Determination with Garfield was also settled, before a paragraph of graveyard when his shocking real age was discovered.

Overcoming the 'trials' facing the past, they surrounded Garfiel, who also put an end to his obsession with the Subaru, with whom everyone had the opportunity to face to face and discuss.

"But... when a man and a man settle was slapping a middleman because he wanted to, and it turned out to be a picture, the way he looked again. How about there?"

"No, I was surprised by Garfield's real age, too, but I wouldn't be wearing it that way. It doesn't have any effect on the content, just that the person we could not beat together was actually fourteen years old."

"That's right. Gurf is so powerful that instead of being a milky kid, he doesn't have to laugh, and there's no reason why the lambs should slap him."

"You can beat the shit out of them! Superior, do you want to fight again? I can't deal with you at any time!

Garfiel spits as Subaru, Otto and Lamb poke each other in the face and nod.

In fact, the fact that I was fourteen years old also snorted so much when I was looking back at his previous words and actions and seeing him raise his voice like this.

Rather than that, it is also undeniable that the previous treatment of him as his age had instead filtered to untie things.

"How old were you when you walked into the cemetery and took the 'trials' before? You've been stubborn ever since."

"It's not like I remember exactly... maybe three or four times. Aside from" Trial, "it's something I remember so well. I don't know."

"That would be right. Three or four years old... when I thought the world was still hell."

"You're suddenly saying something heavy with you, don't. I don't want to dig."

In Garfiel's statement, Otto smiles shady.

Otto probably has a lot going on in Otto, but it's just overcapacity to dig it back and investigate it now. Even now, even though Svalbard's hands are already buried with luggage he can't hold, and he's in such a state that he can't help but use it over his head or even on his knees to support it.

"So, is it okay if I hear more about it?

Once you have finished the conversation, Emilia turns off the fire with a nervous face.

Her gaze turns to Garfiel, and the sincerity of the inquiry would naturally be 'about the graveyard trials'. It's just that Garfiel snorts about it,

"We talked about it in detail. I can see it with you and me. The past and the way we get over it must be different, right? I can't think of a helpful story."

"Yeah, I know that. My" trials "belong to me. I can't help asking Garfield."

Then what the hell do you want to hear?

"Over the 'trials' inside...... no, over the past, do you think they've changed? Are you accepting that you've changed?


To Emilia's inquiry, Garfield narrowed her eyes and pressed silently.

The watching Subaru also breathlessly awaits an answer to the slight signs of air strain.

Frequent silence. Garfiel touches his nose tip and then glances through the white scar on his forehead with his fingers. Finish the scratch running vertically through your forehead with a trick that makes you walk through your fingers.

"I don't know if I should tell you that I've changed this, or if I should tell you that I've got it back, but it's clear to me."


"My deco scratches, I put them on myself. To erase bad memories."

Playing his forehead with his fingers, Garfiel glances next to him - gazing toward Ram as he sits down looking at himself. to Garfiel's words, Ram blinked those thin red eyes,


"Ruhe, don't say anything. I'll be miserable. To hide bad memories, give another guy a reason. That's all right. I don't know.... I can't believe they knew and talked to me, but if I realized later, why do I feel like the worst?"

A rum that sees a blurry garfield with the seemingly elusive eye somewhere.

The sincerity of the current conversation is not even conveyed to Subaru, but I can blurry out that it was content that only passes between the two of us.

There is also a warm and definite connection between Garfield and Lamb, which is like family.

"Whether you're back or you've changed, you're going to be the same as before. It was changed at the hands of Mei Ye. Let me show you how they're going to change from now on."

"Yeah. Good for you. … I'll do my best to meet that expectation."

Emilia smiles but shows motivation to Garfiel distorting her cheeks.

Secondly, Subaru comes to think that these two are actually the same age when they see only the spiritual part.

All in all, fourteen.

A situation in which the future of this occasion must be deposited with men and women of many puberty years.

Subaru and I are seventeen now, eighteen years old, so I can't make a big face, but what a comic or animated circumstance it has become.

