Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Chapter III.2: The Servant's Tea Tale
I was dropped off by your man and welcomed the two of them into the entrance lobby of the mansion,
"Welcome home, Emilia."
and was a lem that extinguished emotions from its neat face and also eliminated temperatures from his voice and broke his hips.
The look on her face raising her head is a faceless expression that she will see a long time ago. Lately in the mansion - all in front of Subaru, but I can barely imagine her wearing an outward mask on her attitude, which has often made her smile (also called a Doya face).
It would also be a testament to the fact that we externalize the presence of Subaru back together and speak only to Emilia.
"I'm home. I'm sorry I left the mansion empty. - Looks like you have a visitor, huh?
"You can see the messenger from Wang Du. Master Roswar is responding now, may I ask you to be present?
"Of course. It's my problem, but you can't let me out of the mosquito net."
Nodding back to Lem, who responded to the query, Emilia turns to the stairs leading to the upper floor. and look back at the bewildered Subaru before that,
"Ah... what about Subaru? Can you go back to your room alone?
"A child, I am. I don't know, I can't be with you..."
Subaru offers that to Emilia, who fades the color of the tension slightly and leans her neck. but it wasn't Emilia with the troubled face that blocked that word,
"My sister is present in the seat. You don't need any more servants in there. You know, Subaru."
Subaru stuffs his throat at at Rem's words such as not letting him say yes or no.
Whereas Subaru has no objection whatsoever, Emilia puts up one small hand,
"That's why I'm sorry. Lem, show me around."
"Yes, Subaru, please return to your room."
Throwing words of apology, Emilia doesn't look back on Subaru anymore. Lem stabbed Todome in Subaru, who was not there, and Emilia rocked her silver hair and disappeared upstairs, following her lead.
"Oh, shit, that's not funny"
When I lost sight of the two of them, a sighing vice leaked out of my mouth as soon as I could.
It's been left behind. - Physically, mentally.
"Well, I'm talking about what good would it do me to have knowledge of different worlds?"
Two weeks have already passed since he came to the Mansion (a month and a half in physical time), but in the meantime, when it comes to what Subaru has learned, he stays with some basic chores and mastery of reading and writing letters. So to speak, it's on the same level as helping the children in the village with their houses.
Ambition is too much to do with the degree of strength between the nobles - let alone even with the end of an exchange that defines the apex of a single country. I can do as much as I like.
Therefore, I am satisfied with what has been left behind. Not that I'm not dissatisfied.
"With that, I'm not honest enough to go back to my room and sleep unfaithfully"
If you follow Emilia's or Rem's opinion, it would be desirable to go back to your room and sleep twice, a review of last night's writing. Or as a next good measure, it's not a bad idea to spill foolishness on your indoor daughter, who is hiccups anywhere in the mansion door.
Not bad, but there will be more we can do.
"If you decide so, kitchen kitchen for now"
Develop a policy of action and Svalbard's feet move out distorting his cheeks on the evil wax.
Go ahead and do as the words say in the kitchen - so let's start by making some warm tea.
"Aren't you bored of waiting on the table the whole time? How about a shirt?"
The old man, sitting on the table of your servants, looked down at Subaru, who had said so and brought the basin back into his hands, and opened his eyes lightly as he was astonished.
The place is again outside the mansion, right next to the dragon car that was stopped in front of the main entrance.
Subaru, who offers tea, looks up with a half laugh at the old gentleman with a surprising face, while still slightly freaked out by the unfamiliar lizard giant. and
"I'm sorry about this. It was a little unexpected, so disrespectful from above."
To recover from the first shock. No, the old gentleman descends from the platform to the ground. Subaru is faintly breathtaking in the motion of barely hearing the sound of the landing.
To the extent that it is correct to describe it as jumped, your podium is a place of height. The seating position is slightly higher than Subaru's gaze, and it is unlikely that he will have to be prepared for a paralysis in the soles of his feet to descend without support.
But the old gentleman walked softly against Subaru's such speculation, letting him gracefully grace himself in front of the basin to be offered.
"Let us sweeten your words. I was definitely a little thirsty."
"Ah, guys. I don't know what to like, so I made it the most expensive tea for now."
