- The great 'Great Sage' Frugel.

In Shaura's statement with a rich chest and an open grin, Subaru and the others looked at each other, surrounded by a subtle atmosphere.

"Is that it? Something sucks, that reaction. Uh, did you say something weird, sss?

"No, 'cause, you know?

Shaura rounds her eyes and tries to respond to the subaru's unscented reactions. It's bad for her to be confident that there's nothing incredible about her words and actions, but what a difficult emotion the Subaru's have for that 'Frugel' name.

"The Great Sage," Frugel.

The crown on his head is unfortunately something different, but Subaru sounds familiar to the name.

It is the name of a man who has been destined only once since he was summoned to another world. Most of all, there is no face-to-face with the person, just a one-sided 'debt'.

Anyway, thanks to the merits of his personality, he has a life-saving experience.

"Frugel's Daiki...... of, it's Mr. Frugel, right?

Other than Shaura pulls his jaw on the keyword Subaru's mouth. Nevertheless, it seems that Mary didn't know, "What's that?," he leaned his neck in doubt.

"Never heard of it. Wow. Tyge, you mean the tree?

"That's right. Uh, there was a huge tree growing in the Reefaus Plains of the Kingdom of Lugnica, and that's what they called the great tree of Frugel. Well, maybe it'll reach the clouds, and it'll tickle your manhood."

"Oh, yeah. Ah. When they say that, I feel like looking at it. Wow."

"Excuse me. I cut that down."

"Your brother's not supposed to!

It breaks Mary's aspirations on the fast track, and she's treated inhuman.

Technically, it is not the responsibility of Subaru alone to cut down the great tree. Most importantly, since it was Subaru who suggested cutting down the tree and using it, it would still be Subaru if we talked about where the specific gravity of responsibility is the most heavy.

- Frugel's Great Tree is a substitute for what became the trump card for The White Whale Crusade a year ago.

In crusading the 'fog' warcraft, the white whale, the presence of the great tree above the body of that giant beast was very useful. Ultimately, we cut down the great tree, sealed the movement by underlaying the white whale, which led to stabbing the todome, so it can be said to be exactly a decisive hit.

"I thought it was bad for Mr. Frugel that he planted it... but I didn't think he was going to hear his name here"

"There was a white whale crusade argument, and then we went to see the stump, right? I'm talking about chopped down trees being used for all sorts of things..."

"Currently, only the stump remains as the 'Big Tree Trail of Frugel'. It's a form of preservation of important historic sites, but it will be hundreds of years from now."

To Subaru's admiration, Emilia and Julius say what follows.

Shortly after the White Whale crusade, in addition to the 'laziness' crusade, there were overlapping raids by the Bishop of the Great Crimes involving Lem and Kursch. Besides, shortly after we got to the Emilia faction, it was either a mess or a mess in the uproar around the 'sanctuary', but the argument was after such a series of noises.

Discussion of the merits of the white whale and 'laziness' was the main part there, but naturally compensation, such as the damage caused, was also discussed. The effective use of the chopped down trees and the protection of the remaining stump trees of Frugel is one such thing.

By the way, the white whale has no use, the giant torso is incinerated with considerable personnel, and only the bones of the head are dedicated to the royal castle as evidence of the crusade.

Whatever the treatment of Oki, it's the key Frugel.

"No, you did hear they called you 'Sage' Frugel,"

"But I don't know what I did. I'm a 'wise man'. … so it would be strange to say that you were treated like a 'sage' in the first place"

"Considering just merit, it's true that it's an achievement inferior to what the 'wise man' calls it. How good was it to hustle about your accomplishments... you're like Balth"

"When did I exaggerate my accomplishments!

Subaru gets so grumpy at out-of-heart ratings. But the ram is a cool face.

And, listening to that exchange, it was Anastasia who said, "I see." She looked convinced by herself,

"Sure, as far as I can tell, and Mr. Frugel may be short of being called a 'sage'... I wonder if that's more than Mr. Shaura, who was treated like a true 'sage' did to someone like this"

"That's what you mean?

