Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter IV 109: Wrong Choice

"As we talked about beforehand, we lure Garfiel while evacuating the villagers. Mr. Natsuki said he wouldn't mind buying some time, but I was going to be greedy for more than that... cooperation, would you?

Before breaking up with Subaru and leaving with the two dragon cars at the end of the settlement, Otto and Ram were exchanging words across the street.

Imbecile, to the inquiry of a less confident otto, the arm-wrapped ram meditates as he keeps his back on the wall. To the appearance of Ram, who continues to observe silence, Otto is in a hurry sometimes with no time to start the operation.

"Um, excuse me... honestly, I don't have much time"

"You're going to hate an impudent man. As I said before, it doesn't change depending on the terms."

One eye opens, and the ram truncates Otto's gaze like a pimple.

The 'before' she spoke of goes back three days than it was at this time. Otto offered Ram a fight together the night Subaru took the bet to Roswar.

To Svalbard's visit, Roswar urged Ram to leave the room and be alone.

At that time, it was Otto, who was working with Subaru, who tried to make contact with the ram that went out of the house. His reading that Roswar would keep the ram away if things became a serious matter involving the Gospel was misguided and he was able to catch her, who would be free for a certain amount of time.

To be clear, as of three days ago, the contact between Otto and Lamb was also too thin.

The number of times the words were exchanged was enough with one finger, and in the first place Lamb would not hold a shard of interest unless there was so much to do with a man other than Roswar. It would be about Ryus and Garfiel, except for officials at the Roswar Mansion, such as the person she exchanges words with in this' sanctuary '.

Otto therefore had to start by building friendship with Ram, who sees himself speaking with eyes like a stone at the edge of the road.

"Hi, that... Mr. Lamb. It's a good night."



"- Oh, if you think of anyone, you're the man who was coming behind the balus. I didn't know what kind of creature it was without Balth."

"Below People!? That impression is scratchy. No, I don't know how to handle it like a Natsuki accessory..."

"It's not worth it to a good man to be someone's accessory. Go away."


Otto wants friendly contact with the attitude of Ram, who doesn't have an island to attach, is worn out early.

In an attitude of no interest towards Otto, she arms herself with her back by the door.

"Um, do you mind if I talk to you?

"Whether you remember it or not, if you're going to talk, why don't you name it and then? Whether you remember it or not."

"Why were you pushed twice to remember? Ha... my name is Otto Suwen. If you're a businessman and just remember your face and your name."

"Depending on the intrigue of the story you're going to bring in, something like that."

To Otto, who names himself powerless, Ram does not give up the lead only.

Tell him to make an attitude of listening, but if it's a worthless topic, he'll cut it off immediately. Otto put his temper back into the unexpected cuts of the negotiators,

"I also have something to do with what Natsuki is talking about with Mr. Borderline right now...... Mr. Lamb. Aren't you going to work with Mr. Natsuki or me to free the 'Sanctuary' from its borders?

"- You're not gonna talk to me. Lamb's wish is the achievement of Master Roswar's grief. Respect for Lord Roswell's will and the liberation of the Sanctuary in that way means nothing."

"But that's only if things go according to Mr. Borderline's assumptions... right? Don't you know that Mr. Lamb is already out of that flow?


After discussions with Subaru, it was Otto who suggested that Ram be drawn into the company.

Subaru is reluctant to the point of criticism, but from what I've heard of him, I was able to judge Otto to be a sufficiently winning bet.

With his closed eyes open, Lamb stares at Otto with his emotionally thin red eyes.

Is it the cane provided under the short skirt that unscrews the arm that was being put together and the fingertips of the lowered right hand touch faintly?

Depending on how you choose the words, touch the reverse scale, and her anger will be putting the blade of the wind together.

Breathtaking, dampening his lips with his tongue, Otto laughed invincibly just as he did when challenging commerce.

The body tension disappears and the speed of beating switches to a comfortable rate.

Come on, as usual, it's 'sneeze' time.

"Uncle Borderline's thoughts and outflows - the first of them to be established, Mr. Lamb's real wishes. I think Natsuki and I can help."

Lamb's fingertips, which were shaking in confusion - that's what, seeing him off the wand, Otto decided that his selling complaint, too, was not something he threw away.

Upon hearing a suggestion from Otto, and learning more about the plan, Ram offered a number of conditions.