"... even if you stay too long, you're just going to be dull"

Saying, standing up Emilia pays for the grass on her hips.

It is during the graveyard - the "trials" - that Emilia, who exhales deeply and dwells in the light of her strong eyes, sees.

"You want to go?

"Yeah, I'm going.... follow Garfiel and then let him get over it"

"Can't you?"

"I'll do it. Because I've decided not to be afraid anymore."

Subaru's inquiry, Garfield's inquiry, and in any case Emilia let him snort.

Subaru also rises and lines up next to Emilia as she walks out in front of the cemetery. Even if you can't go in there and hold hands next door, decide to stay by until you leave.

"Dear Emilia"

Second, Ram called Emilia walking from behind.

Ram bows in front of Emilia, who stops and looks back. Pick the edge of the skirt, strictly, as if the servant had shown respect for the person in sight.

"It's like there's no shit. Undisputed, Emilia, it's my husband's side."

"Hit me. Shut up, Balth. Now's not the time. Give me a break."

Ram reprimands Subaru for his grunt with a harsh voice. Then he lowered his head again so that he could regain his mind against Emilia, who was looking at him with his eyes round,

"Forgive my disrespect. Lamb thought that Emilia wouldn't be able to stand."

"... yeah. I'm sorry for being impudent."

"Yeah, it wasn't impudent, and I couldn't watch it"


Lamb down all this fortunately for Emilia, who apologizes.

How much courage do you think Subaru needed in the cemetery to tell it to Emilia? Watch the end of her words as she bites her teeth into the ram that lightly overcomes the hurdles that people desperately overcome.

"But Master Emilia has decided to stand and challenge you. It's not so much a question of whether it was due to a challenging mind or a genuine escape."


"Ram, I was deciding. Do you want to see Emilia challenging the Trial? Trying to keep the rum problem there. If you are going to flee to the posture of giving up, let the rams follow the course of the world as well. But if you resist..."

Ram glanced at Subaru.

Her words, separated. How will Subaru be involved there? Is there an answer there that, after a moment, she put together for the Subaru to fight Garfiel this time?

"Welcome aboard, Emilia. We look forward to your safe return."

A solemnly bowing ram is the perfect way to make a maid of honor to drop off the Lord.

Emilia nods as she has been empowered by the words she sends out, with a sunny face.

Seeing Emilia like that, Subaru nodded in arms,

"It's the way it is, but you want to tell Otto something, too?

"It gave me an awesome and hard vibe, but is this a good occasion for me to say something!? What do you think there!?

Subaru talks to Otto, who probably would have prepared the words to speak, but apparently he wasn't prepared for any more powerful words than Ram is now.

Considering the flow of the place, he thought it would be better to end beautifully like this - but

"Yes. Go ahead."

"- Eh!

I don't even know Otto's misery, and I thought he could inspire me, Emilia is ready to take it. Not realizing how he was in a hurry, Emilia waits for words in the face of tension.

To Emilia's attitude without offense, Otto finally put his hand on his forehead with his noticed face.

"Er, Master Emilia"


"Actually, I paid a lot of damage for this mess. No, of course this means a forward investment, and paying is not a woven damage in itself..."


When things talk about money, Emilia looks confused when she's not bright on the numbers.

To that frowning beauty Otto bit his lips and said, "I mean!" I put my finger up.

"I assumed this loss in anticipation of Emilia becoming fat and big. So you'll have to be successful so that you can get this stake back!

"... I don't think I'll grow taller anymore. I think the meat will go with it."

"Difficult rhetoric for our boxed angels. And Emilia, I think the current style is the golden ratio, so you can keep it that way. Now is the most lovable."

From head to toe, I think Emilia is in the best shape right now.

Of course, I am willing to love you, whether you are extremely fat or thin.

Whatever, aside from all that Subaru emotion, Otto punched his hands and feet with an indescribable face for not communicating his verbal intentions correctly.

"... come back safely. I'm here for you."

"Yeah, I get it. Otto, thank you for all your help."

Emilia responded with a powerful nod to Otto, who summed it up in a terribly difficult way.