"It's a conveying feat or vice versa...... hmm, I guess not. Instead of the other way around, I'm biased. Yeah, it's probably more likely that you're trying to manipulate it."

"So you're saying that Mr. Frugel is doing what he did, like Mr. Shawla did?

I'm surprised Emilia opened her eyes to Anastasia's speculation. Anastasia nodded at that understanding, turning again to Shaura.

"And we'll stare, what do you think of Mr. Shaura? Mr. Shaura's teacher, I wonder if that's what he did."

"Well, I don't know the hard part."


"No, no, no! Oh, my God, it's so early! There's a proper continuation, sss!

When Subaru narrows his eyes to the unreliable answer, Shaura shakes her neck sideways as she feared. Then she raised her hands, letting her palms open and close meaninglessly,

"Ah, and to be honest, I don't know what your teacher thinks. Lots of cousins. But your teacher didn't really like to stand out, suss. I wonder why you seem like a teacher to run away with a troublesome rumor spearhead."

"I don't want to stand out, but I don't think a tree with the name of Frugel will be planted..."

"Subaru, that's a misunderstanding. Even though it is the great tree of Frugel, it has not been the great tree since nothing was planted. After all these years, I grew up to achieve so much greatness. If the name of the man who planted it had remained, it would not be strange if what future generations of humans began to call it had settled"

"... it doesn't even sound like a ghost."

To Julius's correction, Subaru is convinced with his lips pointed.

I see that what was at the time merely part of the plantation grew up in that fine great tree at the end of the years. This has to be one of the names, and it is natural to say, "Then let the name of the planter be revealed."

That makes me feel like Frugel left his name behind.

"If you're willing to hide it, I also feel like avoiding the name Frugel remaining in the first place. You're out of here unexpectedly?

"I read in the book, but I'm pretty sure why I found out Mr. Frugel's name... because it was carved 'Upper Frugel' on that big tree, right?

"I'm not talking about where it's missing! You're a school traveler!

Subaru ascends to more self-evident lust episodes than imagined.

I remember wanting to do something similar when I went by the tree, but when it comes to actually doing it, it's another story. In the first place, when Frugel left that wound, the big tree wasn't supposed to be the big one yet.

"The name walked alone, and as a result, 'Sage' Frugel was told that information other than the planting of a tree was to be passed on as an unknown mysterious greatness"

"Then the certainty as to whether Frugel was the one who planted it was also vague!?

"That will have proven right from the mouth of another 'wise man' over time. Think so...... Hmm. Don't let your chest bounce just a little bit in front of the place to fill the gaps in history"

"Don't say things like history ota..."

Knowing behind the facts of centuries-old history, Julius is somewhere emotional.

Julius tends to be more mouth-watering when he explains it rather than insightful about magic, but maybe there's a knowledge geek aspect to it.

The part that I have suspected a little from before becomes even more suspicious, and Subaru softens.

"But knowing that the 'sage' of a long time ago was actually Frugel... that doesn't change anything dramatically, does it?

That's how the views on Frugel converge, and Emilia looks over everyone's face looking unsure. Take it, Subaru nodded right.

The fact that, as Emilia put it, the true meritorious man of past feats was in fact Frugel does not mean much in the present situation. - It can't be.

"No, Emilia Tan. Actually, there's a big problem."


"'Cause you do, don't you? Originally, our purpose was to hear stories from the reputable Sage. But the rumor" Sage "is actually someone else, and all that's left is this guy with an empty head to see..."

"Uh, Master, I hope you don't shake your head, sss. Sounds like karakara, sss."

I'll shake Shawla's shoulder, and she's such a reactionary as she stands aside.

If you say it without choosing a word, it doesn't matter what you think, it's far from all you know.

"In the first place, our original purpose cannot be fulfilled. - If there's no 'sage', it means it's no use getting here."


To Subaru's conclusion, Emilia and the others shut their mouths.

Seeing how they reacted, Subaru was also biting his back teeth at his own conclusions.

