Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter IV 106: Otto Suwen

Tingly, with his face to the burning sensation of his skin, Garfiel kicked up the falling leaves rampantly.

"Do it, you son of a bitch."

It's a frustratingly squeaky word, but there's an honest sense of praise there.

Licking was the cause of defeat, and the man cursed. That is an undeniable fact.

Garfield was definitely completely underestimated if Otto didn't have the fighting power.

"Demon Ore of Fire... I wonder what you meant by not making it a powerful one"

For a moment, the curtain of flames that covered my sight.

Garfiel recalls abominably that his stiff body was only seared for a moment and disappeared.

A false threat is a similar blow. There is a faint tingling feeling on the skin, but it is not unlike sunburn. That is far from damage, etc.

There's just something I can tell you clearly.

"If that's a lethal shot, I'm sorry it wasn't even for free...!

A moment that was supposed to be deadly was taken off at the other person's discretion.

What is it that this is not a situation of being pitied? The current state of being eaten a cup properly by the person who lost consciousness by doing so.

This is too much, I'm miserable and stupid.

"Fuck you...!

Even more frustrating is that the opponent who has launched the current attack chose to flee in an instant, ignoring Garfiel, who is deprived of consciousness by the flames. The delayed Garfiel completely lost sight of Otto in a clean behavior that did not even consider fine dust such as pursuit.

Soft soil. Falling leaves. A lot of cleverly running through the land, which is supposed to be an unfamiliar scaffold. I can also nod the statement that I was walking around the woods at night.

Still, if it turns out to be a pure tracking play, there's no way you can escape Garfield. Garfield can pack Otto's ten running steps in two. Physical ability, the difference as a race, is so great.

Otto, however, covered it without even losing an eye.

"- Shit! Hmm!? This... aah! Damn it, my nose hurts."

The moment I snorted to chase the escaped otto, the stink pierced Garfiel's nostrils so painfully. Having breathed through his thoughts, Garfiel turns his face upside down and shakes his head in such sharp pain that his vision blinks.

Seeing, a transparent bottle had been thrown away in Otto's standing position until earlier. A colorless liquid is pouring out of the empty area of the lid, and I sense the irritant odor drifting from it. But that's all the sense of smell can play a role.

"Son of a bitch... seal my nose and I'll beat you if you want to."

Garfiel, stripped of his fangs and sealed with means one after the other, exposes his anger.

How long have you been working out measures for vs. Garfield? All in all, the measures so far have sealed Garfield off perfectly.


Touching the wound on his forehead, Garfiel, breathing roughly, performs the ritual of calming himself.

Deep breaths calmed the heart and lungs, attracting thoughts that were about to be pushed away by anger. What I think is not about Otto's arrangement of keeping Garfield in perfect trap.

Why is Otto throwing himself into such a reckless battle?

As an assumption in the first place, it's odd for Otto to challenge Garfield.

His aim is to buy time - to draw Garfield's attention to himself and, in the meantime, to escape the remaining refugees in the 'sanctuary' one after the other on separate routes.

That's exactly what Otto himself seeded and made us hear, and if his words are true, we've been chasing them now, and even Garfiel can't stop all dragon cars in the end.

For a moment, I also thought about using command to let the crown replicas chase me, but unless it's clear where each dragon car starts, it's the mountain of Sekiyama that's going to be a waste of time shooting.

The replicas have no knowledge or experience and can only accomplish a great deal of clutter.

Besides, they even have to instruct here the habit of eating regularly, and try to throw them to live in small circles when they reach their limit of activity in the woods.

I'm also tired of Garfiel running around not disappearing when he finds it.

"In the end, you're the only one I can count on. Ha! I always did."

Not enough trouble, his nose sealed.

Still, Garfield is not pessimistic. I have this flesh that I have forged. There is only enough power left to run through the woods and achieve their purpose.

Whatever Otto's purpose was, he resisted Garfield so much. You will also be prepared to touch Garfield's scales and be waving your nails and fangs.