Honestly, unveiling the whole plan to the rams was a pretty big deal for the Ottos as well. If you missee the shaking of Ram's mind, all of this thought will be exposed to Roswar. But the value of just risking it existed in Ram's translations.

Otto acknowledged it, drawing on the conditions for Ram to work together and never being an impossibility.

The details of the conditions under which she cooperates, Otto has not told Subaru. Because it was necessary to maximize her cooperation and keep the actions taken on it secret from Subaru.

If we talk, he'll stop. But if he holds back this action according to his feelings, it could narrow down the success or failure of the big frame issue.

"It's a loss. I don't know what you're working on, but it's not for merchants."

"You definitely remember me as a businessman, don't you!?

A sad scream was wooden in the 'sanctuary' sky, as Ram said with his nose rattling at Otto's covert determination.

- Before the overwhelming intimidation of that beast, Otto wondered that his body was not trembling.

The alien in front of you is a beast with a mighty flesh four meters long.

The distorted, sharp fangs stretch like swords from their mouths too huge, and the beast claws draw the curve of extreme evil as if it were a sickle used by the death-directing God to prune his life. Each piece of golden body hair covering the entire body is like a wire, and if you get a raw, half-slice product, it has thickness that is likely to be tangled up and removed in reverse.

The same as body hair, it seems like there is still a shadow before transforming into just the glow of golden eyes, which is likely to lose sight of the reality in return for less in common with the blinking previous.

Garfiel is there, taking off his human body and exposing himself to the appearance of a tiger.

The raw odor exhalation leaking out of his throat was mixed with a roar, and he could see the compression sweeping down to the edges of the forest, cooling from his heart.


Consciously making a grin on his mouth, Otto tries to distract himself by tapping even one of his light mouths.

But his throat doesn't leak the sound like it's frozen, and even his cheeks, which he should have laughed at in the first place, remain solidified ignoring consciousness.

And losing it to procrastination, Otto understands why his body isn't trembling.

- I'm not feeling scared. With the presence of absolute 'death' in front of him, Otto's flesh gave up its function to survive.

What shakes the body in fear is the defensive instinct of the flesh to burn its survival instincts to keep the soul alive.

Don't let the flesh give up on the soul that way, the phenomenon that happens to call it that way - if you are put in such a situation that there is no point in doing it, it is only natural that the flesh will not tremble, etc.

I was listening to you. So I was just imagining.

I had heard that Garfiel was a mixed race of beasts and human beings and had the ability to beast.

But reality smashed Otto's thin imagination and uprooted his spirit by manifesting himself beyond his intelligence.

Was I, before this existence, accustomed to saying, "You can buy time, but you won't mind if I knock you down"? It's up to me. Something you can do, or something like that.


"Gurf beasted... now you've achieved all the conditions"

A little girl standing next to him said in a voice that was no different in front of that overwhelming presence.

I can't even ask you what. Still, he moves his neck so mechanically that the noise seems to sound, Otto manages to look at the girl - the lamb.

Ram, faintly loosening its mouth, gave Otto a smiling look for the first time.

"Gurf misjudged it plainly. - This battle, the Rams win."


Really, Otto forgot his salutation and went inside like that.

- There are roughly three conditions that Ram offered Otto that he would cooperate with.

"Roswar's thoughts… to go off the Gospel description and still maintain in some way Roswar's energy to keep this world alive"

This was established by Subaru taking bets on Roswar.

Having thrown everything out once, Roswar has put on his battle makeup again and has decided to be ready to challenge the world again with his lively eyes.

"Apart from that, that Emilia doesn't lose her temper to challenge the 'Trial'. If you still want to continue the world out of Roswar's mind, it is inevitable that you will stand better. … By the day of the decision, we'll have a place to try."

This one was entirely a condition of Emilia and the Subaru mandate to take care of that Emilia, but I guess he regarded it as cleared in the ram, at least more than he had ears to listen to.

When I heard Emilia was gone, Otto thought everything was completely over, but Ram didn't seem to think so. I haven't pursued it in depth because I'm afraid it will change my mind after hearing more about it.


"If you've accomplished the two now, you can add Ram to that. … although Balus has a few finer conditions to work with those who plan to keep it a secret"

I was wondering if you could tell me, personally, if I could see the thread of the attack.

"If Lamb joins the fight against Garf, spread the winnings a little bit. First, sealing the nose of the girf. Let it take some damage and take away the calm. Reach that point on your own, as you will not be able to reach it until it is a decisive occasion. I guess there's more to this than just bothering to have a plan like this, like one of the trump cards?