Over a month, he had already died four times leading up to Subaru.

Only a keeper named 'Sage' will remain in the Preades watchtower, which was reached through so much ordeal. Now I can't bring back any achievements.

The truth of history, the reality of the 'wise man'. That's not worth anything to Subaru.

All Svalbard wants is help saving important people. That's all.

"Shaura. Hopeless, but that's all I'm gonna ask. Your master... where's Frugel, who's supposed to be a real 'sage'?

"I feel like I'm going to be pissed when I answer, uh, right in front of you right now, sss! But I'm gonna answer you, sss! Ah, I'm right in front of Shino, Master Frugellus!

"I thought you'd say that."

Subaru can only sigh at Shaura's remarks, which seem to snag and do not snag.

In fact, to the extent that you want to hit eight healthy chauras, the inner part of Subaru today is as well in the desolate wilderness. Clues crushed, a situation you could say so.

When the light of 'Sage' went out and just returned to the stage of hand exploration, yes, but once in the darkness, the darkness weighs differently after seeing the dazzling light.

Hope gives us the power to walk out, but darkness when that hope is anointed, or something that covers a person's sight more black than being in the dark all the time.

Just to Subaru like that...

"Subaru, listen. I mean, it's not like it's blocked in all directions."


Put your hand on Subaru's shoulder and Emilia's voice will be heard on the side of the item that drips. Turning to her face, Emilia had a definite hope in her purple blue eyes.

With his jaw pulled and his hands touched Subaru's shoulder, Emilia went on to say "Right," to Shaura,

"Until just now, you barely told me anything, but wouldn't you tell me a little more about it now?

"It's a good one. Uh, I'm recessed by your master. I don't like it. And I've been alone for a long time, so I want to talk to you."

In pursuit of the meaningful Emilia, Shaura responds with a smile without changing her attitude. Scratching her horseshit, she shook her body back and forth, pointing her right hand toward heaven and pointing over her head.

"I spoke a little to someone other than your master, sss, but this is the bottom of the tower. Sixth layer 'Asterope' sss. As we go up, the five layers" Keraeno ", the four layers" Archione "go up, and the top layer" Maia "sss"

"How do you name each hierarchy? It stinks, huh?"

"I named you, Master Suss?

"I don't hate taste, but I'm not going to talk about that right now. So?"

There is hope in Emilia's eyes, and Subaru's feelings deviate from the flow that fuels it. Seeing that change in expression, Shaura loosened her cheeks delightfully Nimanima.

As she stood, she stuck out her left hand opposite to pointing up, showing off her five fingers.

"Five layers of 'Keraeno' right up there, layers with entrances and exits where it connects to the outside. The six-layer" Asterope "is underneath it, so it actually hits the basement, sss. If you hit it badly, it'll bury you alive, so you should do very little to break the wall."

"It's walls and floors, by the way, but at first glance it looks like stone but the intensity is unusual. Shall I say first that Emilia's magic doesn't scratch one?"

Attempted destruction, I don't suppose, but Julius supplements Shaura's explanation. I didn't mean to destroy the tower more than I did, but I nodded so much.

"So, I know the five layers are the entrance and exit, but on top of that?

"The four-layer 'Archione' is easy to get in and out of, like a, uh, Shino residence. Fine, I'm letting you get dirty all you want, so it's embarrassing when you look at me."


"Master, my eyes are magic. Scary ss.... heh, usually from here. Ahh. I keep an eye on the dunes, ss. So, whoever approaches the tower shoots from one end, shoots, shoots, shoots, shoots, shoots!

"I knew it was you."

Half the time, as I knew, I gained such certainty in my testimony.

White light from that Preades watchtower, which killed Subaru twice in the dunes and also contributed to the team split that followed - the bad guy is still Shaura.

"Because of me, I got a hell of a lot of eyes on this one, what are you gonna do?"

"Hi, I was just following your instructions, and when I was told that, I was just being followed by what I've been doing for the last hundred years."

