Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter IV.83: Confessions of Each Other

Feeling the pressure of Roswar stabbing his skin, Subaru understood that his current statement was something that touched the core of Roswar's thoughts.

Roswar's grin is homogeneous to what he was when he revealed his thoughts in the middle of nowhere near being scattered by the Great Raven in that snow.

That look, which differed from both perception and joy, was enough to encourage Subaru to be vigilant.

"Oh, do you think so?

Over the course of this period, Subaru tongues over Roswar's deception that he is not really willing to proceed with. Then he prefaced, "I don't care what you do,"

"I thought the way I suggested it would be less than honest. If you can put everything in your head on the condition that you release the Sanctuary, you can take it for granted that there may be something."

"I meant to give you a muscular explanation about that, but hey. In the first place, it is necessary to have a testimony in order to cooperate with each other in the future. The basis for continuing to lend strength to Emilia - that you are beside Emilia, who can derive an optimal solution. That's what you want me to believe. The condition for this is the liberation of the Sanctuary."

"I don't care how many means you have to take this place off, not just liberation. If you have a chance to prove it, you can have as many of them first..."

"I'd like to ask you the other way around."

Roswar now stands one finger, as he argues against the devouring Subaru. Word interrupted. When Subaru silenced, Roswar nodded to Eagle Deep,

"You're the one who's up against the" trials. "It's like there's a reason you don't want to free the Sanctuary.

"There's no way I don't want to release you! I'm going to break the line and pull the problem outside that I can't solve inside..."


Unexpectedly overlapping words, Subaru realizes that he is about to be put on Roswar's story. If words are spoken here absurdly and without thought, deception will go up in arms to Roswar as it is.

Try and stay calm, pick a word.

"I don't want to try that 'trial' and watch Emilia break my heart"

"That's why it's your power, isn't it? If Emilia wants to be in the 'trials', you can represent her. [M] There is no problem. What matters is the liberated fact, just like you said."

"No, Gu..."

Nearly rounded with what he had spoken, Subaru bites his lips and searches for the continuation of his words. But claims that are overlapping impossibilities on top of impossibilities are hard to muscle through.

"I know it's me or Emilia who breaks through the 'trials'. The wounds of the past are too tight for Emilia. He said I should take his place... just"

"No way, 'trials' are hard for you yourself, so what a sweet thing you're saying to look for a way out, huh?

Roswar's gaze gets tighter and the word of pursuit gets sharper.

to the mumbling Subaru. Roswar went on to say, "No way,"

"My cuteness, because I'm hard... if you want to explore another means for that reason, then your feelings for Emilia are to that extent - huh?

"That's not... ugh!

"Without? Really? How can you say that? Who can I make you believe? If you think of Emilia, it's painful, painful or painful, it's natural to swallow it all up, isn't it? If you love Emilia, you must be able to do it. [M] If Emilia is more important than anything, and gives Emilia more priority than anything else, we can break it off with some end-of-life existence to push Emilia to heights... there can't be any problem?

As I say, I am swallowed by the atmosphere of Roswar, who arranges the words fluently.

Roswar's words, such as polarity itself, but if that's what you understand Subaru's "Back to Death," it's one of the natural conclusions to get to.

Or at a witch's tea party, if it was Subaru before Satella revealed her true self, the conclusion she might eventually have agreed to.

- Oh, I guess so.

Subaru was going to declare to Roswar, who told him to cut off everything but the important one, that he would not be like Roswar.

But assuming he took Echidna's hand at a tea party afterwards, I'm sure Subaru would have done the very way Roswar wanted to live.

Abandon thoughts, crush choices, seek results only, scorn all things.

No matter how scratched I was, I thought that the future I wanted ahead would still be fine if Emilia and everyone smiled.

But having chosen only to endure that much predicament, would Natsuki Subaru be equally laughable next to them at the last moment?

- If you have to be laughing, aren't you having a dry grin rushed just by a sense of duty?

"... I guess what you say is right in a way, Roswar"

"In a way, what?

One eye and Roswar leans his neck in response to Subaru's profound response.

staring at its yellow eyes, Subaru, as he spits out,

"You're right, if you can keep running to get rid of everything and protect only Emilia... I'm sure only Emilia can save you. But that's not enough."

"Not enough..."

