Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter Six, 49: To You Who Can't Do It

I feel twitchy, twitchy, and paralyzed out of my arm.

Subaru was turning away from and feeling the healing under his sleeve when that was the nail mark put up by Mary at death, the feeling that it slowly, but steadily, healed and disappeared.

"... well, that was a big deal, this room"

The spirits living in this chamber full of twilight were heard to heal the wounds of the creatures that were indoors. Nevertheless, it was doubtful how effective it would be for Subaru, who had never had any previous experience of visiting the room with trauma.

It is thus made to reflect that it was a subspecies reckoning, tasting the feeling of the wound actually healing.

"It was a diving message because of you, but it would be terrible if you were my brother"


"But it helped Beatrice not to guess, didn't it? Thanks to you, the scratches on my hands, which were proof of immobility, disappear."

In my head, the phantom of a girl who talks extensively is loud.

What is bitter for Subaru is that if this girl's remarks do not reflect the inner heart of Subaru, she decides her mind so accurately that it cannot be said so.

I don't know if this girl's phantom is a runoff by part of Subaru by fulfillment, or a literal ghost possessed by Subaru by reading The Book of the Dead.

All I know is, whatever the facts are, don't listen to this girl. You shouldn't tilt it. such, irritating facts. That was all.

So Subaru consciously shuts out an audible hallucination.

But that's how the more Subaru sticks to his shell, the more fun the phantom increases the number of words and manipulates him to flirt with Subaru.

The very thing that...

- Beatrice's not around now, is she? There's nobody to interrupt, so why don't you just finish that sleeping kid off? Ah?


'Dull... don't look so crying. I can't stop trying to ignore him, so he's really cute. Wow, he's my brother.'

The invisible girl's voice also sounds like a whisper in Subaru's ear.

If you close your eyes, you can see the girl softly creeping on Subaru's back, spitting sweet words in her ears along with a sweet exhale.

The Spirit Room brought to rest, where Subaru is also forced to make the same choice as when he held the Book of the Dead.

Beatrice, who brought Subaru to this room, is going to tell Emilia and the others that she left Tygeta's library. So temporarily, before Subaru, who had a free time not seen by anyone, there was one girl who kept sleeping in a bed of twilight like a offering...

"... rem"

An unconscious girl, trying to say that name, does not create an emotion within Subaru.

She's just a girl who knows her name and doesn't even remember exchanging words. What you know about her is that she is Ram's twin sister and that she is one of Emilia and the others. Then, what I've done to this tower in search of the means to wake her up long asleep.

- I want to know more than that.

'You have the means. And then, do it or not. Open up.'

The temptation of a sweet girl reminds Subaru of the 'Book of the Dead' plan, even if no.

Even if she is now in deep sleep, she must have had some involvement with Subaru by the time she was alive. With the help of The Book of the Dead, you can see that, and what thoughts she had with Subaru.

Above all, she is more capable of pecking her life than Mary.

Girl in a coma, etc., that's what makes you choke to death even if you just leave a wet cloth on your face. ASAP, ASAP, ASAP, ASAP, ASAP -,

"... stupid or me. No, I'm an idiot. I am."

Hand controlled the sense of impatience of being considered, Subaru reconsiders his stupid thoughts.

As soon as possible, take such action and what will you do? I just jumped into the situation in front of me with covetousness, and if the rest doesn't go on, it means nothing.

Killing is a process. What Subaru wants is the result of their sincerity.

Until we jeopardize the outcome, it's a good place to rush the process, etc.

Didn't you think that much, even in the library of Tygeta?

Assuming you're moving the Book of the Dead plan to execution, you need to choose carefully the order in which it will be shredded.

"Julius, Emilia, Chaura, Ram, Echidna, Beatrice, Rem......"

Counting the fingerfolds, Subaru aligns the people in the tower, excluding Mary - that is, the person who wants to win the Book of the Dead, if possible - with the priorities for it.

Perhaps it should be good in this order to get in the way of the implementation of the 'Book of the Dead' plan.

Conversely, unless you have an arithmetic to sharpen in this order, it will never work even if you act in a hurry. - I'm sorry I screwed up.

'Otherwise, you'll lose your life. Kowaai'


Keep silent in the light mouth of the phantom. There were signs of being made evil and the phantom seemed dissatisfied.

But no matter what they say, my attitude doesn't change. Same thing.