When Subaru glances at him with a harsh voice, Shaura sneezes his face and hips back. No offense to that face, or, more importantly, the color of reflection.

It lacks a sense of sin, rather than a sense of sin in the first place.

That's not a lack of emotion or that kind of problem -,

"Subaru, it's useless to say anything. Is there any guilt or guilt in this? This is just an order… it's pointless to ask the tools how they were used."

"So-so, uh, your teacher's tools! Chibi, say something good, sss!

To Beatrice's slaughtered view, Shaura has a full grin that she gets my will.

A corny and changing look and mood, and an understanding of how I am today - perhaps with a different value than Shaura. Yikes, that's probably why the conversation is so different.

In other words,

"Don't get tired talking to you."

"That's a lot to say before, sss! Long time no see."

"Right. I've been told a lot, too, old times."

I still feel told occasionally, Subaru recieves on that point.

Anyway, I understood that even if I found out that the white light from the watchtower was Shaura's fault, she wouldn't be asked for any apologies or reflections.

Then there's no point in interrupting the story. Just encouraging ahead.

"Four floors is your address... there's a way to say address, living space. So, what's on top of that?

"From the three-tier 'Tigeta' is the test venue sss. - Try the right to enter the library."

"... library?

To the sound of it, Subaru frowns and inquires. Shaura couldn't help but notice the change in Subaru's attitude to listen back, and nodded back with real ease "Sosssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss".

"Library Sz. Three-layer" Tigeta "to the top is the exam and the corresponding library. If you only meet the conditions for entering the library, you can read as many books as you like."

"What does the book inside say?

"Come on?"

"Come on!?

I can't wait to say so much so far and be done with "come on". Shaura shook her ears, neck and hair, "Because ~" in Subaru bending her lips,

"Uh, I can't read books or anything, and they're not saying anything more than protecting the tower."

"That too, Master... to Frugel"

"Yes, sss!

So proud of you, Subaru has no answer.

However, Subaru is not seriously disgraced by what Emilia and the others have said about Shaura just tilting her neck. The hope that dwells in my eyes does not shrivel, but remains so.

"Subaru, the book in the library, what is its contents?"

"Knowledge... doesn't mean literally as it is?

To Beatrice's words, Subaru listens back for granted.

Most of the time it's knowledge, if not stories, that's in the book. What you get from a book must be touching or full of wisdom.

And what Beatrice is trying to say is, not in that sense.

On Subaru's lap, Beatrice shakes her neck to the side.

long longitudinal rolls move in the same way, to Subaru, who somehow follows that movement with his gaze,

"This is the sleeping place of knowledge, the Preades Tower of Surveillance, described by the Wise Men, known as All Knowledge."

"Soss. If your teacher is back inside, this is where we'll go back to our original roles. Big library where you can find what you want to know, what you want to realize, anything - sssss on Playades"

"I mean, elementary in three layers. Intermediate in two layers. Once you have more access to advanced information. You mean a qualification exam to get clearance?

"Oh, that's your teacher, sss! I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know. I'm losing it. But maybe, ok with that chewing way!

- The Great Library Playades.

Where the name of the surveillance tower had changed to what was so intimate and vice versa frigid, the Subaru had left the six floors in one row and had begun to go up the stairs towards the upper level of the matter.

The spiral staircase carries the Subaru to the upper level so as to circle around the circumference of the tower, but the liver cools considerably when it reaches high due to the absence of railings, etc.


"Subaru, if you're scared, hold hands? Because I'm still sick, and I don't necessarily have to flutter and fall..."

As the six-story ground drifts away and Gian and the dragon car look pretty small, Emilia peeks down and speaks that way to the breathtaking Subaru.

If I'm serious, I want to hold that hand and enjoy the feel of my white fingers.

"Thank you, Emilia Tan. But I'm fine now. For once, because of the width of the stairs, it doesn't seem like you're going to fall down, and you feel like you're going away."

"Really? But tell me as soon as you think it's hard, okay? Because if I have to, I can give you a Subaru, too."