Watch Garfiel poke a little bit to comfort Otto, who drops his shoulder, then again Subaru and Emilia head to the front of the graveyard.

Already in the 'Sanctuary' the book of the night falls and 'Trial' is the time of day when it takes place without any problems.

For the last time, Emilia takes a deep breath repeatedly so that she is ready. With her sideways, Subaru thinks about what words are best sent out. and

"Hey, Subaru."


"It's in the cemetery..."

Is there any anxiety about 'trials'?

Subaru thinks so and waits for the continuation of Emilia's words. But Emilia, who can hardly spin the next word, sees Subaru with a slightly anxious face.

The cheeks were slightly reddish for some reason.


"So, it's in the cemetery."

"What you mean in there... Oh, no, not from now on, just now?

"That's right. No more."

It's not natural, Emilia swells her cheeks when she says it, but I'm just not convinced she can blame me for the current flow.

Who thinks Emilia cares about the past, not the future, to try the 'trials' that lie ahead? The future is the past, but given that the "trials" that await inside are the "past," time is likely to be fuzzy.

Plus, I forgot about the momentum and the spectacular events that followed, but now that I think back on it, what Subaru did in the cemetery is so much work that I'm about to get a fire out of my face.

I argued with Emilia, rambling, poking my love horribly and abusively, trying to bite her and snatching her lips - even if the fifth circumference of depression accumulated in the accumulation exploded, there is no excuse.

What Emilia cares about is probably what happened.

It's pleasant to see Zhu go up on white skin, but not if you're in love with Subaru because you can't even afford it.

"Inside, you know, Subaru is with me... you know?

"Oh, oh... yeah, you do"

"That's why I think it's going to be a big deal. But it's important... 'Trials' and all the other things cleaned up, and then we talk slowly, right?

While I sincerely think that something is already going on in my head, Subaru can only nod at Emilia's suggestion without one or two.

A first experience for Subaru and a first for Emilia, I'm sure. We bumped each other's feelings, and there are mountains of things we need to slip together. There is an excuse for Subaru, but there is also the problem of 'lem' that needs to be managed.


"Oh, there's so much room for you to think about later, Emilia Tan"

"I wonder if I can afford it. What do you think? Maybe he's just tense, huh?

"But you know, there's plenty of things that mean you can put up a void. I'm sure it works. You can bet."

Emilia leans her neck strangely towards Subaru, who gives her thumbs up and glows her teeth.

"A bet, what?

"Me and Emilia, right to a date."

"What happens when Subaru wins and what happens when I win?

"When I win, Emilia, you can date me, and Emilia, when you win, you can date me."

Emilia erupts into Subaru's light mouth and laughs at each other only for a little while.

Apparently, really, there's no tension or anxiety in Emilia.

"I bet those I can get past the 'trials'"

"Well, I'll bet Emilia can survive the trials."

"What if we win both?

"Two dates."

"Yes, sir."

As usual, Emilia listens to Subaru's oral complaints.

Then Emilia comes forward. Subaru raised his hand as her silver hair soared in the wind and dropped her glimmer at the stars.

"Go away. Be careful with the car and the man."

Don't be silly.

I smile bitterly and Emilia disappears into the graveyard.

A stone passage without a light source immediately pushes swallowed Emilia into darkness and takes her away from Subaru's sight.

Now there's nothing more I can do to make you Emilia from Subaru.

Everything else is a matter of Emilia having to break through on her own.

"You look so anxious, Admiral. Man down."

"Your unique rhetoric is also very unacceptable to me when I think of you as Nakaji. I had a time like you."

Garfiel, who dropped Emilia off and restless Subaru, came right beside her. shrugging his shoulders to his words, then Garfiel struck his hand as he remembered,

"No, Admiral. When we had a fight, the Admiral bugged me. What was that?

"You mean Invisible Providence?

"I'm... what?

"Invisible Providence." Invisible God's Will. "That's cool."

"Ah, that's a cool mess"

Garfiel intent on Subaru's words.

Exactly because the 'Invisible Hand' is so bad, I just want to go through it in Invisible Providence in the future. Either way, Garfiel wouldn't be all about the names of the moves he wants to hear.

