Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter V.35: Ambush and Surprise

The first blow was struck in unimpeded, and it was stopped with teeth.


Roy Alphardo of 'bulimia' who bites at the tip of the whip and lets him shake his hands in the sky to appeal. Alphardo, Subaru sounds familiar to me, too.

"He's also a star name-- heh!

"Dear Subaru, that story is over! Coming!"

To Subaru, who pulls the whip rampantly, Alphardo unleashes his gains without much untraining. With that Alphardo hanging, Kursch threw in a hundred machetes from across.

A blade of wild wind sweeps away the lobby on the first floor of the city hall and blows up in abundance as the chairs that were lined up and what was on the reception counter are stroked off.

Whether or not, the slaughter strikes relentlessly on Alphardo, who was on range -

"Wow, that's amazing! But it's funny."


The boy avoids the blade of the wind, which should be invisible, by knocking himself back in large measure. Put your head on the floor with the momentum to bridge on the spot and keep going for a spin backwards.

Show me the crowning start structure from a bowed position, face up, and let's go.

"If I use it as a means of attack, my allies are likely to be involved, and I can see it and it's third-rate. It might not look very good to us!

Shortly after I run out of words, Alphardo's body kicking the floor flies like a bullet.

A small body leaps and opens its mouth wide as it peels its sharp dog teeth, illuminating it as if it were a fierce wild dog. But the danger is not the ratio of wild dogs.

Kursch sets the sword vertically and waves down the slash to match its face. However,

"Nice muscle, but not polished enough! It's less than an appetizer for us!

"- Wow!

His right hand is waved against the slaughter, and the Krush sword is played with a tall sound. If you look at it, you can see the cloth wrapped around both hands of Alphardo and the dagger's body sticking out from around his wrist.

Equipped with daggers in both hands, it is a style of fighting utilizing the speed and lightness of a small body.

Contrary to paying the sword, the dagger on the left takes aim at Krush's throat. She twirls and dodges it, but eats the kick of Alphardo turning herself in the air on her shoulders, her thin body blowing up beside her.


"Mr. Krusch!

"That's not the case if you're looking for something else. Instead, you're the easiest target!

Distracted by Krusch slipping down the floor, Alfaldo kicks the ground again for a subaru out of sight. In the darkness, the appearance of the 'bulimia' that just wrapped around the borough is lost in the darkness, and Subaru loses sight of it, but...

"No evil..."

"The best thing about him is he proves his track record when he's lazy."


Alfaldo exposes his own gap instead by targeting Subaru full of gaps.

Subaru, who deplores his powerlessness, vows not to imitate him as if he were ahead, even with blood spinning around his head. To bite off your lips and restrain your own consciousness to the pain and let it strike a blow to the most powerful being on this occasion.

Julius' spike, approaching without sound, is worn on a small body that was hollow.

Alphardo twisted himself in space at once, but the best knight's slaughter aimed vividly at his torso, and 'bulimia' 's body rolled down the floor as he scattered blood.

"Ugh! Damn, I'm surprised -"

"Then let's try to get the surprise to continue. Flowers, my buds!

Julius' stepping in and quasi-spirited pursuit, unspeakable dialogue, to Alfaldo, who rises to slap the floor and fly.

The illuminated lobby is illuminated by a rainbow, and the extreme light from behind Julius stepping in arrives for 'bulimia'.

"Spirit man!

"I hope the gastronomer likes you. Every bud is my pride in blooming big wheels."

"I hear you're disturbed, you don't like it, neither do we!

Watching the extreme light burn the world, Alphardo doesn't fly big as he screams. Julius' thin sword follows him, hunting Alfaldo backwards as the blade released endlessly jumps and tries to escape the range.

"-" Toddler Girl "!

"Don't call me by that name, 'Yuri'!

"Take 'The War Princess' upstairs for me! Stop the broadcast!

We call each other by hiding each other's names and declare that Julius will take on Alphardo.

Hugging a coughing kursch, Subaru can't snort even though he knows it's the most sensible decision.

The boy who jumps around and is in bad shape is a 'bulimic'.

