Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter Four 124: Listen, Fool

- Thus, how many times will it be to take you to this room to meet her?

When Subaru first met Beatrice, she gently uncovered her prospects for using illusion like a mansion, and Subaru stepped into this forbidden library.

I think the first impression we had was that we sucked at each other.

Subaru goes down too quickly with mana being pulled out of his sick body. Beatrice was then repeatedly and slightly annoyed by Subaru burning in that revenge.

Every time we meet, we beat each other to evil, and yet we feel comfortable doing it, and we get to the forbidden library where we intend to hide, unintentionally and lightly.

About two months Svalbard spent at the Roswar Mansion, Svalbard and Beatrice have repeatedly exchanged with each other, many times without spitting.

The king's election began in earnest, and a few days after returning from the king's capital, a change was also made in that exchange.

Beatrice rejects Subaru. How stubborn she is, Subaru understood one end of it by knowing the girl's past and destiny in a place called 'Sanctuary' without her.

And with the kind of mouth I knew, I tried to understand the girl's loneliness - beaten by the cry of Beatrice, who was so full of tears in the course of four hundred years.

After that, I couldn't tell her anything. Beatrice's life was lost in the immediate aftermath, and I saw only the last look on the girl's face, who disappeared sheltering Subaru.

With that face burning, Subaru returned driven by so much enthusiasm that he scorched himself.

- This time, whatever it takes to replace you, to get the girl out of here.

"Get Betty out of here...?

Beatrice's bewildered response to Subaru, who said he was honorable, as he entered the room. She held the Gospel much stronger, and as she leaned her knee against her chest on her stepladder,

"I don't know if it's an extra favor. Nobody asked you to do that."

"I'm not talking about asking you or not asking me to. I'll get you out of here. It's a matter of decision."

"I wish I could just leave and be comforted on that little girl's knees"

"It's so... it would be war...! It would be war if I told you that... Huh!

Being brought up about when he was previously filled with mansions, Subaru shook his voice to delude his inner disgrace.

Beatrice finally missed her gaze as she snorted at Subaru's attitude.

"And you can't afford to be kidding me like that. There's not enough time to say. You know what's going on out there right now?

"... I know there are uninvited guests in the mansion. After what the big maids and the little maids were doing, I wonder if the two of them are going around."

"It's outrageous. One of them's a helper I brought in. I don't think you've lost fightably, but unfortunately, maybe a step, I feel like the difference in readiness is going to split the win or loss. I don't know, I can't stand it very well."

"So it's an arithmetic that lets the people in the mansion get away while the helpers are buying time... I trust my allies. I didn't do it. I don't know if it's a clear operation."

"He's too nice a guy, but he knows too well."

Eighty to ninety percent when Garfiel's condition is now largely complete with the healing effect of "Ground Spirit Protection" between the time he returns to the Mansion. Fighting power is a pretty high rating with the addition of no stray to fighting there. However, I don't think the implementation is ready to kill the other person in time, and that's probably the result of missing thoughtful parts, slightly negative for evaluation.

Elsa's condition, on the other hand, is naturally complete. Unexplained unusual combat power is a good battle with a full Garfiel in Subaru's eyes. Slightly more inclined to enjoy battle is a negative rating for combat power, but Elsa has immortality that doesn't make sense. The idea that I would die if I killed him a few times is hard to think from Elsa's remarks. The tentative assessment is a little Elsa advantage.

"It's just that if you go along with this operation, Frederica should be able to retrieve Rem while Garfield holds Elsa back. Petra's rendezvous with Otto, and the rescuers should be able to save the last one."

"Need a rescuer... Right. The last of them is Betty."

"That's why"

Petra, who rendezvous with Subaru on the ground floor of the mansion, has managed to rendezvous with Otto, who led the villagers of Aram village to evacuate and help with the finesse of the mansion before leaving.

By the time Subaru gets to the forbidden library, he's probably already escaped.

"So you're gonna let me take you out. If you don't like running hand in hand, I'll give you a hug or whatever, so follow me closely..."

"I don't know if I'll let you say it again and again. I don't need your help."