"Magic... that's not true. I don't know, but the vibe was different."

"If you dare to say goodbye, I don't know what you are either. However, there's no doubt that it's a foreign law. I can't even try to imitate you."

"I don't. What a cowardly smell to punch from the invisible."

"Hih, you coward...!

I was going to figure out how awesome Invisible Providence is, but Subaru outrages me just off the ladder.

In response to Subaru's answer, Garfiel responded with a "wicked wicked" and non-reflective face, and he hasn't tried to talk about it. Probably, I figured it out. To the fact that this is not a substitute for an area where you can step in with people.

"... but I wonder what the cause is"

Invisible Providence - this is, without a doubt, Petergius' 'Invisible Hand'. There was a difference in power, and there was only one arm I could give, but the feeling was right.

Why did Subaru have the same power as the abominable madman? Does the answer have anything to do with the 'witch factor' that Echidna was talking about?

Witch factor, not literally a busy one, but I do remember Petergius saying the same word. And it's not even the first battle ahead that Subaru used something that looked like an 'invisible hand'. Even in the previous loop, there was a sense of unconscious use once to avoid the advance of Garfiel, who had turned into a great tiger.

In other words, the witch factor is steadily rooted inside the Subaru.

The use of Shamak made Subaru aware that it was no longer possible. Due to the repeated use of the Gate, the Gate of Magic, which had been worn out, completely disappeared from its function. The connection to the magical world, which was like nothing from the beginning, can no longer feel anything.

It is ironic that it is the power of outer law that has emerged instead of losing the magical power that I admire.

Just still...

"Are you saying that trump card plating is better than teasing? Usage, like it's not subtle..."

In any case, there is no change in the scarcity of means to fight.

I twist my clever head to a twist and find a way to live in death with my hands around me.

The height of the world's walls, which Subaru should challenge, remains unchanged and high.

"Ah, no, no, Admiral."

"What. I'm not used to calling you" the general. "

"You'll get used to it soon. I have to apologize for that."

I don't accept the rendition of how to call it, but Garfiel comes up for it with a special winning attitude. So did Emilia earlier, but Subaru laughed bitterly that one thing after another was not to come up.

shrugging his shoulders and urging Garfiel to go ahead, he glanced at the scar on his forehead,

"I'm in there, aren't I? That's why I came in between trials."

"Oh, you're right."

"So I saw it. - The Admiral said," What? "Desperate results."

Subaru frowned only for a moment at Garfiel's words, which seemed unspeakable, but then he realized what his words indicated and immediately opened his eyes.

And the surprising Subaru ears dye bright red.

Seen. Seen, seen, seen!

"Wow, you didn't mean it, did you? But that's what happened..."

"Ugh! Forget it! Oh, shit... I forgot! Because... because I didn't imagine the flow of you entering the cemetery or anything! That's awesome...... oh, shit!

With his head in his arms, Subaru shakes a face that gets hot.

I resent Garfiel for looking at that with pitiful eyes now. A little bit, I hate that face now more than I did then I was beating up.

"Forget it! I'm not asking for anything more! Yes, we're done talking! That's it!"

"Ah, okay.... but when I saw it, I thought... The Admiral is apparently a big bastard with no bottom... but I'm glad he didn't die."

"It's the end of it. Are you the kid you don't understand?!? Ah! He was a kid!

Even if they call me a kid, Garfiel just has a weak taste, which is better. He laughs at Subaru's lose-minded screams, then down the graveyard stairs.

Following the back of everyone waiting in the square back down, Subaru wishes Emilia luck and I hope Emilia doesn't notice the 'ale' she did.

Because what's in that hand is something that becomes vegan if it doesn't reach us first.

And such Subaru prayers do not reach much.

"Got it..."

Through the stone aisle, Emilia reached the small room where the 'trials' take place.

In the dark, damp air, Emilia relies on faintly luminous walls to walk and gaze at the door behind the small room. I guess a closed stone door is a mechanism that opens when the 'trials' are broken through. Garfiel came back without tickling me. If so, I am.