"I will save Emilia. But I'm not satisfied with Emilia alone. Lem, Beatrice, the 'sanctuary' guys, the mansion guys, a lot of people who were taken care of in the king's capital... we all want to save them together"


"I can't live your life in a way that only satisfies me. I honestly don't know if it's me or you who's greedy."

There is a certain, beautiful attitude that keeps thinking of one person and rounding everything up for just that.

Living in 'love' is a noble act that, if expressed so, is nothing else.

Roswar's way of doing things may be one complete way of life for a single man.

But you need to be spectacularly prepared to do that imitation, and Subaru is unlikely to be able to live like a soul shredder, shaving off something important.

As always, my vessel was tiny - Subaru remained a selfish child.

"... whoa, I hear you're not ready to grind enough yet."


"Just a little... yes, just a little bit, I expected it. Hi-oh, maybe I can see where I wanted to go. But... it still doesn't seem that way."

Too bad, Roswell, who shakes his head with his mouth.

In the current exchange, Roswar was exposed that Subaru could not make up his mind to be prepared as he wished.

For Roswar, who asks Subaru for an attitude that challenges the offense with ruthless readiness, Subaru is now an unexpected defect. At the same time, it means nothing more than that I saw the end of my life.

"How many more times do I have to let you down?"

"If you think so, you can be more cooperative with me. All you have to do is give me a hand, and most of the problems will be solved."

To Roswar, who does not hide the colour of disappointment, Subaru tells him to be ironic.

In fact, for Subaru, who is utterly helpless in terms of his power, Roswar's power wants so much that his hand can come out of his throat. Roswar's cooperation is indispensable to the immense magic that has sent down the flames in the Warcraft Forest and to the technique of accurately slaughtering the Great Raven that has raided it - the Great Raven threat.

On the contrary, half of the problems on the 'sanctuary' side will be cleared as long as Roswar can be drawn to his side.

But Roswar shook his neck sideways at Subaru's cheap but sure demands,

"Unfortunately, it doesn't. Working with you as it stands is too little benefit to me, hey. Suppose... yes, suppose you got through this phase with my help. As ambiguous as you are ready, you and Emilia will always hit the wall somewhere... when that happens, will you rely on me again? You think you're going to go right and left in an irrevocable situation after you're prepared to be done here?


"Subaru, I... For my purposes, I can't make a decision to lend my strength unless I can put my trust in someone else. It's not necessary for my purpose, such as a relationship that just leans on me. So I want you to convince me, no matter what, that I'm ready to move on."

"Yours, purpose..."

"This time, I'm sorry it didn't seem to happen. Let's hope for another time. When you are truly accepted for your power,"

The conversation is over, just so Roswar can pull out of his body and lay his body on the bed.

For Roswar, the meaning of 'now' self living was lost with this. Feeling like a digestive match, I guess I'm going to see the failed Subaru redo it and finish it.

If the conversation ends like this, Subaru remains incapable of fulfilling one of the purposes for which he came here.

If you can't pull in awesome or something, Subaru desperately spins his head as he sees Roswar's hand gesture urging him to leave the room,

"... what kind of way to show my readiness to convince you?

"Hmm... to be honest, it's not the part where you want me to guess what's going on around it - but it's a waste of time trying again and again just to do that."

Roswar reacted to the connected Subaru words, and he put his hand on his jaw when he woke up again,

"As for the big frame, the liberation of the 'sanctuary', this is what happens. However, your actions are essential to the liberation of the 'sanctuary', and that needs to be accompanied by a readiness to try again and again." The liberation of the Sanctuary means proof of the consequences you've decided to prepare. "

"How could that happen? Sure, that's probably the closest thing to an answer, but if that's all you have to say... if you're just going to get past the 'trials', which way am I going to get ready to cut everything off, it won't lead to a conversation. Emilia said she could cross the trials herself..."

"That's impossible"

I feel that Roswar's remarks are too extreme, and Subaru disagrees with them. but his answer to it was terminal, cold out.

to Subaru, who unwittingly snorted at its sharpness, Roswar waved his raised fingers,

"Your expectations will never come true. It's impossible for Emilia to survive the Trial. I'm not strong enough to do that."

"... alle, is it?

"Even so. There will be effects of the environment and habits you grew up in, but you can't do that. You can't just stand alone or anything, you're weak and fragile, little girl. I remember being too healthy and even pitiful, such as being suddenly moved by guilt and self-blame"

Pale, Subaru is stunned by Roswar, who gives an Emilia review he has never heard of before.

