Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Lizero EX: Ghosts and Happiness

"No way... this, you're lying...!?

With his head on the move, Subaru was speaking out in surprise.

Upset in the eyes, wandering Subaru. The gaze was shot at a store - a store within an open-air merchant expanding to the left and right of the market - where a brown-skinned clerk looked at Subaru's exaggerated reaction in surprise and rounded his eyes.

But Subaru, dominated by surprise, doesn't even notice the clerk's attitude.

I shudder my lips and forget to wipe the sweat that floats snugly on my forehead, too, and drink down my bitter spit. and to Subaru, who so stopped his leg,

"Hey, stop suddenly. What's wrong with you? Let's go home soon."

The guy who was walking ahead came back with his lips pointed.

He joins hands behind his head to expose his dissatisfaction with a sharp eye. But Subaru knew that that look so sharp that it was likely to shoot him was born unrelated to his opponent's bad mood.

Anyway, Subaru himself is the first to taste the indiscriminate slander of the eye-catching face.

"Live strong..."

"What a sudden pity! Oh, good! I don't want to hear it! Even if I ask, I don't know what I'm gonna do! Don't say it! Don't say it!

"It makes me feel positive when I'm so energetic and forward. Really, you're a good guy to put me on. He's a genius. Then you have protection."

"Seriously, I don't want it! Heavenly Taoist, if you have time for such protection, give me a more meaningful one!

Spit on Subaru's words, a three-white-eyed figure - a short-blue-haired boy looking up into the sky to mourn. Subaru nods over and over to such a boy's overreaction, then turns to the open-air merchant who was again blurry and watching the current exchange.


"How much is this?


The distracted voice returns and Subaru laughs less. The viciousness of the grin that strips out its teeth causes the open-air merchant's throat to snap for a moment, and it breaks my heart, but it's the end of the matter in front of this encounter right now.

Subaru coughed, pointing to the 'it' lined up at the open-air merchant's store,

"I want this guy. Give it to me. In the meantime, three in a bag."

"Heh, heh! Every time, come on!

"Hey, wait! All of a sudden what... if I bought something extra and went home, I'd be able to exercise my strength instead of getting hit!

Understanding Subaru's offer, as soon as the open-air merchant replies with a good economy, he changes his blood phase and the boy follows him. The boy pulls the back hem and tells Subaru to reconsider. that hand, and Subaru broke his knee and aligned his gaze with the height of

"Don't worry. I can't believe I got my hands on the money for the buyout. It's my pocket manny to buy. It's a penny I've been saving for the trick. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Oh, oh, well... I don't do booze, cigarettes, gambling, and if I use any other money... I just use it on women"

"You're purposefully misleading, aren't you? I want to know who you look like with your bad personality and your twist."

"Almost certainly, it's hereditary. Sadly."

A boy who stands his left middle finger and proclaims grandeur to Subaru, who shakes his head to mourn. Subaru grabs that raised middle finger and makes the boy's finger joints squeak extremely screaming.

Before the two of us had such an exchange, the clerk who was at best working on packing the product in a bag had a sales affectionate laugh.

"We're not close, sir. What are you, a parent or a child?

"Dude, I could spot that in all these limited conditions... you can't fool a merchant's eye power either! What do you think, Rigel?"

"Look at my face. It's gonna be so hard to tell you're not connected to blood!

The boy being turned upside down with articulation - Rigel screams like a loser. When he heard it, Subaru responded openly, "Ma, is that so?"

In the meantime, the bagging of the goods is over. To the clerk pushing out the three sachets, Subaru took out a sachet in the name of a wallet with a penny from his nostalgia,

"How much is 10,000 yen?"

"I don't know what a man-en is, but my money is sixteen pieces of copper coins in a bag."

"Then don't let three silver coins suffice. - Brother, I don't need fishing. []/(exp, adj-i) (uk) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) when/when/when/

"Heh! That's so fat! Husband, thank you very much. Just be careful."

The clerk who receives the silver coins to be offered in a playful manner. Rigel's grudgingly gaze turns his wrist just below when he laughs unexpectedly at its merchantability and popularity.

I can see you're unhappy with the articulation and the statement that you don't need fishing.

"That's okay. I got a lot to show you today, I miss you. You can think of it as paying for this inspiration. Luxury hits the bees."

"... touching and nostalgic, what are you talking about?"

Rigel stands up and looks dissatisfied but asks to continue the conversation.