"Good luck, we need to get in that back"

In the back, I don't know what's waiting for me.

However, the 'trials' did not end in one, and the fact that there was more than one was told from the mouth of the 'witch'.

When I think of the witch unfolding The Trial, Emilia's chest has an itchy sensation. That means that the white witch is against Emilia...

"Is that...?

Emilia, who was thinking, noticed the discomfort in the small room as she was relentlessly letting her gaze wander.

While I was waiting for the night with my knees in the cemetery, Emilia was there until about inside the aisle, and I hadn't stepped into this little room. It is therefore the first time yesterday that Emilia has flown all day to see what this little room looks like.

It's only been two days, but something's changed in the meantime.

And while thinking about what something of it was, Emilia arrived at the answer to the discomfort.

"What is this..."

Check the wall your fingertips were touching, Emilia mumbles.

The purple blue eyes, which began to get used to the darkness, clearly portrayed the change in the darkness.


"... of Subaru, idiot"

Unexpectedly, Emilia says that in a tone that includes a grin.

Because it is. When I saw this, I thought it that way, and I couldn't help but say so.

"Really, it's stupid."

Behind the content of the word, Emilia's expression, which speaks of it, is soft and full of mercy. Changes that occurred on the wall touched, and on the wall in front of you, on one side of the small room.

- It's engraved. The picture, the letters, scraped the walls into a big, big, distorted shape.

The big cat depicted is a picture of a pack that I've seen deformed over and over again. A number of pack paintings are inscribed on one side of the wall, and there are letters to surround it.

Dirty, child-scattered Yi letters are definitely proof that the boy worked so hard for Emilia.

"Hang in there, you can do it," "I'm rooting for me and the pack, okay," "My favorite girl is amazing! So be confident! '' Let's date when this is over, date! '' Let's do it, Emilia. '' Nobody expects us. Is there anything else going on? '' I love it, I believe it!

"Idiot... Idiot, Idiot, Idiot... Subaru's, Ampontan"

He's a terrible person to pretend to be supportive and cry, even though he's going to have to try 'trials' and have hard and painful memories waiting for him.

Now, I get it.

Something I figured out.

It's been yesterday since Emilia came here. This painting and the letters, the chance to carve is only one day.

Subaru was allowed time, and that was the only time I ever left Emilia, and didn't try to talk hard about what I was doing in the meantime.

"- Yeah. Right. Let's do it, Subaru."

Touching the letter with a finger like a love, Emilia responds to the engraved words.

At the next moment, the sensation of consciousness being pulled by melancholy and the signs that the contours of the world are blurred.

"Trial" comes.

All that fearful past, coming.

- Yet Emilia's lips remained smiling.

"You broke a promise, you wrote a love letter, and then another guy saw you do it first... I'm done..."

"It's a big deal..."

Surrounded by Subaru, who can hardly recover from shock, the Garfiels look thoughtfully frightened.

Nevertheless, there is nothing else for the group to wait until Emilia comes out like this. Believe me, when it comes to waiting, it sounds good, but it was also time for a trial on the waiting side that I couldn't do otherwise.

"Whether or not it took an hour when Garfield... should we see that Emilia only takes about the same"

"If you succeed, yes... yes!? And ah!?

Otto, with his insensitively pinched mouth, receives the reward of the silence at the elbow of the ram. And seeing Otto stuck in the ram, Garfiel, whose cheeks are distorted by jealousy, greets Decopin.

Otto to the contrary rolls down the ground, but no one mentions it,

"No, there was something I wanted to ask Garfield and Mr. Lewes."

"To Non and Garbo, what do you want to ask?

A crown sitting uncomfortably raised his face to Subaru's words.

He disappeared in the morning, and even if he didn't try, the crown was in the same shape as cooperating with the Subaru's plan to defeat Garfiel. She seems to remain confused about how to deal with Garfield as she is, and the conversation between her grandmother and her grandson has been somewhere since earlier.

Most importantly, all I care about is the crown, and Garfield doesn't seem to have any bad feelings or dust on her, including shaking off the past.