"Well... that's a bit of a hassle"

Emilia carries me up the stairs, the picture just sucks.

As good as going into such a man disqualified behavior, it is better to make a loan to Julius.

"What is it?

"That's also the worst way, but only if it does. It's nothing. Go."

Subaru pays by hand for Julius, who notices his gaze and only looks back at his neck. As he shrugged his shoulders, he resumed leading the stairs, taking Anastasia's hand as it was.

At present, the Subaru line is normally aimed at the upper level of the tower on foot. I'm not in a hurry, so I feel deviant and have a good speed on my back. Julius and Anastasia at the head, Lamb and Emilia lined up behind them, Subaru and Beatrice walking behind them. And it's Shaura and Mary at the rear of the line.

"Oh, don't shake your naked sister too much."

"Yeah, you look great on people's backs, little bitch."

"Because I'm tired. It's been a long walk, I can't walk up and down stairs with so many stairs. Wow."

"So why should Ah Shi carry...... ah! Don't pull your hair, sss!

Softly noisy, but nothing pungent about the exchange of words.

The rear-end Shaura Mairi group is strangely ascending the stairs with Shaura carrying Mairi. Initially, when we talked about moving upstairs, it was Shaura herself who said that Mairi was tired, but she could carry that Mairi, so I left it to her own recommendation.

"In fact, physically, Chaura is probably the hardest..."

"I don't know. - Subaru, don't be too vigilant. Yeah, I can see it. I wonder when you'll be stripping your fangs off."

"He did? From that feeling?

"If Subaru finds out he's not Frugel, he doesn't know how to get out."


Subaru mumbles at Beatrice's words, which whisper and encourage vigilance.

It wasn't that I wouldn't think about it, but it wasn't a question of leaving it out of my thoughts. In fact, this is how Shaura lines up - no, she is friendly with Subaru only because she mistakes it for Master = Subaru.

And Svalbard knows the connection is a complete mistake. I have verbally denied it many times before, but Shaura doesn't laugh and tackle it. Instead of not fitting in, I should say I haven't given you any itching to ask, but it doesn't arrive anyway.

Therefore, Shaura's attitude remains unchanged, and we can consider it such a coverage -

"I don't even know what kind of cut would break it, do you mean?"

"If that thing were hostile, I'm pretty sure it would be tough. Emilia and the knight... in addition to Julius, all we have is Betty and Subaru."

"Shaura strength."

Him and his gaze behind his back, watching how Shawla meets Mary.

Undesirably intimate and defenseless appearance. - The first encounter and subsequent interactions are just exchanges, people who have difficulty judging things.

It's just that Subaru can't make up his mind about Shaura at the moment, but it's true that he doesn't have any noticeable ill feelings. Though they're being approached by different people, it's harder to treat them with openness and dislike them than to be confused.

But those feelings of contact and the lack of a sense of crisis should not be juxtaposed.


Eyes on that defenseless limb as he peeks at Shaura, Subaru thinks.

It was she, as she confessed, who hung Subaru in the dunes and threw light from the tower. The rapidity of that light and the accuracy of the aim are not usual, but make me think enough of the high strength of Shaura. Subaru doesn't even know the status quo, whether that was magic or not.

Additionally, the last moments underground in the sand sea.

Shortly before the break of consciousness, in a badly lost consciousness, it should have been Chaura clashing with that nasty looking Centaur.

Um, I saw with this eye that a monster that I just think embodied either irrationality or irrationality would be casually ravaged and wiped out by stronger forces.

I hate to say it, but I can't come up with a vision that I can beat Shaura if it comes to direct combat.

Leggles, Petergius, he's a much easier enemy around there.

"... Something doesn't make me feel right when I think of those guys. No, it's normal to be, but I feel more disgusted close to you."

"I don't know what Subaru's thinking, but do we need to be careful?"

"Right. Then... is it quicker to ask?"

"Yes, it is."

Beatrice's dumb voice goes hand in hand with Subaru looking back at each body. Svalbard fronts overlapping Shaura and Mairi directly behind him, with his feet on the stairs backwards.

