Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter iv 112: instincts to reject weakness

- The battle was unimaginably harsh.

Two men face each other and cross their fists from the front.

Meat hits hard bones, muscles bounce and blood drips. Bitterness rises, bubbles mixed with breath and unpleasant sounds overflow, burning in the ears in the eyes of those who see the misery of a muddy beating.

"... Subaru"

Standing in front of the cemetery entrance, watching the battle, Emilia puts her hand on her chest and calls on the man's name.

Bewildered eyes, fingertips swinging like you want something unreliable. The warmth of a dependable being that was always on her chest continues to bind her heart even though she knows it has been lost.

In the cemetery, there is a word from Subaru.

Subaru said he liked himself, he said it was important, so he affirmed that he believed.

There is, indeed, a part of his words that has been saved. But on the other hand, there is increased anxiety.

A moment still and a real memory in me that is coming back.

Believing the wrong memory as his beginning, Emilia walked this far. How will I change when the beginnings that are that cut have changed?

Even now that we've hit each other for real as we speak, anxiety is still rooted in Emilia.

Subaru exclaimed that even if Emilia changed her mind, it wouldn't change how she liked it.

For my own sake, scratched or tormented, the boy who tries to fight me out - I'm not going to question his feelings and so on and so on. That's all he's been proving.

- What I don't believe is myself.

I walked in the wrong way to start and my legs stopped on the road I was supposed to be looking to the end point. Now I hesitate to see how it ends, wondering if I've walked out the wrong way.

My legs stopped once.

Will walking out again be forgiven?

Are you then walking on a new path or on the same path as now?


It continues to wander through a labyrinth of unanswered, exitless inquiries.

Even now, Emilia keeps staring at the battle of the men in front of her, understanding that she can't speak up and only doesn't deserve to stop.

"- Eh!"

The bitterness rose, and it was high, and the blood bounced.

A fist that cuts the wind and is swept through.

Fistbones looming for this face - that's sadly slow.


There is no need for exaggerated evasion.

Avoid your fists without letting them plunder with minimal movement to lean your neck. On the galloping torso of his opponent, who swung and fell ill, he shoved his knee up sharply and decided on his gut.

I feel thin muscles and ribs on my knees, and the shock transmits to the gut behind it. A new bloody revulsion was pummeled by the relentless power from the mouth that had already caused the contents to spit out many times.

"but eh."

Hold your belly and look like you're moving again. Strike down your arms swinging up against your rounded back, and next on the front, shake your inner core so fucked up from behind.

The body, which was ready to fall for a knee kick, rolls lightly without withstanding a single shot from behind. Lie on your back with your fallen body kicked in, tapping your nail tip into your left flank and pursuing.

Intermittent bitterness.

A discord of rough breathing mixed with blood sputum and diarrhea.

Fist, knee, toe tip. Every time you tap it, the skin, the flesh, the feeling of the bones being shredded bounces back.

Normally it should bring exhilaration, which is not particularly uncomfortable now.

Over and over again, repeated doings - what's the point of this?

"Come on, give it up, whoa!

Cough up, curse at an unusual opponent who is spitting out blood sputum.

I haven't been able to take away my consciousness. Whether you hit me in the head or kick me in the belly, I won't just give in there hatefully.

Even if the body understands that there is so much difference in force.

"You're such an evil bastard, Oi! You can't win, you're on the edge! Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh! I can't even talk about my body shaft with a brace!

"... that's bad"

"Oh, fuck you! It doesn't mean anything. You know how it feels to be attached to playing with Jesse's stubbornness. No, no, no, no."

He spits and throws away, cursing Subaru who also constantly tries to wake up his body.

Subaru tries to get his arms up somehow about the ground in front of Garfiel, who roughs up his voice. His face, which kept beating him, is swollen and his nosebleed is dyeing the lower half of his face. Even the teeth must have broken or missing a few. Visceral organs, ribs, some crazy isn't weird.