Subaru brutally stroked that rigel's short hair and said, "Nooo! ♪ And then make me bark, ♪

"I was reminded of my hometown customs, which have a little something to do with my wife."

And I said with a bad smile on my face.

"- So you've been shopping so unexpectedly?

A blue-haired woman who came out to pick her up spilled a small exhale when she heard Subaru explain.

It was Subaru and Rigel who took him home and greeted him as soon as he entered his home. You were working on water, and the white apron has remnants of wiping your wet hands.

The apron had appliqués and embroideries that Subaru had sewn on comfort, and it was terribly awkward to avoid only that spot even if you wanted to wipe it.

"What are you laughing at already? Rem's not convinced yet."

Unexpectedly, a woman in Subaru who loosens her mouth - Lem, who stretched her blue hair long, is angry. She turned her gaze to Rigel, who stood next to Subaru looking badly punished,

"Rigel is also Rigel. It's normal for your father to do things without clapping, so why don't you just do it?"

"Yes. Reflect so much... No, that's crazy. Isn't it strange to think about it calmly!? Why is my son mad at me because of my father's escape? The opposite is true, isn't it?

"Wait, Rigel. Take a big breath, puke... yes, slow down. Repeat that five times, keep your eyes open. One, two, three... yeah, how about that. Are you calm? You're calm. Then again, apologize to your mother properly..."

"Take a slow, deep breath and calmly stand back and save it. I'm not a bad shard either!!

Contrary to calm, Rigel turns his face bright red and yells at him before going up to the house. I slipped through the side of the lem with a quick figure of my own and said, "Rigel!" and I don't even stop at Rem's voice calling his name in an angry way. I thought, I just ran down the hallway to hit it.

"... what the hell"

And the roots are sweet around stopping your legs and listening to your mother's words to the end. Rem loosened his lips with a calm expression, as he knew Rigel would stop that way,

"Snacks are available in the room, wash your hands before eating. And don't forget to tell Spica right away."

"... I know. I'll have it."

A gift of education for Subaru and Rem, "I'll have it" before eating is an iron code in the Natsuki family. Whether they are disobedient or disobedient to infidelity, the couple drop off Rigel's goodness with their raw warm eyes as they follow it.

When Rigel disappears from the hallway, at least with the door slammed shut to defiance, Rem looks back at Subaru again,

"Hey, did I make too much fun of you"

"Nha, it's superior to mother-child communication. Because Rigel is also alley and absolutely doesn't hate the real part. He really looks just like me when I was a little girl."

Consoling Lem, who nodded, Subaru took off his shoes at the front door and went inside the house.

Collect the baggage that Rigel threw out (albeit gently on the wall after being careful not to flip it) and go to the living room with the lem lined up next to it as a matter of course.

Placing the shopping bag on the table, and then also placing it so that you can see the three bags you've bought at the open-air merchant, Lem peers inside through the mouth of that bag,

"Really...... no weird philosophy whatsoever, you're just a bean"

"Oh, yeah. What, you thought it was a nasty cover word? My daughter-in-law looks like a grown-up, and she's aggressive."

"I just don't hesitate to show or show my love in action. Besides, if it's embarrassing, I don't think Subaru is losing."

"Yeah, the shy, naïve deep-window Nice Guy thing. Have I ever done a shameful imitation?"

Put your hand on your jaw and let your teeth shine Subaru with a flash of lem, a bewildered look. Then she left her cheeks blushing and finally distracted herself from Subaru,

"Hey, I bought a huge bouquet of flowers for my wedding anniversary, I decorated my house with Rigel for Rem's birthday, and even when Spica was born I asked people all over town to Dimio Gyoletsu... Subaru spends too much money on things other than himself"

"I use my money to please my wife and family. What's the point of this other than for me? Isn't it natural that my pennies are used for my happy life?

"- Huh!"

In reply to Subaru tilting his neck, Rem dyed the white side bright red with shame. With tears in his emotions too much in his eyes, a kick-faced lem pulls Subaru's sleeve on his sieve.

Subaru screams small and disfigured at the sudden act. right in front of that Subaru, the kind of lem you've been waiting for stretches out softly,


"... suddenly, what's wrong?

For a moment, each other's lips overlap, sweetly tangling each other's tongue tips and leaving.

To the sudden expression of Rem's affection, Subaru stays calm on the surface while dodgy. I licked my lips with my tongue at those Subaru words, and some luscious looking lem said "no,"

"Subaru... it's bad. That's what I'm gonna say."

