Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter V.43: Pre-flux Circumstances

"I'm sorry I can't help you when it's at stake. I just reflect on my own unfaithfulness."

Reinhardt apologizes in the wake of everyone who was indoors.

Everyone lost sight of a slight word in the figure of a bowing sword saint. It's easy to throw a word of denial at his apology. But it's hard to even follow through with just your mouth.

In fact, the fact that Reinhardt was absent these past few hours, when he wanted enough power to get his hands out of his throat, remains unchanged.

If I had his powers at the time of the city hall attack, I couldn't help but think so.

So even a denial just on the tip of your mouth doesn't come out of anyone's mouth easily.


"It's true, you idiot. How much trouble do you think we're in without you?"

Except for Subaru, who walked over to the red hero and smashed his chest.

With his fist on his chest, Reinhardt looks sorry for Subaru. Subaru snorted at his appearance, seemingly scolded and shuddered.

"Besides, if you're going to do it anyway, you should be here soon enough. Thanks to you, you're the feather of a speech that doesn't fit the character at all. If it's true, it's your job too."

"I'm sorry.... but it was a good speech like yours. Assuming I was asked to do the same, I couldn't have done that much courageous broadcast. You're right."

"I don't think you and I have the same role in the broadcast that we're looking for."

Subaru pokes his bitter grin at Reinhardt's chest again. Then he stuck his finger on the nose of a hero who lay his eyes down.


"... what"

"You've come a hundred manpower, but a thousand manpower. That's about as good as letting me hope, right? I'm counting on you, huh?


A force comparable to 10,000 helpers. Subaru's hundred manpower, even a thousand manpower ratings, are easy.

Reinhardt blinked his blue eyes at that Subaru expectation inquiry. But the confusion also disappears quickly, and Reinhardt loosens his lips to laughter.

"Oh, I want you to count on me. If that's what you want, I'll take care of it."

"Why don't you stop saying things that seem to please the rotters? Well, no. … so let's all say what we want to say now."

Subaru looks back, laughing at Reinhardt on his face, whose first strain has disappeared. He looked around at the other facial rashes he couldn't say anything about until then, pointing to Reinhardt.

"At times like this, it's so hard to be careless. He wants to piss me off. There's no chance I can scold Kensei. Finally. Do it."


"If you snore enough, let's talk. - Talk about helping everyone."

Tighten your chest and Subaru will say so.

A sign that someone is breathtaking about that attitude. Only Garfiel and Otto could see that they would break up with the vulnerabilities of Subaru that they were accustomed to hearing.

Well, one or two, just about as good as there are guys who are seeing through my heart.

Because that's the kind of speech you just gave that you don't have to carry in.

Then there was the individual narrative to Reinhardt (details to be omitted) and once again there was a discussion to recapture the city.

That said, there is no noticeable improvement other than the rendezvous between Reinhardt and Otto. The number of enemies you have to attack is the same as the policy of simultaneous attack with control.

"By the way, where and what was Reinhardt doing during this commotion?

Becoming a car seat, Subaru cuts out like that at the beginning of the discussion.

Reinhardt's expression clouded the inquiry. Today, all those faces.

"Felt's not with me, and I've got a lot to ask. Oh, I'm not blaming you, am I? On that occasion, I was going to pour it into the water."

"Regardless of how Natsuki-kun put it, that's something we care about, too. I don't think" Kensei "was scared to hide, but I want a reason to be convinced."

Anastasia rides on Subaru's question. From the anastasian attitude that sidelines this one, apparently she's also getting reports from Julius.

Just before the noise broke out, we talked about two people, Reinhardt and Felt, in contact with Heinkel.

In response to this question, the cloudy look on Reinhardt's face would be proof of that.

The same goes for Wilhelm, but the way the Astreas treat Heinkel is very poorly toothed. I don't know what to say, but the way you treat it is like...

"After more than a decade of pulling, he's like an old parent who can only treat his son like a swollen..."

"I'm afraid Mr. Natsuki is jumping into some weird paranoia, but what do you want to do? If Mr. Reinhardt seems to be having a hard time talking, I'll talk to him."

Otto, who raised his hand, has interrupted Subaru, who recalls footage like an evening news show pull feature. His caring gaze is geared to Reinhardt, and his talk is like a circumstantial gesture.