There should be severe pain raging through your body and you can't even keep consciousness.

"What's the point! You've been trying because you have a winning eye! I can't stand to see it in the shattered gutter. I'm just crappy... I'm telling you to sleep!

"- Oh!

Feeling like a stubborn, strong, obsessive thing that cannot be expressed in such words, Garfiel still persists in hurting Subaru's body.

Pay the arm that was on the ground and screw the toe into the side that falls in. He threw out blood and kicked his rolling body up from the bottom, poking his floating body down with his elbow directly from the top.

Bouncing the ground and being struck all over the body by hard soil, Subaru becomes a big letter.

Peeling her white eyes, she exhaled the air out of her breath, and now her body stops moving - finally taking away her consciousness, Garfield exhaled for a long time,

"What, the finished face, Shit..."

"- Huh!"

Garfiel, whose shoulders were raised and lowered by a rough breath, glances stunned at the voice from below.

In front of a rigid garfiel, a man who should have been sure to have cut his consciousness off from his roots was still standing up, shaking his upper body.

"Jeez, dude..."

"Oh... no kidding, hey. They beat me up so much... it's a joke, they don't float me..."

"That's not what I meant..."

"- Ruh!

Showing a nightmare scene-like bump, a sharp exhaling Subaru wields his fist out.

Regardless, I've exhausted my dying power. That's also equivalent to a toy game where children are beaten from Garfield. I gently put my hand on my fist to distract the orbit, and my palm bottom smashes through my ear belly in return.

A blow that wears a gut gap and propagates a shock to the water in your body - tightening up an empty stomach with nothing left to spit out already, refluxing yellowish gastric fluid and blood.

"Ko, ahhh..."

"It's the same no matter how many times I do it, because that's how many times I have to tell you..."

Suggested another surrender to Subaru, who holds down his belly and collapses on the spot.

If you can't see too much diversity, Garfiel distracts you and even tongues you.

"- Eh!"

The right fist of Subaru, who did not fall in, roared up and passed through its nose tip.


"Oh, my God, Garfield. Who gave you permission to do this?"

Left arm forward, right arm rearward.

Garfiel remembers something close to war in Svalbard, who still shows his demeanor.

I don't even think of fine dust as a threat.

It's obvious to everyone's eyes that we're just keeping our voids open, and the difference in isolated forces between Garfield and Subaru won't be filled no matter how we scratch them.

There was a solid difference in local power between the two of them that just kept avoiding whether it was a thousand times or 10,000 times, even if he kept coming at me recklessly.

So everything Subaru scratches, everything, is for nothing.

No matter how much pain and suffering Garfiel punches, kicks, throws at you, the flesh that loses its margin never reaches Garfiel.

"Meh, you're kidding me...!


Against an unbeatable opponent, still only rise the will to the weapon.

I can't just break my heart, I can't just lose my feelings. Or one might sometimes call its spirituality strength and strength not attributable to the flesh.

Perhaps some things shake my heart to the way I stand, whether I fall or not.

But if you want to look like that and make a change of heart to yourself, that's an outrageous insult.

I can't just break my heart, I can't bend. What's the point of that?

"Even if you can't win like that, if you keep straining your mind, you're gonna think I'm gonna pull your fist. I don't like to beat you or kick you, and when I admit that I'm willing to back you down... you think I'm gonna tell you that I lost because of my emotions...!


"I'm not kidding. This is how you and I play each other! Beat him down, beat him down. I don't know what else to settle.

Step on the ground.

The power of the "Protection of the Earth Spirit" is regarded, and the earth is transmitted and the flesh is filled with vitality.

The flesh is demodulating more than it was when I finished fighting the Rams in the woods and pushed my exhausted body to come to this spot. Nothing is different from sitting in the shade and resting instead of causing fatigue to be recruited, such as a battle less than a beating with Subaru.

