Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter Four 126: The Raid of Giltilau, the Lacquered Black King of the Woods!

- Steel and steel intersect scattered with sparks, as if a woman's scream were chained.


"Haha! Nice, nice, nice!

Flip yourself to dance and slash the curved blade for the steeple without choosing an orbit from the top, bottom, left or right.

Any physically capable move, a seemingly unconstitutional slaughter approaches Garfiel's body with the power and accuracy with which each blow could be fatally injured.

The tip of the blade broken into the Kuno lettering rips the wind, beyond the sound, and is literally shaken off at divine speed.

Garfiel slips the shield on both hands into orbit and flushes it to slip the surface rather than directly.

A woman's body flows heavily into a trick that does not kill the momentum of the slaughter and only diverts her from the orbit being shaken. Sewing that gap, Garfiel also jumps up his toes, aiming at the empty woman's torso again.

Garfiel's direct kick belongs to the shimmering power of shells that can easily be kicked to pieces by even the stone walls.

If you let it strike directly without letting it kill the impact, it easily penetrates human soft meat defenses and so on, destroying the inner gut to exert much power.

In fact, when it comes to the blow that Garfiel went through without any extra force, he has crushed the woman's flesh bone-by-bone and produced enough results to make her feel the response to the special multiple times.


"I just saw that."


At the tip of her jumping toenail, the woman deflects her back from the trajectory she was showing. Empty-shaking feet plunder to stroke a woman's back, her feet tangled up in a feather-woven pitch-black cloak.

For a moment, but a deadly stalemate for a woman or Garfiel.


A woman who exhales briefly and turns her arms behind her back covers Garfiel's feet tangled in her cape with more cloth fabric. The opposite hand runs the blade in an orbit that swings from back to top in half a turn.

The trajectory of the slash where the right thigh is cut, Garfiel leaps small with his left foot, which remained on the ground before thinking, sticking out the back of his left shoe directly beneath the tangled right foot.

Garfiel's left leg clashes against the flank of a blade that jumps directly from below.

The shaking sound of steel and the crushing sound of her wrist chained up, making a slutty bitter sound and the woman removed the knife. The woman stays back, but Garfiel, who falls to the floor with her legs tangled, can't chase either. Rotate backwards with the shock of a kick and hands on the ground, opening the distance and then removing the foot tangled in the cape.

"Wrist and knife, I got it for you, Ola"

"It's okay. I still have a knife replacement, and my left hand will be ready to move. And the cloak... is so intrusive to fight you."

"You must be disappointed."

"You just have to check with your bowels to see if this strengthens."

Wipe the sweat with the cape you took, and Garfield throws it at the edge of the hallway.

Elsa was blind to the cloak to be struck down and spoke to the huge shadow holding back behind her as she gently rubbed her distorted left hand with her right hand.

"Mary, don't shut up and watch, give me a replacement knife"

"Oh, too, because Elsa is really on her own. I'm not a baggage man or a knife clerk. Rock Pork can't break in. Just fight."

A shadow that can speak - a girl riding on the back of a giant warcraft throws something as she swells her cheeks at Elsa's call.

It's a holder with a curved blade that Elsa deals with. Two new ones from there, Elsa pulled out the blade, looking up at the girl with one hand to make sure she was comfortable gripping the two,

"It would be worse to bring such a big warcraft to your cuteness. As far as I'm concerned, I'm happy to be able to dance with her without interrupting her."

"If you're obsessed with it and you're getting away with a key target, we won't be talking about it. If Mommy could do this to me, she'd be a big star. I'll tell you what's wrong with Elsa."

"If you're afraid of a tip-off, you can't run off or stumble. A good kid should be Mary or some other kid. I don't mind being a handy kid."

Saying, Elsa releases a blade in her hand into space, juggling the two blades with one hand.

Due to the size of the blade's width, it is a fast rotating juggling that could drop your arm if you make a mistake, but Elsa, looking back at it in jeopardy, receives the knife with her right hand and left hand.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. My left hand doesn't seem to be a problem if I just hold it."

"Don't worry about it. Buying time is what I want, and it's so impeccable to interrupt my sisters' discussions. Family stories don't matter."