Shaura stopped her leg in the motion and tilted her neck.

"What have you done, Master? Are you tired of being a teacher? It's good to carry something else, but your back's blocked. Why are you a princess?

"That would be a great picture, so don't worry about it. Uh, I'm sorry that you're smiling and playing ponytail with Mary..."

"Not a ponytail, Scorpion Tail Russ"


"Scorpion Tail Russ"

Shaura repeats to Subaru, who pushes him to shut up about what detention he has.

Hold down your own ponytail room with your hands, put your face in front of you saying Shaura should,


"I get it! What, that restraint! Anyway, I'm not good with Mary, but I need to ask you something."

"Mmm! I'll listen to anything you tell me about your teacher, sss! I'm so glad your teacher talked to you like this."

Ponytail - Take it, Shaura, who wields the scorpion tail with joy. Thanks to this, Mary on the back is damaged by a tail blow. Surprisingly soft and pleasant has been experienced by Subaru as well, but that is to say,

"You, if you mean me, you listen, right?

"What a jerk, Dames, huh?

"Don't check there first. You're killing me."

"Isn't that the kind of teacher who knocks you out? We're all screwed."

Subaru is bewildered by the lack of pace, to Shaura, who can afford the answer. Usually most opponents get sick when mixed with the pace of Subaru's conversation. So it's Subaru's way of appropriately exploring the thread of conversation from there, but it's hard to do.

This handfulness is also different from the anomalies like the Bishop of the Great Crimes. In their case, it's a difficulty not having a conversation in the first place, except in the case of Shaura.

Hi, I feel behind a known opponent for an unknown minute.

As if, really, Frugel and I have a lot in common with Subaru.

"Anyway, please and a question. Answer honestly and honestly."

"It doesn't seem like a favor, sss. I wish I'd given you an order."

"It doesn't feel so great. So, the question is... you, you attacked us from the tower, didn't you? That, what was that?

"Sniping to keep bugs away from the tower, Hells Snipes"

"... what?

"Hells Snipes"

Subaru becomes a sinister face when he is smiled with horizontal letters.

Somehow, well, it's a name I know.

"No, but now that I think about it, I'm glad Hells Snipe didn't hit your teacher, sss. If Dimension Gate hadn't been disarmed, he might have thrown an attack until he hit your teacher."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, many new words! Dimension?"

"Dimension Gaetos, a craftsman to keep you from reaching the tower."

From Shaura's discourse, Subaru understands that its Dimension Gate and Dot are spatial distortions that have dimensioned his journey with the flower garden by that 'sand wind' and yet finally have been lifted by the effect of E.M.T.

"But because of me, I knew you were my teacher, so I turned out to be Aurice. If I hit you, your master would be angry with you, too, right?

"Uh, yeah, what do you think? I guess I just need to be angry."

In fact, I am anxious to get to the angry stage because it hit me and I have been dead about twice.

It is also unusual for anger not to gush up in the face with the murderer's bad hands. Certainly, that was an accident, and I know it's no use pursuing Shaura's responsibility.

"But if you hit that, wouldn't your brother be dead? I don't think we're talking about being angry or anything."

and, in place of Subaru, who is halfway in the frontier of forgiveness, Mary on Shaura's back pinches her mouth. To her words, Shaura laughed with a guerraggerated and utterly feminine voice.

"What are you talking about, you little bitch? Ah, that's not how Shinashi dies, is it, Sz? Originally, you don't know if you're going to die or not. You don't know."

"But Sandy Earthworms are so full of attacks, it's a shame to die..."

"I know earthworms and bears. It's not this one. Ah Shino Master won't die, this is the important thing. - If he's dead, he's just not your teacher."

Hera laughed, and Shaura stared at Subaru with delightful eyes. With that innocent smile turned, the chill ran on Subaru's spine.

Trust until you are innocent and defenseless as if you were a child. She leans over to Frugel, which is an ideal more robustly created in her backbone than you can imagine.