Beatrice's low voice rejects Subaru as he steps closer and tries to reach out. In front of Subaru stopping his legs, Beatrice circled his neck to indicate inside the forbidden library,

"Do you mind? This is an isolated space through the corridor of time, with the power of Betty. It's Beatrice's library. Whatever the threat is on the table, I wonder if we can reach Betty's library. Your concern is merely concern."

"It doesn't work that way. The randomness of your library certainly means you can escape. It's a powerful advantage... but it's fatally flawed. Besides, they know the fatal flaw."

"Fatal, flawed......?

Beatrice, who frowns, just doesn't seem to be listening. but Subaru nodded at the grim girl's gaze and showed the door behind her with his hand.

"Your power to connect randomly with the doors in the mansion is powerful. But... your power only acts on the 'closed doors' in the Mansion. I mean, if you leave the doors open all over the mansion, you're bound to reach this forbidden library one way or another, and only connect to this forbidden library."

"- Eh."

"That's ridiculous. You wouldn't have noticed either. I didn't realize it was that simple until I actually saw it."

It is remembered when Elsa noticed a way out of the 'door crossing' and uncovered the forbidden library.

If the obstacle of Garfiel is eliminated, Elsa will undoubtedly come here using the same means as Arre. And it would take Beatrice's life.

"Of course, I'm not underestimating you getting lightly where that guy came in here. But his lack of expertise is a dunch in my life experience. If you don't have to deal with them, you've never crossed the line."

Elsa's destruction is a condition that I would like to achieve if I could, but it is not a condition that is essential to get out of this loop. If the client is Roswell, the reason for continuing to hire Elsa to Roswell disappears, at least if the time limit for the events surrounding the 'sanctuary' is exceeded.

In that case, what Elsa pulls back is proven by the Wang Capital's insignia noise.

Anyway, now, if we snuff out the raid on this mansion...

"Beatrice. It's not safe here either. If it weren't for you, he wouldn't even be vandalizing the library. So now..."

"How does that woman know how to break Betty's" Through the Door "?


Spitting moderate persuasive material to take him out, Subaru urges Beatrice to escape.

But whether Beatrice at heart had listened to Subaru until then, the pompous and squeaky words were a completely different squeal than what he had been looking for.

In front of the mumbling Subaru, Beatrice still left her body over the stepladder,

"It's the first time I've encountered Betty's 'Crossing the Door' and all of a sudden I can't possibly flash that way. I wonder if he knows about Betty."

"Beatrice. Not if we're talking about it now..."

- Roswell, it is.

Falsification doesn't work.

Subaru takes a breath away at developing his thoughts too quickly until he concludes.

Seeing that Subaru reaction, Beatrice understood everything. That it was Roswar who hired Elsa, and that its purpose was his own murder. That is -,

"I wonder if the Gospel of Roswar states that it killed Betty."

Hmm, and Beatrice does not hear Subaru's affirmation or denial, but spills a small exhalation.

Somewhere in that exhalation, it was not my fault that I felt relieved. I really can't miss hearing that, Subaru stuffs up to Beatrice.

"You, what's the sigh now? What, you look like you're convinced!

"As you can see, I'm convinced. If Roswell's Gospel statement commanded Roswell to do so, then so would Betty's fate."

"What the hell...... Roswar's book is Roswar's book, your book is yours! And it says to you," Roswell will kill you! "

Poking his finger, Subaru stares at the Gospel held by Beatrice.

If it's not the same as it was in the previous loop, it should be there for four hundred years, just blanks still spelled out.

Beatrice lifts a gloomy look to Subaru's cry and opens the pages of the Gospel. And let's spread the content over here so that it looks Subaru - only the blank paper showed a book that even lasted.

"It doesn't say anything. As always, I wonder if it will remain blank."

"-! Then there can't be a reason you're going to be killed just like Roswar's book! As always, you decide what you do!

"... as always, Betty decides?

"That's right! It doesn't say anything, which means you must have had the choice of time before. From small to big, you've decided all your own paths. Then there's no reason why they should dance on other people's choices."

"What is Betty's decision in her previous Betty days?

The momentum of Subaru's words was crushed by its even sad questioning posture.

Beatrice tilting her little neck and just staring at Subaru with lonely eyes. Turning one blank page after another, Beatrice traces the 'blank time' where nothing is depicted.