"Oh. How did you know this girl of mine was a sister?

"You said the same person was the mother. The color of your hair, the color of your eyes, the look of your face, it's a problem. Other than blood, we can talk about family."

Listening to Garfield's self-theory, Elsa looks decent with her eyes round for a moment. Then she put her hand on her mouth and erupted in terrible fun.


"Pfft...... oh, no, sorry. I could hear unexpected words, so I stuck around and went crazy.... Yes, you seem like a very good girl."

"You're treating me like a kid. I'm a fine man."

"Really? To adults and men, it doesn't look like I'm ready."

Elsa responds to a grumpy garfiel with her cheeks loose.

Elsa laughed even more pleasantly at Garfield, who frowned in surprise at the words.

"Elsa, Elsa. This horrible-faced guy, he's a cute guy, isn't he?

"Right, Mary. I'm just starting to think so, too. It's been a long time since I've seen a kid who wants to keep his intestines alive after he drags them out."

"You don't say you like shit. They're all gonna eat my fist bones and get laid."

Garfiel, who turns his wrist and says it out.

Elsa and the Girl - I don't know the true meaning of Mellie's conversation, but I can't doubt that's what made Garfiel scorn her will.

If that's all I understand, I don't have any kind words to offer from Garfield.

If they don't because they cry and apologize and beg forgiveness, beat them to death so they can't move, and punish them for what they deserve. - That's Garfield's role.

"It's time. Buy the generals time to escape, of course. I'm gonna be one of you. You made white stars out of winning and running. Knock him out before he's done with his skin. I'm the strongest shield in and out of the Sanctuary."

Cut the heel, Garfiel meets the shield of both arms.

A tall noise echoed in the hallway, and in the passage under the moon Garfiel let go of his mind to the two hostiles.

"- Pup! Elsa, did you hear that? He said it was the strongest shield! The strongest shield...... eh. Pfft! I knew you weren't a cute guy. Aye!

But Mary laughed whether she heard that mouth or not, and Elsa doesn't have an atmosphere where she felt threatened by the way she deepened her grin either.

"I laughed at you, you cancer, huh?

"Oh, that's crazy. Funny, I'm gonna laugh. Wow. I'm assuming you're strong. You're crazy, too, but your runaway brothers are crazy and crazy."

"Are the generals crazy?

"Yeah, yeah, good. 'Cause you do, don't you? Surrounded by my pets around the mansion, there is only one place if you can escape the mansion. Actually, that's where Elsa belongs. Oh, Elsa moved on her own. Oh, I left her a replacement."


To the gaze of Mellie's condemnation, Elsa has no evil, no gaze.

Her murderous, wet eyes are watching Garfield's behavior, making it difficult to move. Besides, I can't miss hearing about Mary's spare time.

Mary slaps herself on the back of a warcraft carrying herself in front of Garfiel, sharpening her gaze,

"Besides this rock pig, I've got another one for you today. Ah. He's blocking the way. So, your time buying is rather counterproductive."


"If you get rid of Elsa and me lightly, and they go after your brothers, I can help you, but you don't, do you? So, don't realize that. I'm trying so hard to buy time. If I look at you, everybody go crazy."

With an indelible face to laugh at, Mary mocks this one innocently.

Against that young malice, Garfield exhaled deeply.

Indeed, it is true that some conditions of uncertainty overlap for this one. There's no doubt that Mary is right when it comes to things beyond her thoughts.


"Ha, ha, ha, ha."

"... Huh?

"Wow, that's the one. There's still a monster? You're holding your head down, aren't you? It's me? Such a convenience for you and the Admiral."

Garfiel takes a step forward, whilst whispering that Mary's smile disappears.

watching Elsa react to it and tilt herself slightly,

"I'm the generals who beat me up. - That's how you get in the way of me, laughing at me with your nose and blowing me away. It's up to you!

"I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't. Seriously, what's going on now...!

His breath was constant, and Subaru was leaking a cry.

On the third floor of the main building of the Roswar mansion, the dance floor on the verge of reaching the top floor, a row of Subaru - Subaru and Otto, and five of Petra and Rem on Frederica - are solidified with a whisper of breath.

