The ship was about to be transported to the east.

From Hood's words, Vian roughly knew that the sea area she was heading to must be the eastern sea area.

And Hood set out about 13 hours earlier than her.

With the speed of his ship girl, they should be able to find Hood and her sooner.

After a night of sailing without rest, at 10 o'clock in the morning on the 15th, Lexington finally found some information.

"Commander, a fleet has been spotted. The flag is from the E-Union, but something seems wrong."

"Hmm? What happened?"

"It seems like a battle has already taken place. Most of the warships have traces of the war."

"How far are we from them?"

"90 nautical miles."

"Let my sister go first to see the situation. We will be there soon."

"Got it."

You know, even after the Wei'an Fleet sailed at super high speed for 20 hours and more than 700 nautical miles, it has not yet left the sea area controlled by the joint fleet.

A battle took place in the sea area controlled by the joint fleet, which is a big problem.

Even if the front line is not good, it will not be breached in less than a day, and it is still at least 900 nautical miles away from the sea boundary.

And is the navy's action really that fast?

However, the answer was given 3 hours later.

After being attacked, the fleet was obviously much slower and was easily caught up by the Wei'an Fleet.

When she heard that a warship was coming from behind the fleet, Hood's first reaction was that she had not yet dealt with the traitor.

But when she saw that it was a very familiar warship, she was relieved.

Then came the worry. She had said not to let Vian come, but he came anyway.

Especially now the situation is complicated. There is a traitor in the Ship Girls Union. She has just cleaned up the traitor in the E-United Department.

"Hood, what happened?"

Vian talked to Hood through Lexington, and he was still 6 nautical miles away from Hood's fleet.

"The Royal Oak and Orion are the ship girls who infiltrated the Navy. One-sixth of the ship girls in the E-United Department turned against them on the spot. Agincourt sank because it was closest to them."

Hood's face was full of haggardness and fatigue.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm just a little broken, I'm fine."

"Aren't you going to the front after a short break?"

"There's no time. A quarter of the warships of the I and E divisions on the front have been killed. If we delay any longer, the losses on the front will be even greater."

"The consequences of being attacked by the navy will be disastrous."

"But you are now..."

Because the E division stationed most of the warships in the academy, this is the main force of the E division.

Compared with the fleet that just set out, it has shrunk by one third, and some of the warships are still emitting thick black smoke, and it is obvious that they are in bad condition.

"Even if we have to die, we will stop the navy in the east from our waters. We will be able to reach the garrison of the central war zone tomorrow, so that some ship girls can rest and recuperate. It's okay."

"But you, didn't I tell you not to come? Do you know how dangerous it is? Yesterday, more than 500 warships rebelled in our fleet, collided and exploded."

"I don't know if there are any ship girls who have infiltrated other places. What if you have an accident?"

Hood said to Wei'an sadly, his eyes moistened.

"Then I can't just watch you have an accident, and everyone in the E-United Department."

"This is the duty and destiny of our ship girls. As long as they don't retire, they will be accompanied by battles all their lives. The day of sinking will come sooner or later, it's just a matter of time."

"It doesn't matter if we sink. The important thing is that you can't get into trouble. As long as you are still here, there will still be a spark of fire."

Hood felt endless grief when he thought of those navy ship girls who risked their lives. Obviously, they should have their own lives.

They were just abandoned as weapons. They lived happily with everyone, but because of the navy's order, they became enemies.

"Bullshit! What kind of admiral is he if he can't even protect his own ship girl? Didn't the academy teach admirals to make their ship girls happy?"

"Look at what you look like now, you see yourself as a sacrifice, where is the confident flagship of the E-Union Department!"

"Although what happened today is not good for the current war situation, aren't you afraid before the battle?

? "

"Since the Navy has made a mistake, we must use our own strength to reverse and correct it."

"Just like everyone is changing this imperfect Ship Girl Union."

"Even if it is the remaining fire, can you be sure that it is the fire of the Ship Girl Union? Not the spark of the Navy?"

"You are the flagship of the E-Union Department. You should cheer up and work with other departments to rewrite the mistakes of this world so that future ship girls don't have to endure such pain."


Hood was speechless in the face of Wei'an's preaching.

After Wei'an saw Hood, he immediately found that her mental state was not right.

Rather than going to fight, it is better to say that she is going to die. The betrayal of her companions around her is a blow to her.

"If we don't fight and the Navy wins, where can we stay in this sea?"

"Do you want more ship girls to become victims of the Navy's war? ”

“In order to prevent more tragedies like this, we need victory in the battle, and I, as an admiral of the Kanmusu Union, cannot escape.”

“For my Kanmusu.”

During the days of Kanmusu Union, although there was competition between admirals and comparisons between Kanmusu, it was still much better than the ugly human nature he had faced before.

If Wei An were to characterize the world as black and white, humans are kind and the deep sea is evil.

Compared with the Navy, the Kanmusu Union at least has more goodness.

The Kanmusu Union could have not fought for the human homeland, and could have been superior to humans.

But they still gave humans equal status, even higher status than Kanmusu.

Even now, when the Kanmusu Union is in danger of extinction, they want to What they are holding is the fire that preserves the human admiral.

Such a kind life has become a victim of human desire.

In order to prevent more shipgirls like his sister, Lexington and others from becoming victims, he needs to do something.

His dream is to live a carefree life with his shipgirl.

As a child of a former shipgirl.

He will also have children, and it is hard to say whether they will be admirals or shipgirls in the future.

If the navy continues like this, sooner or later, the victim will appear beside him.

Will it be useful to regret it at that time?

The relationship between shipgirls and humans must change.

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