"At the Roswar mansion, I kept protecting the forbidden library that was deposited by my mother, and I've spent all my time alone... where in that time did you say I had Betty's time? Betty's, who has lived a blank time where nothing is remembered, what is left of this world? Beatrice, what the hell, what did you do, who are you talking about?

"Bear, Tris......"

"Betty's raw, Betty's four hundred years are as white as this Gospel. It was blank. Everything you choose, everything you get, everything you can prove yourself... exist, don't"

Make a sound and close the Gospel, and Beatrice places it gently on her own lap. stroking that anonymous cover, the girl said in a quiet voice,

"A blank book, just like that. Where Betty was lost here, I wonder if she'll just lose one blank book with nothing painted on it. For everyone, it can't be anything, it's just a different book from the bookcase - it's better to lose it."

"Well, what would a troubled person do without a blank book?"

With a flashy look, Beatrice is likely to see a light slice of his 400 years and future. Subaru manages to throw words at her in an attempt to connect her mind and stop her.

Still, in Subaru, there is no answer to Beatrice's crying inquiry then.

It's just still, if I don't keep the word here, she'll turn away from herself.

"You said there was nothing blank. But I did give the book to the bookshelf. Someone knows there's a book. Someday I'll try to get it in my hand, and someone might have thought so, but they'll dispose of it on their own."

"I wonder if it's a book with no title or author name. Assuming there was someone so peculiar, I'd just open the book, see what's in it, and be disappointed. I'm sorry to see someone's face fall short of expectations in that blank book."

"Then! Then why did you give the book to me like that?


Beatrice stares with her emotionless eyes at the devouring Subaru.

If you don't find meaning in this question, it feels like you were poked out before you spit out the word. Still, Subaru looks up and continues to reach out to the distant heart of Beatrice.

"Whoever takes it, if you just look inside and be disappointed... what was the book there for? Because it makes sense, didn't they make the book?

"... the author who made the book made it for someone else. It's a book that looks blank to everyone's eyes, but I wonder if it's supposed to look different just for that 'someone'. So if it makes sense, it's when you cross over to" Somebody, "and that's when the book comes into being."

"If so."

"I don't think you should dispose of it until it's in the hands of someone."


Subaru noticed on the verge of how cruel hope he tried to say. Beatrice looked at Subaru's expression and gave him a terribly painful grin.

"Right. If Betty was really just one book... you could have kept waiting for that day."

I could also continue to wait for the day to come when I would be scrolled through the pages, in the hands of the coming 'Someone'.

Assuming Beatrice was a book.

- But Beatrice is not a book. Long blank hours, a girl trembling lonely.

"I don't have a heart, I don't have a self, if it was just one book... I could always believe what your mother said without getting lost. Have you always been your mother's lovely Beatrice?"

Like a doll, I wouldn't have gotten lost if I had no heart just to be decorated.

As is the case with one book, I did not mourn if I were an unwavering being over the course of time that continues to flow.

But Beatrice didn't.

"But Betty is something with a heart. The more you can't believe what you want to believe, the more you think about it over time. I wonder if it bothers me. There were many nights when I couldn't remember my mother's face, smile, and try to gather my memories!


"Even when I couldn't stand being alone and I wanted to be touching someone! But we're all leaving Betty anyway! I can't believe it's for something more important than me. That's why I don't know, for a reason, I'm leaving Betty! And your mother! And Rosewire! - Even the crown!!

Squeezing his face, Beatrice screams with a crying face.

In the name of the crown spit out of her mouth, Subaru remembers Beatrice's past heard in The Sanctuary. Lewes Mayer, who is the source of the Lewes who are here today.

The story of the girl who was sacrificed to defend the 'sanctuary' and the bond, but definitive, between the bundles that Beatrice bound. - Give Beatrice's heart the scar that's left now.

"- So, that's okay."

Forever, Beatrice loses momentum until then and rapidly drops the tone of her voice.

Returning his emotionally distorted expression to his usual untouched, he held a book on his lap.

"Betty's Gospel does not engrave Betty's future.... That's what I knew. Betty's fate was just as ignored by her mother."

The fact that the future is not remembered means that the future of the Gospel owner has fallen into a trail.

