What about obeying promises to the wickedness of a nine-year-old?

Subaru was teething at himself for not being a good handstand as he saw his little back leading the hallway.

- Annerose Milord.

There are only branches of the Mazers family, Rosewire's raw family, many of which coincide with Rosewire's physical characteristics. Notably, is it dark blue hair and blue eye color?

The long braided hair is set to curl around the head, and Svalbard, who doesn't know the name of the hairstyle, calls the girl 'knitting lollies' on the inside, etc.

I don't think I'm a nine-year-old. I'm a girl with clear brilliance, and all kinds of bright eyes and wisdom work. It's just like Roswar's bloodline, but there's no other way for such a girl's most 'Roswar's bloodline' to peek.

"Emily, can I hold your hand for a second?

"Huh? Yeah, fine, Anne"

"Then don't hesitate. By the way, Emily. Can I hold you for a second?

"Huh? Yeah, fine, Anne"

"Then don't hesitate. By the way, Emily. I don't care if you hold me like this..."

"Come on, man."

Svalbard keeps Annerose away from Emilia trying to hold her hand, hug her, and have her hold her up as she is.

Emilia had her eyes round, but Annerose paid her knees, not disappointed, and then slapped Subaru on the shoulder she touched with a huge slap.

"You keep the two people who crave to touch each other away a lot, Subaru"

"Where did you get the statistics for those two greedy people? I asked one person who walked the Milord family, and it just seemed like a survey."

"I can't even overlook the children's cute pranks. You know the vessel, Subaru."

"If it just seemed like a cute prank, I wouldn't say anything either!

Annerose tries to justify her actions with a badly calm attitude. With that said, I can't be alarmed because if there's a gap, I'm trying to take Emilia's hand.

Annerose is the blood of Roswar and exhibits extraordinary without being a nine-year-old.

Her extreme traits - for some reason, she likes Emilia too much.

Since the day he decides to say hello to troublesome people in this mansion, Annerose has shown a fondness for Emilia. There are passages where Emilia and others who are natural and don't know to doubt people think of it as a cute dear expression, but Subaru doesn't.

Anyway, she's a relative of Roswar. Even if the truth about 'subhuman hobbies' is overshadowed by Roswar's 'echidna lovers', I can't say enough that their relatives are different.

In fact, many of the servants and others working in the Milord family are made up of sub-people. Because the sub-people seem to have the experience of persecution that Roswar has gathered from all over the world, and the Milord family is treated like a run-in temple for the sub-people who have such a past at Roswar's will.

For Annerose, who was born and raised in such a Milord family, the presence of the subhuman is familiar. Therefore, there is nothing prejudicial about Emilia, who is a half elf, but her intimacy was beyond degrees.

Early on, Subaru had been deprived of Emilia by Annerose.

And Annerose had also left Emilia to monopolize Subaru again.

In other words, they are lovers to each other, to Emilia.

Most of all,

"Already, Subaru. I don't know what you're cuckooing about, but how angry you are with Anne, who's still little. I can't grow up."

"You don't ask me if I'm being cuckoo... no, whatever that is, it's not, Emilia. Specifically, Anne Rose's eyes aren't the type of eyes that you can look at when you're just a little kid..."

"I'm not making excuses! I'm sorry, Anne. It looks like Subaru is still at someone else's mansion..."

"Even if such a deposited pet is treated like he won't be comfortable forever!

Because of her different stance on Annerose, the discourse around Subaru and Emilia's attitude is always parallel.

Why doesn't Emilia notice Anne Rose's snug gaze?

"Probably only to people with a lower heart to Emilia Tan, people with the same lower heart can't spot it or something like that...!

"Emily, I confess that Subaru wants Emily. Dirty."

"I'm dirty the way you say it! You really are a nine-year-old!?

Unlike Beatrice, who is not only cute at the tip of his mouth, Anne Rose is not genuinely cute. Even if it's "dirty," it sounds real to me that Beatrice would just have to talk less, because it's Annelose.

"How can we both not get along anymore? Amazing and strange..."

"That's me and this guy, Emilia..."


"- Mm, gu."