"I don't know if I said that."

"I think Subaru should be more aware from time to time of the fact that his words and every move have a tremendous impact on Rem. - I don't care how much bone they bone you in the house, but if they say that outside, you're in trouble."

Subaru's reasoning is about to run out on Rem, who bullies with a red face, who kept calm on the surface. Mojo and the trick of poking your fingers together and sidelining Subaru. It would not be Subaru's desire to have a faint fever in his breath.

But the colorful air between them...

"- Ahhh!"

"Yikes!! Spica cried! Somebody! Somebody! Help!!

It arrives from the back of the house, instantly fogging into the voices of two loving sons and two loving daughters.

Subaru and Rem look at each other and erupt unexpectedly. Then the two of them, holding hands without saying anything, turned their feet toward the noisy children.

"Speaking of which, after all, why did you buy those beans? Subaru-kun's hometown customs..."

"Oh, I didn't tell you"

Subaru laughed at his wife without any concern, feeling comfortable with Rem's weight as he leaned over with his arms.

- In my hometown, there's a custom of hitting bad ghosts with beans and getting rid of them.

- Shortly after I said it, I felt like Rem's smile froze when I saw Subaru.

He said, "No! Really, not anymore! That's not what I meant!

"It's terrible, Spica. If I told you, I must have hated your mother. Otherwise, how come you bought beans for the habit of getting rid of ghosts... I'm sure you're saying it far away. About Lem, about Lem."

"That's not true! Me! Lem or Rigel, if you ask me which is more important, I'll say Lem without hesitation!

"Oh my God, my fucking father!!

Four members of the family are making a scene as they circle in one room.

At the beginning of walking around in circles, the puffy and angry looking Rem is still ablaze a grumpy spica, and Subaru chases him with a flat apology for it, and Rigel, not so thin as to leave the scene, is now frowned upon by Subaru and angry at the rear.

"Okay, wait a minute! Sure, that was my bad way of putting it. Lem or Rigel, if you ask me which is more important, I'll worry about it properly and then I'll choose Lem!

"You're not mad at me for the length of time it took me to make a decision! Don't involve me in a couple of genkas!

"Rigel, what a way to speak to your father. Plus if you're puffy and angry, Spica will cry. Please be quiet."

"I don't want my mother to tell me right now that I'm more puffy than anyone else in this room!

Still out of anger, Svalbard and Rem put their fingers on their lips at the same time, and Rigel, who is said to be "shi," falls out of circular motion.

The remaining two, Subaru and Rem, as they chase each other's backs, as they circle around Rigel, who is sitting in the middle playing sports.

"Getting rid of ghosts is a metaphorical expression. Here's the thing in my local area... I mean, the evil ones in general, the sick, the poor, the non-hot, that sort of thing, they were all coming 'ghosts'. The beanstalk was a ritual to get rid of it, and it wasn't really hostile to ghosts."

"It's terrible, it's terrible. Subaru, I love ghosts when they say there are ghosts - how dare you dictate lems... I've forgotten how I felt then"

"That's not true!

Say and stop, Subaru looks back. Lem, who didn't think circular exercise would be interrupted, jumps into Subaru's chest with a fast-paced, surprised face.

face to his chest, embracing Rem, who stuffs his breath. Subaru will not let him escape with both hands,

"You're not supposed to forget how I feel about you or anything like that. My best is you. You're the one who forgot that?

"Shh, Subaru kun..."

Lem's eyes moisten as he stares at Subaru right up close, staring with his passionate eyes.

Nine years after his first encounter, during which time he also became a mother, Rem's figure elevates his former young weakness to her strength as a woman.

Still, only when I am held in Subaru's arms will I return to the Rem when I was looking for Subaru solely for his former adorability and hard work.

Rem lay her eyes shy on herself like that, shaking her lips at her sweet emotions.

"Subaru kun...... Ah, Rigel. Keep the spica."

"Uh, ah, yes"

- Subaru-kun.

Depositing Spica with Rigel, who was feeling cramped between Subaru and himself, Rem put his emptied hands against Subaru's chest and rinsed his cheeks,

"Of Subaru, is Rem still the best in the world?

"You bet. It's no exaggeration to say that half of me is made of love for Lem and the other half is made of love for Lem."

"I'm already an idiot..."

Subaru and Rem embrace each other and exchange thoughts with each other.