No longer Garfiel stopped insulting Otto as a prey just to be eaten.

Decide that you need to hunt as hard as you can, and be sure to hunt them down and finish them off.

- At the time of that thought, Garfield doesn't realize he's already been put on Otto's plot, oblivious to his original purpose.

"Oh, my God, you're such an adult. That son of a bitch instructed me to do the same... nah, you're going to say something."

As he pursues Otto lurking in the woods, Garfield, who circles his neck, sees a dragon car nestled in.

I made it look like I was getting away with an evacuee, two Dummy dragon cars. Nevertheless, the ground dragon pulling the dragon car is both real, and since the start of the exchange between Otto and Garfield, he has sat on the spot bending his knees and piercing his attitude without his involvement.

"Don't you think you can do me harm if you don't make a bad move? Wise. In fact, you don't have to kill him."

Shaking his head, Garfiel puts his hand on the passenger car of the dragon car again through the side of the ground dragons.

In order to mislead the villagers in their smell, large quantities of clothing were scattered in the car. I made sure that was all I had earlier and cut it up, but with a little more stickiness I might find something.

Garfiel looks over the seats and walls with his feet full of messy scattered clothes. I was wondering if there was anything I was looking for, and I tried to get off the passenger car with a little search.

"- Ah?

Something sticks to hide behind the door of the passenger car at the end of the gaze.

Swinging in the wind It was white paper, something that was only made visible from the inside.

- I had a bad feeling, and Garfiel walked over to the door once and spread it in his hand, pulling it rampantly against the wind.


"- So much for clapping, it's worth what you're doing"

Seeing that letter written down, Garfiel's vision stains bright red with hell-anger.

The next moment - jumping up the seats in the room and exploding in a small room with a small black mass. Garfiel's fury was swallowed by a swarm of worms that feathered like a storm.

- For Otto Suwen at an early age, the world was a shaking cage of hell.



Hidden all four or six hours, Otto's ears kept hearing words that didn't make sense.

Sitting down on the ground with a boisterous face, whispering in his ear, or screaming from afar, sometimes singing, and sometimes being an extinct demon, the world was constantly forcing him to remain connected to Otto.

Everywhere in the world, voices come after young ottoes everywhere.

days without rest. Extended wood-spirited, discordant chorus. Everything, one hell of a concerto that I didn't intend to cooperate with, kept leaning beside Otto all the time.

- How can everyone live as normal in such a loud world?

Otto had such doubts in hell that he could not even hear his neighbor satisfied.

My parents hold me up and throw me some words along with a smile. But no matter how loving it is, Otto's ears are swallowed by numerous murmurs that don't reach him.

The parents, who noticed his son's anomaly, immediately took such otto to the doctor.

Don't laugh, don't be angry, don't cry. Something like emotional expression didn't grow, roughly, because all the work from the outside world only felt the same for Otto.

Otto will therefore spend his early childhood as an emotionless person so worried by his parents.

Fortunately, the Suwen family is a merchant who maintains a middle-class standard of living, and there was enough storage to get his son through to a doctor.

Otto's body, however, can't find anything unusual to show to any doctor. Naturally, if you say his symptoms, they sound too loud, but there is no other reason for the loss of hearing.

Two older brothers and two younger brothers. Unlike Otto, his brothers, who had spent time as a healthy man, grew up slowly with the love of their parents. The interest of the parents is gradually fading away from Otto, the love for the three is divided between the two, and Otto is kept away from the warmth of his parents.

Otto had no grudges or jealousies about such brothers or parents. Sometimes by then, hating or envying someone, plus or minus, neither emotion had grown, and the brothers had gutted me into a half-wordless otto. The fact that my parents' hearts are getting tired also makes me think I have no choice.

If I was in one of my brothers' shoes at the time, I don't know if I could have been so hard to be kind to an unexplained family. So rather, as much as I appreciate it.

Even if the voice cannot be delivered as a sound, a letter can communicate the will.

