After a night of escape, the people of Gota Village had already left the village. But the confusion about the road ahead and the fear of death still lingered in their minds. Until the arrival of the morning, the sun dispelled the darkness. Smelling the fresh air from the grasslands on both sides of the dirt road, even the villagers who were used to this smell relaxed a lot because of the familiar feeling. "Village chief, how long do we have to go?" A middle-aged man wearing a bamboo hat asked. "We have a lot of people and slow speed. It will take about three days to reach the area where the aliens are." The chubby village chief responded. When they heard that they had to go for three more days, the villagers immediately talked about it. "What should we do? Will the Flame Dragon chase us?"

"Don't be such a pessimist!"

"Why should we go there?"

"Didn't the village chief say that those people from another world are very powerful and have an army?"

"But it's the same if we go to other cities. I also want to go to a big city to seek refuge with my relatives!"

"Do you think you're the only one who thinks so? There are bandits and monsters everywhere in the wild now. Aren't we sitting ducks with so many people?"

"What the village chief means is that everyone should settle down in one place first, and then make other arrangements."

"Oh, oh, oh, I didn't think it through."

"If you want to think everything through, can you still be an ordinary farmer?"

"Hey, you, you're making personal attacks."


"Okay, stop arguing, save some energy to walk, everyone takes turns to get on the carriage to rest, and try to stop as little as possible to rest during these three days."

Seeing that several people were about to quarrel, the fat village chief started to scold them.

"Got it."

The village chief had a high prestige. Seeing him angry, the villagers smiled and returned to the team, concentrating on their journey.

At the end of the team, Relai La Rena, dressed in a sage's attire and with a pretty face, was driving a donkey cart and moving slowly forward.

Because Master Gato had a large collection of books, and the donkey was carrying these books.

Therefore, the speed was relatively slow.

Even if she could use floating magic to speed up, she did not do so considering that she was fleeing and needed to conserve her energy.

Looking at the team in front, Relai felt a little sad.

No one wanted to leave their hometown.

Even though she was just an outsider who came to study, she had lived in the village for several years and had feelings for the village.

While she was in a trance, there was a commotion in front, and then the team stopped.

"It's the priest!"

"The priest!"

In the team, the children jumped off the car and ran forward.


Squinting her eyes, Lelai looked ahead at Loli Mercury, who was leaning on a huge axe and wearing a black and red Lolita outfit, and muttered to herself.


Just as she was recalling the information about the priest, a roar suddenly came from the distance.

Turning her head, she saw a fiery red figure.

It was the Flame Dragon.

A huge Western dragon.

Its face was hideous, and the scales all over its body emitted a metallic luster under the sunlight.

Its wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

At this time, the Flame Dragon held a flying dragon in its mouth.

The flying dragon, which was originally huge in the eyes of everyone, was as small as a mouse in the Flame Dragon's mouth.

"The Flame Dragon is coming, everyone run away!"


Others also discovered the existence of the Flame Dragon, and were immediately frightened and fled everywhere.

'Duo! '

Lelai quickly woke up from her unconsciousness, with a serious face, and hit the pedal with her staff.

The donkey cart then floated up and ran away, as fast as the AE86 on the bend.

The commotion on the ground naturally attracted the attention of the fire dragon.

It was originally here to hunt down humans, so it would not let the villagers of Gota Village go.

The throat was throbbing, and the flames flowed between the teeth.


A loud roar came, and the earth shook.

Followed by a fan-shaped torrent of flames.

The moment the flames touched the ground, the grass turned into ashes, the wet soil cracked quickly, and the stones exploded under the scorching heat.

The place where the breath touched was like a lava purgatory.

"A real fire dragon, this is the first time I have seen it!"

On the fast-moving donkey cart, Master Gato held the reins tightly and looked at the fire dragon behind him with horror.

Beside him, Lelei held the staff and tried to maintain the stability of the magic.

"Master, control the direction."

"Oh oh oh!"

As soon as the words fell, the Flame Dragon landed.

A big hole was immediately smashed into the ground.

With it as the center, the cracks on the ground spread out in all directions, and the donkey cart became bumpy.

At the same time, gravel continued to fall, forcing the two to avoid the flames and to guard against falling rocks.


Seeing someone on the grassland avoiding his attack, Yanlong roared in dissatisfaction.

Then he raised his ferocious dragon head, ready to release another breath to destroy the reptile in front of him.

Seeing Yanlong's actions, Leilai felt cold in her heart. If this attack was allowed to fall, she and her master would be vaporized instantly.

Although she could die painlessly, she had no gratitude towards Yanlong.

There was only deep hatred and unwillingness in her heart.

"In the end, I still failed to become a mentor? I am really unwilling."

With a sigh, Leilai looked at the flames gathering in Yanlong's mouth expressionlessly, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.


Just as she was recalling her past life, a figure flew past at a high speed from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared at the jaw of the Flame Dragon.

Before she could think about why the other party could fly, and at such a high speed, she saw the figure kicking the Flame Dragon on the jaw.

Then a shocking scene happened.

It was just an ordinary whip kick, without any energy fluctuations, but the moment it touched the giant dragon's jaw, it kicked it backwards.

The breath from the Flame Dragon's mouth also sprayed out to the empty sky behind it, turning into a scattered rain of fire.


The Flame Dragon felt pain and roared.

The dizziness from his head made his body unstable and fell backwards, followed by another earthquake.

It took a while for the Flame Dragon to wake up from the dizziness.

He raised his head, his throat kept trembling, making a low wheezing sound, and his teeth were bared, looking very ugly. The only remaining one-eyed creature flashed a strong fear after seeing the figure standing in the air.

Even if he did not invade the other party's surface consciousness, Beichen knew that it was threatening him.

Yes, the person coming was Beichen.

They were originally heading towards Gota Village as planned, but the noise made by the Flame Dragon was too loud, which led Beichen to leave the team and come here in advance after a few simple instructions.

As a result, when he arrived, he saw the villain chasing the heroine.

This is too much.

So he silently accelerated and kicked it to the ground with a righteous flying kick.

The reason why he didn't kill it was not because Beichen was kind.

But he planned to pry some information out of the dragon's mouth, and let the team members target the Flame Dragon and hone it.

Kill it when it is useless.

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