Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter 5: 17: Armor Used to Wear

- Though that came together, it was impossible to restore the air in the seating area completely.

Listening to Felt, Priscilla, with a satisfied face, took Al and left the inn intact. From her point of view, you can fulfill most of your purpose and be happy.

Given the damage suffered by the Subaru, it is an act of selfishness.

In the end, the dinner party is a disbanding process with each faction cleaning up the sitting meal quickly and the resumption of the welcoming conversation unavoidable.

Each, the impact of the shock and nail marks were colorful, and the hard work of the two, Reinhardt and Wilhelm in particular, was so unpredictable in the field.

Still, the two spirits are a big deal, just not to enlighten them with that on their faces.

Regardless, the settlement between my grandfather and grandson, which was on the verge of being fulfilled, was sent forward, and as Subaru, I was left with a feeling of indelible hatred.

"You really helped me out without Garfiel on that spot"

That's what Otto left behind when he left for the Muse Chamber of Commerce after the dinner party.

Surely he's right, Garfiel and others at that dinner party would have caused a lot of trouble if they had all the bloody quick faces. It's not hard to imagine Garfield jumping on Heinkel and the bloody tragedy unfolding.

All rational members remained in the sitting area. - Or maybe even that's what happened on Priscilla's palm.

"… it's so versatile. It happens, it happens."

Strong luck and lying Priscilla's luck were nothing short of actually working well in the wind.

Clearly, the idea is equal to looking for the best in the worst, but my bowels were going to boil back if I had to admit that fact about as lucky as I am in the middle of misfortune.

Emilia and Beatrice's heartache would also have been more painful than Subaru's.

It was Subaru who became the most emotional in a place where even Felt acted rationally. I feel sorry for the two of you who needed to watch out for your enemies.

Emilia and the others should be returning to their rooms and putting in a small pause before the promised walk.

Subaru was trying to use his free time and hold him back by walking around feeling restless. Your feet on the slab floor are stronger than usual without a heart.

The twitch on the floor that I feel on the back of my shoes seems to reflect the twitch in my heart.

With that in mind, Subaru steps to become aware of his own stiffness. and

"That's not what hits the floor, Subaru. You're going to be in trouble with the Inn stuff."

Subaru, staring at his feet, raised his face to a voice called from across.

Seeing, Subaru had at some point come to the edge in front of the garden. So Julius stands in the garden watching Subaru flaunt the floor in the wind.

Put your hands on the slightly habitual purple hair and it's strangely picturesque to get a cool breeze.

Against Julius, basically, Svalbard had to go in from his obsession, first pounding his tongue at that beautiful young man, then lowering his back to the edge.

"Aren't you with Lady Emilia or Lady Beatrice?

"You'll see. Neither of us is a child. I want some private time, and I have as much delicacy as I respect it. I promised you two a good date."

"I have a few unfamiliar words, but I've got them roughly. I hear you've learned how to be caring for others."

"What, you...!

Even though I set it up from Subaru, I get into a fight first over Julius' story. But the frustration also sprinkled when I saw Julius' expression.

He shook his head small to the side,

"I'm sorry. If you were a man who couldn't take care of others, you wouldn't have made your voice so absurd to the vice president, no matter where you were earlier.... Instead I should have thanked"

"You don't have to thank me. I didn't like him, so I was just thinking about it. I don't even know if I'm cool around here."

"That's not true. Because you behaved so carelessly, I was only able to calm down. Including me, yes. Sometimes your lightness helps, too."

"You, you're not really gonna praise me or anything, are you?

Subaru turns to face like he doesn't really.

Julius' words always have a subtle irony about Subaru. It's not something I could tell you because it's each other, but it's something I honestly can't accept as being complimented.

"I know. Calm down more. You mean that sounds like a knight. Even if you're in a position to be a knight, you're aware that you're not calm enough. When I was in elementary school, it was written in my correspondence book like every time."

"Right, right. It does seem like a knight, and your deeds have never been praised if you were to seek that behavior. But"

In front of the obstinate Subaru, Julius cut off his words to the lid.

Then when he sees the motion he has made, Subaru opens his eyes to surprise.

"What are you doing?"

"As you can see."

"If that's what you're looking at, it looks like you're bowing your head to me."

