Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter V.52: The Stars and the Bishop of the Great Crimes

The collapse pushes over.

The downpouring blood, every drop of it, becomes the demon of spectacular destruction, ravaging the city.

Where the Shizuku of blood touches, it loses its bond irresistibly rather than placing a blade on a piece of paper. The propagation of destruction collapsed the building, the aftermath of the collapse spread and the city collapsed.

"Whoa whoa whoa!!


Svalbard squeezes his breath out of his lungs knowing it's useless, and Svalbard keeps running at all costs. Emilia, who runs next door, is similarly ill, pulling her mouth together as she jerks off her silver hair.

But the scenic water capital is a specialty of endlessly stretched waterways.

I mean, quick story, even securing the shortest escape route that keeps running straight is actually difficult.

The two running fronts are about to be swallowed by the great waterways and the destruction from behind them.


"Ichi or bee... Subaru, grab it!

Emilia makes another decision instantly as Subaru speaks up to the impact of running out of escape routes. The moment Subaru connected the extended arm without hesitation, the cold air covered the surrounding atmosphere.

Emilia's short chant, and a host of small light points that float at the same time.

It is the simultaneous exercise of Emilia's own magic and spirituality with the help of a micro spirit.

"- Guys, please!

When Emilia commanded the slight Spirit to do so, the blue light coming from the point of light transmitted the ground.

Shortly afterwards, the running ground stains white in an instant, and after the blink arises a silver world on one side. The streets froze, the soles of the stepped shoes slipped spectacularly and Subaru screamed.

The body is pulled to the front all at once while remaining in that soaked position.

"Ugh!? Emilia, come on! Clever!"

"Don't let go, it's hard to control!

Subaru's left hand with his face raised is connected to Emilia's right hand. And Emilia was grabbing, on her raised left hand, an ice column ejected towards the front.

It froze the ground and used the magic propulsion to fire the ice column to increase the speed of escape. Even more surprising is the course taking of icing created by the microspirits.

On the edge of the great waterway, which was in the front, an inversion was formed, like a jumping platform for skiing, and the two of Subaru and Emilia skid with acceleration, jumping over the great waterway.

"I don't know!

A course of ice was also created on the other side of the Great Waterway, on which ice is worn and skating continues - Subaru honestly admires Emilia's arrangement.

"Nice, Emilia Tan! That's just too much and I fell back in love!

"But I can't think of a way to stop it! What am I gonna do?


Emilia has already let go of the ice-column, but the remaining acceleration force alone is inevitable if it clashes to wall enough. Emilia's ice magic doesn't create a cushion that's convenient enough to soften the shock for both of us.

While I'm saying this, a wall approaches the front of the two of them. Aya clash, feeling Emilia's hand squeeze back, Subaru makes an immediate decision.

"Emilia Tan! Curve Installation!"

"Or, Kabu?

"A wall that feels loosely bent! Guru!

Emilia's magic honestly follows the voices of Subaru stuffed with cuts.

A loose curve occurs in the front of the two slippery people, and the two bodies circle greatly avoiding the clash as they go along the curve.

"Keep the curve going. Don't let it break, Guru! Guru!"

"Guru, guru!

A curve of icing is created without interrupting the wall while still turning wide.

Looking up directly from the top, an ice wall was created while drawing a mosquito-like shape, and by the time the two bodies reached the center, the acceleration had also somehow disappeared and stopped naturally.

"Well, Emilia, you've wasted all your magic..."

"More than that, an earlier attack!

When the stopped Subaru takes a breath, Emilia slaps her hand and smashes through the ice wall. Seeing the crushed ice pieces turn into particles of mana, Subaru gazes at the traces of destruction he was pushing toward, stroking his zoggy spine.

The city's landscape had changed around the tower where the Leggles attack began.

The collapse of the centre, particularly intensely affected by blood, is terrible. As the circumference of destruction widens, its traces are variable, but there are still so few buildings that properly retain the prototype. Again, it's called non-standard attack power.

The attack on the direction of the Subaru has also reached this side across the Great Waterway. What barely reached the Subaru's is the fruit of their accidental and desperate escape - no.


Until earlier, there was no one on the building where Leggles stood.

Instead, smoke was about to come in nearby, and the sound of tremendous destruction was echoing.

Leggles was shredding as he tore the water dragon's remains apart and sprinkled its blood.

Under my eyes, I see two small figures desperate to escape the streets.

Exactly short, just humble, some end.

With a spiral of laughter, I wait for the moment to catch up with the city ravaged by scattered blood and the two whose destruction escapes.

A whore and a rapist, a rain of blood worthy of his death.

"Spread out! Spread out! You broke my heart, you wicked bastards!

