Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter 5: 19: Theatrical Malice

A word like that can be thrown at you, like it's intimate or something.

On that mouth of the person in the bandage, the crowd looking up had everyone's words sealed.

Sometimes it is that the figure standing overhead was a terribly eye-catching quirk, and it is a great deal that the words reached my ear were unmissable to hear.

However, none of them would be anything more than a secondary effect.

There is a simple and simple reason why you cannot strip your eyes from their appearance and consciousness.

That can be called the primitive instinct of an organism.

- There can't be some idiot who takes his eyes off of it before a life-threatening external enemy.


"Now, that guy, what did you say?

"Are you kidding me? What witchcraft..."

Understanding gradually spreads to the crowd late in the upset we visited earlier.

But there is nothing on the spot that can be immediately translated into action. Everyone just doubts what they hear and tries to share their incomprehension with the people around them.

"What the hell did you say to that bastard now? You heard me!

And that's the same Latinus who notices Subaru and rushes over.

Through the crowd, and concerned about overhead, Latins approaches Subaru, but Subaru is one step from the crowd in Subaru, concentrating his gaze overhead from a remote position.

Now, if you take your eyes off it, it will be irrevocable.

You don't even have to question the other person's identity.

- I'm a creature of the same kind as Petergius.

"Besides, Romaneconti...?

The name of the person in the bandage - Sirius Romaneconti.

It's a silly story, but the Romaneconti in its family name is the same as Petergius Romaneconti. Although there can be no such thing as Petergius, who was an evil spirit, and being in a blood relationship in the right sense.

"I don't think all the Bishops of the Great Crimes are named after the whole family."

Assuming there is a Romaneconti family, that would be too much of a nightmare.

The Romaneconti family, a famous witchcraft emitting Bishops of the Great Crimes from generation to generation? The clutter and distortion settings are too harsh to even smell bad enough to bend your nose.

What springs up at the same time is endless anger at witchcraft in Subaru.

Unlike "bulimia," which I will not pursue, if there is a Bishop of the Great Crimes there.

"- I'll catch you and make you throw up everything"

Forced to open the way to 'bulimia'.

Decided, Subaru instantly stills the superficial layer of his burning mind to be aware of his connection to Beatrice in his chest. If you call, Beatrice appears beneath Subaru.

That is the effect of the path of the covenant, connected between the covenant and the covenant spirit.

connection with the hot others, deep in your body - grab it, draw it,

"- Yes! That's it!


On the verge of calling me Beatrice, a dry bursting noise over my head and a shout.

It sounded so loud that it was illusory that the person in the bandage arrived all over the city. When Subaru, who accidentally stuffs his breath, opens his eyes, the bandaged figure circles his slightly peeled eyes,

"It took twenty-two seconds for you all to be quiet. But thanks for being quiet. I am so happy. And..."

Sarcasm but thankful, of the bandage - Sirius rocks his body left and right with his hands together. It looks really fun, but the chains still hang from both arms, and its sound rubbing against the tower's walls touches the nerves badly.

"You there, you, then your brothers over there, and you in front. I'm sorry, don't be so angry. I am so sorry to have your precious time. Sorry. So, thanks."


Twirling himself, Sirius says so in a sincere appeal.

There's nothing else I couldn't do to smash it with "no kidding". It was indisputable that Sirius pointed out, "Don't be angry," because he was a face that included Subaru.

If you look, the other four named Sirius - perhaps something you remember a little in your arms. Sword lowering beast man and eye band woman, plus latins blues face.

It is indisputable that he nominated the one that showed Sirius his plan to take action by poking him in the gap. That soul gall is in sight, with warning.


Subaru holds off calling Beatrice as he senses sweat transmit his forehead.

While I understand the horror of being spearheaded by witchcraft, I have to. The squares around Subaru have hardened no less than thirty people.

If you say we should not be ahead of the curve, then this situation is already a mistake.

Subaru looks to him and communicates his intentions to the other four designated Sirius.

Seeing what Subaru intends, adventure-style beasts and women. Then the tight-faced townsman pulled his jaw. Only Latins can't hide some stray against Subaru's gaze, just vaguely distract him.

Perhaps the trump card with latins is the powerful ghost bill is to call Reinhardt.

Yesterday, Reinhardt had ordered Lattins to launch a signal if anything happened. There's a determined signal between them, and if we do that, he can call Reinhardt on this occasion. And if Reinhardt makes it, whether he's a Bishop of the Great Crimes or not, he's not a number of things, such as Sirius. I can beat it.

