One of the crown's iconic personalities, Subaru calls theta.

She was the one who went into the cemetery and touched on the past of Lewes Mayer, who formed the basis for us, but whose memory is terribly fragmented and even chronologically negligible.

I'm sure that's because a being called myself is a being shaped on it by cutting the soul of the great Ryuz Mayer into several forms, θ thinks.

Then, other crowns. Can three people, such as alpha, beta, and si, or the unproduced replicas of personality, have a glimpse of another past?

Even if the idea were true, θ wouldn't want to put them in a graveyard.

- Because it was an intolerable and indulgent pain for θ, such as showing the shape of the past you saw to a replica of other crowns.

"- I wonder what it is. If you look at me like that, you don't do anything."

The beginning of the memory comes from the stare of a girl with pale shades of hair.

She's an adorable looking girl.

Pale, light-soluble coloured hair with clear white skin. Thin, blue eyes are round and large, easily decorating the girl's appearance with poor words.

The hair divided into two parts is curled large and long, and if you put your fingers through it, you just see it return a slippery touch and a bouncing softness.

The dress in a calm shade seems a little grown-up for the young looking girl, but given the flair of the girl's own ingredients, the harmony was conscious with the colour flavour of the dress.


The crown gets frightened when she gets shot out of an adorable girl with an insurmountable gaze.

Not to mention, compared to the girl in front of me, I am the poor minister himself in both appearance and attire. I couldn't wait to even be ashamed to be on this spot because I felt like I was just the same when I was old and my misery was becoming more and more prominent.

"Hmm. Coward, I guess."

The girl snorts like disappointed at the crow who can't say anything back and shuts up.

Even that trick is a pathetic behavior in front of an adorable appearance, but it was more painful for the crowd to tighten their chest than to be cursed.

Before you realize it's something close to fear, to damaging the mood of the girl in front of you -,

"Beatrice. What is that attitude? I didn't mean to teach you to behave like that."

It takes a gentle voice, and the look on the girl's face in front of her is strong.

The voice is behind the girl, that is, from the end of the crown's gaze.

Behind the settlement, coming out of a small digging cabin was a 'white' woman.

Long stretched white hair. Clear white skin that doesn't even shine. Only her eyes and lips, the long clothes and skirts on the sleeves she is wearing are barely colored, letting her surroundings somewhat know that her presence is real.

The person who slowly walks over here is a great grace to this village - Echidna, a witch.

The girl who had a dramatic reaction to that echidna voice. called Beatrice. She looked back with a strong face,

"Oh, uh... no, Mother! Betty - nothing... just this girl."

"I'm not even going to teach you to make excuses, by the way. Tell them the truth, exactly. If you're sure you're not bad, you shouldn't be hesitant to do so. Didn't you?"

"No, I don't..."

There is no emotional stiffness in Echidna's voice, but there is the harshness to hunt it down quietly.

Beatrice dropped her shoulders and teased her face as she put her hands together,

"As Mother said, Betty was waiting quietly outside. Then I wonder if this girl has come. I thought it was rude to watch this one on the far roll. That's why he called me in and asked me what it was for."

"Hmm. I see. Are you sure about that?

"Ah... eh. Yes, it is. I'm sorry. Wow, I work disrespectfully..."

Beatrice's explanation is correct.

At the edge of the village, Ryuse looked at her blurry, nestled with her weight on the fence. I'm sure he would have waited for Echidna's errands to end, Beatrice. Because the way she looked, her eyes, they seemed somewhat lonely and her chest felt tight.

However, even if you talk about that, you'll just be laughed at with your nose. The crown tries to make the smaller body even smaller and survive the storm by lowering its head.

"Don't deny it, huh? I wonder if that would mean that Beatrice was slightly more rude, as he put it."

"Yes, Mother. So what's wrong with Betty..."

"Except it's Beatrice's lapse to treat her so frighteningly high pressure. Everyday, I should be telling you. You're special, but that's not for looking down on others."

"Ugh, Miu..."

Beatrice, who tried to ride Echidna's affirmation, clings his mouth to an immediate cut back.

With those exchanges in his eyes, Ryus was struck by the fact that Echidna remembered her name with trembling guts.

