- Running up a long, long staircase, when you get there, it's too late.


He was screaming for his lungs to be roughed up and squeezed out of breathing, complaining of overwork.

But that's not how power resides in the voice, in the words, that can change the situation. That is what makes the lack of verbal power all the more acute in situations like competing for sword moves.

I don't even know if that's what I would call a "swordsmanship" competition.

Because it was too one-sided and the only way one score could fix it was through the bar.

- White light just fills the white space with stronger whiteness.

The principle is unknown. Whether it's because it's a hypocritical gesture that even slashes the light, or a cause that the human nature of a typified swordsman can do, slashing involves shock waves and sweeps away space.

The man who was on the ray of the sword strike was also swallowed by the light and blown away without the art of exchange.

And literally instantly the light was gone and spread over a clear space of white light, with the length of a red-haired man with one sleeve off - rolling like a body, a purple-haired swordsman figure.

"Hey, aren't you a juvenile, Omei"

It was the red-haired man who spoke casually to Subaru, who was stunned by the sight. He laughed like a pigeon without disturbing his breath, with his last forgotten face such as a sword trident.

Then, the swordsman being defeated - pointing to Julius,

"That was late, Omei. I've cleaned up already, and take it home from the smell of disturbance."

"... Reid Astrea"

"It's n, omee. Put it in people's names, Omei. You don't have to be cool to get in my way, Omei."

'Stick swinging' that makes me grumpy when they call me by my name - too, Reid.

Subaru is not in obvious behavior, even though he is dissatisfied with the out-of-target rhetoric. Slowly, under Julius, who falls without taking his gaze off Reid.

"Nothing to catch or eat, Omei. You don't have to stare."

"I'm sorry, but when dealing with bears in my hometown, it's common sense not to turn a blind eye. Julius..."

With his alert and gaze pointed at Reid, Subaru tilts his body to make sure Julius breathes. The consciousness has been lost, but there was a respiratory reaction in the palm directed at the mouth.

Even in that sword attack, he didn't take his life. I'm relieved by that.

"Next time you said you wouldn't forgive me, you have a temper."

"I don't think so. Omei, don't you think losing chopsticks and running back is worse than getting killed by chopsticks? I think so. That's a pity. Death would be better if you were exposed. So beat him with chopsticks and let him escape."

"I'm withdrawing my temper, motherfucker."

"Hey! Whatever the juvenile fish tells you, it doesn't sound like it. Besides, I'm not even gonna try again today. Hit me if you want. Look at him under Omei's feet."

Scratching his belly with his right hand, Reid alternated Subaru and Julius with his left hand chopstick.

And as things stand, no matter how angry you are with Reid's attitude, the only way to get him to withdraw that disrespect is in Subaru's possession.


"Whoa, do that. Shut up and take charge, or you'll lose. So if you're sober, Omei, that's easier, and you're smart. It's not like that."

Slightly lower back, Reid ruthlessly narrowed his blue eyes and said away. Exposed to the pleasure of its winner, Subaru manages to take on Julius, who falls.

Just like I did just an hour ago, it's a form of carrying Julius forcefully. The unconscious human body is heavy, let alone Julius is taller than Subaru. It takes on a rather difficult form, but I couldn't replace my belly on my back.

Because there can't be an option to leave Julius here alone.

"- Bring someone of the good ladies next, Omei. I don't care if it's hot."

Until the end, Reid waved flirtatiously, without calling someone's name at once.

To such an attitude of Reid's mischievous likeness, Subaru literally couldn't do anything other than just escape home without being able to say anything.

"... Ha, ha"

Step by step, step by step, down the stairs to make sure.

The passage of the stairs is quite wide, but the sight surrounded by stone walls cannot wipe the sense of obstruction. This is the second time I've gone up and down this staircase, but there's also zero clues so far about the structural unnaturalness of the staircase that leads straight through the tower, and how to solve its mystery.

