Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter 5: 30: Tiger and Cat on the Moon Night

"I'm sorry. I didn't think I was going to call a customer, so I didn't really clean up the house."

"Hmm, I don't care! Die Job! Beautiful! Mimi's room feels even better!

"Oh well, no. We need to clean up properly."

A woman strokes Mimi's head on the sofa, clamping her legs, in a cheerful state. Mimi throats at her comfort and looks totally forgiving to the woman.

With it sidelined, Garfield looked at the woman with her mouth shut.

Long, rich, golden hair until it reaches your hips. A body that maintains luxurious but feminine plumpiness on white skin. Soft face and mildly clear green eyes.

The youthful look is still going through the mid twenties, but if Garfield is right, he should be plugged into the mid thirties.

The fact that it did not look very so was also a source of confusion for Garfiel's mind.

"Did you, Mr. Gorgeous Tiger, hate tea? I'm sorry. If I were you, I'd let you out..."

To Garfiel, who continues to remain silent, the woman - named Liara Thompson - frowns as troubled.

To the words, Garfiel remembered that he had not even laid his hands on the cup of tea that had been served in front of him, and rushed to take the cup.

"No, no. It's a little silly... I'm surprised at the size of the house."

"Well, did you? Indeed, we are very big... and this makes daily cleaning very difficult. Me, with something very similar."

Riara accepts without question Garfield's proper story.

Laughing elegantly with her hands on her mouth, she sleeves through tailored women's clothes, commensurate with living in that large, described mansion.

That smile, the cat stroke, the trick, everything invites Garfiel to grieve.

Yet Liara says nothing against Garfield's gaze. That was unnaturally painfully tightening Garfield's heart.

The woman, who named herself Liara Thompson, thought Garfield to be two melons to her real mother - Leesia Tinsel - who is burning behind Garfield's brain.

Regardless, it was just after birth that Garfield broke up with my mother. In a breakup when I hadn't even gotten my mind on it yet, Garfiel had nothing to remember from my mother.

Still, Garfield can truly remember the face of her mother because she saw a past of parting with her mother in the 'trials' of a cemetery that hatefully continued to remain in the 'sanctuary'.

My mother's face, voice and affection, Garfield remembered everything in that 'trial'.

And at the same time, "The Trial" should have told Garfield that my mother had died of misfortune shortly after she broke up.

So for Garfield, reunion with my mother was just a dream that couldn't possibly come true.

Then who is the woman who is now in front of you like this?

"Mr. Mimi. The hair at your ear seems fluffy. Do you mind if I touch it?


To Mimi, who offers her head, Liara happily reaches out and indulges in the comfort of her touch.

Smiling like a girl and a bare gesture that you don't know to be alert to others. Suspicious chimp-style man and beast girl to see, it's also obvious from the fact that they invite it into the house with ease.

Everything about that attitude is a factor that makes Garfield feel like her mother.

Leesia, her mother, was an unfortunate woman. My parents are destroyed by debt, and my young girlfriend is sold to a slave trader. The slave trader was also attacked by a bunch of subhuman bandits on his way home, where Leesia was made the comforter of the men, the half of the beast.

My sister Frederica wore herself there, and besides, when my mother's belly swelled, the bandits abandoned my mother lightly. My mother was then caught by another bandit group from the first bandits caught, where she would spend a long time.

My sister Frederica, too, should have been in the bandits when she got her mind on it. My sister doesn't want to talk about those days, but as soon as Leesia had Garfield there, I guess it wasn't a good environment to think about leaving the Bandits.

After such a time as she unfortunately boiled her misfortune, Leesia would wander with her daughter with her body in her possession. The lucky thing was that she was soon saved by Roswar, a loving aristocrat.

Roswar provided his mother with the condition that the children be raised in the 'sanctuary', guaranteeing their stature and preparing their clothing and accommodation. As a result, Garfield was born featured in the Sanctuary by the crown.

The whole life of my mother, if I speak only in words, I can only say that it is a much worse situation.

