, permanently. It's not worth it to exist in a world without that child. I can't protect her. This man and I are guilty of the same crime."

"Do you want to destroy the world for that reason?"

"I knew it would be inhibited. But it is this vow to do so."

The brilliance of steel, pulled out of the engraved sheath of the dragon claw, beast in the front - pointed at the nose tip of the pack that manifested the body, 'Sword Saint' Reinhardt, holding the sword, quietly shook his neck sideways.

In his blue eyes he dwells a deep emotion of sorrow and mercy,

"I understand thoughtlessness. I feel the same way. But that doesn't mean you can scatter that thoughtless emotion into darkness. Your deeds, the consequences of that vow, cause turmoil in the world. - I will never, ever tolerate it."

'Cause it's not right.'

"Yes, because it's not right. - I am the norm of correctness. Righteous of mistakes, it is a sword. To that end, I will slaughter you here. Great Spirit."

Despite the overwhelming mass difference, it is obvious to everyone which way the force of war is leaning.

Even the pack that showed up the main body can't even break a cool face in front of Reinhardt, bug breath. If the pointed sword tip paints a silver flash, Reinhardt's blade will break even the presence of the Spirit.

The seriousness of the swordsmanship had clearly informed the surroundings of it.


Therefore, Reinhardt frowned upon the sound of the sound of the sieve.

Subaru, who is only conscious, also floats the colour of the question mark in his scarce emotions.

It arrived short, interrupted, and I couldn't measure what it was.

No more because I didn't think that was what I was hearing.

"Ku, ku... Ha, ha!

"- What's wrong?

He shook his throat and while he was dying, Puck was distorting his face and spilling a laugh.

Even though he was grabbed by the biocide and his own actions were obstructed, he didn't know the sincerity of the puck laughing out that way, and Reinhardt raises the question.

But the pack, as its Reinhardt response became, yet another source of laughter,

"What's wrong? It's crazy, but it's weird. Reinhardt, you... no, you don't know anything"


"I remember. how it should be. It's too late to understand. I can't wait to find out, and you still can't figure it out."

That was a statement that was too unpacky, including the fact that the height of the voice was different from what it usually was.

Even for Subaru, who remembers dealing with a few spirits who looked like cats, Pack is the first time he has ever seen his presence treating others in such a malicious voice.

Not even when they killed Emilia and turned their hatred against Subaru and Petergius. Not yet then, the pack should have been a pack.

But now, that look of ridiculing Reinhardt seems to have become a whole different thing from any previous look of the pack -.

"… any further damage will be prevented. If you resent me, take me."

"I don't resent you, Reinhardt. You're a hero. Heroes have a role that only heroes can play. I don't resent or blame you for it."


"You're a hero, Reinhardt. - You can only be a hero."

At the end of the day, that was the clearest, most malicious voice ever.

Upon hearing it, Reinhardt swung the sword he had erected overhead, flashing with a keen sword - following the brilliance of the blade, a faint calorie occurs.

It broke the sky, penetrated the atmosphere, crushed the earth, swirled mana, and double-broke all the objects that were in the linear shape of the blade - the light converged and the world deviated in front of Subaru's consciousness.


The white, air-covered world regenerates after the slaughter runoff has subsided.

The deviation of the world is repaired, the swirling mana is restored to the world by shaping a circle ring, the flowers sprout on the crushed earth, the worn atmosphere conceives the warmth, and the sunlight plunges in from the cracked sky.

The end of the world and the slaughter of Kensei, where regeneration takes place simultaneously.

And the giant beast, mutilated by its slaughter, had been uprooted from the world without even leaving a trace of it.

Until a few moments ago, the giant that should certainly have been there disappeared, leaving nowhere even the aftermath of the destruction caused by the giant.


Making a tall sound, Reinhardt laid his own knight's sword on the sheath.

The wind blowing through rocked his red forehead, and Reinhardt narrowed his eyes to the sunlight, leaking a faint exhalation beyond anyone's hearing, as he looked up into the sky,

- Master Felt will be saddened.

And he meditated and groaned.

"Look now, Arube."

"Look now, Arube."

"Look now, Arube."

"Look now, Arube."

"Look now, Arube."

"Look now, Arube."

"Look now, Arube."

"Now that there's no way...

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