"It's, well... somewhat"

"Yes, of course. With that in mind, it's my last condition."


"Beastifying the girlfriend. - This is the last condition to win."

"The sense of smell remains crushed."




Ram relentlessly punches his elbow into Otto, who atrophies so much that he cannot return words to the inquiry. bitter to the sharp pain of choosing his flank, Otto remembered to breathe, gasping.

"Ahhh... and I thought I was going to die... now I'm just going to die of compression...!

"Better than not being a thin, soft meat shield, stay calm. You must be crushing your sense of smell.

"As a listener of nonlistening statements, yes, they are crushed. McCoyle's pollen is a super powerful vermin repellent, so if you smell it up close, you'll lose consciousness."

"Even more so if you're a girlfriend with multiple smells. Now one of the advantages of beastification is nullification. And then there's time and then pre-veterinary damage... both, as assumed"

Exhale gently and the ram floats gently on the spot, clawing ahead. Keep your heels down and repeat it several times, starting a simple leg movement.

Otto frowned at that oddity of hers and said, "Uh?" and twist his neck.

"La, Mr. Lamb? What are you doing?

"It's a preparatory movement. Gently untie your body before you begin." But Balls is as efficient as he says. "

"No, I didn't... exercise like that for what?


Ram meditates on Otto, who has not yet wiped out the tremor from his voice, on his ass, ending his up and down exercise. Then when he opened his eyes, Ram moved those legs forward - in a mild condition, as if to go for a walk, and began to pack the distance to the giant beast in front of him.


"Shut up."

Otto looks out for that audacious behavior. But Ram rejected the voice and went before the tiger without slowing down.

The LTTE, who had lowered himself and was staring at the prey in front of him, solidified as if for a moment he had been plunged into nothingness by the actions of his little being, but soon judged it as an insult to himself.

With anger in his golden eyes, he wields his forelegs, which are no longer thicker than the torso of the ram, and his nails are released as if they were twisted away. A blow with as many luxurious fingernails as a girl's arm was powerful enough to transform a girl's limbs into pieces of flesh in an instant just by plundering them.

A sickle of death in the form of a wind and nail strips Ram's life from this world by force.

- Just before that,

"It's warm, Gurf. - Who do you think you're dealing with?

He succumbs and talks to the LTTE as a lamb lets his haughty arm pass overhead pitifully.

The body of the tiger, shaped to empty the blow of his body, was swimming, and the little body of the ram was entering its nostrils. And the knee-bent ram thrust up his fist erected by the stretching procedure -,

"Could it have ever been that we could have beaten the Rams in a beating?

"- Huh!"

A fist penetrating the torso launched the body of the beast directly from the bottom, not less than a few hundred kilometres.

My body bends over the power of the blow, and bitter things leak from the sloppy open mouth of the giant beast. Shockwaves crushed the woods, Otto heard the air bouncing on his tympanic membrane.

"Ugh, wow."

A girl who would be shorter for one head than herself fisted a beast so mighty that it wasn't enough to look up. As it is, Ram puts his fist on the torso of the LTTE and slaps his opposite hand further into its body.

An alternately ejected rampage struck his gigantic body, and the beast lagged behind screaming. As it is, she strips her fangs and the mighty jaw targets the ram, but flips her feet on the nose of the LTTE and, conversely, steps the face of the beast to the ground with her leg force.

The giant beast, who shredded the ground and was crushed by a scream, twists herself and tries to shake and crush the girl flirting with herself, but Ram's body, acting as if it were a leaf of a tree dancing in the wind, dodges to mock the beast's movements and puts one sharp blow into a thin spot of body hair after another.

I have a heel on my throat. There's a piercing on the flank. A fist punches through the back of his leg and a kick hits him directly in the empty face.

Overthrowing the presence of the Beast with overwhelming melee power captured Otto's mind with an unreality that was like watching a picture story.

What am I looking at now?

Seeing Garfiel abandoned the figure of man, Otto's flesh tasted so much despair that he gave up living. But what is this in front of you?

Whenever a girl waves her arms, the body of the Beast bounces to the power of the blow, and the giant body that could kill the creature with only a growl, it just empties and cannot deliver a single blow to the girl.

The rambling arms crush down the trees in misunderstandings, shredding the earth, and ramblingly changing the shape of the forest, but the condition of the scaffolding, which changes from moment to moment, is not with the ram.