Seeing the sight of such a rapprochement between her parents, Rigel cleverly blocked Spica's ears in her arms,

"- It's a farce. Awwwww!!

And he put in a full penetration.

"And is it Setubun... that's a custom you've never heard of"

"I guess not this way. As a matter of fact, I can't express the date over here and the original date, so I'm not sure when it's February 3rd..."

If we're going to date correctly, February 3rd is the right day of the festival.

but although this world is commonplace for something that looks like four seasons or that a year is roughly around three hundred and sixty days, it has been called too differently to live together for nine years.

Although it is blurred and the cold season is now between January and March.

"That's why I think I'll do the saving! It's not about getting rid of ghosts, it's about getting rid of the overall bad things you call ghosts, and you want to connect them to your family's happiness!

"And even if three of the four members of the family are told in a haunted home..."

The grinning lem hiccups and stretches a white horn from his forehead to start a ghost appeal.

As Rem said, ghost blood is also handed down to Rigel and Spica, the halves of ghosts and people, and horns grow firmly in both of them. Rigel can put it out of his own volition, and the occasional short stretches when Spica is crying too.

Four people in the room, sitting in a wheelchair and in a meeting, but Svalbard still looks dissatisfied with the way the ghosts aren't getting on. In the meantime, it's wonderful.



Reach out to the forehead of the sitting lem and rub the white horn with your fingertips.

While the corners have a hard feel, the surface is a warm, smooth touch. And apparently, the corners themselves also have sensations, whenever Subaru moves his fingers,

"Oh, do it... no, Subaru... the kids are watching..."

"It's not convincing to be told while you snuggle in..."

From the colour, Rem leans over as he demonstrates the adorability of small animals. exactly hip-crushed lem on his knees, and Subaru looked at Rigel as he stroked the corner,

"What do you think of Rigel?

"Aside from the opinion that a couple of leers should blow up? No, I don't know... but my dad does that, why are you doing it? You don't look so good. I don't know."

Rigel stares at Subaru with a grumpy face as he grabs Spica and gives up. In an inquiry from that son, Subaru nodded aloud, "Uhm,"

"Simple story, because this is the only major custom I can think of for a ghost relationship. Besides, there was a lack of explanation earlier, but there was a continuation of this custom. There's a certain aspect of getting rid of ghosts, a symbol of evil, while at the same time bringing happiness into the house instead. I mean, it's like getting something bad out of the house and praying for safety in the house."

Slowly slapping Rem's back round on his knees, Subaru stood one empty finger,

"It's nothing more important to me than family. I can't ignore ghost relationships on edge... and treating ghosts isn't all bad."

"... what?

"The formal way to do it is, 'The ghost - and -! Blessings, of course!' I've got beans all wrapped up, but these days, ghosts and blessings are both popular ways to get into the house."

"It's a real fall! What happened to the bad and the good and the first cut!

"You've changed your mind. And I don't think that's a bad thing."

Bitterly smiling at Rigel's voice, Subaru gently combs his long lem hair with his fingers. faintly back-shaking lems, sublimating to laughter the loviness creeping up,

"It's abusive to kick him out just because he's a ghost. Maybe we can get along with ghosts. You can marry a ghost and become a family."


"I think it would be nice if the world changed the way it seemed. Me, I was originally a ghost lover, and now my wife is a ghost and the happiest. Or maybe the good and the bad bite your life off and change your meaning to a good lesson."

It's something that shifts the world, for better or worse, and it also changes the way we face savings and ghosts.

Subaru also inherits enough of its ethnicity with a national pattern that is just a prelude, such as ghosts being output by adorable characters. So there is no resistance at all. My wife is cute.

"Ghosts are - of us. Blessings too - of which -"


"Ghosts are within, blessings are within. Let's take them both in. It's a tough call. For me, happiness and ghosts are symbols of happiness. Take both of them to greed..."

Seeing Subaru shrugging his shoulders, Rigel held his mouth to say something and eventually dropped his shoulder like he gave up without being able to say anything.

When Subaru laughed at his son's such reaction, Rem, who until then was subaru on his lap but was left, "hehe," he laughed.

"That's the way Subaru thinks, I love Rem. - Shall we do it, Setubun?"

"Oh, you got me on board. Then let's do it without changing our minds. Try spreading the word like the play knowledge you brought in."

Lifting Lem up his face, Lem asks the rising Subaru with only his gaze. Subaru nodded at that gaze,

"See, that's what happened when I spread the ice ghosts and stuff, but when I feel familiar and cheap about kararagi - or something like that. Oh, my God, you're wearing it with my local area."

