Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter IV.86: Winning Degree Outlook

Subaru was so stunned by what was happening now that he also forgot the pain of being beaten.

Otto is lying on the ground and staring at Subaru, who looks up. It was certainly a flame of passion that was in my eyes on that usual expression of pity, loving laughter, or never showing a strong emotional color.

Otto Suwen had his anger in his eyes and looked down at Subaru.

"I don't know what to do, it must be so messed up in my head"


"You just have to reach out, you don't have enough arms, your head, your strength, and you're desperate to resist just the bummer and the passing of time,"

A twitch and otto pack the distance as he throws his voice at the silent Subaru.

I can't move Subaru as he crawls, and I just have to look at Otto as he puts his face to the feel of his left cheek, which starts claiming heat as it is now.

"Silence means affirmation without denial. At least, in our world, that's the worst thing that's ever happened. - Can you hear me?

Otto then stretched his arm toward the unspoken Subaru, grabbed its chest barn and pulled it up,

"If you're hearing me, answer me!


A sharp, stiff thing strikes me in the forehead and sparks Subaru's vision.

Turning his eyes, Subaru realized that he had eaten a head poke at the otto in front of him. And Otto, another blow to Svalbard turning his eyes, punches me in the head and punches me in the chest.

Pain in the forehead, pain in the cheek, Subaru stepping back if he had been pushed away. Exactly, I've been so far, I just can't keep my mouth shut.

"What the fuck..."

"Oh, did you have proper consciousness while you were beaten up? I thought you were asleep, so I did something abusive that I wasn't used to."

"Hmmm -!?"

Svalbard leaves it to his anger to grab onto Otto as he tears eyes with a second head poke eaten on his nose. but the stretched arm is dodged by a slippery otto motion on the side and vice versa is brutally paid underfoot to be tumbled down.


"I thought the blood had gone up my head, and now my feet are almost down. It's exactly what Natsuki did, I'm sorry."

"Yes... Kai!

Rising to jump from his fallen position, Subaru throws the dirt he was gripping in on Otto's face when he fell. But Otto is guarding his face with his arms as he was also reading this, approaching Subaru, who was delayed in entering his next move due to the surprise of being read his eyebrows. Keep it up, grab the collar behind the breathtaking Subaru and throw it all at once with your hands on this belly.

Beating him from his back to the ground, the bouncing Subaru stuffs his breath in shock and pain.

The place thrown was where the leaves fell, but not all of the shocks were absorbed, of course.

I have a feeling of paralysis running up to the tip of my hands and feet, and the gasping Subaru can't even get up.

"Around the time you tried to work small, you must be like Mr. Natsuki. It didn't work for me."

"... eh"

"Hey, Mr. Natsuki. Mr. Natsuki's power is such a thing. The knights and Dear Roswar, let alone Garfield, do not reach the end. Not even me."

Otto's words, shaking his head like a scratch, pierce Subaru, who is desperately pumping oxygen into his cramped lungs.

Otto walks over to Subaru's side, where he can't even argue, crouching in and closing his face,

"There's nothing wrong with a white whale or witchcraft. Mr. Natsuki is weak, and it would be the mountain of Sekiyama that would kill him a little with one fingertip if we did it properly. You know you are."


"So do you make up for the lack of strength with wisdom? As far as I can tell, Mr. Natsuki looks like a little sloppy head working there... but on average you have a high level of thinking and judgment, which is never the case. There's not enough common sense."

Subaru turns frustrated with rough breathing without knowing what Otto is trying to say.

Pulmonary cramps, thrown shock, and faint forehead and cheek pain. I don't know the sincerity of Otto's words, which can be thrown in one after the other, to the calm that has returned instead.

Otto continues, looking down at Subaru, who dwells incomprehensible in his black eyes.

"I don't have enough power or wisdom, and if there's anything else I can do to make it up to... that's not particularly true either. Mr. Natsuki is a small, short-handed, everywhere person. I want something too expensive for such a human being"

"Oh, before... Saki, what?"

"If you don't arrive, you realize you're not enough, and you think about what you're going to do with the second best idea, then you can push yourself more and scrape yourself to pull something out that isn't... Patrash's feelings finally figured out"


Subaru opens his eyes to surprise when he is given the name of Grounddragon.