"Oh, my God, I need to think about something stupid... do it, I can't... eh"

There is no need to explain the spiciness of carrying one person down a long staircase.

Not to mention that there are four hundred and forty-four steps (Emilia count) on this large staircase. Subaru doesn't have bad feelings for Emilia first, but only this time he gives specific numbers for the hard stairs, driven by the urge to pull his cheeks and scold him.

Regardless, Emilia must be cute trying to get her cheeks pulled -

"Come on, we need to get you back... you're worried about Emilia and Bear."

The Subaru, who noticed Julius' absence in the green room, were all to split up and look around for him in the surveillance tower. Various things include heading to the third floor, hurrying to each room on the fourth floor, and having Shaura check downstairs with Gian under the dragon car.

Guys, I'm worried about Julius. defeated by Reid, no longer placing a broken knight sword. What heart he is in,

There is no doubt whatsoever that they are heartbreaking in their worries.

"But hey..."

- Only Subaru was different. Subaru was the only one who understood immediately.

Where and for what did Julius put the knight's sword?

I'm sure Subaru is the only one...

"- Shake, it's something."

"- Huh! You noticed!

I stopped my leg stretched downstairs to the voice I had received from my back. To that call, Julius, who is in charge on his back, wandered "Ah,"

"Here, here..."

"In a blurry way, on the way down the stairs, on the way down the long stairs, to be more specific, on the way back down the stairs between the fourth and second floors"

"It's far-fetched, isn't it?... me, carried by you?

"That's right. I'm telling you, this is the second time in this short time, this. I thought you didn't want to do it again. You know how I feel about this being flabbergasted again in half an hour?

"It makes sense, it should be uncomfortable to ride..."

"You, you want to be shaken down?

Signs of Julius laughing arrived over her back, slightly exhaling. Subaru slightly relieves tension while disputing that ironic statement.

Honestly, Subaru couldn't predict what would happen to Julius' first voice when he woke up. It is no exaggeration to say that I was afraid, if I may speak the truth without abomination.

So I was horrified that the interaction derived from Julius' first voice when he woke up was not self-inflicted.

"Do you remember exactly what happened?

"... pity, I'm talking about it. Annoying you, Anastasia, to an easily defeated and merciful quote."

"... that's the other guy, and he's not so devilish as to blame you for losing."

Terrible, Subaru sighs at what looks like him and resumes down the stairs.

Julius, a returning consciousness, is much easier to carry than he was earlier. And thanks to the clearing up of the anxiety that was weighing the foothold, the rest of the steps are likely to gain momentum.

"... is Anastasia safe? I saw that he fell and that he was being treated in the Spirit's room."

"There's nothing else in my life. That's the diagnosis so far. You're about to die better. I'll be surprised if I find out who that eyeball bastard is."

"- Reid Astrea"


To a voice full of certainty, Subaru stopped breathing in surprise for a moment. But as soon as I mislead it, my breathing and legs resume moving.

on his back, so that the upset could not be transmitted. Subaru, while choosing the words,

"Well, you get it. This way is that one. Shaura knows. He must have seen his face four hundred years ago, so it's natural to know... but he was really uncomfortable. If you look at your face, you faint, and that's why."

"What, there was plenty of room to notice. To the flaming redhead, blue eyes. That's so much unplanned swordsmanship...... swordsmanship, I guess. I haven't even let him wave my sword. Let me just say that with the powerful?" Stick swing "is also an expression that shows him as seen in the literature."

"No way, 'Stick Shake' has been called for a long time because you fight with that chopstick?

"Correctly, it means you don't pick a score. I had some thoughts when they called me" Stick Shake "... but I couldn't be sure. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you."

Subaru answered nothing to Julius' nuance that he was sorry.

He said there was room to realize, but Subaru thinks that's too harsh a story.

Reid Astrea, the man supposedly the first 'sword saint', is someone who should have died four hundred years ago.