To Emilia leaning her neck, Subaru cannot speak clearly beyond it.

Regardless, it is a favor that I have conveyed over and over again, but I feel cheaper and cheaper when I have spoken it over and over in public. Besides, it's cheap + embarrassing to say to leave the momentum at this time, which I don't even intend to do.

At the edge of his sight, Annerose could see him smiling as if he had won.

"Well, let's just say this is the kind of prank that makes fun of Subaru. This is my room while we're at it, and let's talk inside."

That's what Annerose said to Subaru, who blushes in innocent Emilia's eyes.

When he realizes, at some point, the hallway finishes walking to the edge and stands in front of an over-decorated door, as the girl said. Anne Rose's private room - Emilia seems to have been invited many times, but this is the first time Subaru has made it this far.

Taking Emilia's hand, Annerose tries to invite her into the room in a natural motion. but Subaru made a stop there.

"Wait. I feel suspicious about your room, so I'm going in first."

"- Phew. Yeah, go ahead. You can do whatever you want."

I was a little concerned during the first, but Annerose gave way to Subaru with one exhale. Hands on the door knob, Subaru enters the room nervously or unminded.


"I've been waiting for you, Master Natsuki. Tea and tea contracting are available. Please, sit back in your chair and take your time. Welcome"

Carefully fold your hips and be greeted by Clind in an attitude that invites visitors.

Suddenly, when Subaru looks back, Annerose has a natural face.

"That, Mr. Clind? Didn't you go to the dining room with Beatrice and Petra earlier?

"As Emilia said, I did. but it seems you thought your daughter would have a tea party in her room on the way, so get ready for this Clind, first. Hurry up."

"Yes, that's what Anne said."

"Yeah, the lady was' thought 'that way. Wise Eyes."

Emilia peers into her face from the side of the solidifying Subaru, exchanging such words with Clind inside. but I think there was a subtle twist in the answer.

I thought you said 'I thought', not 'I thought'.

"You're going crazy trying to understand Clind's perversion with reason. It's easier to be mentally convinced that it exists."

"If you call me, I will always try to stay one step ahead of Big goal."

Is it something I can do with my heart?

I didn't think so, but since Annerose and Emilia began to get to their seats in an attitude that didn't care, Subaru joined that tea party with a twist on his neck inside.

"Well, we're ready for Clind's tea, and that's what we're talking about."

"It's a relationship repair between Frederica and Master Garfield, isn't it? Friends."

"Mr. Clind is the type of butler who has a few?

"I thought it would be enough for you to be alone in such a thing. Second fry."

I can't talk when I join the story. Did Clind decide that, when he prepared tea and sweets for everyone, he corrected his spine at the edge of the room and stopped moving like a statue.

Its gaze is pierced by Annerose, while the young Lord flushes its gaze like it is accustomed to.

"As Clind said today, the early repair of Frederica's and Garfield's sister-brother relationship is a common problem...... may I assume so"

"Yeah, it is. We're twisting our heads so hard that we want to do something about it, too, but I can't really come up with a plan. I'm already in the mood."

"Troubled Emily is cute, too. - So you're going around talking to all the people involved in the mansion, and you're telling me I'm stuck."

"Don't be serious like a subliminal."

Annerose with a firm face is a breeze where Subaru's penetration also blows.

Either way, the current situation here seems to be perceived, saving me the trouble of explaining it.

"Still, what kind of blow is it that you want those two to make up, too? The rest of them are all here. Time is the solution. Time is the solution."

"Isn't that the tendency for people to give up or be used to waiting? The two of you went around, not flattering, but that's a lot of stuff."

"Let's get this straight, you.... No, I talked to Otto too."

"Then I'll also add a rating for those who don't know about success."

"That's spicy!

It's Otto's sadness that he still has that impression on Annerose when he says he's been dating for about a week.

However, it is a flower, not to mention the sentiments of Subaru, who does not deny and cut off there.

"I will not deny that time will settle. Ten years of groove lying between those two...... if you take as long as you can, you will definitely solve it. But ten years is too long. My father and mother chewed it for ten years."