It was also my brother who tried to make Otto read and listen to the book.

The mastery of letters was, naturally, extremely difficult.

Anyway, the sound of recognizing words doesn't make sense. Otto spent ten times as much time as a normal child mastering letters to understand what a line of words meant.

Nevertheless, it was not bitter. Sadly, Otto doesn't have the sensitivity to think it's painful, and he doesn't have anything to do every day with toddlers who can't live a decent life.

- Always, thank you.

Otto still remembers strongly and strongly that his parents held themselves in tears the first time he showed that letter he wrote on paper.

Even if I don't clearly understand the emotions of gratitude, I am being treated as such. He judged so as a young man, and was appreciated for the words he had written compulsorily, and a wave was born in Otto's heart.

- I raised my voice and cried so much that my throat dried up, maybe since I was born. If so, that was Otto's second production.

"Thanks, Grandpa."



It wasn't until shortly after Otto raised his voice a second time that he could find blurriness and legality in the chorus of hell that he didn't understand the meaning.

Until then, many of the murmurs that were hitting the tympanic membrane, little by little, are surely sorted out and removed by Otto's will.

And completely, it was around the time Otto celebrated his eighth birthday that he was able to block the surrounding sound at his will.

Otto, who became almost a healthy man himself, gregariously absorbed all things from it, as he watered the thirsty desert.

Originally, Otto had to abandon the majority of events that children learn by the age of eight. I had mastered the letters and encouraged them to take the time to study, but still my comprehension skills were somewhat inferior to those of my age. He shrinks the delay at once with a weapon called concentration.

The sleeping talent of a boy named Otto Suwen blossomed.

There is no worse color than my brother or brother. No, thinking or understanding that goes above the two of us. Otto, with his rare ability to learn, shows up at the head of a boy and girl his age as Gungu -.

- And by brilliant, I had failed and isolated myself in a relationship.

"How can we all live as normal in such a difficult world"

Cheeked by a favored girl, Otto squeaks with her knee holding her face red and swollen.

Upon reaching the age of ten, Otto worked in study so as not to be ashamed of himself as the son of a merchant. This is not the case in an environment where you can be well educated from an early age. It was undoubtedly a privileged environment and an ideal day to spend with boys and girls my age.

The only problem was that things like Otto's emotional expression and mental age were only seven years behind children his age.

Otto, who has not failed to do what many children normally do, fails the same as usual since he can do it. However, much of it was to be forgiven because it was a very young age among what could be described as a child, and when Otto was made redundant after that period, it was all about producing results that could only be said to have been made redundant.

Even less fortunate, Otto Suwen was a totally unlucky boy.

If you let your parents tell you, Otto's bad luck starts right after the birth, cutting off that he nearly drowned in water production. Even though it was not intended from there, he was frequently unhappily annoyed by being dropped from the stairs, eating bird excrement, and drowning in a vase.

I wasn't aware of it because I hadn't developed the feeling of savoring the misfortune.

After that feeling grows, he looks back at the past, and Otto is stunned by his background.

I was wondering what the hell would happen to you if you were going to have a day so lucky to be abandoned.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

"Hiru, hiru, hiru, hiru, hiru, hiru"

"Hey, there's something coming. Hey, something's coming."

Further around this time, a change occurs in the noise that was becoming consciously capable of blocking.

It made sense to the unintelligible chorus that couldn't make any sense.

Most of them just didn't know what it meant to be able to hear, but as a result of running to turn incomprehension into understanding, Otto realizes who the hell he was when he was a young girl.

Apparently, I have the power to communicate with creatures other than the human species.

Otto Suwen became aware of that skill, which he later discovered to be "the protection of the Spirit of the Word," eleven years after he expressed it.

Then Otto tried to protect himself by taking to various parts of town in order to know the limits of the power of protection he had been given. I find that the more intelligent creatures apparently are, the more clearly the will is conveyed between trial and error.

He then showed his brothers where he exchanged words with the ground dragon he had kept at his parents' house, revealing that he had been a protector since his childhood.