It can't be easily conceivable to encounter past greats who have given their names to gaga and legends, etc., just because their characteristics match.

If it was possible to notice, the idea should have been possessed by Subaru.

Emilia and I were both nodding that the "test" to be conducted at this watchtower was close to the "trial" that Echidona's cemetery had undergone somewhere.

Then Subaru was the only one who should have given more thought to the content of the 'exam' to be carried out in this tower and mentioned it as far as possible.

Failure to do so led to a loss in that two-tier "Electra".

"Phew. What principle is it that meets the legendary swordsman who has risen from the past... I guess I should be happy with this miraculous tour..."

"I'm sure of it. The legendary hero is the real thing. That's a good place to be disappointed. 'Sage' is a former reputation chaurat, and this tower has too many shoulder watermarks."

"... heart, perceive,"

Somewhere, it was the sound of plundering and conceiving a self-derisive sound.

Hearing Julius spill it up close, Subaru bites his back teeth saying he lacked consideration. But "nevertheless," he did not touch upon its words and deeds,

"Sure, we talked about the first generation of 'Kensei' being carved into gold coins, but this was also very different from the real thing. Even if Shaura had a different gender because she was different, there's a pretty big gap. Gold coins are more like Osama..."

"As a historical fact, it is at an older age that Reid cited a feat that could be counted as Sanyingjie. You are probably right to be portrayed in gold coins. He's up there, he's younger than history."

"Speaking of which, it looks like Reid didn't recognize Shaura..."

The intention to divert from the topic was unexpectedly linked to one of the doubts.

The more I checked with Julius's story, I see, there was certainly too much temperature difference between the Shaura and Reid sides for him to be familiar with. If that was' Reid Before I Met Shaura 'as a tentative story, there are parts of me that can nod to the difference between the two perceptions.

Most importantly, Chaura is overreacting, and Reid's probability of not remembering people's faces and names because of that personality weakens the rationale.

"When that's right, you know, it was after the whole season that you fought witches. So, we have to break through that young full-season guy."

"Don't make your future seem so difficult or impossible"

"I'm sure it's tough. But there must be a way out if we work out measures. Now…"

While exploring the thread for Reid's offense, Subaru hesitated ahead of the words.

Now, at this moment, should I tell Julius that, because my heart put a stop to it?

But that was a step, too late.

"Now... what is it"

"No, the..."


I observed Reid and saw a breakthrough, and other excuses are quickly seen through. In fact, I'm pretty sure I haven't found a way to break through Reid right now, or any weaknesses.

Subaru was therefore briefly called by name and perceived.

"... after you and Anastasia fell, Emilia broke through the 'exam'"


"It's just that. Simple power comparison doesn't mean I beat him down. All kinds of coincidences took sides... because Emilia was special."

To call it a simple victory, that result is somewhat difficult.

As for the "exam," it's like letting Reid, the examiner, recognize Emilia's readiness and strength, but the truth is hard to explain except what she saw.

Even if I tell you to win the same way, it's something no one but Emilia can do.

"Anyway, Emilia cleared the 'test' as a result of the intertwining of various complex elements. It's just that he's talking about allowing only the cleared person to go through, and it's all together that we have to win for all of us to get up there... rather, it's vicious"


"Why, we need to work out an operation. Regardless of the face you can fight, I have to admit to a combo fight with Beatrice. It's not even a story. In the first place, Mary has no reason to challenge the 'exam'. Around that time, I was convinced by the discussion... but I was too worried."


"So, you know, it's not like you're blind if you fight again, too. Even so, that's it. It's not like this one. More clearly, we will work out trends and measures after identifying the person. Just follow my style this time..."


"... hey, are you listening? Julius, hey?

Suspicious Julius for not responding while explaining quickly. As it were, calling on him on his back, Julius breathed slightly in several calls,

"Oh, oh, I'm fine. I thought you were listening. … well, Emilia."