In the middle of a statement that didn't come from a nine-year-old, I suddenly came to a nine-year-old conclusion.

When Subaru roared without following that steep shiftdown, Clind put his finger on his mouth on the other side of Annerose for a "quiet" gesture.

I can't grasp it, but does it seem like a nine-year-old just because of the knowledge there? I want to avoid talking in detail here because some Emilia is making the same mistake.

"What was that weird roar right now, Subaru"

"Nothing. There was just a little sputum and nasty thoughts involved in my throat."

"Really? Adolescence is tough.... Anyway, I'm not going to let those two spend that much time."

"We agree on that, but does Anne have any ideas?

"What was Emily thinking?

It's a form that returns questions to questions, but Emilia whispered a well-shaped eyebrow at Anne Rose's inquiry and put her finger on her lips, "Uh.

"I'm sure we both have feelings for making up. Looks like Garfield's trying to make time to talk from herself, and even Frederica seems awkward, but I don't think she wants to talk about it."

"Yeah, you're right. So?"

"So if we lock those two up in the same room, it's gonna be easy."

"Emilia, you choose a pretty rambling way, don't you?!?

Polar theory, even though Subaru thinks it's the only one. Yes, I'm quite surprised when that opinion pops out of Emilia's mouth. By the way, Subaru, while agreeing with that opinion, has a slightly more twisted opinion. It's just that the way it twists is the problem.

"When I say we throw them in the same room, if those two work together, most of the room will be escaped by force. I also want to avoid that the mansion will be half-destructed for that reason. You let me sit in place of a broken mansion, and you crush it in a week or a time attack."

"Then what do you think Subaru should do? Lock those two up in the ice room I made?

"Don't think you have to even make it to a situation like a revival of family love in such extreme conditions! More! You should let them both have a common purpose and put them in the same room!

"Common purpose......?

Emilia tilts her neck with a decent face.

Subaru managed to keep the murder in mind, but Subaru's ideas are actually stopped there as well.

I thought about a common purpose for both of us, until then, but it doesn't tie into a specific proposal for it. To the two of you, even a monster you can't defeat if you fight together.

Where is there such a convenient monster crusade event?

"Actually, I was thinking the same thing about Subaru."

"Huh? You got a crusade request for Cyclops or Chimera or something?

"Apparently not."

To Annerose's contemptuous gaze, Subaru apologizes with his tongue out and slaps his head.

The little exhaling nine-year-old dyed her cheeks in Emilia's eyes shining in anticipation.

"Let us have the same purpose. We think together in terms of. It's just that the difference in information that you have between them must be the difference between me and Emily."

"The information you have against those two...?

"It's either Garfield or Garfield that Emily and the others know intimately, isn't it? But I've known Frederica for over eight years. I've been dating that fang-ridden face ever since I got my mind on it."

I see, and Subaru understood the approximation of what Annerose was trying to say.

Annerose apparently has a common denominator with her and Garfiel via Frederica - she couldn't float ahead Subaru, she can fill a hole hole in the common purpose.

"Is that certain?

"If we can recruit collaborators. And then, Frederica is fine, but Garfield is more of a problem."


"If Garfield is the bearer of character as I've observed in the last few days, I'm sure he'll go along fine."

I don't know how attentive Annerose was to Garfield's crowd, but Garfield here was natural, at least to the best of Subaru's knowledge.

He hasn't pushed pointlessly, like he did in "The Sanctuary," and hasn't even shown a bare gesture to hide his middle school chick childhood of fourteen. I can assure you on that point.

"I don't think Garfield would have a problem with the fact that he's natural."

"Then you're fine. And then there's the issue of the collaborators... of those two families, can you help Mr. Lewes?"

"To Mr. Lewes?

When it comes to those two people in deep relationships, they're the ones whose names would be the most named.

However, it is only unknown if Ryus, who was not Imai cooperative, will go out with me. Either way, Annerose doesn't seem to have that concern, and the girl gently invites him to call the butler behind her.


"Ha. If it's the kitchen, you're free to delay the preparation of dinner for about two hours. Suggestions"

"Really? I get it. Tell that to the dinner clerk."