But my mother's personality - I don't know about those bullet stories, the mother's rating of people who know their real mother was completely different from such an unfortunate rating.

"Leesia, right. Somehow, she's an unusually positive daughter. It shouldn't be weird to die. It must have been a hard day. And yet that kid always said there might be good things tomorrow. Even if it's hard today, there may be good things to do tomorrow. Happy as I was given two children."

"Mother could have been... who could have truncated a stupid woman from a person's point of view. To be honest with you, I sometimes wonder if you couldn't have lived in a better way.... but your mother was a nice person. That's all absolute, by no doubt. I loved my mother, and I'm really glad she's your daughter."

"Your mother... you mean Mr. Leesia? That's right. I haven't exchanged a lot of words in person... but I was a strange person. Perhaps it should be called incomprehensible rather than strange. The way you feel happy is more sensitive than people. Even a huge, small thing makes me happy. Find happiness among the bad things. Right. Hey. I don't like it. Maybe I didn't."

Neither Lewes, nor Frederica, nor even Rosewar, ever said anything bad about my mother.

And that was the same word everyone spoke, knowing my mother in The Sanctuary.

It was potent weather and I wonder if he was the owner of a happy head.

Otherwise, why would I leave my children to imitate such a foolish idea of looking for Garfiel's father who would have been hard hit?

Besides, where was the happiness in dying right after that?

- Even now, I haven't found the answer to where my mother's happiness was.

"I just gave up..."

The nails eat into the palms and clench and consolidate their fists to the point that they are about to bleed.

I should have given up. I don't know. I thought it was a problem that Garfield had to digest in herself over time.

And yet, how come now, by now, this is how it appeared in front of me?

That, too, with an attitude and face that makes it sound like you don't even know who you are.


I steal that look and trick so they don't notice.

There is nothing unnatural about bareback. Completely natural, bright enough to fall in love, Riara treats Garfiel's presence as a stranger.

Is that her answer?

He said he had a new life. I need to know something about Garfield. He said that he was happily going to the other side with the promises he had made one day.

If I don't know about you, is that my mother's answer?


"Mother, I'm hungry."

Garfiel, who remains silent, and Liara and Mimi, who are twitching each other. A dressed sister and brother descend into the living room where such three people were present.

My sister stared hard at Garfiel, and then she snuggled up to her mother with her sleaze,

"Hey, Mother. Let the guests go home and have dinner."

"What would you say if you were my sister? Are you telling Mr. Gorgeous and Mr. Mimi that Fredo took care of you? He said he was playing on a boat and he was about to drown."

"Huh, what do you say? Isn't it true that the ship was rocked by a man named Gorgeous? That's how we get in and get all the money."

"Here, sister. It's terrible, is it? But you do, right? I got Fredo to help me, and I have to thank him... I wonder if money would be better."


My sister panics at the feeling that a devastating blow will hit our household for reasons of her own remarks. Riara, on the other hand, is a troubled face who doesn't seem to know why her daughter makes a scene.

Such a smiling exchange of parents and children should not seem like a hardship to Garfiel right now to walk barefoot over Tsu. Drink up tea in a breath, make a noise and place the cup,

"You're not welcome. I'll keep you free."

"Uh, why?

"I don't give a shit."

Mimi rebels against Garfiel trying to get out, but without an ear to listen Garfiel tries to take her out of the room. Riara looks sad at Garfield walking out, and her daughter drops you off at Acambe.

Respect that sentiment - and that's when I thought.

"Don't Go, Gorgeous Tiger"

I grabbed Garfiel's hem and my brother was holding back that go-ahead more.

For a moment, Garfield hesitated to shake off that little fingertip. Garfiel doesn't know why I hesitated. However,

"Already, Fredo."

To his brother, who caught the suspicious, his sister lays her hands on his hips with a puffy and angry face. but as it was, before my sister jumped on my brother suddenly, Liara slapped her hand and distracted everyone.

