Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Lizero EX: Fortune Roll Rhapsody

Rigel, when he got home, saw the sight of the living room and immediately wanted to turn around and turn right.

The desire to throw everything out and go home springs up mightily, but unfortunately it was an event at home, and it was also an inescapable fate.

"Fu Fu?


"Fu fu fu fu fu fu fu fu fu"

"I didn't say that! What are you doing? What ritual? When I got back, my own father stuffed me with sticks all over his mouth. Did you ever think about my son's feelings?!?

A father who gets up and circles around with things stuffed in his mouth - Rigel spits and yells at Subaru. Subaru shrugs his shoulders at such a son's defiant attitude.

"Fu fu fu..."

"Come on, stop pretending!

"Fuckin '... you're a bastard with no sense of style. I'm sure you'll regret having such a cold personality from the time of the kid. Think of yourself in shaky times. When I grow up, I care about my eyes and lose all my freedom..."

"That's the least I can do to convince my father! How many this year! How long are you free! When are you gonna get the ability to care about people!

Natsuki Subaru, who should be approaching the thirtieth road of the year but still does not know how to calm down.

Adults who sneeze around at all costs with Rigel and friends his age are embarrassed by Rigel at his age. More like the parents in other houses, I want you to calm down.

Well, if you calm down, you calm down. Now I think I suspect you're sick.

"So, what kind of weird festival did you come up with this time?"

"Come on, son. You, are you a little esper? Have you acquired the skills to read my mind? Otherwise, how could my actions be a festival..."

"At least I want it to be some kind of event! I wouldn't like it if my own father were the one who would greet you with a thick stick mouth for no reason! In the first place, what's the purpose of this..."

With a bump, Rigel picks up a mysterious object that Subaru had been in his mouth until earlier. And, it was unexpected softness and elasticity, and Rigel, with a strange face, immediately came to the point of its identity.

"... noori roll?

"That's right, it's a roll. He said he looked like he wanted something. Okay, you can eat if you want. Fortunately, that's still a prototype. There's nothing for the key book Chang, so if you're hungry, fill it up."

"Even if I'm hungry, I don't want to eat a roll because my dad's been around for a long time... if it's Spica or Mom, it's still there."

"You, you're only eight years old, and you're too early to defy your man parents? Even I respected my father when I was still around that age... did I pay you? How'd it go?

"I don't know! I mean, what kind of weird festival is it this time! I'm Ben Chang!

Subaru shrugs his shoulders and laughs at the pursuit of the unforgiving Rigel.

On the table in the living room, the white plates were stacked with a number of rolls, and Subaru said, showing them, which were his own handmade.

"It's settled. Promise second only to the Festive Beanstalk - yes, it's the Keifang Roll campaign!

"Keifang Roll, is it? What kind of festival is that?

Returning from shopping, Rem leans his neck toward Subaru's story as he holds a grumpy spica. Spica is holding her long blue hair with her little hand, and it's a act as she softly unties it.

In a living room full of four members of the Natsuki family, it is a seat surrounded by rolls loaded on a plate.

"Explain it before, and you remember the verses you actually did, right? Event about putting the beans on and inviting the happiness of the year home and driving the disaster out"

"Of course I remember. Subaru-kun never thought of trying to kick Rem out...... Rem's heart was very, very broken. This grief, it's not so easy to heal. Have a date."

Subaru laughs bitterly at Rem for pretending to be a jerk.

It's my daughter-in-law's lovely treat. Accepting it is the right to happiness with the duty of a good husband.

"I'll always be happy with that. So, you're off tomorrow or what? Tomorrow? Speaking of which, the Temple of the Spirit at the end of town, it's been beautifully renovated."

"Yes. It seems that more customers are taking a leg after Svalbard's job has struck out something called bondage to the front. My husband has a fine job and Lem has a high nose."

"If I did, would I pray even more for the bond between me and Rem, though they're already tied? It's a date for two. What, if it's about Spica, it's okay. Rigel from Cisco will take a good look."

"Subaru kun...... I'm glad. Looking forward to it."

"Can I have it back?!?

Rigel, who was patient, explodes into his parents who derail and go into drawing up a date plan.

Rigel shouting suddenly, but Subaru and Rem are used to it and have no major reactions. On the contrary, I've gotten used to even Spica, and it doesn't have any effect on Oodle.

In other words, Rigel's cry was more of a wooden spirit - a condition.