It's always been, it's been an enemy we've been pursuing for over a year. Defeating him must have been the biggest and most important goal for Subaru.

Mimic it -,

"Wow, it took. Good luck, Yuri."


But in advance of such Subaru's Goto, the rising Krush replies that way to Julius. Svalbard, with his face up hah, saw a regrettable colour floating on the side of the Krush in front of him.

Kursch and I are victims of 'bulimia' taking away our memories.

Naturally, you've always thought about clearing up snowflakes you don't remember. Still, I prioritized my responsibilities and entrusted the fight against 'bulimia' to others.

Without emotional theory, it is also clear that there is not enough strength. Everywhere the positions and thoughts of Subaru and Kursch were asked to make choices at the same point at this time.

"Okay, well, I don't know what to do. We're fine together, aren't we? Even a Skasca woman and a Skasca man, if combined, are going to have a belly before their fate. 'Yuri' over there, eating, roaming, eating, licking, licking, eating, biting, chewing, chopping, chewing, drinking! It doesn't seem like a good idea."

"The extra mouth is not to slap. I'm just not going to let you eat this Yuri!

While the limited space is shredded to the extreme light, yet Alphardo laughs in a spare manner. Julius chases it, and each other's swordplay makes steel noises and rambles.

In the meantime, Julius and Subaru's gaze tangled only for a moment with one another.

That gaze against Subaru, I didn't try to tell you anything...

"Oh, shit! All right, man! Oh, my God, you're never gonna lose!

"That's our dialogue. You don't have to lose, but don't die. No, don't let him die."

"Let's go, Dear 'Toddler'!

I scratch my head and even run away with a nasty feeling.

At least I want to get out before Krush, but the pitiful fact is that Krush is also the one who can react to a slight surprise attack.

After Kursch's back, which leaves in front even though he is wounded, Subaru and the others go to the stairs. Last look at Julius and Alfaldo fighting in the lobby before they run up.

The battle looks predominant to Julius. But don't be alarmed.

"Go away!

"- Shit!"

Julius doesn't even notice Subaru's gaze and let him show himself to the end.

He spits inside out that he doesn't like it, and excuses himself for falling down until he complains directly. Then Subaru follows Kursch and takes the stairs to the upper floor all at once.

Vigilant of the ambush, the two go through the dance floor and further up the top floor.

Along the way,

"Dear Subaru, I am sorry. If it's true, you're the most 'bulimic'..."

"Please don't, Mr. Krusch. Nobody thinks Mr. Krush is bad."

Krush speaks softly of such an apology as he peeks at what's going on upstairs. But what I regret is that Krush is the same. Where they apologize, they don't even bury each other's wounds.

When I was apologized for that, I also didn't want to have myself to blame.

"... sorry, Rem. Just give me a minute."

Calling the name of the girl who still sleeps in the mansion, Subaru sends a heartfelt apology.

If it's true, I want to run back now and tear that vicious Bishop of the Great Crimes apart. If doing so brings her back, what's wrong with doing so?

Confusion that would rock a large number of lives and deaths, which would wind up in doing so.

It must have been a lot easier for a single cell to not think about that later.

If you do that, even if you know she'll be mad at you when you wake up.


Kursch says nothing to Subaru, who kills his breath and chews up the emotions that engulf him. Just close your eyes to regret the apology and resume marching ahead of her.

The city hall is a five-story building, and the figure of Subaru and Krush is already on the fourth floor. There are meeting rooms, paperwork rooms, etc. on the halfway floor, and as far as I've checked the dance floor guidance, they can assume that the broadcast room is on the top floor.

In other words:

"That 'lust' will mean there too..."

"Yeah, right. But with the size of this hallway really...?

Peek into the corridor on the fourth floor and Krusch frowns suspiciously.

Her doubts were natural, and Subaru had the same doubts.

The breadth of the aisle on the fourth floor is at best only wide enough for a person to walk side by side with about four people.

The stature of the black dragon looked up from the square was far-sighted, but as elephant. Not very much, but it doesn't seem like it will fit into the aisle of this building.

Regardless, passageways, etc. could be destroying walls without passing through and forcing your body into the room -

"What do you think?