With such a tiny influence, Garfiel's heart. Something to loosen up anywhere.

"I told you!? That's what I told you I would teach you weakness!? Well, what is it? What's weak! What am I gonna tell you! You're not strong enough to get screwed over, but you're an unthinkable fool!

Subaru hung up before the battle. I remember every word.

Everything seems stupid. Everything is a lie. Everything about this man is a chunk of peten.

"Neither that brother nor Ram! The two of you who fought against me were both tempted to beat me! That's why I did everything I could to those two. I twisted my head and worked out a plan, and the lack of strength squeezed my intellect and challenged them... they did have the temper to just admit it. How's it going?

Otto took the forest to his side with the power of shelter and drove Garfiel, even if he didn't know the details. Called the way to the last great magic, Garfield wants to admire his intentions for the battle, which narrowed down all his energy intelligence, for being the best of the weak.

Though Ram's offense, which began with the ensuing ambush, also inflicted equal pain in the heart for Garfield to have been betrayed, the fight itself is just something like Ram.

It was a relentless, unadulterated, real battle with the strong.

They have both tried their best against Garfiel to take victory.

The way of life is honorable. heavenly sunshine while enemies and so much so that Garfiel has to admit.

"Compared to that... no, no, no, no, no, no. I get up whether they do it or not...... So what's up? No matter how hard I get hit, I won't just give in to my heart...... oh my god. If it's a battle with no winnings, you'll never escape...... what a great thing!


"You think I'm gonna be impressed? You think it's bloody, your feet are rattled, your eyes aren't open properly, and you can still stand up and feel the pole down? I'm gonna make a piece of meat, and I'm gonna... I'm gonna make fun of you and the guys who stood up for me."

Now Garfiel is born and burning his heart to the greatest outrage.

The battle was fouled. I was insulted. Not only that, but the temperament of what I admit in the battle, even the cleanliness of my will, the way this man tries to smear the filth of humiliation.

"Go to sleep. Pull in. You miserable, miserable, fucking piece of shit. Admit you lost, you're the most right one, you're a mess!


Svalbard keeps getting the curse of Garfiel's standing while he doesn't figure it out.

I shake my head fluttered and my blocked eyes somehow capture Garfiel. From its appearance only the fighting spirit has not shriveled, but that is why the living filth is not an eyesight.

If this is all words, fists, and beatings don't bend your heart, how can you break it?

If pain isn't enough, the answer is one.

"Why don't you tell him from Mei Ye too, ah!?

Looking back, Garfiel calls Emilia looking at this one by the cemetery entrance.

Suddenly, when she saw Emilia's thin shoulder tremble as she was pointed at the talking spearhead, Garfiel tongued frustrated by the weakness she also saw there.

"Tell him you don't want to see it! I don't know how much I told you. From the mouth of the woman you fell in love with, tell her that it means nothing that she's unusual, that she's not dressed well, that she's trying so hard, and that she's trying so gently to fuck you up!

"... I am"

"What the heck!? You can't tell me, can you? Does this guy look like he has a winning eye? Are you watching me? How about seeing a man in love with himself become a worn out gucchagus for himself, immersed in the illusion that he's being thought of, Oi!?

"- Eh!"

Emilia stiff to words of malice that open her eyes and let her bathe.

Garfiel's words beyond hearing are relentlessly pierced by Emilia, who was watching the battle.

If you can't stop with Garfield's fist, you can stop with Emilia's words. There's nothing else.

If Garfield breaks his body, if Emilia breaks his heart, it's time for Subaru to bend his knees too.

Watching the battle, Emilia had painfully distorted her expression over and over again at the appearance of Subaru being struck.

Unlike Subaru, who is consolidating his readiness to make no sense, Emilia's mind has yet to consolidate anything. Lost the 'trials' at the cemetery, it stays the girl who was crying with Guzguz.

Garfield has no intention of blaming it even more.