"Rigel, don't shout too suddenly. When you're young, you can suddenly get puffy blood vessels in your head when you grow up."

"Ugh! Even if it's patient, it's puffy! Then at least let him scream!

"Rigel, what a way to speak to your father. Besides, you're not having that attitude outside, are you? Your friends and no one will ever lean on someone who's always angry. Like your father, you have to be a nice guy. Oh, but you'll never beat Subaru, so don't be disappointed."

"I'm disappointed that I was comforted! What did I do?

Rigel, knocked out by his parents aligned, throws his body out and rolls to sleep on the floor. Svalbard coughs up again as Rem laughs at his son, who is in a completely fuzzy mode, and rests his totally asleep spica.

"So, it's Rigel's only wish, so I'll fix the track of the story, but I'm talking about the Keifang roll. A ritual in which the beanstalk of versatility calls for happiness and keeps disaster away. On the other hand, this Keifang roll is also an anniversary event, but it's a little bit more minor."

"You mean another ritual, on the same anniversary?

"With Soyuko. My local neighborhood often divides opinions between the west and the east. Keifang rolls and beanstalk are one such thing. Bean curls in the east and Keifang curls in the west. However, I think you can incorporate as many good things as you want, so in the image of doing both"

"Yes, that's Subaru. It's nice not to hesitate to pick it up."

Rem praises Subaru with a smaller applause so as not to arouse spica. Rem puts his finger on his cheek and tilts his little neck "so".

"When I was a beanstalk, I needed beans, but is this noodle roll on the euphemism roll?

"Even when I'm beanstalk, I really have a lot more to prepare for. By the same time next year, I'll have negotiated to have those beans purchased again, so I need you to have some ghost pasta and some ghost pants ready for a more careful underneath."

To enjoy the festival to its fullest, Natsuki Subaru's wasted power of action is limitless.

Rem stared inadvertently at Subaru burning energy unnecessarily, and Subaru, often immersed in his thoughts, shook his head in haste.

"No, no. This time we're talking about Keifang Roll. Yes, as Rem said, this time I prepared it on behalf of the beans, which will be rolled in this one. When I say Keifang roll, you mean this noodle roll. Rem, what do you notice when you look at this noodle roll?

"Right. It's so black and big and fat."

"One more time"

"-? You're so black, big and fat"

"My daughter-in-law is honest, cute and unconsciously horny..."

Rem doesn't know his face to Subaru, who bites off smudges and emotions.

Either way, this was the end of the conversation that was not worthy of the child's emotional education, and Subaru pointed at the curly winding with a puzzling face.

"The thick roll is called the thick roll. Raw Hate, I made it myself because even Kararagi didn't seem to have even gotten to the habit of Keifang rolls. It's as easy as you can see."

"What smells slightly sour is vinegar?

"Vinegar rice is the one. I love it because it goes well with rice. Next time, I'm going to try sushi that goes with raw fish fillets. Anyway, it's easy to make. Prepare seven kinds of topped vinegar rice and rolled ingredients inside and roll thoroughly. That's it!"

"Do seven ingredients make sense?

Peek into the roll with colorful ingredients wrapped around it, with Rem asking a simple question.

"Well realized, that's my daughter-in-law! Yeah, that's the point, too. Keifang roll is a delightful food. So, there's a god who promises to be driven out by congratulations that he's my local, and he calls it the Seven Fukushi God. Seven, God of Happiness and Seven Fukushi."

"Wow, congratulations, you're gods"

"Yes, they are congratulations. In recognition of the seven congratulatory gods, it is customary to call this guy who threw in seven ingredients and locked them in, and thank them as food that brings in happiness. That's the whole Keifang roll thing!

With one foot on the table, Rem gives another whispering applause to Subaru, who theorizes.

And Rigel looks up, listening so silently to me so far there. Rigel sharpens Subaru's ill-eyed gaze even sharper, replacing his floating parents.

"Does that mean it's just an event where you make a scene and end up just eating a roll? What do you exaggerate about all that..."

"This is it!

"Ouch! Ouch!?

He punches a loving whip into his busy son, and Subaru lifts a stuffy rigel upside down to his shoulder.

"Why the sudden shoulder car!?

"Somehow because I wanted to. Sure, you're right, there's no denying it's a bit plain compared to beanstalk. And then I said the whole thing earlier, but there were actually a few parts I haven't explained yet, sorry."