"At least, I think you can assume there's no ambush in the aisle. That's what Mr. Krusch thinks, isn't it? The problem is the ambush in the broadcast room... but go inside and this is all the time that goes by. I'm sure you'll be ready for something."

"... Yes, I think so. Broadcasting room, is that where you set it up"

"If you think of it as definitely a place to come, there's no doubt about it. I just haven't even found the people who were supposed to be in the city hall yet. If you do poorly, so does the hostage operation..."

The more I think about it, the worse situations all come to mind.

This is not all a question of what happens if there is force. Krusch's fighting power stops there, a self-declaration that he can't expect when it comes to magic. Subaru's departure from the front of Beatrice also hurts. Plus, my right leg, if you look closely, is bleeding a lot.

"If you go into a tiger hole, it shouldn't be just as thoughtful. If the battle outside is cleared up, the situation should change once and for all..."

"If that happens, there will no longer be any reason for 'lust' to postpone the broadcast. After all, there's nothing else I can do about it with you and Subaru."

"The Best Way Against Ambush..."

Kursch says forcefully, staring at Subaru.

Feeling something barometric in its feverish gaze, Subaru breathed.

"Um, Mr. Krusch?

"Wilhelm is asking me. It is in this situation that Subaru is the one who derives the optimal solution. I believe so, too."

"Trust is heavy!

Wilhelm's overestimation even rides Kursch's expectations of forgetting Subaru when he was underrated.

Subaru thinks to the best of his time, not clearly separated, but not left, as he is about to be crushed by the weight of the expectations placed on him.

And I made up my mind.

"What can you do against an ambush..."


"If the opponent waits this way as normal... this way, let's break that obvious"

- There are several important elements in the ambush.

First, a place to ambush. This is an essential element first, because it is a method of warfare consisting in the idea of waiting and unilaterally attacking enemies from an advantage point.

Then the certainty that a hostile figure will appear at the ambush point. We started the ambush because of it, but we can't talk about it without the key opponent showing up there.

And guess what time that adversary will visit the ambush site. I kept ambushing him and my concentration was interrupted, then I can't do the best I can.

If we therefore assume that 'lust' is ambushing, this time it would mean that all three of those elements are met.

No matter what happens to Subaru, he needs to go into the Broadcasting Room for a limited amount of time. For the ambushing side, there is no situation where prey can be hunted so easily.

"So we need to destroy that situation"

"That, I know.... No, I'm a nobleman too. For once, I decided to believe in Master Subaru, so I won't say it forever. I'll take care of it."

Top floor with broadcast room - one more upstairs.

In other words, he appeared on the rooftop through the top floor, where Subaru and Kursch were preparing to execute the plan to collapse the opponent's operation.

Kursch, who was baffled at first by Subaru's suggestion, was also apparently ready. The thought-provoking goodness around here is the same beauty as it was before and still is before I lost my memory.

"I'm actually your cousin who saw what was going on at the square."

'Cause if we can be seen down there, our actions will be meaningless.'

From the side of the square you can hear the slight noise of steel meeting to this height and the cursing of Garfiel. I mean, the battle is still ongoing. I can't expect their help.


Looking around the rooftop, Subaru pulled his jaw to the point of becoming.

The claw marks left here on the ground would be traces of black dragons walking around sideways unattended. The fence and iron fence on the side of the square are wiped out by Julius' unleashed magic damage.

Thinking of it as a horrible force, Subaru bypassed the rooftop as it was to the opposite side of the square. In the space on that side, as far as checking the intervals, there is a broadcast room.

Naturally, Capella should be waiting for the Subaru to run up there,

"Dear Subaru"

"What su? If you're ready, just a little bit more."

"I just noticed one thing."


Kursch slightly lowers the tone of his voice behind Subaru, who is working fine on the iron fence. When Subaru looked at you surprised, she looked at Subaru with a slightly stronger face,

"Me, I don't seem to like high places. Let's get this over with."

"An unexpected weakness… Roger that. Ready, ready."