Naturally, "trials" include being defeated in the past. How can anyone deny the memory of the greatest regret for themselves?

The past is a good place to get over regrets and get lost.

The ideals that can be realized, the dreams that never arrive and the madmen who have made a mess of it.

The boy who keeps standing in front of him is a genuine lunatic who pushes and forces it on others in pursuit of all his dreams.

Roswar and I are the same asshole who only sees one thing.

"Stop him, and nothing will happen! Me, you, too! They're dancing on the fucking witch's palm. That's what I meant."

"I 'm-"

To Garfield's words, he stretches his back and opens his eyes as Emilia was struck by lightning.

I see the color of the demonic eyes moistened in tears, the Subaru that stands up painfully. Trembling lips call for a halt to Subaru's will, as Garfiel urges.

So, it's all over.




Before Emilia uttered the word, Subaru called Emilia's name better.

The red tongue tip shuts its peeping mouth and Emilia listens to the plundered Subaru voice. What words can be thrown, so that you don't miss hearing them and work hard.

To her like that, Subaru only has one word, tell her.

"... look at me"

A short word.

A whispering voice that squeals just in your mouth.

But when she heard it, Emilia looked up hah, and after a few seconds of hesitation,

"- Yeah."

Yes, I put my hand on my chest and nodded.

"... ha!?

Before those two exchanges, an incomprehensible garfiel raises a voice of doubt.

But a long exhaling Subaru pokes his finger against Garfiel, who opens his eyes to anger.

"... I've been saying a mess for a while now, but you're wrong, Garfiel"


"You may look like an idiot because I don't have a shot at winning... but I'm not kidding. You fight because you know you can't win, and I've been super punished since I caught you in the front. Never, never again."

Subaru looks swollen and shaky and still looks disgusted.

Before what he said, Garfield had no reason to know, but I wonder how that would lead to hateful memories for Subaru.

There's just something more I can't miss hearing than that emotion right now.

"Let's not talk about it. Ideally, I can't even see what's in front of me. You can't win. If you stop challenging your opponent... this situation, Oi. What is this situation?!?

"You've made up your mind, idiot. I haven't... thrown away a battle yet."

Subaru assures the barking garfiel that his consciousness has become clear while he is speaking, or that his voice is returning to strength.

Unexpectedly intense and throat blocked by the unfounded power put in there.

"As long as I can't stand up, I won't throw away the battle.... When I can't stand, I won't be here till they kill me."


"Well, you can't kill me, you're hipster in a decisive situation.... I mean, you can't stop me. Little by little, I'm close to winning. I can't shake my wins."

"Ridiculous......! It's not a question of whether I can kill you or not. How did you do that? Scratch me! Hit me, yeah!?

It's an empty theory on the desk, no matter how many words are lined up, in a boring rag state of full creativity.

Subaru's rhetoric is just polarity. I won't stop unless they kill me, because I'm simply talking about a statement of intent. Even if that premise passes, then Subaru can keep moving unless he is killed, and any of them can fatally injure Garfiel?

That can't happen, and how much time and miracles are you accumulating ahead of you?

"I'll smash your hands and feet, and there's nothing I can do. That's it! Even if you're unconscious, you're willing to win! It doesn't matter!

Yelling, angry garfiel.

With the vitality of the earth sucking up from the soles of his feet, the flesh, which was exhausting, has regained strength to about half of its usual strength. Enough power to tear Natsuki Subaru apart.

Step on the ground and approach the barbed Subaru.

Before the approaching Garfiel, Subaru has fortunately stuck his fist out all this. Too stupid. Too late. Everything is missing. Avoid at leisure, one shot to the torso. Hit your knees in the lowering jaw, grabbing your glaring body and throwing it thoughtfully on the ground. He stepped down on his heel on his fallen back body, causing it to go on and on twice or three times to make a bitter noise.

A series of relentless blows. Now...

"... over, huh?