"Look, we all have to get along. Yeah. I can't believe I'm returning my customers like this. That's what Fredo wants, so she won't have to tell you."

"Mother, but..."

"But it's not. Mr. Gorgeous and Mr. Mimi, just a little more, right? I'd love to have dinner with you, if possible. I'm confident today."

"Oh Ka, I always make confidence and say..."

"Yeah, it's not natural. Mother, always the best for you."

Everyone on the spot makes a poisoned face at Riara, who lets her create a weak force bubble. Except for Garfield, who has the most rugged face.

The soothing air broke Garfield's heart most of all.

To Liara's words, the faces that each of the children seemed happy with and couldn't help but.

It was going to be accepted, and that was fear for Garfiel now.

"Where you asked me out, Evil Wi kept me waiting for many of you. It worries me when it's too late. So I'll let you go home."


Indulging in chest pain, Garfield prayed that his voice would not tremble.

In response, his sister and brother stretch their faces, and Liara lowers her eyebrow root and lowers her eyes. However,

"Okay. It doesn't make any sense if I can't pull it off and get you in trouble." Hospitality and soiree for our customers. "


Maybe that exchange was the one that, most of all, sharply decided Garfiel's heart for the day.

Both the sense of defeat to Reinhardt and the shock when I first saw Riara were cute compared to the shock of this moment.

I accidentally put my hand on my chest, so much so that Garfield had to make sure his body wasn't torn apart. to what that garfiel looks like,

"Garf, Yiko"

Until just now, Mimi, who was opposed to turning down the invitation, pulls her hand on Garfield. Garfiel had to shut up and obey the care of the girl trying to get him out.

Keep your hands on the living room door and try to head outside. and

"I'm home. Oh, you're a customer?

It was a gentleman-style man with a splendid mustache who opened the door from the other side and showed up.

A well-tailored outfit with a vigorous atmosphere. The tone and face of his voice seemed to convey that a man was a little capable of being.

I can see the children rejoicing behind the appearance of the man.

Perhaps men...

"Uh, you're a face I don't see. Which is it?

"Old man, gorgeous Tiger!



To the contrasting attitude of the son and daughter, the two fathers tilt their necks with troubled voices. His gaze as it was turned was Liara sitting quietly in the living room.

In the dear eyes of the man, Liara gently loosens her cheeks.

It was the limit.

"It's no big deal. Never mind. I'm leaving now."

Leaving behind, Garfiel leaves the room with Mimi, who remains in grip. Pushing the man in a hurry to give way, Garfield headed to the front door to escape.

"Gorgeous Tiger!

From behind, a sad boy's voice calls Garfiel.

But Garfield can't afford to answer that voice anymore.

What's gorgeous. What is Tiger? Where's my golden tiger now?

The tiger is strong, mighty, and unwavering in nothing.

What I am now is a tiger.

This is what real tigers do, grieve or whatever -!

"Garf, my hand, it hurts!


I'm obsessed with thinking. Not really, Garfield hadn't noticed a voice complaining of pain.

I get my arms pulled as much as I want, and for the first time I realize what I'm doing when I get my nails up. Mimi's little hand was so strongly gripped by Garfield's all-powerful hand that it was completely blue.

"Wow, evil... me..."

"Garf, it was weird in the house. My hand hurts."

Mimi shrugs in an invigorating voice and Garfiel puts her hand on her forehead.

The damp winds of Watergate City stroke the awkward silence between the two. Apparently, the sun was falling all around us, and the city was surrounded by magical lights lined up with falls.

The water surface of the waterway replaces the sun, now illuminating the magic light. There was a quiet unseen beauty there, but I didn't feel like enjoying it now.

"If, both of you!

That's how two people stood up to each other, a voice that slightly let them out of breath.

When you look up, it's the man earlier who jumps out of the magic light. When the man with his jacket off reached below them, he laid his hands on his knees and took a rough breath.

"Ha, ha, I caught up. No, you shouldn't... I should have had more strength before, but I haven't had enough exercise since I totally worked at my desk..."