Offering a basin, the old gentleman engraves a soft smile on its face. Subaru observes him subtly as he walks right over to his side watching his age-appropriate wrinkles float in his mouth.
The upper back is slightly taller than Subaru, and the completely white dyed hair is of thinning and unrelated richness. The outfit is a black outfit that is too expensive for you. The spine stretches with pins, conveying that the flesh under the garment is also so sharpened that it is not worthy of age.
In other words, just standing in the front makes you nervous.
"You've instantly repainted the rankings of the otherworldly elderly I know. Farewell, Grandpa Rom. But honestly, I haven't encountered a scene where you're active."
The Giants and all that seemed like a deep setup, they left without a show.
I haven't received confirmation since, but would it be more unfortunate if I hit him hard in the head? That's all I cared about just a little bit.
"- It's just an old bone. You don't need to be on guard."
There is a calm voice on the pretend to Subaru, who thinks blurry about it.
The old man received the cup and said a word before he could carry it to his mouth. The old man laughed at the bad subaru, noticed that he was turning a cursory and careless gaze,
"It tastes good. I think it was pretty exciting......"
"It's not an exaggeration or anything, it's seriously the most expensive tea. Maybe if I drank it on my own, the maid with peach hair would be serious enough."
It looks like a big mess and is a lamb with a delicate tongue when it comes to tea leaves and such unexpectedly in array.
If you find out you've used the finest tea leaves considered 'strictly forbidden to take out,' you can assume that quite a few sermons await you. Most subaru,
"I didn't take the tea leaves out of the kitchen, I made them properly inside and took them outside... One thing in the one-off theory, I wonder if you can convince me"
"Hmm, you're a fighter."
"Unfortunately, I'm totally lucky if this reasoning makes sense to them."
Plus, a bet where 70% of the losses are confirmed. Even challenging is ridiculous.
It's only because I think it's worth the risk that this is a tea drink.
The old man leaned the cup one more time, exhaling deeply,
"Now, what would you like with this tea to feed on, old bones?
An old man asks with one eye closed and a presumptive look at this one.
Subaru dropped his shoulders on that sharp attitude while
"Mm-hmm. It's hard to do next to Roswar when you're one of the people I've met so far"
"It's an honor to be treated the same way as Mazers Borderline Uncle."
"I mean, you treat me like a pervert, don't you? I was prepared to yell at you right now."
Lightly flushed with a cool face, Subaru feels like a shoulder watermark again. Skilled, or should I say, his person is not the one who can fathom Subaru, who has a thin intensity and thickness of life experience. It's completely separate from this big, bald old man.
If so, the only thing Subaru can do is raise the white flag,
"I'm here. - My name is Natsuki Subaru. I am currently performing a servant apprenticeship here at Roswar Mansion. At least I'd like to know your name."
If you are a young man, admit the fact that you are a young man, and on top of that, the mountain of Sekiyama is enough to admire the mercy of the elderly.
to Subaru, who lowers his head honestly, the old gentleman faintly loosens his cheek,
"This is polite. My name is Wilhelm. Will you now be serving the Karsten family and getting a job?"
Wilhelm, to the old gentleman who named him, Subaru rolled that name once over his tongue before
"Thank you for sharing your name. Thank you. Finally, at least the reason for today's visit...... no, could you step in to the content?
"As for the matter, I think the messenger is in the middle of talking right now"
"Yes, but you were actually treated like you were banned from participating. It's not interesting to talk about not attending the event like this, so my approach."
I grasp from my first impressions and previous conversations that it is not easy for me to break my mouth. but on top of that, it's Subaru's art to step into their nostalgia. I don't have a lot of isolated experiences without Dada knowing how others feel.
Wilhelm lost his word only momentarily to the greedy Subaru attitude,
"Don't get your thoughts removed and hot, but does it also weave in and come forward? And I reopen it instead of being bad when my thoughts are seen through. - If it's the other guy, it's a bad personality to buy an upset."
A seemingly spicy word. But Wilhelm's expression on his mouth is soft. If the content of the current words were correct, Subaru's attitude would have been unfavourable to him, too, but it seems that the size of the vessel as an elderly person received it there.
Then Subaru looked up,
"Can't you just touch it?
"I don't know what position you're in at the Mansion. You can't say anything far-fetched to me. Understand."