"No, I've been with you and Reinhardt, but I didn't expect you to be with me during the noise?

"No, it's not like that, is it? It was my last rendezvous with Mr. Reinhardt... and I'm pretty much aware of the situation."

"Thank you, Otto. But this is my house problem. Sure, it's hard to talk about, but I'll be the one to talk about it."

To a considerate otto, Reinhardt shook his head to the side and rejected the suggestion.

Then he meditates and corrects his posture after a beat.

"First of all, I've said it many times, but let me apologize again. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to rendezvous for hours when I was in the first position to cooperate. Deep, I'm taking it."

"... on that point, our views are as we communicated earlier. I can't forgive everything without anything wrong. But I need you in the battle ahead. If you want to spare yourself, I want you to prove it by fighting."

"Let me do that, Julius.... When there was the first broadcast of witchcraft, me and Lady Felt were being called to the corner of Second Avenue. He's with Lieutenant Heinkel."

Reinhardt, who began to speak, called Heinkel the deputy commander so with a hard voice.

Being a father and a son is a well-known fact. Still, it was enough to make him realize that what was between the two of them was inseparable from a mere parent-child relationship.

"After that fight, Felt answered the call a lot, didn't he?

"Master Felt should have sincerely wanted to refuse, too. However, if the matter was considered to be about the Lord's authority in Astraire, there was no option to reject it. I didn't know what kind of demands would be made... but Master Felt escorted me to the rendezvous point."

"So how did the discussion come together..."

"I'm sorry, but that's just the part about being too involved in the inner affairs of the king's race. It would help if you let me avoid mentioning it. It just wasn't a very good discussion"

Reinhardt's voice drops and the difficulty of discussing it can be detected somewhat.

It doesn't have to be, it's a felt that was hostile on top of being forthright. Heinkel's inferior humanity goes hand in hand, and the dispute over the discussion is not hard to imagine.

In the middle of such a discussion -,

"There was the first broadcast, from witchcraft. At the same time I doubted my ears, I thought I had to move quickly. In fact, I was trying to get out of here as soon as there was an emergency. The other squire told me the means to call me if I had to."

That means of calling is a signal one day that magic will be launched into the sky.

At the emergence of Sirius, if Latins ever launched the signal, Reinhardt rushed to the scene in about thirty seconds. There are no lies in that word.

Even so, Reinhardt didn't move when he heard the obvious malice of broadcasting witchcraft. He did not rush to the scene and, on the contrary, kept silent for hours.

What the hell, why was that?

"You knew the broadcast was coming from the city hall. At that point, you should have had the option to rush into the city hall.... Why didn't you come?


I'm not blaming you. I intend to, but my questioning voice was stiff.

Not much, I have something to think about. With the presence of Reinhardt in the strategy of the city government building, which was extremely fierce - it should be noted that there was no damage to Kursch in fighting suffering now. Subaru's right leg may also have had to accept an unknown anomaly.

I don't know, Subaru isn't the only one with a tighter gaze.

In the gaze of everyone in the room, Reinhardt squeezed his mouth, which he had spoken fluently until then, and lay his eyes down again.

Eyes bordered by long lashes make the words ahead hesitate.

Still, the hero twisted the grid down in just a few seconds, mouthing the continuation of the interrupted words.

"- Lieutenant Heinkel took Master Felt hostage."


"It's my irrevocable failure. Master Felt's pattern was held down and his sword was stuck around his neck to seal his movements. So I couldn't move."

I could clearly see why Reinhardt was distressed to say that word.

He held his loyal master hostage at the hands of a father who was no other.

How much humiliation and disgrace has annoyed Reinhardt's heart?

"... I mean, what? Um, does that mean the deputy captain was a witchcraft?

In response to a confession of shock, Subaru muttered as he speculated through Reinhardt's heart.

What a cruel fact that is. I had heard stories of witchcraft lurking in the city well and not knowing who was a Christian. But I don't even want to think about it showing up inside me.

Aside from Petergius, I think that stronger now that I know the reality of the Bishop of the Great Crimes.

Because witchcraft is all about roots, from the bottom of your belly, and human scum.

"- If it was, what do you think? I wonder how my heart was."