Make sure it's securely fixed and Subaru nods at Krush. Then she nodded with a slightly stiff face, softly jumping into Subaru's chest spreading her arms,

- Please don't let me go.

"Mr. Krusch, you shouldn't say much about that because you mislead a man."


He grins bitterly at Krush leaning down his neck and Subaru exhales all the time. Then he took charge of Krush's body leaning against his chest and stepped out of the iron fence with momentum as it was.

Naturally, the two bodies are pulled by gravity, straight up against the ground along the wall of the building - on their way down, the length of the whip tangled in Subaru's arm reaches its limit.

"- Huh!"

Supporting the weight for both of them, Subaru is in the mood for shoulders that are about to come off. The momentum of the fall is oblique, and the two bodies arc loudly to the walls of the city hall. There it is, in the window of the broadcast room and the reckoned room, Subaru stretches out his legs and smashes them...



Subaru and Kursch's body rolled into the broadcast room as they punched through the window fragments. For a moment, I felt like Krush screamed small, but Subaru let her go in his arms pretending he hadn't heard it.

The two of us lay hands on the floor, look around the room instantly and find it.

"- Eh."

The appearance of a black dragon staring open and stiff at the two people who jumped in.

Black Dragon, who was shoving the stupid big figure of the street he saw on the roof into the room, folding his wings and bringing his neck, was apparently pointing that cannon at the door from the aisle.

Perhaps it was a calculation to burn and kill the Subaru who entered the room correctly from there, but the aim is said to have been completely removed.

Instead, too big a figure gets in the way, which is unfavourable in a small, unfavourable room.

The Black Dragon tries to respond to the Subaru who find themselves, spreading their wings,

"Mr. Krusch!


Freed from the fear of heights, Kursch unleashes a slaughter in response to heights.

A blade of wind flashes the wings of a black dragon from its roots, and yet more leaping Krush severs the black dragon's forefoot by a direct blow, 'lust' screams, and more and more black blood erupts.


"Dangerous! Get down...... ahhh!?

A cappella that shakes its wings and neck and destroys the room, screaming in pain.

It's a somewhat larger room than a normal room, but if an elephant-comparable organism storms around, it can't be that durable. Being caught up in that destruction, Subaru, with his head, tries to escape that destruction, but he realizes it.

- Under the feet of a black dragon, a tied girl is desperately twisting herself.


The tear-eyed girl and Subaru's eyes matched perfectly.

Moment after moment, when 'lust' ended the first ambush attack with failure, I realized I was preparing a valid hostage against this one, and my anger caught fire.

Concentration is sharpened and Subaru's body chooses to move forward rather than escape.

I managed to scratch my tail through my head and slip under the girl under Black Dragon's feet. He holds up his trembling little body and then slaps the black dragon on the back of his head with a whip he put back on hand. I don't see any damage. I just feel a little bit better.

But Kursch's blow isn't.

"Wait! Wait! This is not... Huh!

"No questions asked! Bring chaos and disaster to the city, take its reward!

Kursch's blade will not be tolerated by the black dragon, who slowly embraces his head with human odor behavior.

The more he clapped out about how brittle the more he turned to his guard, the more defenseless and helpless Capella exposed himself to the steel blade.

Another wing carrying his head is half-cut, and Krush's thin, long legs kick that body screaming. How different from Subaru's leg strength, the giant rocked back by its power, to the window opposite the Subaru's smashed through.

Both wings of the Black Dragon have not yet begun to regenerate.

Instead of hustling about immortality, its regenerative power was not fast enough to be considered a threat.

"That's it -!"

"Wait -"

Without hearing, Krush's multiple slaughters of running threw the black dragon's torso, his neck, wings, and his giant against the wall, collapsing every window frame and throwing it out.

The black dragon, which smashes and blows the wall, spread its wings loosely, but is made to look like a hook tear from the roots on one side and vertically on the other, not in a condition to withstand flight.

"- Eh."

The playback is not on time as it is, and the black dragon falls at once without even being able to raise his voice.

Only seconds later, the sound of 'lust' being slapped to the ground arrives. It's like dropping a wet rag on the floor so the meat can be tapped against the wall.