I can win, if this is the case.

Before challenging the battle, I seem foolish that I doubted Ram's words.

There was now definite credibility in her words, which she dared to tell me would beast Garfiel.

Garfiel's presence as a beast is overwhelming, but its ravaging power is only exerted when it is multi-on-one. Of course, the mass difference is a weapon as it is, and even if it were relative to the individual, there can be no such thing as taking back.

Except if the opponent is capable of fighting beyond human boundaries.

The thick body of meat becomes enormous, the auspicious arm that crushes down the great tree becomes a great gain in the gap, and the mightiness that tramples and roughs everything creates an unbiased blunt weight to attack or escape.

Calmly, if you analyze the situation, you can perceive it.

But what seems easy to attack is the argument that is first established when the premise of "overwhelming individuals" is ready.

No more effective ghost bills against the bestialized Garfiel - difficult to draw that into his own faction was Otto's biggest contribution to this battle.

"Go... go! If this is the case, give me Garfiel...!

Stiffening his fist, Otto praises the sight of the prospect of victory.

Ram's fist punches through the face of the tiger to support that hope, and the body of the beast raises the earthen smoke and blows the ground to pieces.

And -,

"- Bu."

Raising a groan I couldn't stand, the body of a ram bleeding heavily from my forehead swayed heavily.

Feeling his vision stain bright red on the bloodshed, Ram managed to indulge in his diligent footsteps as his body was about to collapse.

Running like a sharp pain piercing you is a little above your forehead - the center of your head. With faint white wound remnants, the ram feels abominable and tongues at the pain that ends there.

Behind me, I could see Otto screaming in an inverted voice. Shut up.

As bad as the situation leaned in one direction at a time, Ram himself, who is nothing else, knows best. Nothing. Garfield's attack didn't hit him. A big swing full of gaps without such an idea, as hard as it is to try to hit. The screams are loud. I want to slap you.

"- Huh."

Exhale briefly and kick the ground with your feet that are about to flutter.

Shortly afterwards, LTTE claws decided to fly beneath Ram's leaping feet. The earth mass jumps and dodges like a ram spinning a mud shotgun dancing with blood scattered.

Visible time limits were imposed, but the body still moves this way somehow. The other leg chases up his bitter face as he kicks up the jaw of a LTTE full of gaps from the bottom. The kicking momentum spun backwards and the distance-taking body collapsed at the moment of landing.


"- Huh!"

One hair at a time. A nail prunes a room of lamb hair that is delayed in dodging, and a peach colour dances through the universe.

Avoidance now is a product of total coincidence. If I hadn't happened to let my legs slip, I'm pretty sure the top could have bounced like red fruit from the neck of the ram.

Lamb barks small as he breaks his red lips, savoring the sensation of imminent death up close and savoring the unspoken run up his spine.

The exaltation of battle. My forehead scar hurts and sends a feeling like a spasm of itching and pain all over my body.

Broken corners. A testament to ghosts. To unleash all the potential of Ram's body, it is imperative that an organ called a horn scratch the mana inexhaustibly from its surroundings. The flesh of the lamb, which has lost its organ called its horn, fails to exert its original spec by as much as a tenth.

I knew that if I were forced to crush my flesh in this way, an immediate recoil would strike me.

Still, with the terms in place, I would not have lost if I had started out with a short beating.

"- You're stronger, Gurf."

The pounding, murmuring rum voice was filled with emotions that rarely allowed others to peek.

Otto, of course, can only rarely even be seen in Subaru, which is the kind of emotion she was showing against her disappearing flesh parents from her memory.

With a soft smile engraved, the fists rolled out crush the LTTE's nose relentlessly.

The feel of a solid somatic skin bouncing back into your fist. Shock bounced directly on the fist, where the action of hardening disappeared, and the fist bone was found crushed. Pleasant feeling. Fighting. Alive. An exaltation that could kill or be killed. An overwhelming sense of pride dominates the whole body. More, more. We have more ahead of us. There are more dimensions to reach.

The right fist can be smashed and scattered, nor can the clench be consolidated. A nose-crushed tiger growls. The breath approaches from the front as the storm blows, breaking the wind with the left hand knife to determine the thin neck skin of the tiger. Blood erupts, the flesh grabbed on his fingertips is peeled off and blood erupts. The spots scatter spectacularly on white cheeks, and the tongue to be licked provides intoxication with a sweet iron flavour.