"- I'm sorry, but that's not how it works"

Immediately after putting victory and anger on words, I hear such a voice in my ear.

Looking back, at the edge of his sight, he saw a red head as if to add that flaming momentum to the wind.

"That's ridiculous, you! How eager you are to interrupt people's love paths!

"If the method is legitimate, respects the will of the other person, and you can promise to turn it down and stay clean, it's not a rush to support you."

Reinhardt laughs at Leggles' anger, even more in a dazzling response.

The attitude of not losing room anywhere is also hateful, but at this time it was the inexplicable suspicion that dominated Leggles' mind - i.e. Reinhardt's foot jumping so far into a breath.

Surely that right leg should have been blown up around the tibia.

Thousands of cuts were not there, but it was no exaggeration to say that from the ankle down it was connected by a piece of skin, and instead of fighting it was not in such a way as to withstand walking.

Taking it off that state means

"That's a little hateful. Not only swordsmanship, but healing magic? With all the qualities that are more blessed than people, how much have you stomped on the hearts of others? Break someone else's heart without even trying. You must feel good!

"I'll deny you only one mistake."

Twist yourself in the hollow, Reinhardt's body winds up and roars.

The rolled-out spinning kick stirred the atmosphere, striking directly at the wreckage of the water dragon that was swinging by Leggles, and the wreckage of the water dragon, which had already become a mere mass of meat, into the wood edge fine dust -,


"Instead of healing magic, I can't use any magic. The slight spirits of the atmosphere healed my wounds in a hurry."

A leg that was thought to destroy the carcass as it remained in momentum used an ankle twist to soak up the water dragon carcass from Leggles' palm. Skilled foot wreckage is not treated intact, but is softly released onto the roof of a half-destructed building.


"Just fine. - Next check, run Operation J."


At the moment of teething to Reinhardt's hypocritical deeds, the dragon sword pattern clashed again against Leggles' side head. He is beaten, and Leggles' body is slapped off the top of the tower.

Leggles that can be landed diagonally straight to the ground, again in its ears,

"I'll let you try."


Leaping like a bullet at the same angle, Reinhardt's body caught up. Along the way in the falling track, the opposite legulus' legs are grabbed and swallowed by the behaviour of the waving Reinhardt.

As it is, Reinhardt takes the Leggles and leaps in the same direction as the escaping Subaru. Quiet storm and acceleration that could pull out a grabbed leg if you're a regular person.

"What the hell..."

"Well, it's nothing special."

Saying, Rheinhardt, who stops, shakes up Leggles' body.

Treats you like a child grabbing a doll's leg and playing rough. When Leggles' anger exploded into the treatment, we found out more about Reinhardt's deeds.

Swinging Leggles' body, Reinhardt slammed him to the pouring Shizuku of blood.

It's a rain of legulus-affected blood that even collapses buildings made of stone.

If Leggles' attack is a force that lets him inflict the Invincible Effect on what he touches, or even he thought he could defeat the Invincible Effect of protecting Leggles' flesh.

If so, the idea is shallow.

"You think I'd eat it myself if I attacked myself? I don't know how blessed you are with your gift, but come on, you should also approximate the bad habits of unfairly valuing others. You can't let this me get hit in such a stupid way!?

"This doesn't work either. - Huh."

The Shizuku of blood touching Leggles' body is bounced off his body as mere Shizuku on the spot.

Naturally. Different priorities.

At the same time Reinhardt let go of his hand from the legs of Leggles, loose.

He's a good man. If you remain indefensibly touched, give me something that I guzzled with its palms to the point where I can't hold my sword.

The swinging influence disappears. My body landed straight on the street, and again the Leggles turned to Reinhardt. On guard, Reinhardt narrows his eyes.

"Apparently, again, he's untouchable"

"You seem to have a good nose, but do you want to get hurt just as much as you did earlier?

"Next time, watch your breath and gaze. If you have any other precautions, let me know."

"Get out of my sight now!!

Leggles stepping out, sticking his hands out and jumping to Reinhardt.

Reinhardt, by contrast, turns around and dodges at an incredible rate. While taking quite a few moments, he nevertheless began to strike in the posture of the dragon sword's blow away.

"Not everywhere...!

"I'm very helpless with problems I can't solve by slashing them. Shame on you."

"You never pulled out a sword. Come on!

towards the flying Reinhardt, then rarely. Leggles reaches out.

But there's no way a hero Reinhardt would receive such an unproductive attack. On the contrary, Reinhardt's blue eyes are also glaring at the Leggles' rape meter, which breathes out wisely. Both lack decision hitting, the situation continued.


But it was sudden that there was a cross spear in there.

Leggles, who was opposed to Reinhardt on a bar stand, an ice column poking up from directly beneath him, attempts to skewer his body.