"Confirm and be vigilant. Lord Subaru took the child."

"Oh, oh, okay"

Kursch walks over to the window frame where the black dragon fell and doesn't turn off his guard. While feeling worthy of relying on her hindsight, Subaru gently releases the girl she recovers from the current commotion.

Then the girl made her eyes black and white and looked up at Subaru with a frightened face that she did not know what state she was in.

I can't help it. Everyone deserves to be scared of the experience of being stared at by a dragon.

"I'm fine. The bad dragon now, my strong sister took it out on me. I can't even take it very slowly... but who else?

"Oh, uh..."

"It may be hard to believe, but I'm on your side. I'm here to help you. I have to clean up a lot before the scared ones come back. Can you help me?

Kneel down, align the height of your gaze with the girl, and speak calmly in the tone of your voice.

It's a subaru, unconscious act of harmony that is missed by wonders and childhood groups. to that Subaru attitude. Did the girl also regain some calm, breathe a few gasps before

"Oh, your room over there...... guys, there"

"Are you trapped? The..."

The girl's fingering room is a small room further behind the broadcast room.

I guess this room is not the broadcast room, rather. Big room, but I don't see anything like broadcast equipment. It's a magic apparatus, but it's nowhere to be seen. Perhaps this is the broadcast prep room, where the girl's fingering room is an official broadcast room or something.

Subaru hesitated to speak ahead of the inquiry into the girl as he glanced at you. What we tried to keep ahead was confirmation of the lives and deaths of trapped people.

But it's too cruel to ask a girl that, and I don't have enough thought.

Subaru strokes the head of the girl still shaking, then slowly heads to the room.


His heart rattles high and fast, Subaru notices his back scratching sweat gently.

You weren't so nervous about the voluntary Tarzan jump, but it was strange to find yourself suddenly thirsty. I have a bad feeling, a horrible feeling doesn't go away.

"Master Subaru?

"I'm fine. Check right away. What about" lust "?

"...... this one is fine too. For some reason, you don't move while you're dressed like you fell."

Kursch responds with vigilance to the 'lust' under his eyes. Upon hearing the answer, Subaru took a deep breath to the front of the room, and reached for the door knob.

It is possible that there are still witches lurking inside the broadcast room. With that in mind, it's not a better option for Subaru to inspect the room this way either.

But the certainty was in my chest for some reason that I wouldn't have to worry about it. And in fact, the idea wasn't wrong.

'Cause there's actually no witch figure in there, and it was there...



The silent gaze at Subaru is massive.

No, I just thought you might be watching. Subaru has no idea how that is observing the world. I don't even want to know.

I'm just out of line. I didn't have a voice. This is what losing words is all about. My thoughts froze and I couldn't think of anything. But there's something I've figured out.

- It's the identity of the sound I was hearing behind my deaf voice when I heard it on the air at the shelter.

"- So, this"

Its sound echoes in the room as it responds to Subaru, who makes a plundering voice.

That sounds like you're welcoming Subaru, you're afraid, you're refusing, you're happy, you don't feel anything -.

Countless feathers echo into the broadcast room.

In the dim room, I felt like I was staring at Subaru with a large number of red, glowing double-eyed eyes.

Like filling the broadcast room, there was a massive amount of wax there.

It's also as big as a human being, but many, many, many...

"- Ahhh!!

"- Huh!"

Behind Subaru, where consciousness fills the void, a sudden scream arose.

Subaru looked back and looked as he pushed the squealers into the room who made him jump on his shoulders and slam their oversized wings in response to a scream.

"Kehaha! Baka, baka! I don't have enough scum meat - I just twisted my head, so I can beat Ataxi by comparing wisdom to brain miso. I can even pack it with sugar instead of brain miso. It's called cancer! Ha ha!"

The girl laughed high with a kerakera and a deaf voice and laid an extinguishing krush under her feet.

The familiar spicy voice is indisputable,

"Capella chan du su! Ha-ha-ha!"

At the foot of the cappella, where he gave out his tongue and winked and decided to pose, Kursch was spitting a large amount of blood out of his mouth and peeling his white eyes.

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