As Beatrice's concern is, if there's anything wrong with Subaru right now...

"And I'm sorry I'm late to pick you up at the Sandy Palace, sss. While you and your teacher were in the tower, you were in a hurry from behind."

"Oh, no, that's nothing... I mean, did I say Sandy Palace?

"That's right. You really shouldn't go in there. It's reckless to approach without having all the keys. King Hungry Horse is wandering around, too."

"King Hungry Horse... is that a monster like that horse?

Sand palace, keys, King Hungry Horse. There are many words I care about, but I touch the name of the last hungry horse king.

Perhaps that's about Centaur in the matter.

Shaura nodded at the question.

"I think that one came as a surprise from a ss who wasn't around when your teacher was around. Basically, I'm just wandering around in the sand palace, so I have to get to the sand palace. I'm not gonna run into you. Every once in a while, the guy who comes out there is relentless, and I kill him."

"Are you full of arrows?

"Wow, Kass."

Subaru is really disgusted from the bottom of his heart by Shaura, who affirms it without stagnation.

As well as the fighting power of the Centaurus-Shungry Horse King, that look and ecology is accompanied by a hard aversion to the brush tongue. I wanted him to be a special individual if possible, but that's not what he said. It also comes from the expression wow.

"King Hungry Horse... that's a name I don't even know. Wow. You might want to see it."

"Stop it! That's not what children see..."

"Oh, brother..."

Subaru beware of Mary, who says something rash. It may touch the harp line of the warcraft collector Mary, but it is not advisable to try to have contact with it, whether it is for the purpose of filling the drawings.

Shaura also shakes her neck vertically to agree with Subaru's words.

"I think you should stop, Sz. King Hungry Horse can't live up to other Warcraft promises from Warcraft's concept that horns will change over and over again. See Enemy Special, This Justice Sz"

"Buh, I get it. Ah."

Pointed lips, Mary can draw curiosity with age-appropriate tricks.

"So," Shaura pointed the water at Subaru again, reassuring him how it was.

"Master, is that all you're talking about?

"Oh, for a moment...... no, that's not all"


With her neck tilted, Shaura is accepting all the time. What dishonesty it is to remain alert to someone who has opened his chest collar so far. But no matter how painful your chest is, sometimes you have to ghost your heart out.

If something changes just to say a word, I'm lucky to say it.

"Shaura, this is a favor from me. Don't hurt me and my people."


"Your orders are to attack the guy approaching the tower... right? We're not eligible for that. Then we don't need to attack anymore. Don't do any harm. Never."


On top of each other, Shaura narrowed her eyes to Subaru's words in case.

When I look at the narrowed eyes, the color is deep and dark green. Shaura, who had a rich expression on her face without a gap, was turning off her grin as she first thought.

There was a constant silence as it was, and Subaru, who was holding his breath to strange tensions, became overwhelmed and exhaled. and

"Mmm, OKs. As your new order, I remember you perfectly."



As soon as it was accepted, Shaura broke up and nagged out. Shaura looked so close to Subaru, who rounded her eyes without following that sudden change, that it seemed breathtaking.

My eyes stare at each other at close range, but I find no deception or distrust in those green eyes. At least not as far as Subaru can peek.

"Are you sure?

"There's nothing good or bad about it, suss. It's what your master says. Besides, it's not that hard. nonviolent nonobedience."

You're obeying orders. You're obeying.

"Even if my body could be free, I wouldn't let it take me to my heart, sss!


Give me a decopin on Shaura's forehead that makes her look crisp and lower her. "Ahhh," said Shaura, as she lowered, Mary panicked on her back, but nothing happened.

Anyway, he said Subaru's wish was very well received. It's unclear how effective that will be, but at least -.

"Unless I live up to my expectations, will I keep my word?"

"If that's all there is to it, it's okay. Subaru will betray his expectations, but not his expectations."

"Wow, as much as I appreciate the high praise, but in this case, the part of the expectation I shouldn't have betrayed isn't too blurry? What am I supposed to do with Frugel? Should I grow wings or something? The German-like one."