"That's a subtle previous story there... it is. Because of that, this is not a hopeless test for clearance. Don't take it too personally, okay?

"Feel it? What, even if you don't need to worry about that. - Everything, you're right. If Master Emilia was crossed the 'exam', he... 'Sword Saint' Reid is by no means an insurmountable obstacle. It turns out it's a big harvest."

"Oh, oh, yeah. That's right.... that's what I hope you understand."

Unexpectedly, Subaru tasted the shoulder watermark, fearfully explained to Julius's reaction, flexibly accepting that Emilia had survived the 'exam'. - No, that's fine.

Someone will be notified that they have cleared the obstacle they have encountered first.

It was useless to Julius, such as worrying about distracting him from the fact. A little bit, I can say I expected too much of him on the naïve side. Or the fact that you shouldn't have guessed a knight named Julius Euclius in Subaru's own appearance?

It was at the same time that Subaru held such emotions and Julius exhaled for a long time.

Then, when Julius spins the word "well," in a light tone,

"It's time for you to put it down. I'm going to get sick of being carried away by you forever. [M] Unlike the Ground Dragon, you don't seem to have the protection of the windscreen."

"Be patient with the shaking and the wind and let them carry you. It's a dull fact, but you can't be so thin as to let an injured person walk on his own. Emilia Tan scolds me."

Shaking his head at Julius' offer, Subaru shook his body and re-carried Julius.

In fact, Julius is not in very good shape. Being in the green room was only a few dozen things, no matter how competent the spirits in that room were, how much treatment was given to Julius, who was hurt all over his body.

And Julius, who experienced a second defeat, has not been able to do anything about it.

With lacerations, fractures, etc., Subaru is also about to wave the arm of the Clind-stamped first aid technique, but there are no such understandable traumas to Hate and Julius.

Reid's attack was even something that was released without breaking Julius' heart.

Regardless, there is no question that it accumulates damage in a different way than trauma, and there is no substitute for it being out of the question to force him to do it.

So Subaru decided that there would be another half, roughly two hundred stairs, ready to cut down with Julius on his back...

"- No, I can't put that much effort on you. If I stay stunned. Still, fortunately, I woke up. I can go down the stairs myself."

"I mean, hey, don't be mean. By and large, even if you stick it up, it's still here. If you're ashamed to be seen on your back, everyone you've been with is watching you. I haven't only seen Shaura and Anastasia."

"Then that's why. To both of us...... especially, we can't let Master Anastasia look like this. Put me down."

"Don't say anything like I put it on. In the first place…"

"- You're telling me to put it down!

- The outburst was sudden.


Shortly after the stuck voice hit his ear, Subaru was hitting the wall of the stairs from his shoulder.

The cause is that Julius, who was on his back, twisted himself forcefully. I was glad I pointed my body towards the wall, but it wasn't strange to fall down the stairs at risk.

But because that's how I was best at protecting myself -,


"You... you idiot! What the hell are you thinking?

Leaning against the wall and turning around, I found Julius falling slightly down the steps. He fell off Subaru's back and slipped down some stairs.

Elbowed with depression, the color of pain is dark for the appearance of gasping for bitterness. Obviously, that wasn't caused solely by falling down the stairs.

"I'm not telling you! Hey, stay there, idiot. I'm going now..."

"You don't have to come!


"... alone, I can stand. No need to hold hands."

In a panic, my leg stopped trying to run down the stairs.

Julius stopped Subaru from rushing over with his outstretched hand as he elbowed to the floor. When he exhaled deeply as he was, he managed to wake up his body as he stiffened its side.

Depositing his back on the wall that way, he slowly, slowly raised his hips to rub his back, stretched his knees, and stood up as he leaned over.

"Like I said, right? There's no way I can stand alone."

Somewhere, in the sound of that voice like a throwaway, Subaru is speechless.