"... what can we do for you?"

I'm not interested in the words of a man who omits himself.

Not as good as Liara and the children, but this man's appearance must also be poisonous to Garfield today. Not that a man would not have noticed the whispering, insurmountable voice of Garfiel. Put your hands on your head with a troubled face,

"No, my wife told me. You are the benefactors of my son, aren't you? I can't thank you enough for returning it."

"... I didn't really do it. You'll be in trouble if you make me look bad."

"Anything about my child matters. Even more so if you helped us where we were in danger. I really wish I could thank you for something.... Oops, sorry. I'm Garek. My name is Garek Thompson. Even if it looks like this, I was in the city hall in Pristella, and if you need anything..."

"Really, to nothing..."

A man who did - Garfield and I tried to get away, and Garfield got stuck in words. If he is Liara's husband, the one who knows her.

"Just one...... do you mind if I ask?

"Yeah, anything. I wish I could answer that."

With people's fond grin, Garek responds that way to Garfiel.

So is Liara, and so is my son Fredo. Including Galek, that family would be too good a person. About my daughter. What makes you so vigilant?

With that in mind, Garfield chose the words carefully to

"Your wife... is Liara a real name?


The air has changed.

Garfield's inquiry loses Garek's grin until then.

He rolled Garfield's question over his tongue, then in a quiet voice,

"What does that mean?

"That's exactly what I meant." Reid always fought head-on. "Ah. It doesn't fit the nature of being far away. Let me hear it. Is your wife really named Leesia, not Liara?


Galek's expression clearly wolfed Garfiel as he cut into the core.

Galek puckered his mouth, then when he made a noise and swallowed it,

"What do you... you know about my wife?

"That's what I know, too."


Garfiel also answers the trembling Galek voice in earnest.

Hearing the words, Garek often shut up to think about it. Garfiel waiting for his word. Mimi shakes that hand with the opposite hand from earlier.

Turning her gaze towards you, she made the weather laugh as usual.

"... apparently, you'd better tell the truth"

Galek said to Garfiel, who was laying Mimi's grin aside, with a sigh.

The fatigue put in there and the weakness mixed in slightly. Garfiel frowned in surprise, waiting for his next word.


"My wife, Liara, has not remembered since... fifteen years before we met."

Galek met Riara when he was still only a merchant rooting for Pristella, a story he had told before he became a leading city Pristella.

On the road back that day after finishing business talks from afar, Garek, who was driving a dragon car, encountered a path blocked by a cliff crash.

The deal itself ended in a breakthrough, and Garek was overwhelmed with frustration at the misfortune on the road, which also suffered from paying off his debts.

- In the tragedy of that cliff collapse, he found one woman buried alive.

Miracle, he said there was nothing else.

That Garek badly scratched his refusal to go far and see if there was a way he could manage to get through.

That it was only then that the rain that had been falling had stopped and that vision had been ensured.

The arrival of Garek shortly after the cliff collapse, that he was buried alive for a short time.

Every miracle coincidentally overlapped, and the woman was rescued by Garek with her breath.

Muddy woman, no luggage, nothing. Putting an unconscious woman in a dragon car, Garek quickly rushed into a nearby town, where he put her in a treatment center and waited for her to recover.

"She was in a very dangerous condition. He had a high fever, and was wounded all over his body from being caught in a cliff collapse, fractured in many places. During treatment, my heart stopped once."

Both the humans at the treatment center and Garek desperately hoped for her recovery as the situation continued unacceptably predictable. Now that I think about it, Garek himself doesn't know why everyone was trying to save her so much. No, Galek had a reason, but I don't know why other people really struggled to save her.

However, I am grateful now from the bottom of my heart for the dedication of those people.

"It was worth the hard work, and she took her life. It didn't turn into a serious injury, but I remember being really horrified by crossing the It wasn't until a week later that she woke up… I've been staying in town and waiting to wake up too"

The business talks are broken, and the future of Galek's chamber of commerce is dark ahead.