All of them feel tired falling on the floor, and their bodies are getting more shallow scratches.

In particular:

"Frederica, are you okay?

"... yeah, this is no big deal. I apologize for showing my impudence to Subaru."

"I can't get around without you. It's rather me and Otto's two men who are pitiful. Sorry. Weak."

"All this time... there's no objection to Natsuki's light-hearted remarks."

Otto breathes in repentance and Subaru spits out a chunk of blood in his mouth.

Ignoring his whole body twitching and complaining of pain, Subaru regains the body of the lem he carried. - It is Svalbard's current role to replace and represent Lem from Frederica.

Otto pulls Petra's hand and Subaru bears the lem. And Frederica, the only force of war, stood at the forefront and paved the way, which was now the best of the five.

Shortly after Garfield and I broke up, Subaru and the others were attacked by two hyena-style warcraft.

Although the battle against Hyena was perhaps repelled by Otto's demon ore and Frederica's struggle, it was then repeatedly to be flirted with by the demon hands of the warcraft placed throughout the mansion.

A bat-like black-winged mouse that was lurking heavily in the aisle connecting the main building to a separate building.

A hyena-style spot king dog roaming the mansion and attacking if there are gaps.

A kangaroo that nets the Subaru who escaped into the room and aims for the moment of distraction.

Dealing with the biceps, dragging a body as thick as Subaru's arms, forced a particular struggle.

Far away with smoke, Frederica knocks down the spot king dog, disperses while the kangaroo hits him in the ass, Otto stops the bicep in desperate negotiations, Subaru combines hard in that gap into the torso, and Frederica drops two heads - and now it's the dance floor.

"Already, this is totally... it was a failure to be separated from Garfiel..."

"Don't say anything weak. By now, Garfield might be barking so hard that we're okay, so let's live up to the same expectations that we put in place."

"Your fortitude, you're really turning to merchants..."

Otto looks the best physically in this. Subaru rises in a mood, in response to his words with a bitter smile.

Lem's body negative on his back is sadly light, to be honest. I've heard that it's heavy to take on unconscious, sleeping people, but that's not true only for Rem.

I feel little warmth or weight. Existence is a rare thing. Only faint heart sounds and breathing are her raw proof left, and Subaru rests his back all the more firmly.

There's no way that could happen, such as shaking it off and not realizing it, but be afraid of it.

"Dear Sister Frederica..."

"It's okay, Petra. You don't have to look so worried... it's going to be your room soon."

To Petra, who sees herself worried, Frederica smiles at her temperament.

But there is no frederica more optimistic than words. Combined in one arm in the battle against hyena, the bloody left arm does not lift and lacks glory for movement.

We do not want it as a full force of war, but we need a place where we can treat and rest quickly.

"But surely the destination is just a little bit more"

Above the stairs - looking to the top floor, Subaru spills so.

What Subaru and the others are aiming for is Roswar's office. Needless to say, there is an evacuation route that leads outside, also an evil route that has led to Elsa's break-in in previous loops.

At first, when he lost his way out, Subaru nearly crushed his option to escape this path - but as a result of discussions with Frederica, he changed his mind.

It's just after Garfield and I broke up, after we left the encounter with the two hyenas.

"Your husband's office has a hidden passage that leads outside. From there, you can escape outside the mansion - to the cabin in the woods. Using that path."

"It's a shame, Frederica. Thanks, it can't be that easy. The hidden passage is broken by them. Nothing else, because that black woman came in from that path."


Tell Frederica, who pushes silently, that Subaru knows he's going to be in a desperate situation.

In past loops, Subaru has encountered Elsa on the occasion of an attempt to confirm a hidden passage. Every time, apart from the fact that the anomaly is coming in from that path, at least its existence has been known.

"Earlier, Elsa and the other girl...... from the two stories, thanks. They have other people. Whether or not the position of the guy who was called Mom is actually those two unlike mothers... naturally, if there's backpacking, that path too"

It is natural to think that it is blocked.

Surrounded by warcraft around the mansion, even the escape route that leads outside is in enemy hands. Precisely in an octagonal plug setting, Subaru makes his thoughts incandescent.

A state of absolute destiny.