"Don't keep your head down with me on it! Stop it! It's falling!

Svalbard walks out as he twirls around the table, grasping Rigel's right to a biocidal deprivation that bumps over his head. Rem looked at the touch of such parents and children in the eyes of the Mother of Mercy,

"So what do you mean you haven't explained it yet?

"In the first place, what's the way of Keifang Roll Keifang? He said there wasn't enough explanation for parts like that. By the way, the way of grace is written as the direction of grace. In that year, there was something like a way for luck to come, and I'm going to eat on that side, so that means Keifang roll."

"I see. What an interesting way to think about the direction of grace"

"With additional information, I have decided to eat it silently while I'm scratching that Keifang roll. I don't think you need to jump that far to protect it, but for once. There are other theories about eating with a smile... but I might need a smile. Blessed are the laughing gates, and when you're eating good things in the first place, you smile naturally."

Rem smiled joyfully as Subaru glowed his teeth and stated his own argument.

"Subaru also often smiles when eating lem's rice"

"Cute daughter-in-law for a good meal. I have a family I love, and there's no reason not to smile. I'm in the mood for happiness and solitude."

"We have Rem, so we have two... no, we have a whole family."


"Subaru kun......"

"Don't mess around with people on your head! And your mother! Spica, you stay in your arms, so weigh yourself in!

Rigel's Tolerance Bag bursts into his parents flirting in close contact with his son and daughter.

There's nothing more I can do because it's the Natsuki family's style that I can't talk about this way.

Subaru lowers the rigel to the floor, and Rem passes the spica to that rigel, and Subaru and Rem sit next to each other with a flashing-faced rigel in the room.

Rem held Subaru's hand and kept his weight on his shoulder, while

"Speaking of which, Keifang...... it's the direction of grace, does Subaru know which direction that is?

"No, I just don't get that. I wonder how you decide that every year. Maybe it's decided in a feng shui way, but I don't have that knowledge."

Using his pre-summons knowledge, Subaru is an agile producer in Kararagi, but he can't handle knowledge he still doesn't even know to touch if he's going to expand his listening story.

Now, even when I was ready for the Riri roll of the Euphine roll, I had to know how to do the key Euphine. I tilted my neck and Svalbard, who saw Rigel and Spica at the tip of the tilt, slapped my hand.

"That's right. Let Spica decide how to behave this year."

"Huh? What do you want Spica to decide? Just think about it and say something. Spica is still so small and cute, but what if I let my dad get involved now and stain the Natsuki family? Poor thing though. Can't you take responsibility for Spica's future?

"How shady and humid is it when it comes to you, Spica?"

Rigel rebels intensely in Subaru's thoughts, but Subaru goes into persuasion and explanation of his thoughts as he chooses words so that he can fool Rigel like that.

I mean, here's what Subaru thinks.

"Ready? For my family, I'm talking about what a symbol of happiness is. Of course, the very existence of Lem is a symbol of happiness, and your naturally riddled character is a circle of destiny that I can only assume God has given me..."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, there was a part of you that didn't listen to me, dude!

"Please calm down, Rigel. If Rem is a symbol of happiness for Subaru, then Subaru is also a symbol of happiness for Rem. Your mother didn't misunderstand that, so you don't have to worry."

"I wouldn't worry so much if I watched the exchange so far!

Advanced technique of delivering yelling only to parents while blocking the ears of sleeping spikas. Growing up in the Natsuki family from birth, Rigel's potential stretched his short life of eight years in the direction of the polarization of talent.

- Yes, as a character with a penetration of nature.

"Polarization, not polarization."

"What monologue! Go ahead!!

"Well, I mean, what are you trying to say, that Spica is the easiest and most unanimous form of happiness for us right now? So it's a blessing for us that the Spica set the course. I was wondering if that would be okay."

"Shit, there's no gap for my dad. That's a perfect opinion with no place to hit or argue on top...... Huh!

"Don't lose all judgment when you're involved with spica."

I scratched my blue hair and also got the consent of Regretful Rigel, and this time the full content of the Keifang Roll project will be clearly decided.

The noori roll is ready, and all you have to do is set the direction of the euphemism.

"As good as it is for Spica to decide, how do you get her to decide? I'm still not sure if I'm going to tell Spica."

"Right.... Why don't you put Spica to sleep on the table and when you wake up, the first direction you're facing is Keiko?