In front of Subaru, Julius had his hips folded and his head bowed.

It's not a knight's thank you. Nor is it a courtesy as a nobleman. What is there is pure, a grace that ignores both courtesy and position. It behaved like Julius was not.

"Thank you. Thank you. On my behalf, I thank you for exposing my wrath on that occasion."

"... I don't know what that means"

"If we weigh knighthood, we are required to behave like knights, no matter what the place. Even if a friend is disparaged and so humiliated as to be unforgivable as a person, there should be no such thing as behaving as an emotion. But you didn't."

Keeping his head down, Julius overlaps words of appreciation for Subaru's shortcomings.

Subaru is just confused by the unexpected reaction.

"Swinging between the knight and himself, I suppressed my anger at once. But when I looked at you, I was ashamed of myself. So I want to thank you."

"Thank you for being angry on my behalf."


When Subaru speaks as if convinced, Julius finally looks up.

A word, uncovered in his chest, he had a sunny thing in his eyes, but Subaru bent his lips thoughtfully when he saw it.

"You idiot. You, you're kidding me."

"... don't be ridiculous,"

"You bet. Why should I be angry in your place? I got mad because I got annoyed. I wasn't trying to beat that bearded father up on someone's behalf. How clever can you be such a sweet magician?"

Subaru is genuinely flabbergasted by Julius as to what he is mistaken for.

I'm not sure Subaru's anger was noble enough to call it profanity. Reinhardt and Wilhelm's thoughts are something only the two of us can understand.

Subaru imagined it to be like this from the outfield, and nothing more than sniffled and stuffed it because it was tainted. It's not for anyone, it's my anger.

"If you were annoyed, you should have been angry, too. I couldn't afford it because I'm alone, but if you'd joined me, I'd have freaked out lighter and run away, that dad."

"Assuming he's the Deputy Commander of the Kingsguard Knights. It's hard to be disrespectful to someone who's also your manager."

"I'm not direct now, and you just said it, assuming, in the first place. I'm not thinking cramped. Are you wearing armor to your heart while you're knighting like a knight?


To Julius, who pressed silently, Subaru exhaled with a cheek wand on his lap.

It's a stupid argument. I can't honestly accept gratitude, so I rebelled against it and Subaru is hitting Julius eight times.

When I think I have Heinkel at the beginning, all the more angry.

"Armor to the heart, huh?... hey, my ear hurts at all"

"I think it's a good rhetoric, but listen to me. Bullshit."

"No, let's remember the liver. Something tells me you're happy to think so. [M] It was unthinkable a year ago."

I'm telling you, I can still dream about it once in a while.

I still dream of facing Julius at the squad yard and being made an octopus punch with a wooden sword.

It's also hard to recall the physical pain I felt at that time, but what's harder than that is that it reproduces without any excess of the mental pain I've tasted. The unwanted memory is clearly burning that moment, hosting a late show every night like a film in a movie.

Of course, not all duels with Julius are screened, but the biggest event that has engraved a wound in Subaru's heart, comparable to many 'deaths'.

"I just want you to stop if you can. It's not very pleasant to think I'm seeing you again every night in my dreams."

"Tell the man in charge of the dream. Even I, Emilia, would love to have a catchy dream."

"I'm guessing it's because of you around relying on dreams, not strength."

"Hey, you're not suddenly getting back on your feet and calling people hectic! What do you think?

"Master Anastasia is an attractive woman. I could serve nearby and there would be no more honor. Though I consider my standing to be happy."

To Julius, who says softly, Subaru roars like a cat.

Julius had already regained his usual standing, forgetting lightly about the special victory atmosphere with his head bowed. Even though he feels relieved by that attitude, Subaru looks up, coughs up and then pulls another topic out.

"Earlier, he's that bearded father... but the deputy commander is serious, isn't he?

"You can't help but think it's suspicious. But it's true. That person is Heinkel Astrea, Deputy Commander of the Kingsguard Knights of the Kingdom of Lugnica."

"You don't have eyes to see, you have a reason, you don't have a problem, you don't have a voice of doubt"

"I have a rebuttal against all inquiries. Whether from above or from the Kingsguard Knights, there is not a voice questioning the qualities of the Deputy Commander. In fact, it's like the position of deputy commander is also given as a decoration, and none of you will have seen him practice more."