If you can't use your crushed right hand, turn your arm around your opponent's neck. The thickness of your neck far above your torso cannot be tangled in one arm at all. Jump, assemble, and also use your legs to tighten the Beast's arteries, dodging nails that are impending to pull this one off. Weigh all over and snap one of your fingers. I feel comfortable screaming, I feel like I'm back home.

"Bu, fu, abu"

I'm pissed off that you keep dancing so much fun, but it's getting hazy. Bleeding from his forehead showed no signs of stopping, and at last blood began to flow from his nose and mouth.

Behavior beyond its limits has begun the collapse of the flesh. The potential of Ram's flesh's manipulative nerves cannot be followed by a flesh that cannot be reinforced by Mana.

Still, Ram's flesh, moving at fierce speeds, continues to dodge Garfiel's nails. Overwhelming combat power that won't even let you strike a blow. But the demon hand of collapse is surely eroding her flesh towards its end. The end captures her faster than nails and fangs arrive.

"- Oh, fu"

Immediately after breathing deeply and exhaling deeply, there was a massive overflow of stuff coming in from his mouth.

A mass of blood makes a noise and falls to the ground, draining it. It looses all body power as if it were the vitality of the ram itself.

Shoulders fall and knees fall apart. Beasts don't miss that moment this time. After repeated blows, the worn out phase peels off his fangs and slaps his arm against the thin body of the ram.

But take that...

"Wow! Donna!!"

The chant rises with a reversing voice, and the dirt wall rises as it protrudes from the ground.

It breaks in between the arm of a beating tiger and the body of a ram, attenuating its power only for a moment, instantly destroyed and dusted.

But during that moment, Ram's body had been drawn to forceful behavior and thrown behind by surprise.

- On the battlefield, I feel like I can throw someone away like this for the second time.

Flying through the universe, blurring and looking up to the sky, Lamb feels that emotion even out of place. And then he looked up at me and grasped the situation, slamming me from my back to the ground and stuffing my breath.

Front, in the position where the ram was, instead it was Otto who should have shuddered and shrunk. He seems to have gone crazy about the ram and jumped in judging it unfavourable.

Because there's no way you can do anything...

"- Huh!!

The Beast is also dramatically elevated by the interruption of a powerless presence between itself and the battle against the Rams, intimidating a young man with a roar that rocks the forest. If it dulls, I'm sure it'll feed my fangs at that point. In an occasion where immediate movement is required, Otto steps to the ground when he makes a clenching fist to see what he thinks.

"- Eh!"

The exact same roar that the beast had raised was uttered out of its thin throat.

It's the power of the 'Guardian of the Spirit of the Word' I was hearing about beforehand. If you are an intelligent creature, the power of earth dragons and small animals to lie down and even interact with insects allowed you to communicate with even the bestialized Garfiel, the 'beast of loss of reason'.

I don't know what Garfield's roar sounded like to Otto.

I don't know what Garfiel felt in Otto's roaring reply.

However, the roaring bumps created a slight gap before the nails and fangs rolled out.

That time was enough to make Ram realize the sincerity with which Otto threw himself.

"- Huh!!

"-! Oh! My throat's already at its limit...... Huh!

Literally, Otto coughs up holding his throat, enduring a blood-soaking scream.

Find an end to the rhetoric, the beast shakes up his arms and targets Otto with a blow that wipes him out. Before that Otto puts his hands in front of him and screams in a yakward, shitty way with a ready face.

"Erdona ah!!

A thick dirt wall unfolds in front of Otto, and Otto flies backwards before he sees it. The Beast's arms crush the walls as they follow it, rolling up the dust, approaching Otto's torso fleeing - a direct blow, a thin body blowing up gently like a dead branch kicked by an adult, nonstop into the bushes of the trees.

Survived or dead, it's entirely Otto's endurance.

Ram is not unconscious about the consequences of his judgment and actions. It was decided that not doing so would be the best way to reward Otto for his actions.

"Garf. - I knew it was a mistake to beast."

Blow up the otto and tell the Beast to turn back this way when he shoots Ram next.

As it was brought to the trees, the ram, freed from the exaltation of blood, gradually regained its calm, while barely pointing the cane in his healthy left hand towards Garfield.

Mana degenerates.

"If Gurf had any judgement left, he wouldn't have missed the ram now."


To Ram's words, the beast wrinkles around his nose to be vigilant.

But the LTTE cannot take any further action. I don't know what's going to happen.