However, the ice pile that occurred behind the shoe was trampled to pieces before it protruded onto the surface, shattering and scattering without even giving him time to properly embody it.

Him and if Leggles turns his eyes, he can see a silver-haired girl turning her hand over here across the waterway. Ice magic must be her little worker.

It's an abomination that makes your guts boil down.

"Don't you ever understand this guy! No, no, no. Come on! Nobody and he were born with something different! You guys are no match for me, complete as one, and I can't reach you! Convinced of your lack, full, die!

Everywhere, everywhere, I'm sick of dealing with bad guys who don't give up.

The absolute difference does not narrow. How can you not know that?

"- The operation also failed. What happens next?"

I couldn't afford to hear Reinhardt whine about it in Leggles' ears, who stepped on the group Tai and cracked the streets.

"No! After all, the current attack doesn't seem to work either!

"No! Does that mean that the line disappeared because the soles of the feet are weak..."

As instructed, Emilia attacked the soles of Leggles' feet - but the ice column was crushed behind his shoes and none of the damage went through.

"Operation J doesn't work either. I'm sorry, I don't have enough power."

For a moment, telepathy flew in from Reinhardt in "Protecting the Heritage," and Subaru is no longer surprised by his out-of-standard mind. When I looked closely, the wound on my right leg also appeared to be blocked at some point, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was connected by a thousand cuts.

In the first place, Svalbard himself has experienced how his legs are cut off and connected.

"If it's invincible and anything goes through, the part touching the ground might fall out of the barrier. It was an operation..."

If the invincibility of the ground part is not released, if it is bad, it can sink to the ground when the body is still fluttered. So or so I thought, that seems to be off, too.

You can also see from Reinhardt's message that Operation J (Suicide Bomb) also took off the presumption that if the Reguls' own invincible attack would make it through invincibility.

Now that the I (pond pocha) operation is also off, it was the truth that most of the speculation on the weakness of the pre-assumed invincibility was off.

"Is there anything else? Impenetrable enemy weaknesses, weaknesses......!

Put your hands on your mouth, Subaru desperately rotates your head.

What other means could be considered to destroy the so-called holders of the strongest shield capability, although they have been plaguing their heads extensively before and since their reception with the Leggles?

Knowledge of various subcultures rushes around the back of Subaru's brain, trying to derive answers somehow, but not aromatically.

"Are you out of your mind? Different idea?

Perhaps what we need is not a way to unplug our invincible abilities.

A more fundamental part - what is the power of the Leggles, once again?

"Subaru, what else can you do? Me, what should I do?

That's what Emilia asks Subaru to think about.

In front of her eyes, on the other side across the Great Waterway, the fierce battle between Reinhardt and Leggles continued, and she could not help herself in that battle, and she was feeling teethy.

Both Emilia and Reinhardt trust Subaru and expect it.

And that's not just the two of us here. The same is true of our fellow fighters who fight with other controls, as well as of the inhabitants of the city that Subaru called for on the air.


Think, think, think, think.

Unpleasant memories, but I recall all sorts of things from my first encounter with Leggles to his actions and actions to this moment right now, the acts I set up here and his attacks.

There has to be something. There must be some reason. It doesn't have to be just the Leggles. There must be something, including the other Bishops of the Great Crimes. They're all scum. I know that. Not only that.

"Of the stars, the name."


First, Subaru noticed.

For once, it was an idea that I threw away as bullshit, while reaching the same idea.

But I come here and rethink if it was really enough to dispose of.

Regulus, Capella, Alfaldo, Sirius and Petergius.

This is how all the names associated with the stars are aligned, and can I really clean them up if that's a coincidence?

Remember the watery feather pavilion, the Karalagi customs, and the wasteland hosin.

There are so many ramifications of Subaru's living world that I can't laugh at it in this world. If there's no connection here with witchcraft, how can you even think about it now?

Petergius, Betergius. In "Jawser's Hand," "Invisible Hand".

Leggles is Shishi, "Little King". And there's another call.

"Little King," I think, is exactly the crown he deserves...

"Emilia, I need to ask you something"

To Subaru's quiet voice, Emilia opened her eyes and then nodded.

Subaru closes one eye as he feels the white side stare back seriously.

"He was grabbing my neck, wasn't he? That's when it happened."


"Was Leggles' hand hot? Were you cold?


Emilia turned her eyes round to Subaru's inquiry.

And she touches her thin neck, a beat, then answers.

"Yeah. Now that I think about it... I didn't feel anything. Heat, cold, nothing."

When he heard Emilia's answer, Subaru held his breath.

A body that knocks off into the waterway and doesn't get wet by undisturbed exhalation. Ability not to attack the soles of your feet, not to attack yourself, and not to make you feel a gap in the attack.