"Yeah, well. Yeah... you know... otto. That power, yeah, wow. Yeah, 'cause I think it's amazing... that, what? Where people look, don't use it."

Being protective is a blessing from the world, but that's not the case when it comes to being welcomed by anyone with such skills. If it is a protection for 10,000 people, yet, Otto's power only works for Otto himself, and if he tries to abuse it, he can also come up with various ways in the child's mind.

The opinion of my brother, who guided Otto himself, was certainly something to snort at.

Promising his brother to bluish his face and distract his gaze, Otto firmly decided in his heart that he should not be known around him for the existence of his' protection of the Spirit of the Word '.

This power can be dangerous not only for you, but also for those around you.

The young Otto boy's heart was lit with a sense of purpose that he had to protect his precious family.

It was not until three days after my promise to my brother that the existence of "The Protection of the Spirit of the Word" came to light that I ate the total skan in earnest from boys and girls my age.

My brother saw me in a sneak conversation with the dragon, and Otto revealed to his brother that he had no choice but to protect himself. And I also told my brother that I was worried, and I decided to share with him that my powers were too dangerous.

And the next day, while his brother, who tried to brag about Otto's power, brought a large group of children together, Otto saw hell for the first time in years after being seen talking to a bug.

The drawback of 'the protection of the Spirit of the Word' would be that it is only necessary to use the other's words to communicate with one another. In short, Otto is hissing like a ground dragon when he talks to a ground dragon, and sounding like a bug when he talks to a bug.

I can't read the air, it was a flash to know the name with the zodda worm bastard.

Since then, Otto has sealed the 'Protection of the Word and Spirit' and is determined to never use it again. It took me a few years to undo the bad reviews that struck me and successfully wipe away abominable memories from the memory of many.

It was Otto boy fourteen who accomplished it. It was a lot of sentimental times.

When the age is also fourteen, the excuse that the growth of the mind, etc., also ceases to apply. Her body also began to grow steadily up the adult stairs, and by the time her hands and legs were stretched out, Otto boy looked neat enough to be quite reputable.

Soft face with gray hair and slight lightness. A gentle eye and a hard-working disposition to things. Otto boy, who has now surprisingly excelled in the elements that tickle his motherhood, has become interested in sex shanty as a boy of his age -,

He turned the daughter of the most powerful man in town against his enemies with the power of "Guardianship of the Spirit of the Word," and was to be banished.

Otto boy, it was about the cold season when I now turned fifteen.

Depending on the matter, I will no longer discount it, but in short, it is the result of being caught up in a love drama.

On the night of the birthday party of the town's most powerful daughter, her lover yelled in anger at the dew that she was with another man who wasn't herself. It was Otto who had been seen talking to his daughter just before.

Otto honestly replied that he was just asked for time, but turned his face bright red and said, "Zodda bug bastard!" The man who makes me curse doesn't have the ear to listen.

They dug up the past, which should have been wiped out for the first time in four years, and just Otto forgot his normal mind at all this time.

So he unsealed himself, acted with all his might to clear up the suspicions placed on him, listened to every living creature in town, and, as a result, found out that the daughter in question was actually roaming with as many as seven men on the night in question and told the poor man, "You are apparently the eighth!" I told him it was sunny.

After being beaten by a man, and targeted by a killer hired by his daughter, who was exposed to heterosexual relationships, Otto would escape his birthplace with his other body and rely on his father's fringe to work in a chamber of commerce of acquaintances.

From there I trained and traveled as a pedestrian when I was sixteen - Otto Suwen, my independence as a man.

Otto's business journey was just a series of ordeals.

The nature of being befallen by bad luck did not let go of Otto when he got older. If we carried the cracks, we were hit by bad weather, if we put them in the mountains in an attempt to shorten the itinerary, we were attacked by bandits, and in the camp on the night when we acted in conjunction with other pedestrians, only one otto was sucked of his whole body's blood by insects.