Julius flipped his body as it was, making sure to keep his right half on the wall, and that's when the baby started crawling down the stairs, cursorily.

Step by step, step by step, so that you can take...

"It's going to take a little while, but I don't need to bother your hand. I'm more worried about the women downstairs. I'm afraid I'm going to shelve my actions, but I don't think you're the only one looking for me."

One step, again, one step.

"If possible, would you explain it to me downstairs first? Nevertheless, the detailed story and the clarification would be muscular from myself. All you have to do is tell them that I've been found and reassure them."

Slowly, slowly, step by step.

"... I admit it's a heavy thing to explain. It is an inevitable path. I can't help but feel a great deal of gratitude to you as far as I'm concerned for getting that rough road in order at all. For you, you may want to increase your loan to me even more."

Julius keeps talking, not turning his face to this one, taking the stairs alone, trying to get down alone.

Even in the slow footsteps, the difference with the stopping Subaru definitely opens up.

If you try to pack it, it's a quick clogging distance. We need to outrun him for once, whether we fulfill his wishes or not. - So Subaru moved his leg.

"Tell Emilia and the others first."

"... oh yeah. If Master Anastasia was awake... no, let's not do it again. Anyway, I want you to do it."

Hurry down the stairs to his feet, Subaru slowly caught up with Julius. Julius exhales a similarly relieved shoe sound on the stairs, urging Subaru to go ahead.

- No, it's not 'go ahead'. "Go ahead," he urged.


Subaru understands a little of Julius' insides when he says it.

The reason I understood it was the same reason I immediately intuited that unlike Emilia and the others, only Subaru had Julius go on a challenge to Reid -.

One day, it must be caused by what Subaru held and something somewhere similar.

So, at that time, Subaru...

"- Huh! Oh, shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck! You idiot! Me and you, you big idiot! Chickshaw!"

Throwing away in frustration, Subaru kicked the stairs and headed to Julius.

I'm not going to outrun you. Leaning against the wall and grabbing his left arm, which was a bumpy foothold, he braced his body with his shoulders roughly together.

"Nah... Subaru, what are you..."

"Ugh! What makes you stand alone! I can see it's a flabby hip! You can't just leave him like that and drink! Before Emilia scolded me, I was disgusted!

"But I..."

"Even I wouldn't lend a hand if I really didn't have to. But even my hands are buried with all this stuff. If you really don't want to borrow my help, don't just walk around dressed like I can't stand it!


Spitting, Julius pushed silently at Subaru yelling so.

Once he loses the power he tried to shake, and as soon as he sees Julius hesitate to resist, Subaru begins to walk with his shoulder forced.

Once you've made the pace that way, Julius doesn't have time to defy either.

"I can't believe I know the bottom of your stomach. I don't know what to say."


"But right now, I don't need you walking down this staircase alone, this long staircase. I'll lend you my shoulder, and I don't even think it's a loan."

It's ridiculous, such as talking about borrowing.

How much do you owe Julius, such as Subaru, if you say so?

That must be the first thing you owe me, starting with the squad yard at that royal castle.

- I know why Julius was challenged to find out he couldn't beat Reid.

Same as Subaru then and then.

Subaru was challenged by Julius then, even though he knew he couldn't win. No matter how many times he was knocked down, beaten, he stood up with no punishment and kept trying.

Other than that, there was no way to spit out the passion that came from the back of my chest.

And at that time, Subaru, in that place where everything was over, that place where Emilia and I decided after the argument, became 'alone' and hard. I wanted to cry.

- So you're gonna take Julius to this staircase and leave him alone?


The bottom of my belly is hot. Just like then.

Unlike then, I don't know where to spit out this passion.

"- Subaru"


"... sorry"


I answered, hoping that didn't sound like an eight hit.

As they were, they slowly went down the stairs and back to the fourth floor.

- It wasn't until more than a dozen minutes later that Emilia found them and stroked their breasts down to relief.

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