In a situation of fugitive route invalidity, I'm sorry I can't help Beatrice on this occasion.

If Subaru had succeeded in convincing Beatrice, it would have been a situation he didn't have to worry about. If it's her 'crossing the door', it's so easy that you don't even have to think about running away from here or anything.

"... don't be too selfish, I am"

I know Beatrice's misery and why and I try to be powerful.

It is proof that Beatrice has not seen herself on this occasion, such as bringing out her power for reasons that prevented her from being taken out.

It can be taken for granted that she hates me and throws me outside.

"Mr. Natsuki"


What did you think of Subaru's face thinking that way, his shoulder to be slapped and his arm to be pulled?

Look, it was Otto next to right who slapped him on the shoulder, and Petra next to left who pulled his arm. The two bring Svalbard's consciousness back to reality in their respective ways and face each other when they realize they've done the same.

Seeing how those two were doing, Subaru breathed in the feeling of being saved.

"Dear Subaru. It's my idea, but I still think we should choose that path."

And that's how Frederica claims to breathe Subaru.

to Svalbard with his face up, Frederica stood her finger,

"As Subaru said, the status quo seems like an octagonal plug at first sight. Surrounded by fierce warcraft around the mansion, the only escape route is also grasped by the enemy. If we think about it normally, it's inevitable that we'll all be killed twitching like this..."

"Yeah, right. I think so too, so I was thinking of at least twisting my head to see if I could find a weak spot in the siege of the Warcraft."

"Dear Subaru at times. Who is that black woman who attacked me, somewhere before?

The words are blocked by a low inquiry and Subaru breathes quietly.

I couldn't read the intent of the question and Subaru nodded "Oh".

"I was after Emilia before, even in the capital. At that time, I got nothing thanks to Kensei, who happened to be there on the spot. It's just too convenient to expect that handsome intrusion this time."

"Really? Last time, Hyundai Kensei did. No, in any case, I don't mind. What I wanted to know was not how that woman was last repelled, but her personality."


Subaru twists his neck to Frederica's words without getting the guidelines.

"Even with your personality, it's an abnormal sexuality as you see it. It's commonly known as' intestine hunting ', which I love to judge other people's bellies and examine their contents. If it's dangerous, it's the best in the world."

"And there's a part of you that's bound to doing it with your own hands, as you can see from the fact that you were happily cutting it off with your girlfriend...... right?

"I'm not close, but I guess that's the character.... I can't see the story, can I?

"It's easy, Master Subaru. - This raid, there's something unexpected going on."

It was a powerful word of affirmation.

To Frederica, who speaks out, Subaru rounds his eyes in surprise.

"The status quo, the warcraft surrounding the mansion. Perhaps that girl you were with is the Warcraft operator... you should also call her the Warcraft user. The original opponent's myth seems to be that the Warcraft narrows the siege net and raids the Mansion, attacking us inside."

"Why, you think so?

"- Because the timing of the raid was off with the warcrafter and the intestinal hunter."

To the words of the sure Frederica, Subaru, for a moment, frowns and ponders. But soon I thought to myself what Frederica was going to say, and I hit him in the hand.

"Right, you mean that! Shit, why didn't you notice? Sure, then Frederica's right! Because of that abnormal personality, it's decided to be so!

"Duh, what do you mean? I don't know the connection."

Subaru kicks the floor with excitement and remorse. Otto, who hasn't said this about the story, looks anxious, but Subaru makes that otto snort.

"It's a simple story, Otto. The truth was that the Warcraft raid should have allowed the humans in the building to catch up. So, we can't usually get away with being caught up. Then let's head for the hidden passageway - this is what happens naturally. Right?

"It's still exactly the way it is, isn't it? But aren't we talking about not being able to use that hidden passage because it's ripped off by the target?

"That's right. If the raid was on the right track, we'd run into the evacuation corridor trying to use a hidden corridor, and Elsa would do something about it. That was their muscle writing.... but that's messed up now. There's no Elsa in the hidden passage right now."


Why is that?

Given the nature of Elsa, I know that.

"Elsa's guy didn't want to lose his prey, so he went arbitrary. That's why warcrafters and raids are out of time. Besides, I would have left my place blocked. - So now, no one has a hidden passage!