"Sometimes, you say. Do you feel that much?

"I told you I was joking before, but you're doing something close to respecting public opinion and deciding on a vote Prime Minister... April Fools, Christmas, things close to that."

"Because having all sorts of events and festivals can create opportunities to thrive in a commercial relationship... or something"

"There will be that, but I don't think that's all... now, okay?"

Definitely a good country to live in. It's been nine years since Rem and I moved.

With the vastness of the carraragi, this would not have worked without a humane national breeze. I'm not used to Kansai valves, but I'm not used to Kararagi valves.

"Sora, I brought you some beans. If we're gonna do it, we're gonna do it right."

"Oh, don't be shy, my son. So while you took a negative stance, was the excitement hidden from the inside out? Rigel, you guys!

"Though it would be a lot better than a father worried about his predisposition than his son by his daughter-in-law!

Rigel, who brought a bag of beans from the living room, ramblingly presses it against Subaru and Lem one at a time, holding one bag himself.

Subaru nodded at the two of them, facing each other and asking with his eyes what to do, and shook the bean as he stuck his hand in the bag.

"Easy. As I called earlier, 'The ghost... and...! Blessings, of course!' You can do it. No, ghosts and blessings are inside versions. Let's go that way."

"Uh, the beans... should I hit the ghost?

"I'm a little afraid of the sight of my mother looking at me there as my son!

"Well, yeah, but don't do it for real. Just pose, be gentle."

Check the steps, then save money - here we go.

facing each other, with beans in their hands,

"Sora! The ghost - of us! Blessings, of course!

"Er... Oh, the ghost - of course! Blessings, of course!

"The ghost - Oh, Spica, don't cry! Don't cry! Oh, wait, I waited for the beans!

Guru, the beanstalk begins as he circles around the room like he did in an earlier exchange.

With Subaru energetically, and Lem, who was shy at first, gradually forgot to illuminate and laughed, Rigel worked hard to impose on himself the handful of holding a spica somehow.

"It's a ghost! Blessings! Of which!"

With ghosts in you, happiness in your home, this is how the Natsuki family saves money.

I get a wife who is a ghost, and a child who draws the blood of ghosts between each other, and thus I enjoy the new form of the verse. - That's oh, what a happy thing.

The beans are scattered, scattered all over the room, in the hallway, all over the house.

When I think about cleaning later, that's all I get disoriented about - thinking about cleaning up, not enjoying this moment right now, etc. That's what's wrong with me.

Laugh, laugh, laugh, throw the beans.

Join my dear ghosts for a beanstalk, filling your chest with happiness.

Ghosts and happiness, take it in and laugh grandly. Let's love each other.


To the lid, Lem's smile was next to Subaru.

Turning to Subaru, who drops his gaze, Rem smiles with his upbeat cheeks,

"Will you be embracing Rem with happiness today and in the future?

That's what I said, holding back a jumping lem.

"- I told you. I've been dreaming about building a future with ghosts for a long time."

Subaru whispered with boundless love that he was indeed taking the happiness of this moment into his chest and that it would continue forever.

"... I don't care."


"You want some? But you can't. I thought you said you only eat beans a few years old. Spica's only zero, and she said she can't eat it because she doesn't have teeth. I'll eat instead."


"You look disgruntled... you look just like you did when your mother was trying to persuade your father. Thinking about the domestic pyramids since Spica was able to walk around, when will the first be compassionate?"

"Oh, what?

"Inside? Stupid, I can't go back now. Because I've decided to stick to it and still snuggle inside. What about ghosts? Seriously, why don't you just kick me out and be my mother?"

"Ah! Ah, ah!

"Oh my God, I even have my father's shoulder to you! It's called a good spica with your mother, is your father even out of a pheromone that's liked by ghosts? Seriously, it's impossible."

"Ah? Ah, ah. Ugh."

"What? Why are you stroking my cheek like a comfort? No, and I don't like my dad anything else. I'm one of the exceptions in the ghost. Even if ghosts from all over the world mellow on my father, I'm the only one who's ever been anti-fatherly!

"Ah, bah."

"Uh, shit! Can you do it? Here we go, Spica. Just go around the neighborhood for a second, and you'll both be done. I'll tell you what, I'm not letting you two be alone because you're upset... that's no excuse!

"Ah! Ah!"

"Uh, shit."

- It's a beautiful day.

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