But what happens to the sacrifices that occur by taking the action to call. That would be why I'm letting Latins get lost in judgment.

If you are not willing to sacrifice, we have the means to eliminate Sirius.

But is that a means to cut it right now? Can it be separated from the necessary sacrifices?

"Yes, thank you. Apparently, gentlemen, you've calmed down a little. I understand your anxiety. You won't all have a very good impression on the sound of witchcraft either. So I, too, am not going to do anything special. I just want to make sure that I'm giving you some time today."

"Want to be sure, things...?

"I'm sorry, don't bother. If you guys talk to me at the top of the day, I'm not very smart, so I'm in trouble. It grieves me. That wouldn't be a good thing, would it? If you need anything, talk to me. I have a burden that I'm letting you all spend your time on, so I'll answer whatever you want, right?

The attitude of disguising oneself only and some rational narrative invites the creeps instead. Even if you peel your teeth out so much that you wonder if you have lips, and you get hit by common sense people in bandage man fashion where only the eye area has been exposed, you just have the disgust of course.

I guess that's what everyone thinks. Everyone just turns to their surroundings with their mouths shut against Sirius's suggestion. If so,

"May I ask you a question sweetly?"

If no one takes the initiative and raises their hand, it is Natsuki Subaru who raises his hand there.

Subaru does not distract himself from Sirius standing overhead, feeling the signs of surprise spread around him. Sirius looked down at Subaru raising his hand and voice to

"Yeah, go ahead. Thanks. You sound like your angry brother just now. I'm glad you're willing to talk to me. What would you like to hear?"

"I don't know what you're up to, but I'm waiting for a girl. Four of them, too. So it would be helpful if you did your errands quickly and let me go."

"Oh! That's tough, I'm sorry. But you can't put it in the corner, can you, brother? Isn't it a man's dream to have four of them samurai girls? You're the one who shouldn't. Aren't you bothering the girl, making her cry and grieving and making her suffer? It shouldn't be. It shouldn't be. It shouldn't be allowed. It shouldn't be."

"Oh, hey?

His voice, which seemed to play while he was talking, decreased, and Sirius began to whine quickly as he looked down. but when he heard the bewildered Subaru, Sirius looked up haha,

"I shouldn't, I almost got emotional. I'm sorry. I'm going to try to be careful, but if I'm not conscious, I'm excited to stick around. You're worried, thanks. So, uh... was it your liberation?

"... oh yeah. If possible, I'd appreciate it if you could move on."

"I'm so sorry I made you worry. But it's okay. I'm famous for being a big part of witchcraft and not bothering people. I think it's impeccable because other people are often a little annoying."

The conversation is more decent than you can imagine, and Subaru remembers what surprises him.

To a soft physical waist, an attitude that does not only break the attitude of dialogue - I was talking to it and thought, hey, isn't Sirius a woman?

I can't see my face in bandages, and my body weaves a coat that doesn't fit the size, so I can't judge. The voice is expensive when it comes to high, but it does not constitute a judgment criterion because it sounds more like a mechanical, non-natural voice than a feminine one.

However, Subaru vaguely thinks that she is a woman.

In fact, from Sirius' bare gestures and remarks, so far, I can't peek at anything that's highly dangerous.

It was vigilance that preceded the first appearance and affiliation, from its appearance to its anomaly, but it is no exaggeration to say that the conversation is more established than Priscilla, so to speak.

There are also many things amongst the surrounding crowds where the tension that was straining without disappearing for the first minute relaxes somewhere, purely waiting to see how the end of the story rolls.

Subaru also felt that there was some tension in the way it looked and it fell out.

"Thanks. And I'm sorry. Apparently, I surprised you all. But I'm also very happy to show you how to listen."

"I didn't admit it or forgive you. But talk to me first. That's why."

"Right, thanks for taking the time. Now let's get down to business. In the first place, I showed up before you because I wanted to make sure that it was a little something."

Shake yourself and rub the chains of your arms together to make a tall sound.

If you look closely, I don't see how that looks or seems more like a hiccup than a creep. If you think of it as a kind of dogma or entertainer, aren't you as sloppy with the public as you say?

Subaru breaks up with each other and lets go of the feeling he was refining in his heart.

I don't particularly feel the need to call Beatrice either. Let's listen to Sirius and hope he gets the hell out of here.

"So, what do you want to hear?

"Yeah, well, let me hear that soon!

"Yes, they do. If we don't hurry up, we're gonna be late for work."

When Subaru prompts first, a voice bursts out of his surroundings.