Patrash. The pitch-black earth dragon is as much a love dragon as Svalbard is a waste of love dragon, enough to scratch me to help the Lord, who has fallen into an unmatched predicament, and who taught me important things - even Enryu - to Svalbard, who shook his head that I don't know why I can have him do that.

I know how that Patrash feels, Otto said.

To the blinking Subaru, Otto inserted his finger into his gray hair and included a thorn in his voice frustratingly, "You know..."

"You can dress up in front of a woman in love. I think that's a necessary look, so let's respect it. What makes me want to say imitations and words that don't fit my height is, well, I can't help it. Let's overlook that."

It must be about Emilia. It's about Subaru's attitude towards Emilia.

"Let me also forgive you for dressing up as a girl who likes me. This is also necessary. Because I think I'm responsible for the relationship I fell in love with. It's also important to dress up for the person you like. Let us forgive you."

It must be about Rem. Once, Subaru said the same thing in front of Otto. He said he was going to dress up for Rem. Because she's a girl who likes herself.

"But that's it."

To put it all, Otto keeps his face close.

Again, Otto is in a biting shape at Subaru, who shrinks his shoulders instead of eating a head poke,

"It's not enough, you know. It won't arrive, you know. You want to dress up for the kid you like, put it on. You want to be proud of the kids you like."


"Then why don't you give those kids someone's hand enough to make up for what they can't see? - For example, friends."

Get your face off me, Otto, and I'll put my hands on my chest and tell you the last part.

To his words, Subaru exhales small "ha".

Honestly, what Subaru thought at this time was a pale feeling of "is that so?"

It's not like I've never thought about asking someone to do that, or relying on them. Naturally. Otto is right, Subaru is also aware that he is weak or not enough. I don't appreciate myself as much as I think I can do everything alone, even if I don't think of it.

In fact, didn't Subaru run off to Echidona to make up for himself, to ask Roswar for help?

As a result, Subaru was more wounded by being informed of the truth, which he did not want to know on the contrary, without the cooperation of those two.

Still, it's not like Otto didn't implement the solution he talks about. Otto is out of line. Even that path is already closed.

"- Yes."

"What's wrong with that?"

When a dry conclusion is drawn within the chest, it also appears in shape on the cheeks. Seeing Otto eyebrow it uncomfortably, Subaru looked at Otto with a face that was becoming red and swollen,

"Yours, that's a misunderstanding.... Even I didn't rely on anyone. 'Cause I think I can do something about it, and I'm gonna hit the hand I can think of. I was wondering if I could rely on someone I believed in, so..."

I was just holding my head because I was betrayed of my expectations and still can't give up.

At the end of the sentence, Emilia denied the idea that I had to "protect him" and "help him" and realized that I was looking down on Emilia as a "weak being who needs to be sheltered".

After all the experience, meeting all kinds of people, saying good things, barking at me to do something about it, denying my readiness to die and deciding to live, and pretending like I'm going a little bit that way, in the end, Subaru hasn't taken a step forward or backward.

I can't find a single way to change the clogged situation.

Even a dry grin runs out of stock and a cold, hard look covers Subaru's cheek.

To such a quiet cry of Subaru, Otto shook his lips,

"... but I still don't remember Mr. Natsuki relying on me."


"It's not worth relying on me, it doesn't make sense... do you mean they cut me out that way? Or, if I saw it from Mr. Natsuki, I'd have to protect him. It seems like a lot of things to do."

Trembling voices have emotions on the contrary in an attempt to kill them.

It is Otto's wrath, his sorrow, and one scale of inexorable fierceness.

Touching the aftermath of that otto's overflowing emotions, Subaru realizes that Otto is likely to be harmed by unintentional words and shakes his neck sideways at once.


"What difference does it make? Otherwise, it would be weird. Otherwise, why are you squatting all by yourself without saying anything?"

"I didn't tell you anything... you know, it's not because I don't trust you or anything. It's not like that."


Otto is silent on Subaru, who shakes his head and wanders his gaze.

Just jizzy, looking at Subaru with green eyes.

Laying his eyes on the pressure of that gaze, Subaru clouded his words and put his hands on his forehead.

It's not like I don't trust Otto. I am also seriously grateful to you for trying to protect Subaru with your life in the loop, or for the favor you are attaching to the status quo, which is not directly connected to gold. With friends, the feeling of saying that is not a lie either.