Subaru is very polite to Wilhelm, even in his most disrespectful attitude. Subaru doesn't have the skills to negotiate to bend the feelings of such a stubborn figure.
If you stay like this, you just took out the expensive tea and met the conditions for being pissed off by the ram, when Subaru is on the way,
"It's just that you were close to Emilia, the king's candidate."
"Oh, oh, did you see that? Emilia and I were having a friendly, happy, shy, blushing talk, did you see that?
He frowns wonderfully at the way he calls it, and then Wilhelm laughs bitterly at his cash Subaru attitude.
"You're going down a steep road. They could be the next Queen of Lugnica, right?
"The status quo is just a super cute girl and an indescribable servant. The future is endless, so if you're just talking about the possibilities, you won't be able to move, will you? Mr. Wilhelm didn't marry his wife because he thought maybe the cutest thing in the world after a while?
"My wife..."
To Subaru's extreme tales, Wilhelm mumbles only for a moment.
but as soon as I looked back at Subaru, I flashed what should be called an admiration in those eyes,
"I see you're right. I also thought my wife was the most beautiful in the world. I felt everyone watching her. Unfortunately, it may not match, etc."
"What? If it's enough to give it to someone, I'll make it mine, even if I don't think it's appropriate. Ideally, you should somehow stay within reach, and then we can catch up with each other."
That's how I've been lately, Subaru, describing the end of my love heart.
I guess the reason I still can't convey this serious flavor to her mind is because Subaru doesn't have enough to get there.
Then I think we should do something about it now.
"That's why I want to avoid being a no-touch to Emilia's situation. I was walking a long time ago, and when I was distracted, I ran out for a small run - to catch up, of course, with all the illness I could, but it's the nature of wanting to take advantage of shortcuts and everything."
"A lot, you're the one who gets moved by interesting logic. It's really interesting. But even if you ask me for anything more, I have some trouble with it."
I'm sorry. Put your hands on this one, but Wilhelm shakes his neck to the side.
He tried not to break his sincere attitude, but to make Subaru mock.
"I am only a mere lord. I don't know that much about the circumstances. I don't think I can help you."
"I don't know. That's about as much as I noticed Emilia Tan's last name on the hood, and don't you think the excuse to be just your guy is a little tight?
To Subaru's blatant remarks, Wilhelm silences himself by erasing his expression. With his condition sidelined like that, Subaru stood one finger,
"Well, if there's a guy approaching the mansion, you can probably imagine an approximation, but can't you say for sure that's also true? But Mr. Wilhelm spotted Emilia immediately."
"Maybe I've just met Emilia before, right?
"If I did, Emilia, you'd say hello. It's hard to think that Emilia, who wanted to teach me, wouldn't introduce me to someone I knew next door - and in the first place, Emilia, I wonder if Mr. Wilhelm was just a tough guy to set up when she judged Emilia Tam in the hood."
A silent gaze asking Subaru to explain. Subaru waved, "No, no,"
"Emilia, the robe you were wearing seems to be knitted in a tricky way, and it seems to have the effect of inhibiting recognition of everything, doesn't it? If Emilia Tan doesn't allow it, or if she can break through the effects, she won't look like Emilia Tan."
Even when I first met her in Wang Du, she should have woven that robe with wings.
I kind of know Subaru now that that's where she came from - perhaps to avoid the trouble that the fact that she's a half elf could cause.
To the point where she, a half elf with silver hair, feels that superficial layer of how harsh a handful she bears in living in this world.
With such an emotion of Subaru at the margin, Wilhelm drops his shoulders as he perceived in his current explanation. He shook his head powerless as he was surprised, "This is it,"
"At the first point, I didn't know you were measuring this one... you're a bad person too"
"It doesn't feel that smart, though. While I was brewing tea at the mansion, I said, 'That's crazy, isn't it?' I just thought so. Coincidence, coincidence."
Still, it was thanks to Subaru's own commitment that we were able to grasp the catch. Keeping Emilia out of danger.
Subaru painfully knew how dangerous this world was, including one thing about the Warcraft. It is now the full of Subaru that its fangs show favor with the act of watering the baking stone so that it can be kept away from her at all.
So I grab whatever I need to grab, and I'm sure of everything I need to be sure of.