When the last man raised his voice so loud over Sirius, pointing to the demonic engraved crystal, there was a dot of laughter.

Subaru unwittingly loosens his mouth to a spreading swirl of laughter. Sirius also apparently lost the vibe, putting his hand on his head with a troubled trick.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know I'm busy. I'll finish the conversation right away, so just hang out a little longer."

"So hurry up and do it!

"Yes! Okay, let's do that. You know, what I want to be sure of is simple. Zubali, I need to make sure you know something about 'love'. Wow, embarrassing."

I don't know if it's red because of the bandage, but hold my face. Sirius tries to hide his shame for what he said. Unexpectedly Niyanya and the bareback Sirius, where the air that becomes so spreads and there is increasingly no place to be.

"I thought you'd laugh, but this is what I thought you'd be in trouble for. But thanks for asking. Thank you. I have a favor to ask you."


"I was hoping you could hang out a bit with my 'love' confirmation work. I'm sorry, I'm just saying things on my own."

Offer while Sirius rubs and illuminates the chains of both hands.

A crowd who reacts to what a jerk he is, like, "What the hell is that?" Subaru also put his arms together and pulled his jaw as he felt like he saw something smiling.

Then Sirius dazzled his eyes and struck his hand,

"Is it true! Thanks, thanks, sorry. After all, the world is sweet. Enough for kindness and love. Every time I realize that, I want to thank you. We can forgive each other, we can give in. Maybe I keep using" thank you "and" sorry "because I want to make sure of it."

"All right, all right, all right! Sirius, what are you gonna do?

"Oh, I'm sorry!

A woman adventurer with an eyelid who looks thrilled to see Sirius. Sirius and the woman laugh together with their eyes at a cheerful voice like a friend of a decade or a schoolgirl.

Then Sirius walks over to the window of the carving tower where he has embarked himself, as he finally remembers, and puts his arm in it. And from there,

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Look, come here."

"~ ~ ~ ~!"

Sirius pulls something out of the window with a gentle voice.

It was a little man who rammed in Sirius's arms and groaned as he twisted himself - a boy who was still young, with his whole body humbled with chains.

The boy, still around the age of ten, is wrapped in chains disappointingly from toe to shoulder and has also been bitten by a chain for a part of his mouth, dripping blood from the edge of his cut mouth. He was desperately moving only the top off his neck to be free and begging for something in tears.

"I'm sorry you're cramped. But you can't cry so much because you're a boy. Besides, I'd like to keep it to myself, but you seem to be even taking a leak. It's embarrassing, and it's sad if everyone finds out."

"Mmm! Mmmm!!

"Yes -! It's embarrassing!

"You're a boy, don't cry, don't cry!

"When you can cry to a man, you only have three times in your life! Ha ha!

Boarding Sirius, who softens the crying boy, the crowd also raises their voice from below to tease him about the crying boy.

Everyone has gotten over crying and being scared with a little something like that. I know it's no offense, but there are a number of voices that fly a little short of delicacy.

"Yes, yes, you shouldn't all say that to him! Sure, he's a little smaller now, but he's a very courageous kid. Hey, Ruthbell."

The boy with his whole body in chains, whose weight should be quite good, Sirius lifts it gently with one arm and puts up a crowd stroking his head gently.

Ruthbell, the boy called, was moving his neck desperately from the face of Sirius in the immediate vicinity, as if trying to keep his neck away at all.

The look of it also seems somewhere funny and humorous, and even though it's pathetic for you to laugh at, I'm about to stick with it.

"Yes! Attention, then, gentlemen. I'm sorry. His name is Ruthbell, and he's a nine-year-old boy living in this pristera. Your family name is Colored, and Ruthbell Colored is your real name."

"Mm-hmm! Mm-hmm!"