Though it is a small settlement, I am a child not enough to take.

Such a gracious witch remembers her name. It was an extra privilege in itself as a resident of The Sanctuary, a tribute and tribute to The Witch of Greed.

"Let's leave the correction around there to juice after we get back to the mansion. I'm sure you'll stick it out."

"... Betty doesn't really like juice."

"I think it's where he wants to be because he thinks it's his role to be hated"

I smiled thinly at Beatrice, who looked disgusted, and then Echidna turned to the crown.

My heart bounces unintentionally. It's surprising that Echidna's attention was still on me for Ryuz, who missed the time to talk and gauged when he should walk away from this place.

As it was, Echidna walked toward the stiff crown with her shoulders bouncing,

"I'm sorry to surprise you, crown. This girl is Beatrice... she's like a daughter to me. As you can see, I'm ashamed I haven't gotten it right yet."

"It's not something like that, it's my daughter."

"Well, that seems to be the case. A little while from now, I'll be taking you to the Sanctuary with the eagle. I want you to be close because there will be more opportunities to deal with them."

"Ha, ha. I'll take care of it, Echidna."

With his hands on his shoulders, Ryus nodded, shaking his heart with joy.

Echidna pulled her jaw satisfactorily to Ryuz's consent and squealed behind it as Beatrice jerked off, "... I don't know, Betty - I don't care if she's alone".

"I'm sorry, kid there. Master Echidna is supposed to be needing it, haven't you seen it?

Stopping at the call, Ryuse, who was carrying the laundry cage, looked back.

And I realize who the person who stopped me is, and I'm about to raise my voice unexpectedly. As I approached removing the laundry cage in my arm to my surprise, my arm, which had grown steadily, supported it.

"Oh, and..."

"Wow, I'm sorry."

Filling the distance to slip, Ryuse bows his head to the boy who supported the laundry cage.

Look at that, the boy with blue long hair says, "No, don't worry about it,"

"I'm sorry I didn't realize you were carrying your stuff. It lacked consideration."

"That's not... Dear Mazers, it's a terrible thing."

"Whoever you are, don't forget to take care of women.... Correct only one thing and I don't really like being called by my family name. That's what I want you to call me, Roswell."

That's what I said to Crowes, and the boy - Rosewear - let me look him in the eye.

He's about four or five years older than the crown and taller than his head for a minute. Still, my hands and legs have not been stretched out, and my often passing voice has not finished degenerating into an adult.

He was a boy who behaved naturally with elegance, making even a young crowd feel it, with some glossy colour, which could only be in the short period between a boy and a young man.

That should be it, too. Roswar is the head of the Mazers family, who rule more than one territory at that young age, and is also a masterpiece working with Echidna, the witch, to manage the 'sanctuary'.

It has always been said that, in a different sense from Echidona, he is a person who contributes to the maintenance of this settlement called 'Sanctuary' and that there must be no disrespect.

While Ryus blushed his cheeks on Roswar's wink, he desperately handed over the contents of his earlier call.

"So, I'm Lady Echidna... but I haven't seen it today. Nor was Beatrice in his usual place."

"Right. Maybe we're late for arrival. Anyway, it's hard to think that Beatrice won't see you any time soon."

"Uh, well... I think it just so happens that Master Beatrice has a lot of opportunities to talk to me..."

"I guess that happens to be because Beatrice says so?

To Roswar's inquiry, Ryus shakes his head silently and vertically.

Beatrice, Echidna's daughter, has had many face-to-face relationships since she was introduced. Beatrice, who follows Echidona, who is busy sewing and visiting the 'Sanctuary', often wanders through the 'Sanctuary' while Echidona runs errands. In it, contact with the crown occurs frequently.

When the crown took in the laundry or went to pick up the mountain vegetables, it was visited quite often to pass the occasion.

Rosewar laughs at the crown's answer in such a way that she can't stand it.

"Beatrice's not being honest. I hope you don't feel bad about her."

"I can't believe I'm not good at it. To things like me, you're doing better. I'm the one who always seems to upset Master Beatrice... and I'm so worried that she doesn't hate me."