"Yes, I did. Quickly. ASAP."

Just the two of us just interact, and Clind leaves the room without sound. to Subaru and Emilia dropping it off with surprise eyes, Annerose smiled as she mouthed the tea,

"Come on, let's just say we get rid of the problem. Those of you who still have to bake care will stay."

That said, he would drop Subaru and Emilia further into his puzzled face.

The moment he stepped into the kitchen and found that 'unfamiliar back', Garfiel sighed realizing he had been trapped.

"... I can't help but say that you're really too accommodating."

While spilling evil, his mouth is smiling slightly.

Garfield's nose is specially made. The intensity of the smell, which is not comparable to that of an ordinary person, had smelled this smell for a long time before entering this place.

Still, it may be the last will of a person named Garfiel, or the tiny pride of a man, who put through a body he doesn't know.


Garfiel, scratching his head, was called by a woman looking back in 'unfamiliar voice'.

Standing in front of you is a woman rocking her long stretched brilliant blonde hair. The upper back is taller than Garfiel, and his physique is nothing else to call stubborn. The crowd of sharp fangs that adorn its mouth, coupled with the strength of its body, make it feel somewhere barbaric and violent.

Without that calm voice and the soft light of the eyes that see this one, the being of her will continue to be misunderstood even by others about its nature.

Frederica Baumann - That's what my sister calls herself, Garfield Tinsel hears. Tinzel is my mother's family name, and Baumann is my father's family name.

Garfield didn't know why Frederica dared to name her father's family name, and she was trying not to think too much about it.

I just don't suppose Garfield's facade of creating the present situation takes much account of the complex emotions around it. Or maybe Garfield just thinks big, and from the margins, it's not a big deal.

"I met you with my precious cousin, sister."

"That's what I'm saying. I can't believe a girlfriend would take a trip to a place like this... I'm not ready for dinner yet, so I can't believe I picked it."

"It's a stuffing purpose. You treat me like a kid."

"That's how you hate to treat children, not the children themselves. Besides, you must still be old enough to be sweet, Gurf."

"Ya, fourteen dashi and that platter is past it. Who's the sweetheart!

Feeling oddly pierced, Garfield barks even more to deny it.

Frederica shook her head at such Garfiel's overreaction, behind the kitchen - glancing back at herself.

"I have something to do now. Unlike a girlfriend, you can't just play."

"Nothing. I don't enjoy playing with you every day. Besides, I stopped by because I was busy. I think it's the same purpose as your sister."

"With me?

"I don't think the person you've been asking for is the same person."

With those words alone, Frederica also apparently understood the circumstances.

"That's what happened," she muttered as if the point had been made.

"I thought it was strange." If you don't eat Frederica's meat pie, you'll die instantly. "

"I don't know if you can fool me with that."

"By whom did the garf... no, what did your wife tell you to come here?

"If you don't eat the meat pie I make, it's going to go..."

"Me too, I wonder if a girlfriend would believe that."

In response to Frederica, Garfield shut his mouth.

If you ask me, but I really worried about you, so I can't help it.

"I threw out Baba's care, my sister. I don't know. Maybe I do. When I was baba, I just had dinner and I said, 'You got your rice yet?' It's nothing rare to say. Of course I'm worried about you."

In fact, that's a sad misconception that happens when the crown of representative personalities takes turns because they don't take over memories until the meal is sure, but Garfiel never realizes that, and neither does Frederica, who asked the people-to-people.

With all my sisters and brothers, I just got more worried about how my family-friendly crown would snap.

However, Garfiel's words at this moment poked Frederica's weak part of her heart in a different way. That's because Garfield himself, in an unintentional way, did nothing more than slap some of the blanks of the decade.

"... right. I have never returned to the 'Sanctuary' in the last decade. In the meantime, it was Garf who was protecting the Sanctuary. I don't know what's going on in there and what happened to your wife... you're not allowed to talk like I found out."

"No... I didn't mean it like that. It's just me..."


Looking back again, Garfiel will face Frederica's face from the front.

The face, after all, remains' unfamiliar '.