"When I woke up"

"Orientation first…"

Rem and Rigel face each other to an out-of-the-box decision method instead of a close discussion. Then they all looked down at the spica and thought of something.

"I mean, when Spica wakes up... that's what Subaru does when who he likes best in the family is going to split wins and losses, right?

"... it will, will it?

I'm upset about the unexpected in-depth reading, but it certainly might be when you say it.

The person Spica wakes up and sees first - that is, the person the defenseless baby will rely most on to seek asylum first.

The way we define the way of grace without trying, separates who is winning Spica's love!

"Well, unfortunately, it must be me. I'm the earner in our house, and Spica should be aware that she's a life without trouble in clothing and living thanks to her great father. She's still a baby, but she's smart. She wants to be my daughter-in-law.

"Wait. I'm going to teach Spica all about Subaru's awesomeness and decency, but that's not what I'm talking about right now. After all, Spica is supposed to be the kid who knows whose milk she's getting, whose breasts she's most at peace with. So I thought Lem was still the best place to be."

"My father and my mother are pulling in. For Spica, there's no other person you can count on besides me. I'm the only one in this out-of-the-world demonic house who can give everything to protect Spica. Spica, me, Suki, Zettai"

To the Trinity Three, no one gives up Spica's love.

A spectacular stare occurs, taking one woman together and all holding their opponents back. What was the soothing air like earlier?

"- Ugh."

And, guess what that tingly air is, the spica in Rigel's arm swells. The three of them looked at each other in response to the reaction of a baby that was still going to wake up.

"Keifang roll evacuation!

"Futon set!


Subaru set aside the Keifang roll on the table, and Rem placed the seat futon on the table, and Rigel placed the spica on top of it.

The three nodded at each other as they were, each scattered in three directions of the room to observe the spica. The spica on the seat futon shakes his head and rubs his eyes with a small hand. Pretty. Angel.


Everyone breathes and watches the course of who Spica sees first.

Eventually the baby opened his lid, which was closed, and looked around slightly with thin blue eyes,


"Oh dear!!

Reaching out to Rigel, Rigel, the winner, kneels down and celebrates in heaven.

The chosen rigel roared with joy, and the unsuccessful Subaru and Rem leaned against each other without being able to hide signs of disappointment,

"Well, if you calm down and think about it, I'm definitely the one who's most at peace with Rem's chest, and it was a battle you were seeing"

"If Spica says she wants to be Subaru-kun's daughter-in-law, she can't move that place because it's already Rem's fixed position. It was the result I knew."

"Let us immerse ourselves more properly in the aftermath of victory! You talk vividly in front of children!

Rigel holding up Spica stuffs her parents as her sister pulls her face.

The two laughed at that usual attitude, and then Subaru peered into the direction Spica had chosen Rigel - the one where his son was standing,

"Was it the front door where Rigel was standing? Hey, that's our way of doing it. Gather yourselves in the doorway with your own roll of grace."

"Yes, Subaru. Which is my Keifang roll? Are you also preparing Lem's Enchantment Roll?

"This is the one from Rem. It took me a long time to make sure that this cherry blossom bun was in the shape of a heart when it was wrapped tightly. It's a mistake. It's my stomach."

Subaru was more pocky and belly hungry than usual. A lem gently reaches into its belly and strokes it with love.

"Subaru you work hard for Rem, it's nice......"

"Yes, yes, look, we're going to the front door. My guy's okay, I mean, what about Spica's share? Spica, my teeth are still small because I just grew up. How hard would it be if I ate them and caught them in the throat? Is that all you're thinking about?

Ligel looking for something that looks like a young spica could be eaten, looking at the curly rolls on a white plate. But they don't have any pieces that have come true for the overprotective brother's temptation.

That was the remainder of this prep, even for Subaru.

"I tried so hard to melt the noli, but the prototype didn't work. Unfortunately, for Spica's sake, I think Rigel will manage to make it convenient for the Seven Fukushi Gods by eating for two"

"You can't eat two of these big rolls like that. How much do you expect?"

"Right. Okay, fine. That's fine if you're the brother who can't even try to force his stomach a little for the sake of Spica's happiness. I'll do my best. You, at best, if you fool Spica with only love on the upper side..."

"I get it! I'll eat it! Rather feed me!

"Get it out to the corner and don't get mad, pull wow..."