I just don't know how I can tell such otto what's going on.

Like Echidna and Roswar, you just need someone who knows what's going on in Subaru. Because even if you avoid making statements that touch on contraindications, they can be established as conversations.

But Otto isn't. Otto isn't the only one. Neither Emilia, nor Ram, nor any of the other officials in the 'sanctuary' know one of those Subaru circumstances.

I can't explain the predicament Subaru is facing without telling him about the witch or "Back to Death". Even if they tell us what's going to happen, that there's going to be a raid on the Great Raven or a raid on the Mansion, how did they get to know it, and where is the basis - that Subaru can't present any of it.

In a situation like that, how can I get the other person to believe the word? Can you expect that?

There are consciousness that is not strong enough, consciousness that is not wise enough, and consciousness that I am weak.

So ultimately Subaru must be able to achieve his wishes without the help of someone. I believe it is my role to follow the path to obtain the necessary cooperation.

I just can't play that necessary role and my legs are stopping.

"Nothing, I can't explain it well. It's a mess in my head... like you said, it's a mess or a mess and nothing... I can't explain my muscles standing up."


"I don't care if you talk, it's just something you don't believe... what to do, how to talk... so, to you, to anyone, nothing..."

"... say it"


Otto said to Subaru, who grunts that he can't give anything, both the evidence and the grounds for them to believe.

Unexpectedly looking up Subaru, Otto put his arms around the

"So say it. You don't have to get muscled up, you don't have to mess up or mess up on the way, but you can't talk rationally. But I'll hear it right to the end without cutting it up."

"No, but then..."

"So...... do that! I'm not dressed, I'm telling you!

Kick it on the ground, Otto raises his voice all the time if you don't be patient.

To Subaru, who rounds his eyes to a sudden shout, Otto pokes his finger at the

"If you have time to think that there's no evidence that you can trust me, no basis to just be trusted, no theoretical way to talk about it, and that's the kind of thing you want, it would be more constructive to spit out all the contents of your head and punch it over than to squat!

"That being said... I am! To make you believe that mess......!

"- I'll tell you all about the mess! And at the end of the day, I said, 'Believe me!' That's a saying! Because we are friends!!

- I felt like all the emotions in my head that had been spoiled with clutter were rooted out by Otto's screaming voice.

The word is too ill-founded, theoretically unconvincing and other shards.

Yet there was enough to push Subaru's back, who had stopped his leg without being able to move.

"Believe me, I may not get it..."

It didn't take that long to get you to talk about the puffiness and the problems you were carrying alone.

"On top of that, Roswar lets the killer attack the mansion... so he's trying to drive me and Emilia to a place where there's no escape..."

Afraid of the emergence of contraindicated arms, Subaru completes his account of the situation with great care.

Otto, meanwhile, wrinkled between his brows without pinching his mouth, silently kept listening to Subaru's words.

"So far, I'm not so sure about the information I have... but that's all anyway. Nothing to hide, all of it."

Except, of course, for the tea party with witches you can't talk to or the "Back to Death" part.

Only the content that left that place blank can be called holes everywhere with regard to the part of the rationale. At the same time, the connection between the information was so vague that it made me sick to talk.

That's why I was concerned about Otto's reaction I was hearing. 'Believe me,' and how did Otto judge his current story, so asserting that he should only add that at the end of the day?

"Mr. Natsuki..."


At the end of a long period of silence, Otto loosened the arm he was putting together and looked at Subaru. Seeing himself in green eyes, Subaru breathes unintentionally.

Feeling the sound of a heartbeat slightly louder about how that first word will be uttered.

And Otto said to Subaru, who stiffens himself.

"Why don't you decide not to ask and get away with it?

"What - oh!?

Unexpectedly, the diagonal reply returns and Subaru speaks up. but Otto put more voice on such Subaru surprises and said, "Because! shouting,"

"We're trapped in a place where the Great Raven is attacking, and the only way to escape is to rely on the subtle Emilia if she can break through the 'trials', and at least if she tries to move just the people who aren't caught in the junction, she doesn't know. She interrupts the house, and if she manages to get back to the mansion, the killer will come at the order of the master of that mansion... what is the situation!?

"I know!! Why do you have to be pushed into a situation like this? I knew it, but God really doesn't like me! I hate you too!!