How, in such a state, did you waste time equal to money? I don't know the clear answer. However, something unfounded was holding Garek's leg back there.

And after a week, the woman woke up.

As people rejoiced in her wake, the woman shook her mouth, in a weak voice,

"Who am I? I remember saying that."

The woman didn't remember her name. No, it's not just the name. Everything.

Who I am and what I was trying to do from where I came. I had no idea what happened and ran into that cliff crash site, either.

Everyone had no choice but to dwell on her treatment of not even remembering her family.

What I can tell is the clothes she wore when she was in the accident. Only that her initials or family names probably start with 'li' from the letters that were sewn there.

"Taking the name of a blooming flower, she was to be called 'Liara'. And I was supposed to keep her after the wound healed."

When the wounds healed little by little and it wasn't far away from leaving the treatment center.

She was a reala with no destination, but still she was a bright woman. She had the power to make the misery of the accident as pleasant as a lie and make the people she dealt with smile.

There can't have been any anxiety.

The loss of one's memory is the same as the disappearance of one's very existence.

The reason she kept smiling in that state was because she needed to.

I might have had some compassion for the people around me.

But the biggest reason is not to stare at yourself as unhappy.

"I still remember the nervousness when I asked you to come with me. The time to hear her reply would have been the most, breathless time of my life. I was more nervous that time than when I proposed properly afterwards"

It took, and upon Galek's offer, Riara went with him to Pristella.

Everything is simple, for the reason that I wasn't abandoned or for the reason that I waited to wake up.

Because Garek was just in love at first, right after he took her into the dragon car, which was in a cliff crash, and wiped the mud off her face.

"My chamber of commerce, which has been unlucky since I welcomed Liara, has rapidly regained it. He tells me he owes it to my talent around him, but it's outrageous. Thanks to Liara for everything. She brought me luck. So now I can do this as a merchant on one end, as something involved in running the city, as a father."


"I love my wife. The children born are cute too. I used to care about her past. But I don't think so now. Whatever happened to her past, she's my wife, my precious woman."

After talking about what had been going on since the encounter, Garek wrapped up so tightly in the light and smell.

Shut up and until the end, Garfield, who was listening to the story, is looking up into the sky.

In the dark, dotted stars.

What does the round moon and the brilliance of the stars look down on themselves now?

"I'm not numb to ask you this. But I'd like to ask you."


"What is your relationship with... my wife, Liara?

That's - what a cruel question that is.

Bring your gaze down from the sky to Garek standing in front of you.

Garek looked at Garfiel in his serene eyes, but with definite determination. I'm not so blunt that I don't know the emotions put in there and what words mean.

And I know what I'm right to answer, too.


Open your mouth and close it.

Breathe, puke, suck, puke and repeat.

Palpitations are fast. My eyes are going to blink. My head gets cancer and pain, and I get nausea.

A vortex of emotions that will not alternate tightens his chest and is likely to crumble now.

- Mimi's hand was graciously holding Garfiel's hand like that.



"You, your wife... have nothing to do with it."

I ran out of words.

Speak up, damn it.

The words rapidly scratch out the emotions that were swirling through Garfiel's chest.

What remains is a sense of loss and a breathless sense of disillusionment. Garek in front of him lay down his eyes, trembling with a mess and his lips.

"Sorry, no..."

That said, I bow my head with a bitter face.

But I don't want to see Garfield respond like that right now.

Enough. I want you to stop. I don't want you to hurt me any more.

What shouldn't. Who's bad. Is it my fault or is it Garek's fault? Who should I blame? All you have to do is smash, eat, and buff.

How can this heartache disappear somewhere?

"You...! Oh, good. And Mr. Gorgeous and Mr. Mimi."


I almost screamed.

I turned back on my grief, I almost screamed.

So much for Garfiel now, his appearance was more terrifying than a blade.

"Liara, why..."

"Because you rushed after me, I'm sure you're holding me back. 'Cause I thought there was nothing I could do to get home without letting you have anything either."