If this isn't simple 'invincible'...


Beyond the Great Waterway, call the name of the hero relative to the murderer.

In a stopping-less offense, but Reinhardt did see Subaru.

As it reaches its ears, Subaru raises his voice.

"- Make sure his heart's moving!

Emilia shouted Subaru, and Reinhardt opened her eyes.

And the Leggles...

The Leggles...

Four simultaneous controlled raids were carried out, confirming that the offensive groups of each faction had departed, before Otto had also left the city hall to play the role imposed on him.

"I really think it's hard to stop... but it's true that I want to reveal the location of the Book of Witchcraft that Witchcraft is demanding. Poor lottery, Otto."

is the word Anastasia put on to drop off Otto leaving.

In all seriousness, Anastasia would have liked Otto to remain in the city hall. It is an iron fire where each faction clashes with the Bishop of the Great Crimes, starting with Subaru.

There is no point in having as many brains to process information gathered from all over the place as a city building is expected to play a role like a command.

But it's also difficult to leave the collection of the Book of Wisdom to others.

While we are working together to counter the Bishop of the Great Crimes, if we take the situation off, we return to a hostile relationship with them again. When that happens, we want to avoid a situation where the effectiveness of the Book of Wisdom is foreseen by other factions.

To be honest, I also wanted to avoid giving the effectiveness of The Book of Wisdom in a place of discussion - Subaru and Garfiel preferred its abdominal arts.

I feel like I have a bad personality, and Otto wants to sigh.

"Since when have I run around for others like this..."

Hands on the gray head, Otto again worries about the questions he has thought about many times in the past year.

Unexpected standing position, unexpected engagement with people, unexpected emotions of myself right now.

What would my family think if I found out I was doing this?

"When you've cleared it up safely, why don't you write to me..."

If Subaru were present on this occasion, he would undoubtedly spill a statement that would point to him as a 'death flag', and Otto moves on to the city's third street.

The Archbishop of the Great Crimes should be concentrating on controlling hitches, and witches should not be placed in cities in this discussion. He's not here, he should be.

"Ha... ha"

Grabbing his chest tightly, Otto was feeling his palpitations quicker.

Witchcraft, the Bishop of the Great Crimes, the Witch - that, for Otto, leads to the memory of fear.

A year ago, the memories of meeting Subaru and the others are the backdrop to Otto's nearly life-taking memory. The horror of the Bishop of the Great Crimes encountered then remains unforgettable.

The eyes of a madman who thinks nothing of taking a man's life.

Follow that lunatic and look at the fanatics who dedicate their blood and flesh without their will.

When I sincerely wished someone to help me, silent solitude ruled only by silence.

I've never been more scared than that. I've never been as empty as that.

Compared to the scares of that time, it wasn't much when we fought Garfield, when we faced the intestinal hunt, when we encountered a herd of warcraft.

The encounter with witchcraft casts so dark a shadow on Otto's heart.

You think this is all horrible, but that demon never leaves.

Emilia is inescapable of witch slander due to her similarity to "The Jealous Witch".

Subaru destined to worship her knights and continue to fight witchcraft targeting half demons.

Beatrice tries to spend all of her little body with Subaru and her destiny.

Garfiel, who can put everything he has in his fist to protect his family.

Sweet rum that no one can abandon, on the back and mouth.

Frederica lives with a burden on her brother and a sense of responsibility for her position.

Petra behaves sunny for everyone's smile, even though she is treated like a child.

I like everyone.

I thought I could stay in one place, but at some point I was too cozy.

Even though I knew I would relate to something horrible, I wanted to leave them.

If it's to protect this place, if it's necessary to stand side by side with them, I'd like to twist down even the symbol of fear and make up for it all out of their reach.


"Somehow, I have to do my part."

Enter Third Avenue and on the street Otto speaks so.

Front, a small figure stood in front of Otto.

Beyond the stone bridge over the waterway is a square, where the little figures are.

Aside from the shadows, I could see multiple shadows around me.

But at this point, Otto's eyes were staring at one of those little shadows.

The sound is gone. It's terribly quiet and I don't hear anything.

A situation where the creatures hold their breath and desperately try to hide their existence.

Otto Suwen knows the situation.

Therefore, the heartbeat was surprisingly calm, even as the shadow in front of him lowered his hands sluggishly and raised his face shaking his long scorched tea hair.

"There you are, brother"


"Archbishop of Witchcraft, in charge of 'bulimia'...... Welcome to the feeding grounds of Rye Battenkaitos"

Open his mouth full of fangs, the Bishop of the Great Crimes, who was not supposed to be there, gruesomely moaned.

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