Rigel sticks a short horn out of his forehead because he was put out to pick up Spica. Subaru and Rem laughed and then followed as the rigel grabbed the two thick rolls and headed to the front door.





Only silence dominated the scene.

There are theories about the rules in the Keifang Roll, but among them, the generally prevailing condition will still be: 'Do not talk while you are eating the Keifang Roll'.

I don't know if it's an interpretation that taking in happiness is the purpose of Keifang Volume, whereas opening your mouth undermines taking in happiness in the process of taking in - but Subaru infers that it's a circumstance like that anyway.

For that reason, the three people who started eating the Keifang roll sat on the front door, watching the drawer silently, just eating even the Kikumo and Keifang roll.

Mr. Natsuki, would you excuse me for a moment?

That's how when you're sitting at the front door, the drawer opens from the other side to the lid.

Whether it's a much larger karalagi national style around here, cheap neighborhood dating like a long time ago or in the countryside is common around here.

I rarely lock my house, and, as a matter of course, my neighbors open their doors. The voice I hear is a middle-aged woman living next door.

"The circulation board came around. Then I want you to see..."

Having said that, the woman with the circulation board round her eyes at the appearance of a family sitting on the front door turning a thick roll. but soon the woman nodded and placed the circulation board gently on the shoebox.

"Really, I'll see you later because you seem busy. Yeah. Did you check it properly and turn it over to your neighbor? Oh, Spica's cute. Wow."

Laughing at the hand-wielding spica, the woman leaves the house with her head down "Hope". Remaining silent, he hand-waved and nodded off the woman, and again only four people were left in the house -.

"It's a picture now!!

Rigel, who is no longer tolerable, rises up, chews off a thousand of Keifang rolls and yells so.

"Why is my aunt next door accepting the sight now as a matter of course? What are we supposed to look at in other houses? I came back and I found my father, who was too curly, upset. I look like an idiot! What's wrong with me?

"Fu. Relax, Rigel. I know how you feel, but that happens. Is it the world or yourself that is wrong when something feels wrong once again? But most of the time, I buttoned it differently..."

"No! No! I'm not crazy! It's the world that's crazy!

Spica is slapping her hand right at Rigel's appearance to arouse her.

Seeing your brother's eclampsia is the best play tool for Spica. Around this age and already knowing how to enjoy Rigel, she is a promising daughter in the future.

"And because of what you said, I also interrupted and the Keifang Roll Challenge is the bubble of water. It's about time you succeeded. What are we going to do at this rate if we still have the roll?"

"That's crazy, too! I was just talking about eating two bottles in the first place, and when was it all going to be handled by me and my dad? What about your mother?"

"You idiot, there's no way you can force Rem to eat you. What if I eat a large chunk of carbohydrate and the style of the lem breaks down? It's a product of a miracle that's not broken at all when you have two children. I'm not talking about you and me getting fat."

"Mockingjay... I'm done eating. And if they say that, you can light it up."

Rem, who could blush and illuminate his cheeks, achieved his share of the norm safely.

Rem, who is good at keeping up with his first intentions, has a high success rate for the Keifang Roll Challenge, but Subaru and Rigel, who are reluctant and impatient, just fail.

And Keifang rolls, one big and one small left.

"This Keifang Roll becomes the last challenge. Today's exchange and prep, we'll expect a struggle not to waste it all, Rigel."

"Ugh...... it's time for a really tight one. Remember, fucking dad......"

"Good Luck"

Thumbs up and sees Rigel's hard work in trying the last Keifang roll. Meanwhile, Lem, who had already finished his role, rubbed against Subaru,

"Speaking of which, this event has nothing to do with ghosts, right? There were many things I wanted to say about the treatment of beanstalk ghosts, but I also kinda miss that it's irrelevant."

"Well, it's not irrelevant, is it? The material wrapped around the noori roll is just described as the Seven Fukushi God, but apart from that, there are theories that it locks up ghosts. The red part is a red ghost, the blue part feels like a blue ghost."

"Is there a blue part...?

"There you go, replace this green vegetable with blue... tough huh?

When I hear blue ghosts, you think it's about you. Rem looks unhappy. Nevertheless, there was nothing I could possibly throw into the roll with the blue looking food, so I had no choice.

With a bitter smile in Lem's eyes, Subaru turned the last thick roll in his hand.