"- Huh!! What the hell is this?!

Subaru, who should have been heavily damaged by the flesh, rises.

Making it current, the inexperienced sensation finally begins to dominate Garfield's chest.

Can't you defeat it? Can't we win? I'm not that anxious.

Really, as this man put it, the suspicion is that just piling up physical damage won't really stop him.

"What's the point of putting your life at risk?" If Mei Ye is desperate and can beat me somehow, that half demon can win the 'Trial'! You think that's happening, huh!?


"Do miracles overlap! Something convenient happens! In case hundreds of millions can beat me, she won't change a thing! No one, he does too! Wrong, there's nothing I can do to hold on to the past... the guy who's been staring at all the boiled regrets, he can't do anything about it before or behind me anymore! I don't know why!

"You're the one, I don't know why -!"

"- Huh!?

It lacks momentum when it comes to yelling and is too emotional when it comes to suing.

Natsuki Subaru's screams crack into the gap where Garfiel loses verbal integrity.

"Everything, it's not up to you, Garfiel...!

"Tell me..."

"I'm sorry, but Emilia's limit is not up to me. He's not weak."

Far away, Emilia breathes at the cemetery entrance.

"Don't take the liberty of setting my limits. Whoever tells you to break your knees, throw it all out and squat. Hey. Not until I give up."

Spitting out blood, Svalbard's glare gained strength.


"What are you giving up on your own? I guess I can still do it. I don't know if I can do more.... When I was a kid, my hands and legs weren't even stretched out. How long have you been scratching at the hard head conclusion I made when I didn't even have all the hairs down there...!

Subaru said it was crap that Garfiel kept believing and tying his heart to the 'sanctuary'.


In an immediate attempt to put it back, Garfield opened his mouth.

But like something poked me in the chest, my voice doesn't come out of Garfiel's throat.

I can't say anything. Nothing comes up.

It's white in my head. When this man is right, it's not like that. You can't be wrong. There's no way that I'm wrong to start when I know I was wrong.

You must not be wrong.

So this man who claims Garfield is wrong, he must not be allowed to stay.

"Ha... ha... ok... ha"


"If I have to stop Mei Mei, I have to stop Mei. Whatever you say, I don't know what you mean. Yet I feel bad and I can't help it. So I'm gonna stop you."

You have to stop, you have to.

And I'm sure the only way to stop it is by what this man said.

- Unless you stop breathing, this man won't stop.

"Then... kill me, I'll do it... ugh"

Can you do that?

"Damn. - If it's a way to do it, we'll have it from the beginning."

If you have to kill me to stop it, this time I will kill you and stop you.

Let's choose the means to do that, now.

- Let's choose to leave ourselves to the blood of a hateful and neglected beast who sleeps inside this body.

- Wow.

Hold your own body and Garfield burns herself to the heat of boiling blood all over your body.

High enough heat to remember the illusion of a mix of red colors in your exhaling breath. Cells in the body twitch, muscles swell, and volumes explode.

Your hands and feet thicken like a whole tooth, and your torso swells enough to make you bounce your hips. Golden hair grows all over the body and grows to blade-like lengths within the sight of sharp dog teeth.

The nose surface comes forward, the pupils narrow and the shades of the world change.

Thoughts are incandescent and the spirit of Garfield Tinsel, which was here now, is anointed.

The exaltation of beastification and the feeling of reason being undone by the instincts of the beast.

When it's all over and back, there should be scattered pieces of meat in front of Garfield. That will be Natsuki Subaru's final appearance.

I couldn't have stopped it if I hadn't done this.

I have no remorse or intention of repentance for that.

Bad guy with insufficient power.

The weak guy, he can't impose anything. That's all.

Consciousness disappears.

The instinct of the beast raises a drink and opens his jaw to bite his poor prey to death -,

- The vision of the beast, which had lost its reason, was covered by the blacksmoke that erupted.

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