But Subaru's conclusion - to the reasoning that about half of those present were convinced, Reinhardt responded with a narrative that caught on somewhere.

Subaru is surprised by his attitude. But the other half - Anastasia, Julius, and Otto - had different concluded faces.

"The deputy chief is not a witchcraft associate. … At least I didn't see any element from what I've said since I detained Master Felt to make a peek at it"

"Nah, stupid. No, you don't have to be stupid... then why? Why are you holding Felt hostage? What's the point of that?"

Is there, Subaru realized, trying to go on.

The expression of depressed Reinhardt and Otto and his nasty face. I'm putting them in the edge of my eyes, and I want to laugh at the conclusions that have come out.

I can't laugh it off. I can't save you. Heinkel's actions, then,

"No way, because I wanted to keep you nailed to that place?


"The witchcraft broadcast showed that the city was in danger... so you wanted to keep the strongest fighting force at hand to protect yourself quickly?

"... the deputy commander said. Your dear Lord and father are here. You abandon it and run to them who don't even know your face"

"Is that what your father says!!

Boiling, Subaru slapped his fist on the floor.

I repeat this all day, all in the morning, all face-to-face with this fervour. But I didn't expect you to feel this anger until someone unrelated to witchcraft.

"There was no word to say back. Regardless, you said Mr. Felt was clear. I don't care about myself, I want you to go help the others. - Still, it was my intention to stay there. I'm the one to blame."

"Why does that happen! You're determined by everyone here to know who's wrong!

"Still, I'm the one who chose it."

To the yelling Subaru, Reinhardt does not give up his responsibilities.

I guess the stubborn Reinhardt is no longer going to bend that point no matter what this one says. Subaru tongues in frustration and calms his feelings abusively.

"Anyway, that put me in an adhesive state. Nothing has stood out since then. I can't deal with any further broadcasts... I wonder if I've been badly scolded by Master Felt"

"I'm not with you, Felt. Who is it?

Anastasia asked the bitter Reinhardt.

With her collar-wrapped, emotionally illegible expression, she cares about Felt's location, which is not present on this occasion.

"Don't do that. Do it for hours, and you should be pretty mentally tired. I think Reinhardt has cleared up the problem."

"Yeah, that's right. Master Felt has now joined his squire at the shelter. The deputy commander is also in custody to keep an eye on the Felts."

"Restraint... you got him"

"I had it spoiled for about that. Without Otto's help, I don't think I'd have been able to achieve that either."

"Is Otto's name coming up here?"

Subaru frowns at Otto's name, which so far showed no sign of appearance. Speaking of Otto, he was gently coughing up his turn to get attention.

"That's why. Even so, my arrival at the scene was the result of coincidences. However, I also knew the relationship between the three of you, so I just looked at the situation and understood the general situation."

Astrea family issues and Felt territorial circumstances.

In addition, Heinkel witnessed a scene where he was holding Felt hostage and holding Reinhardt back. Even if the blood spills poorly, you'll understand what the occasion is.

"I know the worst thing about witchcraft is that Mr. Reinhardt can't help you. At the same time it caught my blood, I had to do something about it."

"So Otto distracts me and somehow releases the felt. So Reinhardt can move, and to this day... So, okay?

"Fortunately, there was also a big speech by Mr. Natsuki, so I didn't have to worry about the rendezvous point. I wish I could have moved faster, but I had a lot of things."

Terminally, but also Reinhardt pulled his jaw on Otto's contribution.

It is also a lot of silver otto that works uninhabited where people have not seen it.

"How come Brother Otto hasn't done this before? Honestly, Otto, you're walking around the city with the strength of my brother, and suicide is a good idea."

"There was an excessive twist about it... no, let's talk"

Coughed in, Otto pointed outside the city hall.

"As planned in the morning, I was on my own at the Muse Chamber of Commerce. To ask Mr Kiritaka and I to resume negotiations again, right? I had a cold head after one night over there, so the renegotiation promise was going to be mounted without so much problem..."

"Was it?

From the way the words are cut, Subaru assumes that the broadcast came in there.

But Otto shook his head to the side and said.

"Witchcraft appeared in Third Avenue Square, including the Muse Chamber of Commerce...... the Bishop of the Great Crimes. This is the form the witchcraft raid was exposed by the noise caused by the person"

"The Bishop of the Great Crimes......!? You mean before the broadcast?