Laughing naggingly and lightly, Subaru is not going to let Wilhelm get away with it. At the time of the first tea invitation, this old gentleman was being dragged into Subaru space-time.
After ignoring all of their positions and conveniences, in Subaru space-time, where they only push their conveniences.
"Don't you get the excuse that you're just a man? … As you can guess, I am certainly a related party to the King's race - no, I should say a related party"
"Officials, Officials…"
Wilhelm in an interchangeable form. He begins to speak slowly as he chooses words to fulfill his duty as that loser.
rebutting its contents, Subaru chewed the meaning of the word in his head,
"Does that mean a position like mine in standing position?
"Is it the difference between you and me that the reason is not a concern"
"If you have the most beautiful wife in the world, you don't even think about one of the cheats. If it's cute, Emilia, I think it's better up there."
"No, cuteness, but my wife should be up there."
The intention to tear it up was said back as hard as possible, and Subaru wandered unexpectedly.
Subaru glanced at Wilhelm, who, as he distorted the edge of his mouth and made a grin, had run out of pimples,
"Out of the blue, you stick in weird places, Mr. Wilhelm. … tea eyes than I thought."
"I hope you think it's the will of an old body that has been exchanged by young people."
Instead, it was a serious statement, but with patience for wanting to penetrate, Subaru spins his head to hear what further stepped in.
I feel like I should get caught up in it somehow and appeal to my aunt for affection...
"- Apparently, time's up."
Subaru with a dumb voice. Against him like that, Wilhelm shows the mansion by hand when he pulls his lips together silently.
Looking back accordingly, far away, the doors of the mansion are open,
"It was Lem and... who came out"
It was a familiar blue-haired maid who showed herself from beyond both open doors. And he's a stranger with her.
Based on the flow of the story and Wilhelm's attitude, perhaps the person is the messenger who was on the subject.
"Something - exactly, do you feel like a fantasy?
Perhaps that sentiment came out of my mouth by accident because the person's appearance had an atmosphere that was too unlike the word 'messenger'.
When the person noticed Subaru's gaze staring at himself, he smiled a pranky grin and slowly came here - to the dragon car,
"Here. It would be rude to look so flirty because you have a beauty, Zo."
He stood in front of Subaru or no, poking his white fingertips at him and saying so with one-eyed action.
Someone who would probably be a messenger - it was an adorable looking girl with all her flax hair cut in semi-long.
Tall for a woman, almost as tall as Subaru. But the thinness of the line is naturally unparalleled and luxurious, and feminine in every trick - rather than girly.
Flax hair is decorated with a white ribbon, and the way you make your big eyes shine with curiosity is like a cat's love, and in fact, on its head,
"Finally, contact, cat not mob"
Trembling in response to a whine were the ears of a beast with the same color as her hair, claiming to be present in her head. In a world where the Asians are the norm, I have never had the opportunity to come into contact with any other Asians than I have seen before in the King's Capital, but this is how it rolls when I see the real thing.
"My soul as a mofflist won't stop asking for the presence in front of me... damn, get down, my right arm... ugh!
I can imagine the feeling of a fluffy haired cat ear beside her, and her presence is poisonous just standing in front of Subaru.
I hold down my right arm trembling with the look of death, and I manage to lag back and distance myself from her.
Subaru of such suspicious behavior. She dropped him off with a decent face,
"That thing, could they have hated me? Ferri, fail ~"
A girl who slaps her head with her fist bones and shows her tongue out.
Subaru freezes his throat in amazement, remembering a different kind of warfare in that trick earlier.
- After a headache, he said it was a tongue wink!?
It's so classic that it's no longer seen in Subaru's original world, it's a used legendary 'first-born' pattern. If anyone was too bruised to actually do that, it would be something I would have decided to stick him down one day -
"If you put the object in front of you, it's too destructive to do anything... ugh!
It even deprives me of the energy to get my hands on that too much bruising, meaning. And the two meanings overlapped: if the person who did it was too cute to fit in, so he couldn't help it, and as a result Subaru could only make the choice of dropping it off.
The girl bows silently and turns to Wilhelm, who greets her, sparing Subaru trembling in such a warlike direction the day after tomorrow.