Beatrice acclaimed the stopped book of description that way against Subaru with the Gospel of Petergius. The same thing is happening to me.

"If Betty's fate was engraved in the gospel of Roswar... it might be ironic. But I'm also relieved. I don't know if Rosewar would ever put his hands on it."

"Such a pattern of old knowledge could kill me... why, I'm relieved"

"It's decided."

Beatrice nodded one at Subaru's squeezing voice.

Then, with a smile on his mouth, but with a loving smile somewhere,

"If the Gospel says anything about Betty, whether it belongs to Roswar... your mother didn't forget Betty, I guess she never did"

- Distortion.

On the look of Beatrice smiling, Subaru realized he was about to be swallowed by the flurry of emotions.

Distortion. Beatrice's present appearance, as if she were pleased to have touched her mother's love, is too distorted and intolerable. Is this the kind of thing that my mother loves?

"... what are you going to do?"

Biting his lips, Subaru was stepping forward, indulging in what was coming in.

Beatrice's expression cautions Svalbard, who gives off a nasty sign.


"Have you heard of Betty? What are you going to do? I'll tell you what, if you're going to do something, I don't think you'll forgive me. Betty has already accepted her destiny."

"What accepted destiny. Neither do you, Roswell. No, it's worse than that conscious guy. I can't help it, I can't help it."

Anger springs up.

Ever since he came into contact with many of the events surrounding the 'sanctuary', Subaru has fought this sentiment over and over again.

Anger at oneself coming to the 'Trial', anger at the witches who flirt with oneself, anger at Garfiel, who underestimates oneself with the stubbornness of his children, anger at Roswar, who tries to affirm the fragility of his thoughts by complying with the description, anger at Emilia, who cannot believe the love heart of himself and Subaru -,

- Right now, Beatrice and I are angry even once again around cornering her like this.

"You're an idiot. It's painful and helpless to see from the side how fate is and what your mother says. You have a heart? Can't you stay in one book? Naturally, you idiot. If you're stuck in such a moldy room, you don't even know that!

"Ba...... Huh!

He opens his eyes to Subaru's fury and Beatrice exalts after looking surprised.

The girl stood up on her stepladder, rocking the hem of her skirt and pointing to Subaru.

"You! I wonder what you're going to say to anyone! Fool, fool? How dare you... to you! What do you know about Betty's?

"You're determined to know I know you better than you know you're stupid because you don't have a sense of foolishness! Fool! Fool! Idiot! Idiot!!

"Oh, you...... Huh!!

To Subaru, who raises his middle finger and hits him with a curse, Beatrice turns his face bright red and gets stuck in words. He was so angry that he lost sight of the words he would spit out.

If you open the gap that way, it's Subaru's eighteenth to step in there with your earthfoot.

"Four hundred years blank? Don't take it personally! Four hundred years, I guess I've just been holding him on my knees! That's all I've got time to think about, why are you hanging on to one answer all the time! I didn't write anything in the book, so you're saying, 'I was doing nothing'? Stupid!"

"Or there's no way I didn't think about it! Of course! How many times has Betty tried to keep the Gospel statement the same...! But no matter what I did, no matter how long I waited, it didn't change! So!"

"I'm telling you that's stupid! I didn't write anything in the book, so I tried to get the text to appear in the book, so you broiled the yearbook! Nobody's doing it yet! If that's all you couldn't do, then I doubt there's another possibility!

"Be, another possibility…"

"Zubari, the possibility that your mother gave you the wrong book."

To Subaru's words, Beatrice ceases.

But soon, Beatrice bit that it was too ridiculous an answer,

"Stop it! I wonder if your mother could possibly imitate such an idiot! To you... you can't possibly understand your mother's profound thoughts!

"Oh, I don't know, idiot. Do you know what your mother thinks? What I'm talking about right now is your story. You just said it. That's what you said you couldn't possibly imitate that stupid. You sure about that? Can you tell me all about it? You never doubted your mother?

"Hey, what..."

"Four hundred years! The book where the letters are supposed to float remains so blank! They told me to wait, and the waiters never showed up! Have you spent so much time alone all this time, so much time thinking rotten that you never thought about it? You didn't think it was weird!?

For four hundred years, I keep believing in someone all the way.