"Yes, that's right, before the broadcast"

Surprised, Otto nodded at Subaru as he embarked on himself.

But if you think about it, it's not an unlikely development. The same can be said for Sirius and Regulus when it comes to the Bishop of the Great Crimes, who had begun his activities before the broadcast.

Apart from the capella, which would have raided the city hall, all the major crime bishops who were free could have been operating in Pristella -

"Wait, Otto"


Otto's gaze brings a sinking colour to Subaru, who has lost his voice tone.

That caring attitude of his had affirmed the imagination that came to Subaru's mind.

The two Sirius and Regulus could not be because they had encountered the Subaru. Capella should also have participated in the raid on the city hall.

Then there is only one candidate for the Bishop of the Great Crimes who showed up before Otto.

"Did you come across the Bishop of the Great Crimes of 'Rapture'?"

"... Yes. That's what he named himself. There's no reason to fool me, and I think you were right. The Bishop of the Great Crimes named in the Great Square still looked like a child to me."

Otto's testimony is consistent with Subaru's seen Roy Alfaldo.

I don't even want to know about the selection criteria for the Bishop of the Great Crimes or anything, but 'bulimia' was at least a child in appearance. A child dressed in thin, dirty clothes, wrapped around a cloak. Disgusting, child.

"At first someone nearby cautioned me if I was an careless child. I was guarding the Muse Chamber of Commerce, so I think he was one of the 'White Dragon Scales'. The person was the first to get screwed over by 'bulimia'. Literally, it's Peppa."


"If one person goes flat, one can only believe whether or not it responds. Immediately, the White Dragon Scale mobilized around us, but we didn't talk about it."

A blue-faced otto speaks few words about the tragedy.

"Rapture" seems to have knocked down mercenaries who are unconstitutionally challenged, as if they were dancing. Even more frightening is the smell of 'bulimia' - the smell of not letting the prey escape.

"That was the situation, so whoever was on the street tried to escape first. But he wouldn't allow it. I honestly don't really know what I did. But even to those who are away, the 'bulimia' attack was devoured. It's the same in buildings."

"What was the purpose?

After listening accidentally, Subaru realizes that was a meaningless question.

There's no consistency in their purpose in witchcraft. In fact, Otto also did not hold the answers to Subaru's questions together and shook his neck sideways.

"Come on, what was it? Anyway, it was important. Even as you flee the scene, the moment you show your back, the attack can arrive. It's a little fatal.... I don't think I would have been here without Mr. Kiritaka."

"Kiritaka did something to you?

"You must have been a careful person originally. A hidden passage leading from the inside of the building to an underground waterway was provided in the Muse Chamber of Commerce's chairman's office. I escaped from there, using a boat. [M] When I ran away, I saw Mr. Kiritaka's back slashed."


"From Third Avenue, that means he escaped with a crawling body that crawled intact. Then there was a witchcraft broadcast, which made me unable to move around the city in a detour, and I was walking around the town carefully anyway. And that's when I finally came across the scene."

Does that mean the scene where Reinhardt was sealed of motion?

That's where the story leads, and at the same time Subaru understands that Otto managed to survive another ordeal.

However, in my current story, I cared.

"How could Kiritaka have gotten me that far? From the current story, he let Otto escape until he sacrificed himself. That sounded like it to me."

"... Yes, I am. Mr. Kiritaka stood up and let me go. The last one was slaughtered because he pushed me under the floor and took refuge."

"Why did you get so far..."

In Subaru, there is little image of Kiritaka. Even if it's a slight image, it's about fixed in a scene where you've turned your face blue, turned your voice upside down, upset and thrown demon ore at you. I don't think that's all about him or anything.

I could put my body up for others and do something, I never looked that strong a man.

"There may have been a merchant insistence because he was a guest who invited him inside the Chamber of Commerce, but I'm sure that's another reason for the genuine part. More, easier to understand."

"Why is it easy to understand?"

"Don't you see? It's Mr. Natsuki."

To the bewildered Subaru, Otto unequivocally affirmed the answer.

Subaru gets upset by his name, which pops up abruptly.

to that Subaru reaction, Otto laid his eyes on some remorse,

"Before the presence of the Bishop of the Great Crimes, there is more to observe in Mr. Kiritaka's heart that he saw his men get hit. However, I think there was at the same time a sense of purpose that something had to be done. It was Natsuki who made it his hope."