In Julius' answer, who shakes his head, Subaru thinks of the image of an official in heaven and earth.

About the position, even though it doesn't do a lot of work, it takes a lot of money - that's the image of Subaru when senior government officials go down in heaven, but Heinkel's position is close to that.

Besides, that behavior was based on the surrounding understanding that he was incompetent.

"I don't think you're wearing Kensei's father."

"... that, too, is not. Standing out and disputing the Vice Commander naturally goes into the ears of his son, Reinhardt. Reinhardt's fairness is public, but what do you judge if your family is involved? Not everything is that believable."

"I don't think Reinhardt would break morality for that father."

"Still a father. Whatever happens from other people's perspectives, it must be the flesh parents who divided the blood for Reinhardt. No one can measure his feelings."

Julius calmly tries to forgive Subaru, who gets hot.

Biting his back teeth, Subaru roared his throat at at remorse.

Julius is right. Whatever bastard is the father, only Reinhardt's mind knows if he can trump that relationship.

As a knight who values fairness, you should not be confused by that parent-child relationship. But as a Reinhardt individual, I don't want him to shake it off so easily.

Who can say don't shake on the person, etc. even when the attitude you seek from Reinhardt doesn't solidify in the field? There is plenty to be desired.

"You just said you had it, too. That means there are other reasons. What else..."

"Because he is the head of the Astrea family and the son of Master Wilhelm. In short, make him the head of the most prestigious martial artist in the kingdom, son of the predecessor Kensei. I can't wait to not give such a person a key position and drive him into idle duty to rebel against the state."

Quickly, Julius's answer, striving and unemotionally conscious.

Upon hearing the words, Subaru thought for a few seconds and then quickly reached an understanding.

"The country! And Reinhardt! And Mr. Wilhelm! You mean you don't believe me! If Heinkel shows himself willing to defy the country, the Sword Saint clan could turn to the enemy...... heh! So take care, you're letting me blow a bomb, that's what you mean!

If so, what an insult it is to Reinhardt and Wilhelm?

Look at those two humanities, and still, you think you're going to betray your country.

Subaru, which is comparatively fierce when compared to Heinkel earlier. Standing in front of that Subaru, Julius shook his head with his hand on Subaru's shoulder.

"Your anger is better. But the kingdom must deal with the possibilities."

"It's a possibility! I don't think so!

"... Master Wilhelm is the former commander of the Kingsguard Knights"


Subaru, trying to shake off his arm, inadvertently stopped moving in the words.

"Fourteen years ago, there was a case in Royal Castle where one or more royalty would be kidnapped by someone. At that time, Master Wilhelm was the leader of the Kingsguard Knights and also the head of the search for their exposed royalty"

"That's what it is. I've heard about that, too."

The captured royalty, it is the story that has become the focus of the moment that it may be felt. As Subaru, I accept it's an unrealistic story, but I don't know what Julius meant when he dug it back here.

"We also know that we couldn't find the royal family that was taken. But what? Mr. Wilhelm was taken for that responsibility, and he quit the Kingsguard, so why resent the kingdom? But that's...!

"" The Great Conquest "for the White Whale Crusade, with the addition of the predecessor Kensei. It was done while Lord Wilhelm was away from the king's capital for the royal search."


Subaru's thought gained a blank in the words Julius uttered away.

One day Wilhelm's words pour in as he slips into that blank.

Wilhelm said.

When his own wife died, Wilhelm said he couldn't be by his side.

"... I couldn't stand the death of my own wife because of the royal expropriation. That's why Mr. Wilhelm says he resents royalty and kingdom."

"I don't know Master Wilhelm's sincerity. However, it is true that Master Wilhelm was defected from the Kingsguard Knights after the royal search was terminated and the Great Conquest itself ended in failure. If it weren't for Captain Marcos, who then dedicated himself to rebuilding, the Kingsguard Knights would have completely lost their function"

"I don't know what happened after that! All I'm talking about is Mr. Wilhelm! You... what do you think! That's how Mr. Wilhelm resented his surroundings about his wife, and so... so!

With a grudge against everything, I could flip an anti-flag against the kingdom.