"Then I'll be fine. Beatrice's dislike is not very credible. If you really don't like it, you don't follow me for a reason."

Am I right, and Ryus tilts his neck as he listens to Roswar?

Beatrice generally always complains about bumps when dealing with crowns, and she wants to complain about every move of crowns. When I keep looking at things like that, there's something very hard to believe when people tell me that I don't really hate myself.

In particular, Rhus said that many residents of the 'Sanctuary' were often chosen as such spearheads of malice and hostility in the outside world. Beatrice's was overwhelmingly soft and warm compared to what Lewes knew, but insurance is still dangerous.

"I hope you'll find out soon enough."

Rosewire pounds and spills like that as she sees the crown that pushes her silence.

Seeing a lonely smile floating around his mouth, Ryus battles over what has made Roswar look like that.

But before pronouncing a word of repair, Roswar blinked his yellow eyes like he noticed something.

"Ah! Doctor! When I heard you were here, I flew in!

Raising his hand, Rosewear runs out with a face shaken like a child, abandoning his earlier adult attitude. When you follow Roswar through his side with your eyes, it is one woman - Echidna - who stands ahead of him as he runs.

Echidna raised that brow small as she noticed Roswar rushing over with a joyful face.

"Roswar? I don't remember allowing you to call me a weasel."

"Today's not the day. The assignment I was given to my teacher before, because I can now be firm. The concentration rate of the four-color mana is equalized to produce the rainbow mana. - From there to adding the two remaining colors ahead, I arrived on my own. How about that?"

"Did you get to the point where you bound the six colors by yourself? That would be... a terrible rate of proficiency and obsession. Oh, boy, you're in trouble."

It is rare for Echidna to give a surprised look.

At least, Ryus saw it for the first time. Roswar is proudly chested and waiting to be spoken from Echidna. The appearance is smiling from a younger crowd. Because you can see from his attitudes, his gaze, his end of them, his unseen love for Echidona and his overflowing emotions for more than that.

"I wonder what you're standing on."

"Ah... Dear Beatrice..."

Looking away at the two of them like that, Beatrice, standing next to her, was peeking into this one's face. Unexpectedly taking a step back, Beatrice becomes a familiar posture to put her arms together and lets her nose ring against the crown.

"He's still rude to watch."

"Also, I'm sorry. It was disgusting."

Blamed, Ryus frightens his shamelessness. But Beatrice deepens that frown wrinkle even further to the apologetic crown.

Just smiling or not pulling your lips together, a softening face with a good impression. Nevertheless, I am sorry that I always let you face it because of my reckless deeds.

"I don't know how long you'll be looking like that and leaning down, groaning. If you have time for a laundry cage, you should move on to your next job."

"Yes. Let me do that. Now if you'll excuse me."

Keep your head down again to the spicy Beatrice, and the crown goes after the shivers and the spot. but that's how behind the crown walking out early, the place and Beatrice dragging the hem of the dress were following.

"Dear Beatrice...?

"I wonder if it's nothing. It's just a waste of time."

Beatrice responds that way with a clear face to the crown looking back at her neck alone. In an attempt to put his neck back on that usual attitude, Ryus recalled his earlier interaction with Roswar.

It was that boy's view that Beatrice was never reluctant to interact with the crowd--

"Dear Beatrice. If you don't mind, could you help me fold the laundry?

"... Huh?

Thoughtfully, Beatrice roared in disgust at the crowd suggesting help with chores.

Beatrice looks wide open and changes her expression to surprise and some angry emotions. To her appearance, Ryus regrets what Rosewar put him through.

"- If you can't make it alone, I can't help you."


"I'm not going to tell you twice. Look, let's just go."

That being said, Beatrice accidentally stops to pass next to the crown on a fast foot. As soon as I walked through the side, I could see Beatrice's mouth slackening half, loose with a different emotion half from that.

Curly, the back of his chest gets hot, and the crown lines up for a small run late to Beatrice. Then I peered into its side,

"If you don't mind, can I get you a little laundry?

"You, you're not getting on too well. - I don't know what else to do. Just a little."

With that said, Beatrice had reached for the crown with a face she seemed uncomfortable.

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