"Yes. What I want to hear. It's a little hard to tell if this is what you can tell by asking Mr. Lewes right now."

Now, that means if you ask θ, do you understand?

representative crown of the 'Sanctuary', an integrated presence of four people: α, β, θ and Σ. Together with the resolution of Garfield's problem, I would also like to think that we have solved the issue of opposition to the liberation of the 'sanctuary' that Lewes had, but we need confirmation of intent.

Most importantly, there are still some points that do not fall in the heart.

"Garfield is now in favor of liberating the 'sanctuary', isn't he?

"Admiral, I agree. Not again. I lost to the generals. So let's not stand in the way of the Admirals' actions to free the 'Sanctuary'. As a result, it moves to keep everyone in the changing 'sanctuary' from suffering... is where I stand now"

"Yes, that's the stance."


Put your finger up, Subaru makes a stop at Garfield's claim.

Garfiel with a strange face and the faces around him listening. Does no one feel uncomfortable with what he said? Subaru makes me more anxious.

"You, when we first came to this' sanctuary 'in the first place, it was like neutrality, not standing in favor or against... you said the same thing now, didn't you?

"... if you knew which way I was coming, the Admirals would keep me on guard."

"But I soon became alert dew. Maybe when we were dodging, or just stepping on the tiger's tail, what was that change of heart?

No wonder.

Garfiel is at least the first day Emilia takes the 'Trial'. Until before and after taking the 'trials', they should have been friendly to the Subaru's.

That Garfiel exposes his hostility on a night of determined 'trials' failure. Garfiel declares hostility on the grounds of the witchcraft drifting from Subaru's body.

However, it has already been proven that Garfiel's nose is not truly capable of sniffing the witch's temper and doings out of Subaru's body. It is another human being who realizes what surrounds Subaru, and Garfiel chooses hostility only because he is heard of it.

And it's to tell Garfield about his annoyance and make him hostile...

"I was staring at Mr. Lewes against the liberation of the Sanctuary."


Looking down at the silent crown, Subaru stands his finger over his assembled arm.

The crown on this occasion is θ- that is, from Subaru's perception, it should be a replica of the only crown that was opposed to the liberation of the 'sanctuary'.

beyond the fact that α and β were proponents and Σ were neutral, θ learned about the past of the real Rhus Mayer in The Trial, a being that jeopardized the liberation of the 'sanctuary'. If we're going to back up our current reasoning, it's hard to think of anything but θ to encourage Garfield to change his mind.

Hearing that Subaru reasoning, Garfiel nodded with a sinister face.

"The Admiral is right. My grandmother told me..."

"That's Sue Boy's mistake. Non said that to Garbo..."

The voices I tried to respond to overlapped, but it all tried to argue conflicting opinions.

In front of Subaru frowning in confusion, Garfiel and Ryuse face to face. Garfiel pampered his mouth, pointing at the glistening crown.

"Hey, I said to ya, I got cancer. Baba told me that the first night she took the test, didn't she? It smells like a witch from the general. I also have half a demon sister, and I thought those two were witch users... so, me."

"Tell me about it, Noon...? No, I did notice that Noh was in the mood to surround Sioux Fang, and I don't know where Emilia came from... apart from this. Non is only trying to judge after following the muscles laid by Rozfang..."

"Wait! Wait, stop! Now, Mr. Lewes said. He said he didn't know."

crown in response to Garfiel's words in denial.

Garfiel looks at it like it's hard to believe, but Ryus' words are more true than they were spoken from Ryus' mouth.

Because the inhabitants of this' sanctuary 'are' don't lie 'contracts inside the' sanctuary '.

"Except if he doesn't recognize it as a lie, at least Mr. Lewes won't be lying if he affirms he didn't 'do it' to his actions"

"Oh, I'm sure!

"I'm not doubting you.... I swallowed up the fact that you would lie. Mr. Lewes, what you're saying is that Mr. Lewes is very generous, isn't it?

To Subaru's word of certainty, the crown makes him nod with pale complexion.