Hardened by all sorts of misfortunes, Otto managed to survive without ruin because he was blessed with brilliant commercial talent to such an extent that he unfortunately caught up with them.

You don't make a lot of money, and you don't lose a lot of money. Four years to the age of twenty were instantaneous, steered precisely by a miraculous sense of balance as a merchant.

My heart broke and it didn't end up like going home because I had the full hoo of a local dragon, my childhood relationship, who took my hometown out of my parents' house on the day they banished me.

Honestly, I had all sorts of complicated thoughts about Fulfu, who was cut off by the 'protection of the Spirit of the Word' to his brothers, but it's a definite connection for Otto now, like an important family.

Otto, who for some reason can hardly work with other pedestrians, was often confused by exchanging words with Fulfu about sleepless nights spent alone.

Let me go to bed now, and we'll continue the conversation somehow until Fuluhu lights up.

It was no longer natural for the pedestrians to bypass his appearance in the middle of the night, surrounded by fire and speaking in imitation of the sounds of the earth dragon, to be far-flung.

A turning point comes to Otto, who, without such a buoyancy, had a fine warm water beside him like a children's spree, a day that was actually quite desperate for us.

- He missed his business opportunity and completely dismissed it.

At that time, it was the oil that Otto was handling. By the time we had a cold season, a red-faced bearded man asked us if we could trade very high prices in Gusteco, the northern country. Otto turned the iron product he had into oil and aspired to Gusteco in a spirit - hitting it just in time of national cut off and losing sight of judging the product.

What shocked his mind even more was when he heard the story of a fairly bought iron product being traded at a hugely high price in Wang Du.

Otto realized that he had been eaten a whole cup and was in danger of pedestrian life.

We need to find a chance to reverse one shot and try to get back on track, it could be like letting go of Fulfu. On the contrary, there is also the possibility of crying consequences for my parents.

For Otto, that was the only area that should never be stepped over.

It's been more than five years since I've been unable to see my family, but Otto's love for his family continues to linger without any shards diminishing. I owe it to my family who didn't abandon me at an early age to be able to live bent over right now.

In that young decade Otto annoyed his family for another lifetime. I'm going to have to spend the rest of my life paying back that decade.

Borrowing is right and accurate. Otto Suwen is the son of a merchant.

- A pedestrian I had a relationship with said he wanted to talk about making money, and Otto got on with it.

Whatever that request, what I needed was not a product, but a story about the ground dragon's feet. We're talking about putting people on the carriage of a dragon car and wanting to move a lot of people.

Jumping without one or two, Otto intended to spin the full hoof and the 'Protection of the Spirit of the Word' to bring them to their destination sooner than anyone else.

Running through the evil road, down the roadless road, and also pushing Fulfu's retaining voice, "Let's not do this anymore, Bo-chan," Otto arrived faster than anyone else.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa... so fast, where are you going... Death!

It became difficult.

Prisoned and curled by people whose eyes were completely gone, Otto realized that his misfortune had truly culminated.

Separated from Fulfu, Otto, stripped of his figure, was thrown into a cold cave and was considered merely to wait for the moment when his life was taken by play.

Who the hell can understand how much despair was soaking Otto's heart at this time? No one should be able to.

Because at this time Otto was trying to escape with all the power he could have, and was also exploring ways to escape from the hands of the demons of the group by opening up the 'Protection of the Spirit of the Word' entirely. It was the overwhelming silence - the same hell that had struck the young otto that was supposed to unfold when he completely opened up 'the protection of the Spirit of the Word' - that broke the inverted spirit of such otto.

I couldn't hear any of that nostalgic or abominable noise.

The creatures that are supposed to exist roughly anywhere, such as bugs and small animals, forests and caves, are so satanic that they are all there to hide themselves - otto ready for hell. Otto's heart was completely cracked when he saw hell exceeding its readiness.

My eyes lose power, and rapidly my powers fall out of my whole body. I found out that everything was no good anymore. Whatever you do, it doesn't work and ends up in a cold cave.