"I'm home, Grandpa Ville. Sorry to keep you waiting outside, sir. You were bored, weren't you?
"No. This one has become more of an old bone talker, so we had a good time in addition to our thoughts"
A girl reacts sharply to Wilhelm's words decorating her earlier interactions as she puts her finger on her cheek. The pupils in the cat's eyes narrow and the mouth looks like a mindless or deformed ω. and
"Uh, uh, I see. Oh, shit, you're the boy Emilia said you were. So much so."
Seeing Subaru licking from top to bottom, the girl slapped her hand to convince. Subaru accidentally covered his body with his hands in that gaze, twisting himself to escape his gaze,
"No, don't. Because you're a man, you're not ashamed to look at me like that."
"Don't say that, honey. You don't have much meat to waste, you're in good shape. If it's not someone's property, you can taste it."
Against the evil ride Subaru, the girl also rides with her hands twitched.
Usually for a cackerwuff hang with a girl, Subaru's starting to get better from here, too.
"I don't know what kind of wonder you're willing to do. What is this mood...... like this, physiological?
Unlike disgust, etc., Subaru's instincts have been vociferously asserting it since earlier.
That the pranky eyed girl standing in front of you is a natural enemy to the point of clarity for a human named Natsuki Subaru.
Namekuji against snakes. Frog against Namekuji. Snakes against frogs. Subaru and her compatibility has always been on the weak side of Subaru and on the strong side of her - I have instinctively understood that.
Therefore, there is no behavior from Subaru that is not capable of discharging TPO, as usual. but contrary to Subaru, who completely loses track, the girl steps in with the accelerator fully open.
Specifically, he reached out and gently wrapped his arms around Subaru's neck.
"Ugh, eh!?
"It doesn't move. I'm doing a little research right now."
She's just about the same height, and her hugging face is right next to Subaru. The voice is whispered right next to Subaru's ear, knocking the feeling of being tickled all over his body.
Subaru reddening her face to the feel of an embrace. but turning around like that look asked for help, find a lem standing around the entrance to the mansion and bluish it all at once.
It's coming from Rem's face, which was faceless for work, that the temperature is disappearing even further.
Whereas Subaru makes his mouth pucker as it is, Rem moves his lifted hands into small pieces for nothing but gestures.
Even though there was not a separate arrangement regarding the code, Subaru was clearly told what her statement of intent indicated.
- I'll tell Emilia.
"Stop it - heh!!
Her body moves to a slight judgment, and Subaru manages to pull away the girl she embraces. Even so, I just grabbed my shoulder and kept away from it, not as abusive as poking around. Instead, it was Svalbard, who lowered behind him, who wore the buttcake after it.
Subaru couldn't handle all the emotions that had happened over the past dozen seconds at once, and when she sat down and sat down on her sleeve,
"It has nothing to do with my intentions, how can this be... even though I'm Emilia"
Subaru pessimising reality while crying and imitating. and the shoulder was gently slapped by the sieve. When you lift your gaze unintentionally, it is Wilhelm who puts his hand on this shoulder,
"Guess what."
And there was a white hand wipe in his hand that spilled gently. Handed to me. With that in mind, Subaru rises in response to "thank you".
Adult inclusiveness - driven by the urge to see it and accidentally take it away, Subaru can drag in with such weakness.
"Because that guy has a wife who loves him more than anyone else - and finishes sorting out his emotions while he's playing a little play. So, can I ask you something now?
Returning the hand wipe to Wilhelm, which did not wipe anything else, Subaru asks the girl for an explanation regarding her earlier actions.
In response to that word, the girl had her lips bent on the idea,
"- As I was telling you, the flow of water in your body is starving. I'd like to do something about it, but I don't have time for this right now."
Leave a thoughtful statement, the girl self-completes the problem.
Reaching back to heaven before Subaru asked what it meant to be now,
"Then let's get back to my dear Master Krush, Grandpa Ville. If you're free for too long, you don't know what you're gonna do."
"- Do as you say."
Wilhelm obeys few words to the girl who tells her policies.
When he finally thanked Subaru, he put the empty cup back on the basin that was falling to the ground,
"It was a treat. So, Lord Subaru, in good health."