In the eyes of a beast who has lost reason, I don't know what 'nestled in white light' rum means.

And the beast that beast the earth, and the trees, and the beast that hath ravaged the forest in the course of the assault upon the ram, shall be treated as a wicked man, who shall not be sexually punished for the inhabitants of the forest.

"Lamb doesn't fuck like that guy."


Notice something, the beast lowers its posture and storms into the ram.


"- Alhula"

Mana, where the anger of the inhabitants of the forest gathers, dwells at the tip of the cane erected by the ram, and the light explodes.

- And the 'sanctuary' forest offensive is over.

Feeling like he heard the roar of the beast, Subaru stopped and looked back.

"No, it's not."

It's simple Subaru's feeling that anything is too soon.

I asked Otto to to buy me some time. Would it be roughly twenty minutes? As suspicious as to whether Otto's dragon car had even left yet, the progress of the situation could not have gone that far.

Conclude that anxiety brought an illusion to Subaru, but that was an even more terrifying imagination. Because it's how unconsciously anxious I am about this situation.

"Believe it, believe it. Otto's talking about buying time. Garfiel told me to seed it as soon as he caught me... and even the people in Aram Village shouldn't be the target of an attack because I haven't let them know it's too much."

The way Garfield raids the villagers and hence Subaru trying to escape outside, Subaru's speculation is that 'I talked to Garfield about the replica of the crown'. I mean, Garfield doesn't want to be brought up outside talking about the replica.

I don't know what reason it's rooted in, but he can't be relieved without eradicating the existence of a possibility of knowing it. The case of killing all the non-Subaru residents in the previous loop would be due to Garfiel's inability to determine to whom Subaru leaked information to those who were on the way out.

It is a bet how much Garfiel believes in the assertion that he has not spoken, but there was a mysterious trust there that if he appealed earnestly, it would pass.

Garfiel doesn't seem to like to think about small difficult things, so maybe it's a good idea to give him the kind of judgment material he doesn't have to think about.

"Otto's story is that Ram's cooperation was installed. Worst case scenario, unless he's stuck in his wings, he shouldn't raise his hand to the ram..."

If there is any suspension material, what if the ram provokes Garfiel more than necessary?

The two of them, who have known each other for a long time, share subtly Subaru's feelings of a poor past. When cracks are spread there at the beginning, it is also possible to show unexpected developments.

It's just that the way Ram rode this story should be for Roswar to put himself on the road to doing so, living even in a world out of the Gospel description. At least that's how Subaru interprets it, and working with Subaru and the others is essential to accomplish it.

Even if you were unhappy with Otto's partition, you would surely follow.

"I believe you, sister. No matter how unreliable Otto is, listen to me."

Together, Subaru offers his utmost prayer for the safety of the two.

Where I don't know, I don't realize the fact that those two are making enough decisions to cross the dead line on their own, and Subaru ends his prayer once and for all.

"Well, this way, suppose to play a role."

With his cheeks stretched to keep him in the mood, Subaru shook his head before advancing out full.

At the front, as soon as he stepped into the pompously open mouth entrance, Subaru experienced a floating sensation as if falling through the universe - the discomfort of his guts floating all over his body.


With his hands on his mouth, Subaru steps forward by forcing him to drink down the vomiting sensation he puts in.

An indelible floating sensation. The feeling of stepping and scratching your guts with every step you step on. Overwhelming discomfort with blood refluxing and eyes licking around into the air.

While the world savors the rejection of Natsuki Subaru with all his spirit, Subaru takes a deep breath repeatedly, dragging his legs along as he lays his hands on the wall and pales his face.

"Oh, don't be so stubborn... you're gonna get scratched, and so am I."

The contents of the stomach were left empty first in anticipation of this. Still, nausea like squeezing up your guts demands that you overflow stomach fluids from the edge of your mouth.

Twist it down, push your eyes open, and Subaru walks desperately and desperately through the darkness.

And -,

"Oh, good. - I finally found it."

Subaru drops his shoulder to relief, finishing off a short distance he felt long enough to seem forever.

Leaning against the front of Subaru, the walls with the season, the girl with her hips down the dirty aisle with mud and dust and her knees looked at this one with a glaring eye.

"Suba, ru...?

Satisfied that the voice, though following, called me by my own name.

Then Subaru sits down next to the girl who sits...

"Well - let's talk, Emilia Tan"

I once carried the same cut-out from Subaru as the relative when I couldn't admit my mistake.

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