Healthy, hard-working, favorite, hard-working Emilia. Now she's on a bad patrol, unable to give an answer to the 'trials', but Svalbard believes that if she takes the time, she's bound to overcome the past and only have the power to lead the 'sanctuary' to liberation.

It's just that Subaru was still going to take on the 'trials' instead of Emilia because he couldn't get that necessary time and he couldn't watch the scratching Emilia.

Definitely not because Emilia gives up and sees that she can't break through the 'trials', etc.

"Yet you say Emilia can't... then why are you here!

"Because I have you. With your presence, I can point to the throne even if it was a weak half-elf with no power whatsoever. No, put it on the throne. Naturally. You eliminate all paths that don't, and you complete what she wants. That's all you have. [M] If Emilia is worth it, it's the most powerful card you've ever had."

"I... the strongest, card...?

Subaru is baffled by the tattered words of Roswar that seem to turn his eyes and the picturesque words that he is the strongest, etc.

It's an adjective far from a helpless self. And Roswar's words are too insulting to the existence of Emilia to be forgiven.

"Don't be ridiculous! Emilia... I can't believe how hard Emilia's trying, how much she's thinking about it, and how much she's trying to 'try' until she's in pain! I don't want to see her dig back into the past, and she's still... desperate to do her best! You take it!

"Without the results, everything is for nothing. And you know better than I do that there won't be consequences. If Emilia's hard work turns out, there's no reason for you to come back here."

"- Huh!"

Fierce and absurd voices don't work for Roswar, who doesn't compromise calm. On the contrary, the beginning and end of Subaru being better sealed with words so that he can be cooled down by his hotter thoughts.

In fact, Roswar's statements indicate one end of reality.

From what Svalbard has seen, no time has Emilia survived the 'trials' - not even the first 'trials'. She keeps trying hard, but the walls of the past stand in front of that attempt, each time frustrating and wearing her mind.

You can't even lean on a pack where you can sincerely keep your trust, and rubbing it off Emilia will eventually mistake her dependence on Subaru for love and break it.

Because I know its future, Subaru can only make emotional objections to Roswar's words. But there's no way you can shut up and miss words that insult Emilia or anything.

Roswar overlooks Emilia and puts excessive expectations on Subaru's 'Back to Death'. How can I snap and break that nose column - the moment I came up with it, Subaru was screaming.

"I know exactly what you're saying! But your prospects will not be fulfilled!

"Well, what is that..."

"You seem to want me to break through the 'trials' instead of Emilia... Echidna disqualified me from taking the 'trials'! You can't drag your hopes out of me anymore! Sorry to hear that!"

Subaru with his chest hand loftily complains to Roswar, who has an extra face.

It was a painful event for Subaru, but it's also information that should be a major blow to Roswar's prospects. It was when Subaru tried to turn a frightening grin that Roswar could not be in his normal mind either.

"- Disqualified?

The pounding, spilling voice sounded so unreliable that Subaru was so late in realizing that it was emanating from the Roswar in front of him.

Roswar, who deposits his body in bed before his eyes, hardens himself to Subaru's words. And he pressed open his eyes in different colors, looking at Subaru and shaking his lips small.

There's the usual attitude of spare time, the ambitious atmosphere that foresees everything, the floating and irresistible awesomeness - all of them, as if they had peeled off.

"What do you mean..."

"Whatever, nothing... just like that,"

Called in a plundered voice, Subaru accidentally rubs his voice up.

Subaru soaked his thirsty throat with swallowed spit, pressured by voices like those of another from Roswar he found out,

"Echidna took away my credentials. Instead of taking command of the replica, I'm in a situation where I just try to get into the cemetery and my eyes go around.... I tried to get inside, and you and I were in the same position to be rejected."

"Hey... no, how could you do that? You take the 'trials' in the cemetery... otherwise, the liberation of this' sanctuary 'is her true self..."

Put your hand on your mouth and squeal vainly in your face like you saw something incredible.

In an unexpectedly intense reaction, Subaru loses sight of the word, knowing that it had more effect than a return of interest. Roswar's wolf, that's the first since I met him on the contrary around, and I don't know what shocked him that much about the current exchange.

It's just Subaru is breathtaking,

"Did your Gospel say that I would break through the 'trials' or something?


"I know you're willing to throw it all out if it doesn't follow the description. So if you're deciding that the breakthrough in the Sanctuary is my role... it won't happen again."