Wilhelm jumps lightly onto the palace and holds the reins of the lizard.
to Subaru, who drops off the work without words, and now hands together as a girl worships,
"Well, I haven't even said hello yet, but I'm sorry I'm busy too, sir"
Leaving a wink at the board, the girl turns her body toward the dragon car. He reaches out to his back and tries to voice doubts that blur his back.
"Wait. There are so many things I want to ask..."
"Don't honestly think you should ask Master Emilia. I'll see you in Wang Du when I'm on edge. Bai."
Just cut off the question, and the girl leaves a smile and goes into the dragon car.
Subaru, who understands that he was totally swallowed by the pace of his opponent and can pull his hand in at all costs. Wilhelm leaves him "then," and the dragon car leaves with the lizard hissing.
The body snaps and the wheel starts to turn.
A few degrees for lizards to step forward, treading the earth forcefully - acceleration took place shortly after.
When the wheel moves forward and the body starts to move, it's early afterwards.
The dragon car speeds up and gets over the road within sight, causing the smoke to roll away all at once.
All that was left on the spot was Svalbard, a fully interchangeable defeater, and the remnants of the fragrance of fine tea, which was barely consumed and lost.
Meanwhile, in a dragon car farther from the Roswar Mansion.
"- Were you able to serve as a messenger?
"Of course that is. There's no way Ferri would fail what Master Kursch asked her to do. I'm worried about Grandpa Ville."
The conversation is taking place on the platform where the dragon car is operated.
Wilhelm sitting on your podium and manipulating lizards without difficulty. Right behind him, it's the shape of a flax-haired girl putting her face out of a lizard pulling private room window.
Dragon cars should be driving at cool speeds, but dragon cars covered in wind protection don't have the effect of strong winds, and you don't have to worry about being blocked from talking or sounds.
Certainly, there may not even be a more suitable condition for a secret conversation.
Wilhelm smiles bitterly at the girl's response and responds, "That was an extra worry," he said. and the girl returns "more than that" to that reply,
"As far as I'm concerned, I wonder if it would have been surprising if Grandpa Ville had been talking to people while they were waiting. 'Cause you hate talking to people, don't you, Grandpa Ville?
"That's a terrible misunderstanding."
to the immediate word of denial. The girl waved, "Oh, no, no,"
"That's right, I'm sorry. - I just prefer to slash it to talk, sir."
"... that's also a terrible misunderstanding"
Wilhelm does not use any more words in the words of a girlfriend.
The girl pointed her mouth dissatisfied at the lack of response to its provocative remarks,
"I don't know. Talking to Ferri isn't funnier than talking to the boy earlier, is it? I liked that girl so much."
A child-like obstinate voice that can't be hung by parents.
The girl rode herself further out of the window to bring her body closer to him, as if trying to elicit Wilhelm's reaction, which was lacking in reaction,
"I didn't feel anything special, but did it sound anything to Grandpa Ville? You know, but it's actually amazing. I saw one scale of that talent, like, strong!
"No. There's no difference in his ratings. He's an amateur - an amateur without hair. And I don't have the eye-catching talent either. I'm pretty sure he's mediocre."
"Then why? Dust mustard isn't what Grandpa Ville hates the most."
The girl who's going to try to tailor Wilhelm to a character breaker. Wilhelm did not even smile at the words, pointing to his own eyes with quietly lifted hands,
"My eyes."
"- Eyes?"
jaw at the girl's voice asking back, Wilhelm glanced up just to think back,
"That boy's eyes just bothered me a little bit. That is the eye of something that has stepped into the dead zone several times. Standing back on the brink, how much is it back there? But..."
cut the words, Wilhelm meditated quietly,
"I do not know of a presence that returns from the dead zone, not once, but a few times. So I guess it attracted some interest."
"Hmm, I'm not sure"
but the girl doubles the words of Wilhelm around admiration lightly in words of incomprehension.
to Wilhelm, who now laughs bitterly, but the girl goes on to say, "But,"
"Whatever Grandpa Ville says right now, I'm sure you can't walk the flat road, can you, that kid?"
The girl also narrows her eyes so that she remembers something, and then looks at the wide back sitting on your podium with a zip,
"'Sword Ghost' Wilhelm Van Astrea likes me because I'm no different misfortune than being fascinated by witches"
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