"There was supposed to be that black woman ambushing there. So it is also highly unlikely that the unscheduled status quo, the backpacking, is in there. Of course, over time, the other party will also notice a different situation than planned. The likelihood of another person being sent into a hidden passage is also slightly higher"

"Then we have to hurry and get out of there before anyone comes!

Take over the conclusions of Subaru and Frederica and say the answer so Petra can jump.

I do my hand at that Petra's bright brown hair, stroking it abusively and Subaru laughs "full".

"If you think about the amount of information you can have, this is most likely. In any case, it's a story that holds more hope than breaking through the siege of the Warcraft outside. Worst case scenario, just checking the office makes sense...... let's do it. All safe, this is the only way out!

- So much momentum, everyone. The status quo so far in the office.

Everyone is exhausted, physically and mentally. Still, the hope that made the goal current had given me the last vitality to move my body of full-blown creativity.

The flame of hope...

"... come on, you're lying"

Reaching the top floor, Subaru squeaked unexpectedly as he peered into the aisle through the corner of the stairs.

Otto, who puts his head out of the top in the same way, and Petra, who puts his face out of the bottom, also got the same emotion when he saw the same thing as Subaru, and he's out of line.

"What did you do? Your husband's office..."

One, Frederica, who drops her hips halfway through the steps, asks the scouts about her achievements. However, I guess she could also see the poor situation from the reaction of the three of them.

to some anxious voices. The Subaru killed their footsteps and looked back,

"Wow, there's one that looks like crap, I'm gonna line up in front of the room."

- It looked like a monster called 'Kimyra' to Subaru.

On the head of a lion-like cat beast, the torso is a thin, supple silhouette like a horse or goat. The long tail is cruised sharply like a curly snake, and although its figure is inferior to the Warcraft Kaba on which the Warcraft Man was riding, it is foolish to the extent of blocking the mansion's wide passage. The presence of aliens as if they had jumped out of mythology - their fighting power, too, is extrapolating.

"That... is the Warcraft 'Giltilau'. I mean, he lives in the back of a thick forest or something, he's like a beast's best friend... and he's not supposed to be a warcraft that can be brought into the mansion..."

"What are the chances of a bastard looking down? Out of the question, if you can see it and have a gentle temper and a bonito or something, you might be satisfied..."

"I don't know what a cuttlefish is, but would you like to come closer to feeding it? Probably about half of your body is done."

To Otto's words, Subaru thinks of the size of Giltilau's head.

I see. If it's that big mouth, it's going to eat up in two rounds if it's about Subaru.

"No, but the bestialized Garfiel was bigger. All right, let's get him in here and compare him to the big guy. If it's over here, he's gonna be awesome."

"So when you get back to calling me mushrooms, are you Zumbarali on that black sister this time? It's not funny, Mr. Natsuki.... Did you come up with something?

Otto, who was tapping at each other lightly, turns to Subaru like he was expecting.

It's like he was expecting Subaru to come up with something during his current exchange. A lot of unscrupulous anticipation, Subaru recalled to Frederica and Petra,


"Dear Subaru"

The two women turned to me with the same expectations.

"- Come on, what do you expect from me?"

Exhaling deeply, Subaru trembles at the magnitude of the expectations he can expect. And then he re-bears the body of the lem he carried, and he closes his eyes.

This is the status quo, the kind of power you can have.

Frederica is injured and has little of Otto's magic. Petra and Subaru have no decent fighting power, and this is the third floor of the main building of the mansion. You can't possibly call Garfield here or anything, and even think about helping Beatrice.

If so, there is only the usual style in Subaru that uses everything to fight it.

Think, think, think about each person's abilities, what they can do, the ingredients, the other person's situation, the conditions, everything - Subaru exhaled.

"If force and magic are unlikely to arrive... yes, let's bet on my modern knowledge"

At first, it was a small sound that drew the consciousness of the warcraft Giltilau.


Tips and a continuous sound of something lightly stiff slamming the floor were heard, and Giltilau lifted his nose tip.

Quiet Kings of the Forest - Giltilau, sometimes called that in some areas, does not like to make useless roars and noises unlike other warcraft.