Subaru doesn't want to kill Emilia and the others.

Still, if I had to kill you, I'd like to get that opportunity done once and for all.

Just once, just once. For that, as long as you have a complete plan.


That's how the yellow gaze pierces towards the deeply exhaling Subaru.

Seeing, it was in this spiritual room, present in a different position from the girl who keeps sleeping - a pitch-black ground dragon, Patrash's eyes.

Patrash's gaze toward the shriveled Subaru seems to have conceived worry without heart or worry.

It may have worked that Beatrice left behind saying, "I want you to take a good look at Subaru," before she left the scene for a moment.

As long as the eyes of that patrash shine, I can't do anything like work a wolf to a sleeping girl, no matter how much I can be hastened by a sense of impatience. In that regard, I would like to thank Patrash for not having to make an expedited decision.

However, Svalbard, who saw The Book of the Dead, was becoming incapable of turning his honest trust to Patrash, who was supposed to have felt so much love.

"... is this what you're after too," Natsuki Subaru ""

The more you crave to believe and think about where its sincerity lies, the more isolated Natsuki Subaru becomes in a different world with no stopovers.

Is that the nasty game presented by that evil 'Natsuki Subaru'?


Twitching, the scratches I put on Mary heal.

Tasteing the distant sensation of that pain, Subaru wrapped his sleeves around and put his nails up from the top of his healing sore lid on the scar of "Upper Natsuki Subaru", which was painfully carved there.

I don't care if my - no, not my own, nasty crippling nail marks disappear.

But the message that suggests my existence that I'm not myself, I won't let this just go away.

"This way, so is the message"

He chooses the wound on his left arm, this time on his right arm, and in the same way Subaru stands his nails.

A black, still unfamiliar spotted print ran on his arm, with a wound that wasn't there at first. That's a wound that Subaru carved himself, like a payback to a message on his left arm.

Here's the thing, it's engraved.

- "What are you," Natsuki Subaru's genuine inquiry, as a wound.


As such, Subaru does not realize while sparing no effort to hurt his own flesh.

"- Eh."

That Patrash is staring painfully at Subaru's self-inflicted behavior.

Even if Mary's wound disappeared, if you looked into Mary's own hands, it was clear that she desperately resisted the person who tried to kill herself.

To the fact that the murder of Mary, who thinks she could have hidden it perfectly, has been built on a terribly dodgy aftermath.

Only one thing, the gear meshing just went crazy and all the foundations collapse.

Funny clowns scratching their feet to turn away from the underlying problem and desperately try to balance on such a thin ice tower is now Subaru.

But that hilarious clown act finally greets the curtain call undisturbed.


Fortunately, Mary Portruit's body came from 'never found' anywhere.


At the dinner table, the air falling between all of us face-to-face is terribly heavy.

The biggest factor in this is the dangerous state - already too late - in which the presence of Mary, half-accounted for by everyone, was not vacantly discovered, nor was the desperate search.

I don't feel comfortable with man-made tactics, but I still mobilized all the people I could crack and spent nearly half a day trying to figure it out.

There is no need for a sense of incarceration to recruit or for a great deal of stress.

"Since you came to this tower, you've been waving away."

"... be clear what you didn't say even though you thought"

Stare at the lamb that mouths a feeling of increased fatigue as it roams the likes of dried bread for dinner.

To the gaze of that Subaru protest, Ram shrugged his shoulders with an emotionally invisible, faceless look. But even from a tattered girlfriend, the color of tiredness still doesn't fall out.

That wasn't limited to rum, everyone in the tower was in the same condition.

"For once, I went to talk to Reid, and he said he hadn't seen it. I've been bored since yesterday... and I don't think it's a lie. I don't think Mary's going to see you alone because she saw Reid."

"Even that young, deserted man is hard to imagine hurting his daughter that age...... and I guess I'm afraid I can't say enough. But Betty agrees with Emilia."

Emilia and Beatrice exchange words about a two-tier keeper, a red-haired eyelid man.

That man who only remembers being hurt for Subaru, too, but Emilia, who headed for a hearsay, seems to have returned safely and unharmed.

Be relieved by that, then Subaru shakes his neck to the side.

I don't have a reason to be relieved by this, or a qualification before it.

Even though Emilia herself doesn't know if she deserves to be appeased by Subaru for her safety.