Do you think Wilhelm Van Astrea is the kind of person you think he is? Why would you think that when you saw a man who loved people so straight and gave them everything for it? Haven't you ever seen those eyes, your back?

Have you never seen the cloudless body of a sword ghost?

"As much as that guy isn't like that, I don't know why!!


Now it's time to shake off the arm that was on his shoulder, and Subaru pops Julius' chest in front of him. Subaru stood up and glanced at Julius as he lost momentum and backwards.

Yellow eyes looking back at this one look to envy Subaru's wrath.

I know. I know as much as this anger is misguided.

All Julius told Subaru was that some of those eyes were just stories. What Julius himself thinks is expressed by his previous attitude.

'Cause Julius worked Wilhelm, who finished the Battle of the White Whale, a year ago.

He spent fourteen long months working for Wilhelm, who ended his wife's hostility.

There can be no doubt that he is Wilhelm's rebellion against the kingdom.

"... bad. I'm the fool."

"No, you're not bad. You're right. It's me who's wrong. - I think it's more right to be wrong, it's me."

I drop my gaze, and the two of them close their eyes.

It's the same for both of us who have impenetrable thoughts.

The soil where Wilhelm's heart is suspected can be done in a way that can't be helped. Neither Subaru nor Julius can do anything but bump personal emotions.

"Reinhardt, too, is he?

"... with the same reasoning, you might say that he has reason to resent the kingdom that got his grandmother involved in a plot to nag and fail and let his predecessors die"


"But not only for Reinhardt. The kingdom has no doubt of rebellion against him. I'm more suspicious of Master Heinkel."

Reinhardt's father's name came up, and Subaru, three times, rounded his eyes.

Honestly, it's a name I don't want to hear, but I can't even block my ears if he's involved. Instead, it was enough that the name just came up to give credibility to bad content.

"What does Reinhardt have to do with his father? No, I don't think it's any clearer than a relationship."

"There is a time when Reinhardt was, at one time, Heinkel's sayings. I'm a parent and a child, so naturally... there were times when I was beyond degrees."

He distracts himself from Subaru and Julius says so with regret somewhere.

Parent-child relationship to say he was over degrees. What the hell, it's hard to deduce from that what the facts were. But Julius doesn't seem to be going to tell the details either, so he quickly repositions his gaze.

"To cut Reinhardt's own independence, he inevitably lost sight of how he did so. However, without knowing the definitive reason, the suspicion remains that Reinhardt will heed Master Heinkel's words"

"... so you're saying that the kingdom is beneficial to Heinkel so Heinkel doesn't give or give a clean order to Reinhardt?

"Or worse. This is just a story that doesn't get out of the rumor, but I'll tell you. As Reinhardt's friend, you were angry with me on that occasion."

Preceding anxiety, Julius looks lightly around. After making sure there was nothing to listen to, he stood right next to Subaru.


"The deputy commander is suspected of involvement in a royal kidnapping fourteen years ago"


"There is no certainty. But it is true that they have such suspicions and have been asked about the circumstances many times."

"Is it true? Well, it has to do with kidnapping."

"The authenticity of things has nothing to do with this at this time. A person suspected of doing so may be in a position to move the kingdom's supreme force of war. That's what they see as a problem."

A glorious honor held by the name of 'Sword Saint'.

But whenever the reality is revealed, it seems more like a curse than honor to Subaru.

"But if it's really about kidnapping, it means Heinkel didn't let his father and mother see each other in death."

"... I'm not talking about that. At the time, I heard that it was Master Heinkel who recommended Master Teresia, who had already left active duty with his sword, as a participant in the Great Conquest."

"You threw your own mother to the forefront of the Warcraft!?

"This one is almost certainly on the record as a fact. Instead of declining to participate in the Grand Crusade, the Vice Commander recommended Teresia."

Absolutely nothing else can react.

Not on such vague grounds as earlier, Julius said there was certainty in this. If it's a record, it's true, unless everyone at the time is deceived.

Heinkel offered his mother a battle of warcraft in his stead.

And his mother dies in battle, his father holds the blade of vengeance without being able to see him at the end of that death, and he will be using his son's talents as a shield for his days of tranquillity.

Impossible. There can't be a human being who can do that.

"Something's wrong..."

I don't want to believe it.