Against its gigantic body and alien form, it flies gently around the wasteland, approaching its prey without sound, deciding and finishing the steeple with one blow. I am best at hunting such ambushes and assassinations.

Therefore, even though "master" orders, there is no other foolish operation for Giltilau to carry out such a hunt as to stay in one place and ambush him.

Of course, I'm not going to be ungrateful to disobey the orders of my 'master'.

Because the broken 'horn' allowed Giltilau to escape the curse.


Giltilau, who circles his nose, rebuts' master ''s orders as he explores the direction of the sound.

Hunting for adversaries who are positioned and approaching in front of this door - that is what Giltilau was commanded to do and what 'the master' wants.

tricks and as if following defenselessness. That is clearly footsteps.

Like "Master," many creatures walk on two legs with the footsteps of this hand. Some strong people don't have footsteps themselves, but the owner of this footstep is different.

Defenseless, random, careless, carefree - graceful, free of shards.

For Giltilau, he's even an abominable weak man to eat and scatter as bait.


Without making a sound, Giltilau moves to slip from the front of the door.

The footsteps were heard from the western staircase side, and that was also the direction in which we had heard the noise of many, many times contending with each other from the previous moment.

Giltilau knows that 'Master' has brought numerous warcraft besides himself. Many warcraft of inferior strength and body size surrounded the building, and 'master' entrusted himself with the defense of the door, and went hunting for prey on the back of a warcraft of great blunt weight of an intermediate body.

There are also various disgruntled parts of the decision to choose warcraft for hunting just such a figure and leave yourself in hindsight. Still, at the very least, if the adversary who appears on this occasion is a strong man, then let's face it, for the reason that he was brought here.

It was thus that Giltilau left his possession to be attacked by any warcraft until the adversaries reached their own possession, and did not act in a foolish manner to be attacked.

If you're weak enough not to get to yourself, it's not worth fighting for.

If you are weak enough to be slaughtered by a warcraft weaker than yourself, it is not worth hunting for.

But the prey overcame the obstruction of other warcraft and reached this point. When he felt the presence, Giltillau even felt a secretly expensive excitement.

- Is this the long-awaited result?

You don't even know to hide one footstep, and the struggle that is emitted is weak and brittle.

With nails, with fangs, an inferior presence that seems to scatter just that if you shake it off.


The emotion that springs up is anger. All I have is anger.

Eat the prey chopped with this fang, not even a piece of flesh in the stomach, and it sprinkles.

It can no longer be the only way to sublimate burning emotions that resemble humiliation.

Chasing the footsteps, Giltilau moves without reflecting the shadows swaying in the moonlight. Moving silently to slip that giant is just like a nightmare if you have something to see.

The pitch-black assassin approaches the swallowing footsteps and cleaves his prey, which seems to have stopped him right at the corner, into two pieces with his fingernails from his back.


Without disturbing his breath, Giltilau stretches his neck and flies to the back of his prey - but


There's nowhere to catch up and see a prey that showed signs until it reached the claw.

Losing sight of the place where the lifted arms swung down, Giltilau stopped at the discomfort of the moment. Shaking the head of his nose, Giltilau circles his neck.

I wonder where the silly, brittle, weak prey appearance went.


Again, the shoe sound struck Giltilau in the ear.

If you lower your neck and look at the sound, the sound is apparently coming from downstairs. Footsteps of prey running down stairs with steps and downstairs to escape.

Apparently, he noticed this one's presence and dodged it slightly faster on his feet, but if he did, Giltilau wouldn't let his prey escape.

Bring your neck, look behind you and see the door to be guarded ordered by your 'master'.

You will leave your possession, but it is this prey that makes the difference to the prey ordered by your Master. If I took that neck, I could have kept the order of my 'master'.

Judging so, Giltillau pursues a prey who escapes unnecessarily.

The same goes for teaching that you have no art against yourself at the time you turn your back despite even being in the offensive range.

It was a daily tea meal for Giltilau when he ran around the wild mountains and reigned as king of the woods, hunting down prey to escape in that way instead of entertainment.

Only prey worth taking in this self is a being with a truly strong power.