That may seem like a terribly beautiful way of heart at first sight. But such a thing is a distortion of the truth. All the more so if you kept thinking about the person and all the words of the person.

Not to mention Beatrice, who almost gave up.

"Oh, I wonder if your mother could have done something wrong! Oh, it's natural. Mother! You can doubt what your mother is saying!?

"You've decided you can do it! How thin you think the credibility of our mother's statement is! When I was wrong to hear that the satellite fell into the 'Atmosphere' into 'Aichi Prefecture', I stopped believing without checking the big news popping out of my mother's mouth! It's time for Little Three!!

I will not forget the day when I truly took it and touched it and was made a laugher at school.

Since that day Subaru has stopped believing what his parents have said from his head. As for the reliability of his father's statement, he had lost it earlier.

"In four hundred years, you never even doubted it!? I haven't lived in twenty years, and the number of times I've been beaten up with my father isn't enough for my fingers to go back and forth. This is it in twenty years. You've never felt that way in you twenty times."

"You...... what do you want Betty to say!? I have no idea! Betty doesn't know what you're talking about! I don't know!"

"Then I'll make it clear to you! Make it sound like you and your stupid mother!

Approaching Beatrice trying to hold her head, Subaru took her hands.

Face up Beatrice and close to the breathtaking distance, Subaru says to the teary-eyed girl.

"You can't be swayed forever by a blank book and a promise you made four hundred years ago. - What you want to do, you choose, Beatrice."


"Four hundred years. It would be too much time for a period of rebellion to come around."

Beatrice tries to keep her parents healthy.

That hard-working attitude of trying to keep promises has created a girl's loneliness and empty time.

For her mother, Echidna, it seems even such a tedious time was a sweet one, but from Subaru it is an outrageous vice.

Forget how you want to cry, forget how you cry, what is the way your heart is. I get revulsion.

With his arms grabbed, Beatrice turns away from Subaru on his stepladder.

The girl sitting at the top and Subaru's gaze are about the same height. Beatrice, who turned away, eventually looked down, then shook her lips.

"I don't know... here's what you're trying to say. Betty broke your mother's promise."


"Throw away what you've been believing for four hundred years and tell me to be free... easily, will you tell Betty"

A trembling voice gradually restores calm.

And to the voice that began to conceive of something that was not upsetting, Subaru felt her hair lay upside down. Since coming to different worlds, all this feeling has continued to be polished without any need to question it.

That is, the feeling of existence that poses a serious crisis.

"- To this Beatrice! He told me to break my contract! You're going to slap me in the mouth like I understand!


Subaru's body is jumped backwards like a blast from the front.

I roll the floor of the library off my back and get slapped against the wall with the wind wrapped around me and my breath clogs. Subaru raised his face as he tasted the bones all over his body flashing and his vision blinking.

On the stepladder unchanged, but in an angry phase, Beatrice looks down on Subaru.

"The contract is absolute! Absolutely! Not to mention that promise exchanged between the witch and the Spirit. On the one hand, you want it to be rebellious from the Spirit, too? I don't think you understand anything! You're not allowed to do that! Whoever it is! Whatever it is! Betty will never forgive herself!

He used to say, "Look for the back door to that contract, and if you can't break it, he'll kill you."

"- Huh!"

Exhale to push the pain out of your body and Subaru wakes up slowly.

Beatrice had not yet broken his anger posture on Subaru's words, and had let his lovable expression be colored into a viciousness full of dizziness. I look up at that face, and Subaru laughs viciously, too.

"What you say is a mess, Beatrice. You don't realize how disjointed you are yourself? You didn't realize that, did you? You're so smart."

"Will you shut up?"

"No, I won't shut up. Contract Rebellion? It's superior. Literally, if you hate dying to keep your promise, don't do it. Nobody's gonna blame you."

"Betty blames me! How can you not know that!? The contract is absolute, and keeping it..."

"You're the one who doesn't know why. Keep your contract. If you're going to die, you better break your contract and you'll survive. Is it so weird that I make that choice?

Beatrice, who continues to be bound by the contract, has no words in Subaru's attitude to try to break it and throw it away lightly. She may even see Subaru as an incomprehensible monster right now.

It's stranger to Subaru to think that way.