I don't want to believe in Heinkel's humanity. About the worst thing that that guy could do, for once, if you actually exchanged words, anyone would know.

But I don't want to admit it's worse than the worst, the worst, the ugliest, etc.

I want to hope so, believing that there are limits to stopping ethics and all things human.

It was even a sin to imagine, such as that could happen in real life.

"... sorry. I shouldn't have folded this without getting my mind ready."

Suspended, Julius groans in a depressed voice at Subaru without words.

That's what Subaru was asking. He couldn't have been calm, either, he was talking. It could be said to have been Julius' seemingly unsound attitude, which always made him aware that he was rational.

"Kee, I'm the one who wanted you to listen to me. It's not your fault.... It would be a little easier if I could say that you're bad."

"It's not a complimented attitude. It's too insensitive to talk about the weather and preconceptions, like I've seen about other houses. As a knight, it was a shameful word and deed"

"But you've seen it, haven't you? Reinhardt's, we were friends."

Subaru spoke so to Julius, who speaks of self-reflection.

Julius looks up and looks back at Subaru. Subaru nodded to him,

"I don't know how long you've been friends with Reinhardt, but I know you're worried about Reinhardt. That's why I know it's been cute. I'm not saying it's weird, but I'm not saying it's out of line. I don't even think it's the right thing to do because it's someone else's house situation."

"... you say that"

"From the house next door. But if you hear a cry, why don't you jump in? If you see a friend recessed through the window, you can call him. Because you cared about Reinhardt, and I don't think it's funny. I don't want to think about it."

If you were peeking at me with inferior curiosity, I despise Subaru and Julius.

But I couldn't see such a slight emotion in Julius' words, in his attitude, and in his previous relationship.

"I told you earlier. You don't have to keep restraining yourself for being a knight who just behaved well. That's right. Take off your armor, it's not a bad idea to try being a yuri. You might want to make it easier."

Yuri is a pseudonym Julius named during his witchcraft crusade.

In his position, he couldn't join the mercenary regiment as Julius, a useless pseudonym he named after hiding his misery behind his grace. Ultimately, it was a name that no one, not even himself, stopped calling. But Julius wasn't a knight then.

"Yuri, huh? It's what I've been pulling my nostalgic name out of."

"I only used it for a moment, temporarily. That's all I can remember. I want to compliment myself."

"I didn't know you were bound by chivalry. You say a lot harder things about me. [M] It's not like you don't know what I'm called."

"That's how you're most brilliant and elbowed, so your mind and body are stiff. Take off your armor when you take a bath and stretch it before you wear it."

Place your palms on the ground so Subaru can fold his hips on the spot and show flexibility. Before Parcool mastery, his body was stiff to bees, but the first thing he corrected was flexibility as he began to move his body in earnest.

And in front of Subaru, which shows its flexibility,

"If you're going to beat me now, nothing but mourn the shallowness of your sight."


That said, Julius shows a beautiful crotch split with his legs open back and forth on the spot. The flexibility to stretch out long legs and butt on the ground with ease deserves amazing.

Or do you intend to easily overtake Subaru with everything?

"Stuff...... but I don't know! My win won't shake if you play Rühliere or sew appliqués......!

"I don't see much significance in winning with that, but I also know how to play an instrument if it's to my liking. It's just hard to sew."

"Wow! I'm out, hobby! When people like you say hobbies, they mean they're superb. Me, I'll never band with you. They take vocals!

Julius then rises up so as to reverse play the motion with his legs extended.

To Svalbard in retrospect he stroked his forehead gently, then smiled and looked up into the sky to win.

"I see. Did the sky as Yuri feel like this when the wind bathed"


"Even then, when I think about it, I can remember the sky looking different in color. That's all we're talking about."

"I don't know why. Don't be condescending, you kizzard."

Pressing the shoulder of the soaking atmosphere, Subaru sits squarely on the edge. Bitterly smiling at that Subaru attitude, Julius narrowed her eyes to dazzle the sun.

I manage to get rid of the awkward conversation atmosphere with the other atmosphere.

Of course, what I told you doesn't disappear from my memory, and I can't deny the lumps are still in my chest. Still, we can work together to avoid dragging all that on.

- From a distance, those two looked like normal friends to each other.

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