"In the encounter the day before, Kiritaka knew about Natsuki's stay. The same goes for the feat of defeating 'Laziness'. Then it is the natural flow that binds us to hope. The first thing that got me out of here was expecting someone to connect me to Natsuki."

Otto's explanation makes sense, and he's getting into Subaru's chest.

But it's only a matter of reason.

I know it by my head. When I carry it, I'm sure I've made that decision.

But even once again? Do they all want it in Subaru?

Do you expect the fate of a city, you tiny, irresistible bastard?

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Natsuki, do you?

Unexpectedly, such a voice pulls off the subaru with a cynical grin.

Otto looked straight, peeking into Subaru. He looked at the look on his tense Subaru's face and let him shrug his shoulders,

"Mr. Kiritaka is the head class of the city, and I think he put a lot of heads around it. Mr. Natsuki also knows how to carry the fate of a city. But I'm sure what Kiritaka expects from Natsuki is simpler."

"... what?

"It's decided. For Mr. Kiritaka, this is a city with women who like it. Before defending the city, what he expected from Mr. Natsuki was the safety of a woman he liked."


"That's what he said when he pushed me into the floor."

I guess Otto wants to say that he feels too much for Subaru.

I thought I had borne the fate of the city on my own, and I saw Subaru flutter in its weight. And out of the blue, it poked hard at Subaru's heart, which I had in mind.

My face gets hot and Subaru embarrasses herself.

What's the fate of the city, what's the hopes and expectations of the masses, is ridiculous.

Cities, what a foolishness to see what is only in form and what you have to bear.

It's not just such a hard word on the upper edge that Subaru has to protect, it's each and every one that shapes it. There is one life, another life.

And each of those lives has someone important to save that connection.

"Would it be easier if I thought about carrying a small countless, not a big one?

"Awesome. It's a different way of thinking, but I'm starting to feel something."

Otto's auxiliary performance is too high for Subaru to really get his head up.

Subaru's face, which was on the leaning side, turned upwards, and Otto seems satisfied with the result.

"What, looks like a good relationship. I did a little jealous watching. Wow."

I look at one paragraph of the story and Anastasia comes to tear it up that way. Subaru and Otto, who had been in the car seat but had almost talked face to face, reflected on it.

Then again, poking everyone in the face, Anastasia tilted her neck.

"Nevertheless, from what I'm talking about... I wonder if the Muse Chamber of Commerce is Akan"

"I don't know, that's the truth. I saw Mr. Kiritaka get slaughtered, too, until the wound was life-threatening."

"Is the purpose of 'bulimia' just futile to think about? I can't believe he went on that outrage for no reason."

It was Julius with a rugged face who sandwiched his mouth.

I care that it was a somewhat definitive statement.

"Don't eat strangely. Something, is that even a basis?

"... No, I can't say there's a clear reason. Just an impression of a sword crossing in a city hall, I guess. He thinks he shouldn't just be a delightful criminal."

Subaru agrees with that. He's not just a delight offender, he's a vicious delight offender.

Although the most impression seems to be a different answer from what Julius assumes.

"According to the broadcast, the demand for 'bulimia' was about artificial spirits, right? No way, is it possible to look for it?

"If it's just a possibility. However, if there are more problems than that, we should doubt the existence of that 'artificial spirit' in the first place. Are you sure there is such a thing?

Reinhardt's story enters Subaru, where he speaks of a motive that comes to mind.

That his doubts would have been those of a large number of people who heard that broadcast request.

The answer to that is that only Subaru and Anastasia hold together on this occasion. Subaru accidentally looks at Anastasia's face, but Anastasia is just the softface she's used to. I'm not going to reveal it, is it?

"- Excuse me, just one"

It's just that in front of Subaru, who gets lost in judgment, Otto was raising his hand and drawing attention.

He spills a breath around giving up as he seeps a little anxiety into that look.


"As for the artificial spirit, I don't know either. But it was in a different demand, a request for 'anger', the Book of Wisdom..."

So I cut the words once and hesitated slightly before Otto said.

"Excuse me. - I'm the one who brought it into this city."

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