Every ten years. And the way Garfield has been portraying herself in her brain for ten years hasn't changed since she was a teenager.

So even now that I have reunited with him over time, I honestly cannot accept that fact. The terms must be the same for Frederica. So I guess my sister, like herself, is looking at this one with her confused eyes.

However, I was now concerned about the confusion in my sister's eyes and the wave of emotions that was as good as that.

What the hell does my sister feel for herself?

"... ah"

He was distracted from the gaze he stared back at, and Garfiel exhaled like he could fall out of the pretense.

And the answer suddenly falls into my chest.

I noticed.

I noticed. What is the same emotion that is in Frederica's eyes?

That's the same sentiment that came to mind when I was in the 'sanctuary', from time to time, as the crown floated. And it must be the same thing that was in my eyes that was on the water.

Then it's called loneliness. And I'm even turning in my apologies.

"Oh, no, you did."

In Garfield, I just thought what happened ten years ago was settled.

Inside the cemetery, Garfiel remembered the view of her young self, the time of her breakup with her mother. At that time, Garfield was going to settle for understanding the thoughts his mother had left behind.

My sister and I were going to share that moment of settlement.

But it wasn't.

What happened at that cemetery is only an event between the cemetery and Garfiel.

The thoughts of my mother and the difficult emotions to say to my sister were only confirmed by Garfield. My sister, who was in a far away land, neither knew nor passed on about it.

So Frederica is still staring at Garfiel with a look she couldn't settle ten years ago, and a face she doesn't know what to say.

So my sister still has the same eyes, even though she has grown a lot more than she did ten years ago.



"Evil, I can't talk about anything. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Honey, I know about your mother and your sister."


Frederica's eyes were swimming and her intense emotions were moisturizing those eyes.

Whatever to put into words, Garfiel searches for words that can somehow convey his thoughts correctly while impatiently thinking of his lousy self.

Look in your head for words you need to convey that you have read and fished.

"I know when my sister left the 'sanctuary' and then I didn't show her face... I can't tell you, but I'm trying to figure it out. So... what is it?"

"About your mother... can you forgive me now?

- Forgive me, nothing.

Loosening his mouth, Garfiel shook his neck sideways at Frederica's words.

Yes. There's nothing to forgive.

In Garfiel's chest, the love hatred he kept thinking about the whole time was nothing but off-target in the first place. I didn't know the facts, I didn't know my heart, I bumped into anger at seeing nothing in the dark I didn't know anything about, I was just wasting it.

If you know the facts, it's not much.

There was nothing I had to forgive or resent anywhere.

"I already know my mother loved us..."


"So if you're avoiding me because of you, it's no use. I don't care anymore. That's right, I have a better story to tell you, sister."

Calling and speaking back, Garfiel rubs his slightly red nose with his fingers.

Frederica exhaled deeply and long into that Garfield attitude and words. Then she shrugged Shizuku, who floated in her fingers,

"Gurf...... you're getting bigger"

"You don't like it! Compared to your sister, there's no such thing as being big! What happened to your sister! How could that be... gu!?

"What do you say to a woman, stupid girlfriend, even though she's family"

He grabbed me in the foot, pulled me down to the ground thoughtfully and hit me in the back of the head.

I see Frederica looking down at this one in Garfield's sight looking up at the ceiling and turning her eyes. The look is already back in the form of a laugh.

"Here, stand up."

"That's what you're gonna say when you flip over."

Taking the hand offered, Garfield stood up.

Then I paid my body lightly, "So?" and peek at the cooking table where Frederica was working.

"My sister is a meat pie. How far did you get?"

"I'm just getting the ingredients ready and starting to chop them up lightly. You remember the way I cooked when I was a little girl."

"The guy who cared about me left only the way he made it so he could make it even after he was gone. Look, I'll take the fabric."

"Then I'm the seed."

Standing in front of the ingredients, Garfiel wraps his hand wipe around his head and prepares. Frederica takes out Garfiel's share of cookware in the meantime and receives it in a breathtaking stream.

Then the two sisters and younger brothers, who started working side by side, went as normal with the two of them who saw the work they saw, as if there were a ten-year ditch or something.

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