It's just to keep your nails and fangs from forgetting the feeling of blood and flesh, such as the prey that was pulled out of your back and anti-fangs - and they should know that again.

Down the stairs, follow the footsteps.

Kick the dance floor wall and go downstairs so that you can dance with your giant body. Upstairs, following the prey to escape further to the ground floor, Giltilau descends to the lowest level of the building.

Far away, signs of struggle have arrived from the remote parts of the building.

The smell of 'master' and the stench of a dull, heavy warcraft taken by an abominable master. And then there's the smelling blood and steel, the smell of the strong.


If you can, I want to take you there again and sit in battle.

I wish I could have swung my fingernails, my fangs, torn off the mighty man's body and sank into the sea of blood, and sipped the taste of his victory, as I would have thought in front of 'the master'.

But now they don't want it. There is a life that has been laid down.

- Will it also be allowed to come if we hunt this prey early and catch up?

"- Huh"

More and more, Giltilau trembles with a real sense of pain in his fangs.

Footsteps, I heard it again. If you follow it, you see the door across the aisle where there is a closing noise of the door and it is dispersed in the dark night, a door that has just been closed.

Handsome feet, standing in front of the door without sound, Giltilau cleverly opens the door using a long tail.

This is not the first time we have broken into the dwellings of these two-legged creatures and waved our fangs.

The door, understanding the structure of the thing, Giltilau twists his gigantic body and sneaks into the room. At that point he was ready for his prey to await him, but he couldn't see his prey in the room, and Giltilau eats his shoulder blush again.

But the disappointment isn't that far away this time.


Round his neck, Giltilau's gaze heads to the corner of the room - the costume shelf.

From the gap between the two doors of the costume shelf, the prey's woven fabric protrudes and pinches. I guess I jumped in there in a hurry and pinched my clothes. I didn't realize that, and the shallowness of the prey I thought was hidden from Giltilau was hilarious.

Giltilau kills the footsteps and leans over to the costume shelf.

Tail up, pointing the tip, and later there is no hesitation of the shards.


Like the tip of a spear, the tip of the tail released penetrated the door of the costume shelf easily.

Round holes like poked with cones - still, holes the size of coins are created into costume shelves one after the other, skewering the bodies of poor prey hidden inside.

Where the number of its holes exceeded twenty, Giltilau stopped the tail attack.

Then he stretches out his front leg and pulls down the door of the costume shelf to put the pathetic figure of his prey in his eyes, which would have been breathless. The door filled with holes opens easily, and the prey inside -.

"- Lu!?

Shortly after attempting to identify the body of the prey, Giltilau ran counter to the impact of piercing his nasal cavity.

Feels like a painful irritating odor thrust through your sense of smell and makes you bitter. If you look back, the inside of the open costume shelf, the transparent bottle planted there, is cracked and the colorless liquid is spilled.

The irritant odor was emanating from it. And even the appearance of prey is not in the costume shelf.

The fabric that was sticking out was just a costume sticking out of it.


Again, the shoe sounds from the aisle outside the room and Giltilau looks back.

My nose is not good, but my ears and eyes are safe again. Seeing the shadow run down the hallway, Giltilau pursues the shadow, bored by the humiliation that seals his sense of smell.

The experience of being made cocky so far has never been in Giltilau's life.

Never before have I encountered a miserable existence that has overwhelmed all the adversaries, not smashing them squarely from the front, not escaping and easily falling into their fangs, but living and scratching at birth.

Always, kill. Tailor. Chew, sprinkle on dirt, and trample.


Forgetting to even kill the sound anymore, Giltilau jumped the door of the escaped room of footsteps with its giant.

The two open doors blew lightly, welcoming Giltilau's giant body in an exceptionally large room than ever before.

A huge table is placed in the middle of the room and there is a fireplace presence at the deepest end of the room.

Fired candlesticks lined the table with white crosses, and the flames demonically reflected the room where only the moonlight was the source of light.


The presence of fire is an abomination to Giltilau.

During the day, even if the round, white mass of flames floating in the sky cannot be extinguished, there is a strong aversion to these familiar flames. Whatever happened, the forest where Giltilau lived was engulfed in flames, and his resting place was lost. At that time, the flame was a reminder of two conflicting memories of liberation and disgrace for Giltilau, as the corner was to be broken and followed by the 'master'.