Keeping promises is, of course, important.

Emilia blamed me again and again for breaking my promise, and I felt painful about it and again. So even to Subaru, I know exactly how important it is to keep promises.

Still, Subaru doesn't hesitate to let Beatrice break her promise here.

The reason for this is now, as I said to Beatrice.

If anyone tells Beatrice to keep her word and die, I'll put my middle finger up to him and tell him.

Let him break his promise, and Beatrice let him survive. That's not even a troubling issue.

"Hih, it's a spicy thing to reopen and there's nothing you can do about it..."

"I know it's reopening, and I'm reflecting. But I'm not giving it away because it's important."

Subaru's attitude is determined from the beginning. It depends on Beatrice's mind from the beginning and later.

Beatrice cannot hide the confusion and perplexity in Subaru's attitude of scorning the contract. That would be so. For this world, the existence of the Spirit, the covenant is so heavy.

In the time that has elapsed, I have seen the interaction between the Spirit and the Spirit user, and I know that is something that should not be rocked hard and heavy.

I know, let's say Subaru.

He said you were more important than that.

"Oh, if it was... 'the person' before..."

Subaru's, too much attitude towards the contract.

The look on Beatrice's face listening to it faintly collapses with weakness.

Spilling out of her mouth is someone shapeless who has been waiting forever to believe my mother's legend for the last four hundred years.

A fictional being, laid down by Echidna ruthlessly, to know 'who that child chooses'.

Beatrice wants to be saved.

Evidence above all is that Svalbard's words are shaking my mind and moisturizing my eyes.


Beatrice's moist eyes focus on standing up Subaru.

And the girl shook her lips, as if they were twitching,

"Betty's," the person, "will you be?

That was an inquiry that might put an end to the previous four hundred years.

Or as Echidna put it, that would have been the word the witch wanted.

Whether Beatrice can find the shapeless existence of 'the person'.

The witch entrusted such a fullness of her curiosity to her daughter to spend as much as four hundred years alone.

The conclusion of those days lies in the current inquiry.

Staring straight at the breathtaking Beatrice, Subaru said clearly.

"Fool, you. - There's no way I don't know who you are."

In the forbidden library after an awesome shockwave had blown, Beatrice was returning the books thrown out in the wind to their original position on the bookcase.

Fortunately, I almost fell on the floor, but I don't see any books or anything that came off the fitting.

While reflecting on the power he wielded in the forbidden library he was told to protect, Beatrice is horrified that the damage was extremely minor.

These are the comrades who spent four hundred years together in Beatrice's solitary time.

If it's a single book, Beatrice's description of it is nothing but a lie. I have dreamed many times that, like these books, I would have been unmoved by the long wait.

I think it's ridiculous and hopeful, now.

"I don't know if it's possible to laugh."

That's all, it means he was overwhelmed.

mock yourself about it. but there was anger in my little breasts more than that.

"He... he... really, I don't know what...!

Reminds me of a frustrating man just to think about it, and Beatrice is about to step on the estate.

I want to hit my obsessive emotions somewhere, but everywhere in the forbidden library is an important place Beatrice was told to protect from her mother.

I don't see anything like bumping a seizure, it swells. I just have to wait for it to shrivel.

Put the last book back in the bookcase and Beatrice spills her exhale to prepare herself. Then he sat down to the stepladder, which was a fixed position, and tried to hold a black fitted book - he stopped.

A blank book. He made it easy for me to tell you to throw it away.

And on a pivotal occasion, wouldn't Beatrice have refused to do that if she tried to pick a cut to be thrown away? Totally, really, I'm so angry that I don't know what that means.

"I'm tired..."

But even the passion won't last long.

Beatrice stops inflating her cheeks and puts a book in her chest that hesitates to hold her.

In the end, until the end, I can't protect my mind other than to keep leaning on this.

As the gospel of Roswar was written, within it comes the end to Beatrice as well.

How should I wait for that?

When it's finally over, should I think about it?

That's what I should have thought, but I'm confused myself when I have to come close to it.

- You're an idiot, and that's what they said, for some reason, left me lumpy on my chest.

The shockwave blows me up and rolls down the hallway, slamming me from my back against the wall and Subaru is stuffy. Just as the pillar portion hit the flank directly, Subaru snarled bitterly around.