"- Can I have one? I would suggest being ruthless and ready to be so cursed"

At the end of the dinner, where I drank up the tasteless soup and filled my belly slightly, it was Echidna who raised her hand so.

She narrowed her eyes and pointed her shallow-colored eyes at everyone,

"That girl, the search for Mary...... I think we should cut off today and act for the tower offense again from tomorrow. What do you think?

"-! You can't do that! I don't know how Mary feels."

"Already, she is left with no head to think about or feel. That is evidenced by Natsuki-kun's confirmed Book of the Dead. I'm against any further searches."

Emilia was the first to rebel against Echidna's suggestion, which could be described as both realistic and cold. But Emilia's. That's only emotional theory, and Echidna's expression is unwavering.

But on behalf of Emilia, who was wrapped up in words, Beatrice pinched her mouth, "Could I wait?"

"At first glance, you can hear your words. It just sounds a lot steeper. Why would you want to cut off Mary's search?

"-. I wonder if it's that strange. In the tower, the food we bring in is limited, and the more days we stay, the more burdens we will place on each other's camp. If the dates are large and long, we can think of people to be broken for our search."

"Of course. Dear Emilia and Anastasia... the contents are different now, but they are both in a difficult capacity for the election of kings. You shouldn't be in a desert tower like this."

Cutting off Echidna's suggestion, Beatrice and Lamb begin to show some chilling attitude.

The proposal, in accordance with rationality, became a more cold-hearted call for opinions, and a sense of urgency was emerging in the atmosphere of the dinner party.

"Nah, it feels nasty ~. Uh, either way, but if you can rub it, uh, I want you to do it where it has nothing to do with your master. Ah, so, you and your teacher build a happy family. Ichihihime Ertaro Santao Husband"

I can't even afford to tongue out the tingly vibe, slip my butt and respond to Shawla's light mouth that comes next door. I also had some thoughts about her, the attitude she showed in the library.

Um, what did Shaura want Subaru to say when she pressed for a choice on the last occasion? If she calls Subaru her master and shows the bare gesture she admires, how far?

- I was wondering how far Subaru would follow what he ordered.

"The contention should be that far"

and it is Julius who engraves distress on his brilliant face that broke that sinister atmosphere.

He puts his arm out in front of Echidna, then salutes Beatrice and Lamb both.

"Dear Beatrice, Ms Lamb. I apologize for Echidna's inadvertent remarks about this faction. Just don't get me wrong. that neither did she make such a suggestion solely on the grounds of rationality, without any significance"

"Julius, don't. That story..."

"Already, Emilia and the others may have lost the girl they accompanied. The wounds over there are shown. Then we should show our sincerity."

In Julius' honest words, Echidna enclosed the continuation of the words. To that reaction, Julius turned again to the Beatrices.

"Today, the body of Anastasia-like is considered to be the dependency of Echidna, the Spirit. It is true that while in that state, Master Anastasia cannot find the means to wake up... other than that, there is a problem. - Echidna is consuming Anastasia's odds."

"Odd, what... so, shred that all the time? Ever since Mr. Anastasia couldn't wake up, he stayed put?

"... I see. How can we rush to the Tower's attack and the wisdom of the 'Wise Men'?"

Emilia and the others reveal their surprises to the secrets of Echidona told by Julius.

revealed from within, and Echidna, a party, shrugged her shoulders, jealously,

"I can't help but fix it now. Julius is right. I don't think it's a good idea to drain the odds that Anna's lubrication just because I'm doing this. I'd like to give Anna back her body as soon as I can."

"Be free, until you let go of the human body?

"Even if I can free Anna's flesh, my own mind is unfettered. I don't know how far you can trust me for saying this..."

So Echidna separated the words, one beat, accumulated, and then continued.

"There should be a presence in the vessel that should be. Even if I borrow only the outside body, if the contents are not accompanied, I get worn out. It becomes unnatural. - It's a terrible thing."

"- Huh!"

Echidna's statement, which kept her eyes down and cursed us, broke Subaru's heart that it would be or that she was just listening to the story in a comic fashion.

Borrow only the outside, if it doesn't come with the contents. - That's what shoots my mind horribly heavy.

"Anyway, that's why I want to rush the tower. If you can't believe it, let Beatrice look for this body. Because you'll soon know the extreme drain of odds and how distorted I am as a spirit."