A sense of despair that doesn't even shed tears. When I even forgot the passage of time into an empty reality, it came abruptly and softened Otto Suwen's fate.

"What! Both witchcraft hondalas did it without vision! You're so naughty!"

A loud voice echoed through the cave, and Otto, who was in the frontier of oblivion, was rocked back into reality.

Face up and call for help in a plundered voice. It was the big beast man with the dog's face who showed up noticing it, and manipulating the Carraragi valve he freed the otto he had been imprisoned.

"Brother, you're in luck! If Wye and the others came, they definitely killed him! It's almost too late for that! One hair at a time! Wye and the others, of course, thanked the Admiral's boy!

"Ya, the Admiral's, boy...?

Turning the hands and feet that were tied, Otto twists his neck to the words of the ridiculously laughing beast man.

As he rounds his eyes to Otto's suspicions, he slaps this one on the back with his big hands, letting Otto scream,

"The general is the general! Kid's a kid! Together, Admiral's boy! I instructed Wye and the others to send us this far. You didn't look like you were going around like this, but people don't look like you! haha!

"Ha, ha... Wow, I get it. Anyway, thank you. Yes, even to that person..."

I have to thank you, and I just looked up, and Otto realizes.

The beast man looked at Otto's face and looked surprised. To Otto, who doesn't know what that reaction means, the Beast Man unexpectedly threw a white hand wipe from his nostalgia,

"What, if you cry, hide and cry. Don't feel sorry for a man in public."

"Huh... heh, cry?

"I don't care if you tear me down. Don't! If that's what you're crying about, what the hell! Sweat! Sweat in the heart! Brother, don't be such a jerk anymore!

The beast man turned his back on Otto and left as if he cared. Otto puts the cloth half-heartedly on his face and is wholeheartedly surprised that it sucked away tons of tears.

And as soon as I became aware of the tears, from next to next it overflowed.

"Oh, shit... what the hell, this... this... eh"

To an unstoppable stream of tears, Otto bites his teeth and pushes the cloth against his face.

I didn't know what caused the spilling tears, and my head was dominated by a ruptured curse.

- Freed from even thirsty despair, is that why it's tears?

"And don't die... oh, good..."

Nothing yet, I haven't accomplished.

I didn't repay you for one thing.

Die over there, Otto almost ended up without even the meaning of being born.

Having survived like this now, Otto was able to realize that.

- Every time Otto's life weeps, he realizes he'll be reborn.

The first time I've had a live voice in this world.

A second time producing a voice that knows the love of a family and knows where his heart is.

And for the third time, today I understood the purpose and meaning of living through the death I was supposed to be prepared for.

- Otto Suwen raised his voice again this day.

"- I'm not really asking you to buy this kind of time."

Otto smiles bitterly as he kicks the ground and works for unsuitable manual labor.

Suddenly crying memories, etc. are as unusual as you'd like to forget, but all the memories of raw hatred and crying are important, so you can't forget them.

At that time, the beast man named Ricard, who helped Otto, kept it a secret without telling anyone that Otto cried badly. The debt must be repaid someday.


"The loan will always be repaid. - Anyway, I'm a merchant."

- You saved my life, kid general.

Even to Natsuki Subaru, Otto Suwen owes me something I have to pay back.

Spend all of yourself to reward the life saved benevolence.

As a merchant, it's natural.

Above all -,

"- Friend's, so hey!!

Both Otto as a merchant and Otto as a single person, here and now, are imposing on themselves to step on.

So Otto Suwen comes to a battle of thin odds.

Ride a winning out-of-the-box bet and stack everything you can get on top of your existence in Natsuki Subaru's victory.

Because that's Otto's merchant soul, a testament to friendship.

- Far away, from the direction of the dragon car I've left behind, I can hear the beast's fury rising.

With a hunch that the end of the battle would really open, Otto unleashed his own protection - to squeeze his full strength as he gave himself up in a nostalgic hell, he kept running.

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