If there is a God who commands destiny, that God definitely hates Subaru. I didn't mean to be doing anything you didn't like, but it's an unreasonable story.

However, resenting God for that doesn't make things progress, retreat, change, or make things less difficult. And before that,

"Wait, Otto. I honestly know what it's like for you to make a scene like that... but do you believe this absurd story?


"There's an overly troublesome warcraft looming, and Emilia has to stand up to escape, Garfield interrupts us all, and Roswar betrays us with an idea he can't figure out... do you believe that story?

I'm saying it myself, and what an inconvenient situation is the only thing that aggregated.

Especially problematic is the arrival of the Great Rabbit, which cannot provide a basis, and the part called Roswar, where the mastermind that causes the Mansion to strike. A state where there is no material at all to persuade others in those two, even though the fatal problem is primarily those two.

As for the Great Rabbit, how did you perceive the herald of the Warcraft that everyone in this world wants?

As far as Roswar is concerned, why are you patrolling a plot that would also disadvantage Emilia, who has to take sides in the king's race?

Neither of that can be explained from Subaru.

"Mr. Natsuki"

Otto, often blindfolded, answers Subaru's query.

He stood one finger,

"I've been touring all kinds of land, and I've been interacting with a lot of people."

"... you can't believe you can trust me if you look me in the eye"

"No, I don't believe in superstition like that. If you're a merchant or something, you can experience too much of how cloudless a person can fool or fall into someone else's eyes. I've had a lot of experience around there."

I'm proud of you, but doesn't that mean that's all you've been fooled about?

You can't just put tea in the middle of an important story, and Otto goes on in the mouth-watering Subaru.

"Well, that's how I met all sorts of people, and I also did business talks and stuff. I've been out of my parents' house for about four years, and for better or worse, I've managed to survive."

Otto speaks in a mild tone, but perhaps it wasn't an easy journey.

Even things that are directly linked to life and death must have happened more than once.

It's a world where you might encounter white whales just over the plains, so I could imagine as many dangerous things as a pedestrian would be seen. Wild dogs, night thieves, and threats like that.

"In those days, I have also lived as a merchant at one end of the spectrum… so far, I am confident that I have joined those who can calculate that I have a high chance of winning for myself. It's not like the results have continued to accompany me... or if you think I have a winning eye, then I'm in an incredible disaster, and the results don't follow."

"Hey, hey, hey..."

"Apart from the good and bad results, the decision itself is meant to have been chosen so that there is no remorse. I think it's easy to understand and necessary to keep or bet on something of my own."

Otto's criteria for choosing, I don't even know what that's based on, but so far he's been following the more likely ones in his calculations, I guess.

The fact that I have accompanied you to the 'Sanctuary' in search of a connection to Roswar is nothing more than that because I wanted to make face-to-face contact with Roswar in view of later influences. Otto acts as a realist enough around it.

That's why I just need you to lend your ears to Subaru's words that you can't even see winning without a basis -,

"So this is your first time, Mr. Natsuki"


What they say, Subaru opens his mouth pompously and sees Otto.

to that Subaru, Otto looked silly and sunny,

"This is the first time I've ever gotten on the blind side of winning with a winning outlook"

And that's what I said.

My legs are off. I can't breathe.

Subaru's flesh was winding as he dragged his way back, as his heart followed ahead on the meadow.

Rip open the morning cool air, shake your arms wide, and take every step big.

Kicking dirt, stomping stones, and a crude path in a straight line evened out to the point of my apologies.

Eventually, the intended building entered Svalbard's vision to run.

Cheeks are distorted by unintentional exhilaration and teeth are stripped out. With his tongue out like a dog and his breath absurd, Subaru reached for the entrance to the building to jump.



Open the door rampantly and Subaru goes inside the building like a roll. Step over the front door, run through the living room connected to the bedroom and push open with the power that could break through the thin door.

In the bedroom was Roswar, who woke himself up in bed, and Lamb, who looked after that Roswar in a worthy manner, and they were all looking at Subaru by inserting a surprising colour in their expressions.

It is unusual to react like a floating rosewar and a lamb posing as a faceless iron skin were all poked into the void.

Now that we're trying to do something unprecedented, that's a good thing to have.

Linking the two surprises to a positive thought in that way, Subaru sticks his finger toward his still unspoken subordinate,

"- Let's make a bet. Me and yours, tip your wish."

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