By the way, Frugel means the German word 'wing' in subaru.

I don't think that's where you're pulling from, but that's suspicious too. Anyway, this Frugel, including Shaura's name, stinks too much kina.

"Yes, Shaura. Just one last question."


With a completely distracted face, Shaura is cheeked by Mary.

With his back to that chaura, Subaru had a careless bare gesture,

"Maia, Electra, Tygeta, Archione, Keraeno, Asterope"

"... Subaru?

Beatrice next door looked suspicious at Subaru's mumbling words.

That's just a line of words that I can't hear when I hear them as sounds.

Regardless, I've just heard about four of them, but they're not easy enough to remember. - If it doesn't sound familiar.

"All in order from the top, this Preades watchtower... is the name of the Great Library Playades hierarchy, isn't it?

"Yes, sir."

"So where's Melope?


To that Subaru question, Shaura is silenced again. However, that silence, unlike that which I contemplate earlier, is a surprise silence due to being poked into the void.

With a slightly breathtaking sound, Subaru decided that he had touched some certainty.

"Subaru, what did you hear? I wonder what melope is."

"The name of the last of a certain seven sisters. If it's Playades, it's weird if it's not seven."

Hierarchy with six names assigned, from one layer to six. But there must be a hierarchy where the motif is supposed to be seven sisters - the seventh, named.

"Seven layers... If not, there's a zero layer"

"Zero layer ss. Your teacher named you, of course.... It's just a place I've been able to do it since your teacher disappeared, so I don't think you know where it is."

Chaura responded with a plundered voice to Subaru's plausible guess. There are signs of Beatrice's surprise, but Subaru licks her thirsty lips and narrows her eyes.

I found something hidden, I don't have that sense of accomplishment. Anyway, because this is the same thing that wasn't hidden for Subaru.

"If one layer is advanced, is the zero layer super advanced? To enter…"

- Dames.

Shaura blocks the word with a quick mouth to Subaru trying to ask him how to get in. When Subaru looks back and forth at the intensity of that tone, Shaura's expression remains the same.

A smile and a look of trust. I just have a slight sense of loneliness in my eyes.

"Not yet, the conditions have not been met, sss. The master came back to see me on the way, and was satisfied with that. So the zero layer is Dames"


The tone is the same as before, but instead it's a voice that feels oddly strong walls.

It was pregnant with the promise we made a few minutes ago, the danger that could even shake its roots, and it had been strongly appealing to Subaru about the danger of eating down.

Therefore, Subaru gives up pursuing it in depth on this occasion.

"Okay. Don't say anything unscrupulous. Just give me your word."

"I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it.

As soon as he did, Shaura broke his face and shook with joy as if he had forgotten his current exchange.

Subaru exhaled deeply as he heard its gorgeous voice on his back.

"Subaru, if it's hard, you tell me?

"Mm, I'm fine. A lot to think about."

I laugh thinly at Beatrice's words of care and gently stroke her head. Beatrice would then be unable to say anything, but this was also a ritual for Subaru to calm down.

Frugel's anomaly, which emerged from a conversation with Shaura.

Nothing. He's also like Subaru.

Subaru, Al, Horsin, and Frugel.

A self-evident greed that brings in knowledge that cannot be found in this world and leaves this sight behind. No longer beyond doubt, Frugel is a man of Subaru and his hometown.

"Hundreds of years ago, or"

Thought for a long time, Subaru scratched his head abusively.

What do you think, what do you think, what do you aim for, what do you seek in this other world...

Abandon the name of 'Sage' and what would a man like to plant a tree wish for?

I wonder if you kept living in this world, like that.

And on the back of such Subaru -,



Chaura calls out in a cheerful state. Subaru didn't stop, he just turned around a little bit, but Shaura looked up at Subaru and slightly hung up.

That look was a really delightful smile,

"Again, welcome back, Master. - We sincerely look forward to the return of 'Sage' Frugel, this chaura....... sss"

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