No footsteps. But Giltilau doesn't miss hearing things.

of a large room, another door on the door that came in and the wall across the street. From beyond the door, where there won't be as much space in the back, I feel signs.

Giltillau rattles his nose, but his sense of smell is not back yet.

I don't feel the fright of prey, the smell of leaking piss. It was unfortunate that in this condition where the prey had been torn apart, the smell of blood and the taste of sipping would not be felt properly.

That feeling can also be put behind us if we at least achieve tearing down the prey.

Now anyway, the only salvation for Giltilau was to get rid of this sense of chest-burning humiliation and make the Devil scream at the prey that made me so cocky.


Giltilau steps out of his gigantic body and heads straight to his room.

And blow the door of the room with a sharply stretched tail. Pushing down a door full of holes with his forefoot, just like the costume shelf, Giltilau breathed and jumped into the room in a straight line.

"- Wow!!

Jump into the room and raise your roar.

Intimidating prey with a growl, let the flesh of the stirring weak be bought, with fangs and nails, with blood and meat.

He wields his tail, the destruction goes wild inside the room, and the smoke rises from bags and boxes of cabinets that are torn apart. A slapped forefoot smashes the floor, tears down the cloth that was laid down on the ground, from which white smoke also erupts - no, so much smoke that the sight is covered, one after the other.


His vision is covered in white, and shortly after he inhales his breath, Giltilau is invaded with a respiratory tract and coughs up. Something is happening, a huge amount of powder.

There's enough powder to deprive me of my eyesight and even my breath to roar.

"It's taken!

Somebody, I heard someone.

And that voice was being heard from the room in front, not this room,

"Eat, the heart of science - it's a dust explosion!!

Make a noise, something is thrown inside the white-breasted room.

It rocks brightly. It's one of those candlesticks that was arranged on the table in the front room.

The candlestick hits the wall, and the swinging flame falls on the floor for a moment, increasing its flame.


"Oh, that...?

But that's all.

The candlestick stays on the floor and shows no further reaction. The Lord of the voices he threw in spilled a voice that looked like he had made a mistake somewhere and found himself limping outside the room.

"- Huh!"

Giltilau perceived this as a one-of-a-kind opportunity with instinct.

Something went wrong for them. And there was imminent danger to Giltilau if that shortage of circumstances did not arise.

Understanding it, Giltillau flips herself and chooses to take it off the small room.

There's nothing wrong with what the prey is plotting if you go out into a large room, limbs of a giant body, tails, and a place where you can swing them fully. Screw down with an overwhelming difference in force and take victory.

I no longer need anything more -.

"Yeah, that's why I told you, better than I don't know!

"Normally these things are faster!

The moment he was about to jump out, Giltilau heard two more prey voices.

Low voice and high voice. As soon as he realized that was the voice of prey of a different gender, Giltilau sensed the shelf behind him fall into himself.

A string stretched from the entrance was tied to the leg of the shelf.

A shelf drawn from the outside collapses and leads to Giltilau's back. But the shelves are at best big enough to block Giltilau's giant body ass.

Slightly more momentum and bumping into each other, equals no damage to Giltilau or anything.

Slowly subjected to its shock, Giltilau cut the string with his nails.

Now it's time to try to jump out of the room.


The cupboard opens, and the liquid that overflows from it is massively splashed into the body.

Unlike water, it feels very rare. Slightly yellowish. In the bath of it, Giltilau gets uncomfortable even though his own proud black body hair gets wet.

But such unpleasant feelings of Giltilau soon disappeared.


"Otto Suwen's personal business, commercial oils filled with gold - go ahead!

The voice of the prey was heard from outside the room.

But at that time, Giltilau could not afford to stand by the voice of its weak prey.

- The oil bathed all over his body ignited the flames of the candlestick, and the abominable flames were burning his whole body.

"- Huh!!

Down from the field and bound to the throne of the forest sky until the end, the king of the beast was swallowed by a flame of the same colour as the humiliation that scorched him, not knowing what he had defeated himself.

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