"Oh! Whoa... Oh, there's no way...! In the middle of the conversation, that idiot......!

The door closes with a noise in front of him and Subaru reaches for the door with a resentful face. Of course, the sights on the other side that opened up as much as a gap changed from a forbidden library - just a room.

'Crossing the Door' was activated and Subaru was kicked out of the forbidden library.

"No way, you're gonna get mad at me until I kick you out... damn, I picked the wrong word...!

There was no mistake in what I was trying to say, but there was a mistake in how it was communicated and communicated.

As a result, Subaru is ejected from the forbidden library and the conditions for achieving it are distant.

"Anyway, you can't do this. Another door to Bear Child......!

"Hey, Mr. Natsuki...?

A voice called Subaru who looked back at attacking other doors depending on their allowances. Keeping up with the voices and names he is accustomed to hearing, Subaru rounds his eyes.

At the end of his gaze, it's Otto who should have broken up with him sneaking a peek in his face from the next room. Plus under Otto, there's Petra's face that sees this one in the same position,

"Oh, you guys...? Why are you still in the mansion? One building is fine. I thought you told me to run when the door was open.

"Unfortunately, the situation outside has changed dramatically…"

On a stuffed Subaru, a blue-faced otto shakes his neck to the side.

You can't even be joking in this situation. Otto's refusal to run away means that's all that's happening.

"What happened? Briefly, please."

"It's a warcraft. Outside the Mansion, the Warcraft is surrounded by reason, unable to move."


Subaru peels at the unexpected words and looks at Petra to confirm. and the girl shook her head vertically in Subaru's gaze over and over again,

"Um, there are a lot of warcraft unlike demon dogs... biceps, kangaroos, a lot"

"Is that them living in the woods around them?

"Yes, what... but I'm not supposed to be able to come this way from the junction"

"Again with the world..."

During previous warcraft noises, the reconnection of the junction between the village of Aram and the forest surrounding the mansion was confirmed. Attention to the subsequent loosening of the junction is also a top priority, and in this short period of time it cannot be a mistake.

Most importantly, how could a warcraft over the line surround the mansion?

"It's the same as when I was that dog, and some weird will works...? What about the guys from Aram Village? Are you okay with this?

"At the time of the evacuation induction, the Warcraft could not be confirmed, and we should be safe as we summoned the dragon cars we had kept from the Duke and let them escape. Patrash is guiding us."

"Right. That's a relief."

It's more trustworthy to leave that clever grounddragon to someone who's bad enough to guide you.

While praying that Patrash would do well, Subaru bit at the fact that a different situation was still occurring than the flow of his knowledge.

An unprecedented invasion of the Warcraft.

Naturally, it can't have anything to do with Elsa's raid in time.

"What about Frederica and Rem?

"I haven't seen Sister Frederica or Mr. Rem... oh, I don't think I can run through that"

"When that happens, are you two still in the mansion? How far Garfiel will do it, as I'm just lucky the Warcraft hasn't come inside yet"

Touch Petra's head to praise the strength of her mind, which is not disturbed even in extreme conditions. If Subaru was around the same age, it's no wonder he's leaking his piss and crying.

But it is also true that the situation does not allow it to remain this way.

"Where am I now? Which building in the mansion?

"It's the east wing. The Garfiels are supposed to be meeting in the west wing, so I avoided the damage for one second..."

"Then you can use it as an escape route..."

Beatrice's retrieval, of course, is a sine qua non for letting the Ottos escape.

Subaru contemplates and tries to find a place that can be used as an escape route from a drawing that draws into his head. But my voice scratched the thought of Subaru like that.

"- Oh? Did you come all this way and wait for me on purpose?

Zorr, everyone's body stiffened to the feeling of being caressed with a blade.

Drawing his arm and holding Petra together, Subaru looks back in horror.

Behind the hallway, someone comes close with a shoe noise, down the aisle where the light plugs in diagonally.

Eventually, the figure enters a range separated by light,

"Garfield guy, what are you doing!?

"Put the three of you together, expose your beautiful bowels -"

Kicking the ground in front of the screaming Subaru, a bowel hunt jumps in that leaps a black shadow.

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