Without realizing the grip of such Subaru and the pain of the wound engraved in unconscious words, Echidna entrusts others with the proof of her position.

In fact, when the nominated Beatrice took Echidna's arm and put an exploration into her body as to what principles, Echidna's words seemed to prove to be true.

And get the result -,

"... ok. Echidna and I understand Mr. Anastasia's difficult circumstances. Hurry up and climb the tower."

"I don't know if this will give me a break, but assuming there is a secret to the wisdom of the 'wise man' who was even told to know all about this tower, that might tell me the whereabouts of the girl who lost her way. If you put it this way, I know how cowardly it is."

"Yeah, thanks. Much better than no hope. - You've taken care of me, you've taken care of Mary, haven't you?

"... I wonder. Maybe you and Anna are just cute, huh?

Echidna turns away with a bumpy face to Emilia, who showed an attitude of accepting the claim.

To that appearance Emilia narrows her purple blue eyes, then breathes and declares again.

"I'm so worried about Mary. But I also know what Echidna thinks. So starting tomorrow, we'll do what we can to get to the top of the tower properly. Of course, I'm going to keep looking for Mary as long as I can..."

"So, if the tower attack is neglected, it's the end of the line, Emilia."

"I know. - Sometimes you have to think for yourself about what's important."

Hands on her cheeks, Emilia resided her strong will in her eyes and exhorted herself.

Then she looks back to Subaru, who was overlooking the situation. For a moment, I am pressured by the strength of that gaze, but the words that Emilia went on to say are nothing like a strangulation.

"Subaru, too, okay?

"Well, I think that's a good idea. That's better, too, Mary floats... no, you want us to move forward... but why are you checking with me?

"'Cause Subaru would have read Mary's book, wouldn't he? Um, when I read it and saw the reaction right away... about Mairi, because the thing I'm most worried about is that it's supposed to be Subaru"

Pretending Emilia, Subaru stuffed her breath in her words.

If you look at it, Emilia isn't the only one who pays attention to Subaru. Beatrice, Lamb, Echidna and Julius all looked at Subaru.

I can't work my head to guess what kind of gaze that is with intent.

Without working, Subaru followed the soothing spirit in himself and moved his lips.

"- I'm worried about you. But I don't think Mary would want us to step on it either."

Probably the best in the world, just to utter a slippery word.

- Late in the night, Subaru finally started his activities at the time of his birth free movement.


At the end of the dinner party and the consolidation of tomorrow's policy, the line went into preparing bedding for going over the night, deciding to squeeze each wisdom for a two-tier offense.

It's the night of the unexpected problem with one of the companions.

Naturally, it was recommended that everyone sleep in one place and fall asleep in one place. For this reason, for once, the impromptu compartment is made with a blanket, while celebrating the night when men and women meet together.

Only Subaru was in it, however, and insisted on sleeping in the Spirit Room.

The after-effects of reading The Book of the Dead, that's the big name.

In fact, since everyone sees the modulation right after Subaru read The Book of the Dead, he did not see as much reaction to that opinion. Of course, Beatrice showed a particularly strong difficulty in letting Subaru sleep alone, but the Spirit Room is a quorum.

When his head was heavy, he broke into subaru that shook his voice, and Beatrice pulled in his dissent.

That would have had more of an impact than a gift of Subaru's acting ability that he was seriously pale.

Honestly, Subaru is aware that as strange as it is that he has not fallen, he is plagued by the absolute malaise of the smashing.

'I don't think Mary would want us to step on it, either. - An actor. "


'Ugh, don't be mad at me. Isn't that ironic?' Cause I really think so and praise you. Ah. '

During the dinner party, I thought it was a lot quieter, but how the last Subaru whitey proclamation went into the bump, the phantom of silence repeated its act in an upbeat mood.

What's troublesome about the phantom audience is that even if it doesn't work where they've blocked their ears and refuse to listen to them, they'll taste the discomfort of putting their nails up on the blackboard in a sweet voice color.

"So, you're keeping your blue-haired sister's neck tonight, aren't you?


Plenty, to Subaru, who waited for the night to get up and start acting, the phantom suggests overlapping the presence of the sleeping princess in the same room.

Same phantom temptation as hours ago, but Subaru's answer to this is the same as hours ago.

"Not yet, not in this child's order"

With that said, Subaru leaves the room without a glance in the sleeping face of the Sleeping Princess.