"Your father is Mr. Muslan Kharad. Mr. Muslan is an observer who keeps the water flow in the city's waterways stable, and your mother, Ena Callard, is pregnant. Now my stomach is starting to grow and I'm looking forward to having one of Ruthbell-kun's younger brothers or sisters...... The Carrard family is a home on Third Avenue, and it's routine to come and visit the city park with your good friend Teena. Teena and I are childhood friends, but we don't hate each other, and Teena is in a position to support Ruthbell-kun's dreams. Teena is a pale blonde curly haired girl, but she's a little pretty girl who will look forward to the future. Ruthbell-kun's dream of supporting Teena like that is to become a famous adventurer and make a lot of company, like that 'draffin betrayed by a sunset' famous for his songs. It's a healthy, bullying, boy-like dream these days, isn't it? Some people may laugh at being childish, but I don't think so. Who would laugh at how serious a boy feels? I'm sure you wholeheartedly support Ruthbell-kun because that's what Tina thought too. Yeah, well, that's how I aspire to be an adventurer, Ruthbell, but I figured I was very excited about my own sister or brother in my mother's tummy. If it's true, I'll put up with my birth brothers where I want to jump on an adventure journey right now. You're going to be so adorable because you're going to be a separated brother. Ruthbell is a good kid who can think of others, so I think he's going to be a very good brother. Everyone feels that way about Ruthbell, and I'm glad you're here for me. Oh, yeah, that's right. It's about Tina, isn't it? Actually, I, at first, was going to make it Tina, not Ruthbell. Because I thought maybe girls could get closer to the 'love' I want to be sure of. But I was struck by the way Ruthbell-kun tried so hard, so desperately to ask me. I'm sorry. I'm not a very willing person. So by the way, I've changed my mind... Oh, but even when it comes to relocation, that's just my usual attitude, and I think I'm all the way when it comes to how I feel to think of someone. Shit, I'm embarrassed. I don't mind talking about me anymore. More about Ruthbell and Tina than that. The two of us are so hot now and wondering what we're going to do more from now on, so it was very, very painful for me to pull away, too. So at the very least, I decided to ask him to cooperate with me, respecting Ruthbell's opinion. So Ruthbell is also a little frustrated and crying right now, but he's a very brave kid. Thanks, and I'm sorry. Because I told you to make sure everyone understands."

"Hmm! Mm-hmm! Ngu!"

A troubled boy - hear over Ruthbell's body, and they're all convinced.

I see, now is certainly the time to show a bit of disrespect, but Ruthbell's courage is to be commended. I considered his condition strange, I was in the mood to punch myself just a minute ago.

But not if you blame yourself like that now. What should be directed at a courageous man should be more valuable, not self-derision, etc.


"Ruthbell, don't cry! You're the best!

Subaru speaks up and praises the tearful boy for his courage.

If you know the real thoughts behind his tears, how can it be laughable, etc.? Next to Subaru, who raised his voice earlier, Latins also opens his mouth.

"Yes, don't cry! You showed the man! Then show me something better as it is, kid!

"Yes, that's good, Ruthbell! You're Pristella's pride!

"Ruthberoo! Lovely! You're gonna be a good man!

cheers and everyone who was on the spot applauds.

It is a beautiful sight to honor the dedication and courage of one boy and to encourage a man's good heart.

It is the glorious sword that tries to protect what is important, no matter how miserable the outfit, no matter how unusual the appearance may be, that man is fascinated by its brilliance, and so desires it.

"Oh, oh... thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh, I knew it was great! I trusted everyone would understand. I believed that everyone would honor Ruthbell-kun's courage! Because his indicated aspirations have 'love'! I thought if I knew him, you'd love him. Because knowing each other, knowing deeply, is' love 'to unite thoughts!

"Siriusu! Thanks! Thanks!"


With Ruthbell directly above him with both hands, Sirius was weeping for the most part. Svalbard also feels the hot stuff creeping up behind his eyes as he watches the eye area of the bandage get wet.

Shoulder slammed. Latins next door is laughing at Subaru about to cry. But Subaru didn't miss the tears in his eyes either that he would.

The crowds around you, if you look at them, share their emotions with each other, shoulders and arms after shoulder. Subaru remembered watching the World Cup of football. When fighting against the world, people connect their minds with an opponent they don't even know their faces and try to share that joy with them.

It is precisely now that the heart of those sums is spreading. There was a definite connection there.

"Grooves are born because we don't know each other very well. Conflict arises because we cannot share each other's thoughts. I don't bond because I give up that it's something different from each other. That's sad. It's only a tragedy. Is it sad now? Is everyone grieving now?

"That's not true! None of us are sad!

"Thanks! So, are you enjoying it? Are you happy for me?

"Naturally! I haven't felt this good in a long time! Thanks, Sirius! Well done, Ruthbell!

A whirlpool of applause spreads, creating a circle of gratitude for the raised Ruthbell. Now there was one heart for this occasion, and what was there was gratitude for the two of them standing on the carving tower.

I don't mind twirling myself, weeping, and finally ripping the edge of my mouth, Ruthbell bites the chain that makes her look like a monkey, screaming as she lacks her teeth.

"Gu, gi! Ugh! What? What? Gimme... gimme... gimme... gimme... gimme!