That castle of greedy witches was out of reason in this world, just as the witches shared their memories over 'Back to Death', as they took over the breakthrough of the first 'Trial'.

Even if we did 'Back to Death', the memories and thoughts we exchanged in that castle never faded. That's why Subaru felt salvation in that place and had less fondness and anticipation for Echidna. - So now I know.

Now, even if you die and go back to the cemetery, your credentials won't come back inside Subaru.

Lost. You need Echidna's permission to get it back, and you have to go inside the cemetery to get Echidna's permission, and you can't go into the cemetery unless you're qualified.

- In other words, Subaru's way of challenging the graveyard's 'trials' is now completely lost.

"How do I get my credentials back…"

"If there is, you're the one who knows better than I do. If you don't know, I don't."

While responding to Roswar's fine voice, Subaru is aware of the possibilities in his heart.

Perhaps Echidna still foresees Subaru's scratching and distress inside the cemetery. Harassment of Subaru for rejecting that hand, disqualifying it in such a way that it would be belly to see what Subaru, who took Satella's hand, could do.

If Subaru stacks his failures in the process and gives Echidna a scene where he cries and squeals that he doesn't have the help to hit anymore, that witch probably reaches out to Subaru.

- But if you take the next hand of Echidna that has been extended, it will abandon everything, both the words you have told Satella and the thoughts you have in your heart right now at this moment.

Send Emilia to the best of the future, to an end she can only fulfill.

Still, though, maybe it's some better compared to the crushing end along the way.

"What's your redo, going back before they disqualify you...?

"I think you're mistaken, but you're not such an all-powerful force. It's not easy enough to go back without consideration... in the first place, it's too late to go back. If I were to return, I would return after being stripped. Doesn't make a difference not being in the cemetery."


Roswar's voice in response to Subaru's response was weak, and Subaru even seemed as if his figure had gotten old at once.

Previously Roswar was more of a constant shake on the lack of age than youthfulness, but even that atmosphere has disappeared into his present small, shoulder-dropping appearance.

There is a human face itself that suffers from paranoid emotions that have taken a long and long time to be inhibited out of its reach.

For the first time Subaru could feel Roswar like the same person in that figure, which even the makeup of the dogma could not hide.

Most of all, I guess that would only be unintentional for Roswar if it didn't solve anything.

"Same thing about me being stuck, Roswar. I think you and I should discuss this more closely and find a way to open it."


"Yours, pulling results along that Gospel might get tough, but nothing in the description should be just over there. You may not be comfortable with just following the big muscles... but if you have a compromise proposal..."

"... didn't you"

"- Ah?"

Subaru uses words to come up with a compromise and somehow drag concessions out of Roswar. But Roswar squeaked something small with his vain eyes as if he had not heard Subaru. Unexpectedly opening his mouth to that voice, Subaru steps forward.

Now I was wondering what Roswar had said and if it wasn't a mistake to ask.

And in Subaru's ear out front, Roswar's whining creeps in. It's

"- The way I pushed you, you mean it wasn't enough"


"I don't know how, but the fact that Echidna changed her mind meant that the corresponding exchange should have been with you. Originally, before such a crack entered between you and her, you solidified your readiness and went to 'trials' … yes, I did not extend"


"If I were pushing you more... if I could show you that even if I were reaching for that and this, I would get rid of something important... for this..."

"Wait, Roswar. Wait."

I felt like I was trying to say something decisive about what I was trying to say, and Subaru hesitated to ask beyond that, but for some reason.

If you hear the words ahead of you, Subaru will surely not be able to stand here.

I was sure.

No, in the first place, there was a part of me that I suspected might not be.

But nevertheless, it did not take the form of suspicion of bringing a neck, because there was suspension of thought that there was no reason to do so, and trust in Roswar, even though it was fine.

That now breaks decisively with the words he speaks.

Before that happens, you have to say something. Yet the word cannot be found anywhere in Subaru, nor does time flow abnormally,

"Knowing the nature of Garfield, I have called you and Emilia to the Sanctuary."


"Knowing the horrors of the 'trials', I have also made Emilia challenged there and encouraged her to arouse by showing you how scratchy she is..."

"Wait, wait. Ma -"


"The loss of something important out of your reach will also make you complete... everything was still missing"

- Roswar was confessing that he pulled the trigger for the mansion's tragedy.

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