At that time, my eyes met Patrash, who opened her eyes slightly, but I stood my finger on her lips and cut through just a gesture that I wanted her to keep to myself.

I don't know how far my intentions have been passed on to lizard opponents, but Patrash, along with them, feels more like a clever creature than a dog or horse. I hope you'll keep your mouth shut.


The reason Subaru set in motion in the middle of the night after working on becoming alone in advance - not to take the lives of his sleeping companions and to move the 'Book of the Dead' plan into action.

Of course, the proposal was fully considered. It is desirable to be unintentional in realizing the plan with Subaru's strength, which can be said to be the best choice to make a sleeping gap.

But it's still too early to do that. That's a last resort, to be kept until when you can no longer choose your hand, an act against humanity.

Then what the hell did Subaru start acting at night for?


- My corpse, will you do something about it?

Seeing Subaru's way ahead, the girl's voice asks as she stands behind her.

Subaru doesn't answer that, but the same goes for footsteps affirming the inquiry as it is.

- The remains of Mary, who should have been hidden, that Subaru is acting to dispose of them.


Weird story, or lucky situation, that's all it is anyway.

Today, the search for Emilia and the others did not discover the remains of Mary, nothing more than that it was a wind direction that should have been a devil's plot rather than a divine distinction.

In retrospect, a cover-up full of holes against sudden events emerges, depending on how badly you want to curse your own tour of wisdom.

I didn't happen to find it. Saved by it. But after tomorrow, beside focusing on the tower's offense, no wonder you happen to find something you didn't happen to find.

At least, Emilia shouldn't have given up on Mary's search.

If you're that bottomless, hard-won girl who's positive, it's easy to imagine continuing to look for the girl who's gone until she breaks her heart about the decisive thing.

Subaru therefore needed reassurance.

Without peace of mind, we can't build a foundation there. If the foundations are not laid, the foundations of the castle, the future, cannot be laid on top of it. If the foundations cannot be put together, the future will not be complete.

For the sake of Natsuki Subaru's peace of mind, the presence of Mary Portrut stands in the way.

"I'm being fooled in the head. Now it's more like that."

I don't lend ears. I just made it clear that I was in the way. Reject categorically.

As it was, Subaru reached the room where he hid Mary's remains, sneaking eyes of the night.

Although it is an area with similar rooms, a discoloration has been seen on the stone walls just near the entrance, making it an easy landmark to understand.

"Honestly, the aftertaste is not good..."

It would be best to take them out of the entrance to the tower to the desert and bury them in the sand.

Leave it in the building for more than a few days and the corruption will also proceed. Temperatures are not as high or low, but bodies that have already stopped living activities should inevitably decay.

Seriously, if you want to never see it again, it was best to do some imposing but keep it away from the tower and use it as bait for the warcraft of wandering outside.

But I imagine. But my heart blames it. Whatever it was, it was an impossible decision.


Behind the dim room, a square block of stone sits, with the remains hidden behind it.

It's a terribly childish way to hide, not to be missed if you look in consciously. With pity for his movements, Subaru turns to the back of the stone mass.

There, for the first time in about half a day, the remains of Mary...

"- What?"

Unexpectedly, my voice leaks.

To the sight in front of me, my head gave up understanding.

Behind the stone mass, there's nothing.

The wreckage of a girl who had her hands together on her chest and her eyes closed for at least consideration. There was nowhere to see or to see the remains of an unbroken girl with a blue and black mole on her white neck.

"What, so... here, sure..."

There must have been.

I can't even have the wrong room. Come here, I didn't make such a mortal mistake.

I didn't. If you didn't, where did the body go that had to be here?

- Where did the remains of Mairie Portrut disappear?

"- It's this late at night, and I'm looking for something, Balus."


Stunning, he stiffens himself to the voice from behind, and Subaru looks back in fear.

One shadow stood at the entrance to the room, not so wide, the vision of Subaru with a blue face.

The girl's standing, with her uncluttered peachy hair, sharp, rational thin red eyes, and a frivolous but pitiful face looking at her, holding herself with her arms, had the most magnificent glamour.

With such an out-of-place emotion in her chest, looking at the stiff Subaru, the girl - Lamb narrowed her eyes and said as if with a warm voice.

"Or should I call it a fake? Balth's - Natsuki Subaru's Failure"

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