"I honor your courage, Ruthbell! Look down there. Everyone, so many people, is affirming your actions! Oh, thanks! I'm sorry, Ruthbell. You may not have meant it, but I wanted to make sure of this. Oh, oh, I knew the world was sweet!

Pull the raised Ruthbell back into his arms, and Sirius hugs the boy.

Cheered by its beautiful sight, Subaru plunges his fingers into his mouth and whistles his fingers. I was stunned and stood up, and I could see Ruthbell dropping his neck in dismay.

He looks like a man who fought his best. Nobody laughs or anything about it, even if they finally lose the strength to cry.

"I knew there was. There was' love '. There it is. Everyone's heart was in one, and it was united with joy. I don't need a tragedy. I'm sick of the world where someone has to cry. Nobody wants that. Even if the mind is one, it should be a sharing of joy and pleasure. And tragedy! And anger! I don't need it!

"That's right! There's no such thing as a tragedy!

"Oh, heart-shaking abomination 'Anger'! Anger, i.e. intense emotions! If passion is the great sin that takes root in people's hearts, if it is an inseparable business to cut, then they should fill their hearts with joy! Now at this time, as everyone's heart is united!

Sirius raises his voice high and raises Ruthbell to the sky again.

But this time it won't stop moving there. As it was, Sirius threw the raised Ruthbell into the universe in the eyes of everyone's envy.

"Of thunder! Applause!"


The best stage presented by Sirius to the appearance of Ruthbell to be thrown out.

Subaru took the initiative and everyone clapped their hands in unison at the appearance of a boy dancing in the universe as high as the sun jumped in.

A clap that sounds like a roar blesses Ruthbell flying through the universe.

Its little body twirls around, but when it reaches the top of the throw, it falls straight into line. Ruthbell falling from head to ground.

The crowd will spread and empty the drop point in a hurry.

It's the triumph of the brave.

An unstoppable applause honors the boy who crashes.


Bring your neck, look straight at the ground, and Ruthbell will raise his voice.

He diligently twists his body, which he should have exhausted, and resists it without giving up until the end in an attempt to avoid the hard stone ground looming at the present.

I think I saw human strength there, and everyone wept.


"- Oh, sweet world!

Shortly before the clash, Sirius shouted.

Hearing that voice, at one time, the applause of the united crowd--


The sound of something hard and brittle crumbling, like dropping an egg on the floor, stains my vision bright red.

Crushed all over his body from head to hard ground, what was Ruthbell transformed into a bright red mass of meat, pieces of meat scattered across the square, and the brave splattered.

- And shortly after I saw it,


The sound of the crushing eggs sounded like an unstoppable applause.

The square became a bright red pile of blood.

That was the last time.

"For your welcome after the song, why don't you prepare a pair of bitches or something for Master Natsuki? I'm sure you'll have sweet treats or something. Don't you think then your heart will play and you'll get closer to each other at once? Don't you think?

Shortly after I thought I blinked, I had a brown-skinned daughter standing in front of me.

A girl with a lousy wink and a fragrant pose with her tongue out.

If you move your fluffy neck, right next to you is a silver-haired girl smiling and a red woman standing with a disgusting face in front of her. Then there's the look of a toddler holding hands...

"... what's wrong with that? Ignore? Ignore!? Or, please don't. Yo, that's so shady. Oh, oh, stop, stop... Ugh, I heard the song but don't sigh... don't look disappointed, forgive me... eh"

To the appearance of a silent Subaru, the girl in front of him - trembling with a face dug up with memories that Liliana doesn't need.

With that in sight, Subaru opened his mouth,

"... disgusting"

"Hmm!? Oh, my God! I can't believe the words that come out disgust me as I look at the girl's face and stare at each other so close! This Liliana must be ashamed of herself on behalf of Natsuki-sama's mother! I don't know."

Liliana turned around on the spot, moaning and crying to imitate. I keep an eye on the flickering and Subaru, but I can't even afford that wussy bare gesture.

Subaru fluttered on the spot and accidentally crouched into the spot.

"Subaru? What's wrong?

"Hey, I wonder what's going on. Subaru, Subaru?

Beatrice joining hands, Emilia, who was next door, rushes into Svalbard's squatting face. And Subaru as they both accidentally blue-white their faces,

"- Disgusting"

More than the first 'death' loop in a year, he continued to shake his knees at the vomiting sensation that engulfed him, unacceptably accepting the events immediately preceding that 'death'.

Thus, the 'death' spiral begins again.

There's a loop to get over the worst day, set in the city Pristella.

- Again, it begins.

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