Affirming this means that it was not the 'crown' that appealed to Garfield for a change of heart, regardless of the alpha, beta, theta, and si of the crown.

But Garfiel assures me it was the 'crown' that prompted his change of heart.


Face up, Subaru sees Garfiel's face.

I can't see the color of lies in the shape of Garfiel, who meshes his teeth, sounds them, and shakes his neck sideways. In the first place, it's not the right personality to lie.

Now that the plating "The Junction of the Sanctuary" that was shaping has been peeled off, it is more pronounced.


"... I'm telling you, there's no such thing as magic to change your appearance. You can't do that, Roswell."

"So what do you think this means?

There is no lamb answer to Subaru's inquiry.

She doesn't know the answer to this contradiction either. However, Subaru is half convinced that this is a 'Roswar laid trap'. Instead, I don't have any other options.

"I'd like to wait here for Emilia to come out..."

Emilia walked into the cemetery just enough. Subaru wants to welcome her out of the 'trials' with her hands wide open the most. I want to congratulate you.


"Let's ask Roswar. We have to find out what he's doing wrong."

- Emilia doesn't know if it's okay to call waking up in the dream world an awakening of consciousness.

A stone tiny room I should have been in earlier. Emilia's body, freed from the "trials," was now in the forest of nostalgia.

Surrounded by tall trees, I feel a cool breeze and warm earth behind my shoes.

A bunch of flashback memories.

White forest snow scenery, to be seen by the passage of 'trials' time.

The sight has not yet begun.

There was no snow in the woods, and the greens were softly welcoming Emilia's return, just consciousness.


"Hey, you've really come a long way in the last few days."

The voice reached Emilia, who whispered and ascertained her whereabouts.

Emilia's visit shapes the world of dreams. In the scenery of memories that were not even supposed to exist until then, it's as if it's natural to be there, a figure nestled in the shade of a tree.

Black monochrome outfit from top to bottom, hair and skin white girl as scattered with snow.

With just two colors, the witch of Reishi explored beauty so brightly.

Lord of the graveyard who presides over "Trials" and shows Emilia the past - "The Witch of Greed" Echidna.

The witch relies on the trunk of the tree she was leaning against and leans her neck against Emilia.

Emilia also stared back at the witch from the front, breathtaking.

"Really, it's a thousand customers. And welcome guests - and uninvited guests."


"How could you congratulate yourself for exposing yourself to all that ugliness? The thickness of your face and the evil of giving up will surprise you, too."

Witches staring at Emilia slap words mixed with malice and scorn relentlessly.

Cold, frozen black eyes do not resemble black eyes that stare gently at Emilia all the time. I know because Emilia has been exposed to many malice so far, irrationally.

This is a malice completely different in dimension from Emilia's numerous known malicious intentions.

The malice Emilia has received so far has been an unsurpassed blade, directed against an idol that does not involve the reality of 'half-elf with silver hair'.

But the malice this witch is pointing at isn't like that.

This is not a 'half-elf with silver hair', but an absolute hostility directed at 'Emilia'.

"Even if you're frustrated and crying, whore that will do fine if you flatter the man who holds you. Time and time again, you blasphemer who defiles the world just for 'me'. Many, many times, you shameless treacherous man who loves himself forgiven by him. - Why don't you say something, witch daughter?"


Until the other day Emilia was scratched by the violence of the stuffing words.

I did not give up the 'trials' by bending my knees to all this malice, but I have no doubt that the wear of my heart began to cut this off and my resistance to the past was shredded.

Witches do not want Emilia to be 'tried' or overcome.

Witches don't expect Emilia to survive the 'trials', etc.

'Nobody expects us. Is there anything else going on?

I see Subaru is absolutely right.

So Emilia raised her hand and stuck her finger in heaven.

As Natsuki Subaru does when he cuts, when he excites the courage inside his heart.

"My name is just Emilia. Born in the Great Forest of Elior, the Ice Witch"

When Emilia named herself, she found out that the witch was snotty.

With that creepy thought, Emilia pokes her finger through heaven at the witch.

"I won't give in to the same witch's malice. I'm a nasty bitch."

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