To Garek, surprised by his wife's appearance, Riara winks and goes through its neighbor.

And when she offered her hand to Garfiel, stunned and stiff,

"This is the sweet soiree I made. It's not much to thank you for, but I'm confident in the flavor, so take it. Please."


No offense, grin.

Garfiel stays strong and stuffs his breath without being able to say anything.

To those two exchanges, Garek looks at something painful.

No one can stop Garfield from communicating with Liara. If you know what this air means, naturally.


"Ooh! Happy sweets! Yay, brag to your daughter!

I should have teased Liara about the sack of sweets she offered, and said that Mimi, who laughed blatantly, didn't even read the air.

Garek looks stunned and Garfield remains speechless. Only Liara just laughed happily at Mimi's good reaction,

"I'm glad you said that. Well, say hello to the lady."

"Yes, yes, maybe -! Kako, Kako!

Let them salute with the hands of those who were not connected to Garfiel, that is, those who were turning blue, and Mimi slapped Garfiel on the back indiscriminately as she pounded a bag of sweets into her nostalgia.

Garfiel turns against the power of coughing unintentionally, and Mimi laughs.

"Now it's time to go home! Gorgeous Tiger and Gorgeous Mimi farewell at this!

"Yes, be careful. Don't let Mr. Gorgeous fall into the waterway."

Mimi pulls Garfiel's hand and Liara waves small on its back.

Mimi smiles and waves back at that Liara, and Liara waves her arms even more energetically. Only two men looked at such a smiling exchange with a sad face.


As it is, Garfiel keeps walking beside the waterway with Mimi pulling his arm.

Mimi didn't say anything to Garfield either, and the Liaras behind her walked all the way until they couldn't see either. Then,

"Hey little one..."

"- Ya!


It was Garfiel who tried to stop Mimi, but that is interrupted by her abrupt behavior.

Mimi jumped lightly onto the building directly next to him, holding Garfield's hand. of a three-story stone building, feet on the edge. Mimi aims up.

Garfiel, who is pulled, will inevitably have to kick and chase the same scaffold. That's how the two jumped just three times, reaching the roof of the building.

"Huh! Feelings!

"Bye. What was that..."

To Mimi, who feels comfortable in the wind, Garfiel turns forward to see what he intends to do now. But Mimi stares at the garfiel with a smile off her face.

I saw myself in my round eyes, and Garfiel felt uncomfortable for some reason.

to the silent garfiel, Mimi broke her facial expression on the pretend,

"Garf, are you going to cry?

"Ha? I don't know what to say. I don't know."

"I know you have a strong girlfriend, but you don't have to stick with cancer, do you? Liara, you're Garfield's mother, aren't you?


Mimi's unexpected words stuffed Garfield's breath.

Naturally, if you know exactly how the story flows and Garfield's circumstances, it is definitely a conclusion you can reach. But Mimi doesn't know Garfield's family situation or anything, and she's a girl who doesn't look anything like that in the first place.

Garfiel was upset that she had poked the facts horribly and almost.

"Hey, why... think so..."

"'Cause the smell of Gulf and Liara, they were awesome alike. Both of Liara's children smelled a little like Garfield. So, yeah."

It wasn't a theoretical one, it was Mimi who shot through the truth with the idea of wild child rounding.

Even though words can be deluded, Garfiel has no objection to being pointed out the unchangeable part.

The navel and collapsed onto the spot, and Garfiel looked up at the sky blurry.

The stars and the moon are looking down at themselves just the same.

"So, did it fit? Liara, Garf's mother?

"... wow. I wonder if he's my mother."

To Mimi's words, Garfiel covered his face with his palms.

I don't know. Really, that was Garfield's true heart right now.

I'm pretty sure Liara is Leesia.

It's just that, as Galek said, Riara's previous attitude shows, Riara has completely forgotten that she was Leesia.

Forget everything, Leesia spends her time as Liara, having children, and living happily ever after.