"If you look at ghosts, not Seven Fukushi gods, the idea is to eat and exorcise ghosts. In this case, ghosts are like bad things in general."

"Is Subaru-kun's hometown also a grudge against ghosts?

"You still talk about how ghosts used to do things to you. Well, that's not true of me. Crying Red Ghost is my favorite old story, and my wife is a ghost. So with the beanstalk."

"With you?"

To a strange-faced lem, Subaru slapped his knee.

"That's right, together. Eating and taking in ghosts goes hand in hand with taking in happiness for me. Instead, it'll be my blood, my flesh, and I won't let you go anymore, okay?

"Are you going to get caught?"

He said, "I'm gonna get him."

Rem looks happy and Subaru looks nasty.

In the margins of such parental exchanges, Rigel silently finally eats a thick roll next door.

"Alright, I ate! I ate it, wow! Have you seen me? Good luck to me!

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be honest with me! I knew it, because I was watching you eat it!

Rigel hugs Spica, squatting and cheeks on her sister with a stubborn face. Such a heartbroken brother's shoulder, Spica was pounding to comfort.

"So let's just say the big black pillar shows up at the end."

"Yes, let me see what's good about it"

Supported by Rem, Subaru challenges the last big man - Keifang Roll BIG.

The last one was a punch in all the remaining ingredients, and if I hadn't also followed the blasted story, the Seven Materials Rule of the Seven Fukushi Gods, it would have been more of a murder weapon than a taiwan roll.


Open your big mouth and hit the Ephragm roll and Subaru challenges you to the last big battle.

Many attempts have already failed, and Subaru's belly is close to its limit. My stomach may be torn apart and I may die a cripple. Still, there are times for men, for fathers to fight.



To such a great battle of Subaru, Lem, who turned to the front, was aiding him with a machete.

When she smiles thinly, she puts her mouth on the other side of the euphemism roll that Subaru eats. By the rules, Subaru cannot blame it either. In anticipation of that, Rem was set up to eat the last of the Keifang rolls with Subaru.

With the help of that lem, Subaru advances at once, as he did with the support of the hosts.

Even with Rem's help, a man has to show more will. Eat a little more than Rem to reduce her burdens and finish eating the Eti roll.

The two foods continued as they were, and the Keifang roll connecting the two gradually shortened, and eventually the two faces approached as they were, and each other's lips -.

"Yes, don't!!

Almost there, Rigel's knife went in the middle of the Keifang roll.

The sharpness of Rigel's knife, which stretched out the corners and freed up the power of the ghost, could only afford the power of neatly cutting the scroll made of rice.

Surprised Subaru and Rem's face are turned away by being turned into two straight rolls.

As it was, the two of them bit a leftover Keifang roll in their mouths, and when swallowed it stuffed Rigel.

"Here, Rigel! I would have welcomed the finale with a much more beautiful stream right now!

"That's right. Even though it was an important and important collaboration between Subaru and Rem. Is Rigel unhappy that your father and mother are getting along?

"I do! I'm always dissapointed that we're getting along more than we need to! And I'm gonna use that as a word to tell you so much! Communicated, this thought!

"Too bad they bounced!

"Don't play it!

The action of Subaru striking down Rigel's flying thoughts with a flat hand. And instead, Lem touches the horn that grew on Rigel's forehead.

"Ahem," he screams and Rigel collapses.

"I don't remember growing up on a kid like that to chop on food. Not at all. I'm not disturbed that it was just one more step."

"I wonder if this is the promise of a fighting nation, even though special areas not in humans are weaknesses. Spica shouldn't forgive anyone but her loved ones if they grow horns?

Subaru speaks of the spica recovered from the collapsed rigel as he holds it and gives it up. My daughter has blinded her eyes to such Subaru words and rubbed her forehead.

Even if a horn grows from that part, I told my family I would allow it.

"That's right, Spica. Don't make me feel happy with one trick of our treasure."

It's strange because it seems more profitable than the effects of Keifang Roll.

Subaru kisses Spica's forehead and turns her daughter over to Rem next door. Instead, when you strap your weak and stuffy son up on your shoulder, you tap that ass with a pacifier.

"So why don't we clean up the kitchen and talk about tomorrow's date?"

"Right. We're still halfway there, but what do we do for dinner..."

"I've had enough, I'm hungry."

Rem smiles and lines up next to Svalbard heading into the living room with a bitter smile.

- Such a day was another form of happiness.

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