"Think about it. Those two are my brother and sister."

I hadn't turned my head that far, but if you're a brother with a different father, it's exactly the same relationship you had with Frederica. I mean, that sister-brother is a cute younger brother to himself. For Garfield, who was the youngest, a long-awaited brother and sister.

- Such a relationship, except for what no one wants.

"I don't care what you call me..."

Liara has forgotten Leesia's time.

Assuming Garfield reveals everything he knows, the fifteen years he spent as Liara will not disappear, nor will it change that the fifteen years he was supposed to be able to spend as Leesia remain lost.

Liara will have fifteen years of guilt she doesn't need to have and a sense of loss of life called Leesia. Galek will also see his sinking wife, and children who know nothing will not understand his mother's suffering.

It's all about Garfield's self-satisfaction.

Even if you make Riara admit to being Leesia here, only Garfield can feel like she got something out of it.

Neither Frederica nor Lewes knows Leesia's survival in this way. If Garfiel doesn't tell him, I'm sure the two of them will remain unknown in the future.

Neither can the Riaras know the past without Garfiel talking. That happy time is not lost, it keeps being kept.

If Garfield can get it all to his chest and let go of what he was about to give up, that's all it takes to clean it up.

And yet...

"Why me..."

Are you prepared to throw away, but the decision to forget, does not come up with the courage to punish?

Where did the tiger go? Show me. The right way.

Only myself can carry everything in, hold everything in, and still have the strength to stand up.

Tell me, tiger, tiger. Because a real tiger is the strongest no one can beat.


I held my head, I bit down what I was going to put in, I was scratched in the head by a moan, I tried to throw everything away together, and Garfiel realized.

"Okay, okay."

That my head is held in my little chest and I'm being stroked in the head.


Mimi is hugging me from behind about the sitting Garfiel.

With his jaw over his head, his little palm gently strokes Garfiel's head. Its soft feel makes me feel the pain of being scratched around my skull fade.

"What, are you going to..."

"Mm-hmm. I thought you might want to cry. But look, you can't cry unless you're a man or a place where you can cry - mesmerizing! I forgot where, but your daughter said -!

It seems to be the answer, and it hasn't.

Garfield chooses his words carefully so that his voice does not tremble, lest he tremble.

With that garfiel in his arms, Mimi laughed heedlessly at

"Um, I just forgot where it is. - How, I think it was probably in the woman's mune? I thought I did. Okay? I did! It's the mune of a woman in love, and a man can cry -!

"... who fell in love with a penis like Mei Mei?"

Garfield's thinker is a nasty woman who doesn't turn this one around a bit, doesn't be nice at all when she wants it to be nice, and is suddenly kind only when this one isn't expecting it, and can fist about double that later.

I'm right in front of you, I don't overlap with this girl.

But Mimi smiled at Garfield's answer,

"Mm-hmm, but Dijoboo! Even if Garf isn't in love, because Mimi is in love! Look, a woman in love with a girlfriend! Mimi! That mune! So even if you cry, Dijoboo!


It was an opinion that was too stupid.

What the hell is that? Word games? Is that an excuse for a child? Nothing but reason.

It's nothing, but don't be ridiculous.

Tiger, tiger, where have you been?

Now, come back inside this chest. Do something about this emotion by raising a fierce roar, tapping and pulling your shrinking spine.

Otherwise, or else, we won't be able to make it.


Stop, stop, stop.

I don't want to cry, I don't want to sound weak, I don't want that voice.

I'm a tiger, I'm a tiger. It's the strongest, the best, the toughest, the strongest shield.

That's what

"Mother...... kaaaaa...... bruised......!!

"All right, all right."

"Why not? Wow! Why are you forgetting me? Because of this... I could see you because of this! And call me... forgive me, dude, don't give me that... duh!

"Die Job. Garf, good boy. Good boy!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Tiger, tiger, where have you been?

What do I look like now? Star, moon, sky, tell me.

What do I look like now?

If you're not a barking tiger, what do you look like now -!

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