The more you fight, the more you will lose.

Confident Wei An is like a pillar that supports Hood's spirit now.

"But can you really complete such a large number of battles? After all, you only have two aircraft carriers. The navy's aircraft carriers will not be unable to find two like the assessment, and they will also give you aircraft carrier air pressure."

"Just wait and see when the time comes."

Faced with Hood's question, he smiled and explained to her.


When the love-brained Dede faced Wei An, he subconsciously believed him and did not ask any more questions.

When he decided to hold the initiative in his own hands, Wei An had already figured out what he might face next.

Even if the navy fights separately, the warships he will face at the same time will no longer be dozens or hundreds, but at least thousands.

Even if there are fewer aircraft carriers among thousands of warships, it is still a number that cannot be underestimated.

And they are not like greenhouse flowers like the academy, which have not yet grown up. Most of them have already formed combat power.

Only a small number of admirals at the bottom of the navy may have been consumed in the current battle.

When fighting, there is really no one to help others. Being able to protect yourself is already a great thing.

Qualitative change caused by quantity.

However, just as the navy can use quantity to cause qualitative change, he also has quantity that can be broken through.

Because the matter happened more urgently, he has not strengthened Lexington yet, and there is no time to improve her mental limit.

Now the number of Lexington's carrier-based aircraft taking off at the same time is 127, while Saratoga has reached 132.

The number of simultaneous takeoffs of the two aircraft carriers is as high as 259, which can deal with carrier-based aircraft equivalent to 4 legendary aircraft carriers at the same time.

Not to mention how many legendary aircraft carriers the navy can reach.

Before, Lexington maintained a simultaneous takeoff number of 110 because he had no resources.

Now that they have the resources, Lexington and Saratoga can of course empty their hangars at once. Both can control 220 fighters at the same time, doubling the number.

Not to mention that Saratoga's next bomber can directly manufacture B25.

There is no need to control the power of the bombing like when facing the academy's warships. The first goal is to sink the navy's aircraft carrier.

The vast ocean will become his barrier, and he can slowly deal with the remaining warships of the navy.

This is the source of his confidence in this battle, and why he hurried to help Saratoga transform the hull.

They like the big ships and cannons to ignore the attacks from the sky, right? This battle will let them install anti-aircraft guns in the future.

Hood, who was curled up in Vian's arms, was greedy for his taste, greedy for this short relaxation, and the feeling of not having to force himself.

Vian saw Hood, with a ruddy face, and he directly put his face on his chest and rubbed it.

Thinking of the scars on Hood's battleship caused by the battle, his fingers couldn't help but stroke her pretty face.

And she also enjoyed the warmth of Wei'an's fingers.



Hood whispered softly, leaning on him without opening her eyes.

"Be my ship girl."



Hood in Wei'an's arms didn't want to think, and answered subconsciously, then immediately raised her head and looked at Wei'an in shock.

"Why do you think of this? I'm still the flagship of the E-United Department."

"I want you to become stronger. I may not be able to take care of you in battle. I have entered your battleship. Don't they already know?"

Weian said gently, stroking her face with his fingers.



Hood was in shock, and after thinking for a long time, she could not say a word of rebuttal. In the end, she could only lower her head and dare not look at him again.

She really wanted to stay by Wei'an's side, but the responsibility of the flagship made her unable to escape in Wei'an's arms.

She had never felt so strange in all these years, and her mouth wanted to explain.

But her mind told her that she didn't want to, she just wanted to get rid of all the responsibilities and be a love-brained girl.

Shipgirls are such kind creatures. When they are sure of something in their hearts, they will not choose to lie to themselves.

In the end, she could only choose to remain silent and throw the question to Wei'an, while tightening her arms around Wei's back.

She was very nervous, afraid that her hesitation would make Wei'an unhappy.

The girl with an honest body had already given Wei'an

The best answer.

When facing a girl who likes you and does not resist contacting you, boys should be bolder.

It's not that they don't want to go further with you, but the girls' modesty does not allow them to do so.

Compared with Shropshire and Saratoga, Hood's favor for him is obviously higher, so his attitude is more obvious.

Vian, who has been in contact with girls more, certainly knows that the relationship between Hood and him is not the ordinary relationship between a ship girl and an admiral.

For this reason, he chose.

"Woo... Woo~"

Hood was a little surprised by Vian's actions, but did not resist, but immersed in Vian's tenderness.

But at this time, she felt an invisible force on the outer layer of her mind core, knocking on the door.

She knew what this was, Vian's mental power, or the power of the contract.

[Ah, enemy. ]

Knowing that he could not refuse, Hood chose to let go of his mind core and entangle with Vian's mental power.

A vague sense of intimacy emerged in the hearts of the two.

The contract was established.

Dede still couldn't escape from Wei'an's palm, and was stamped with Wei'an's mark.

However, the contract was established, so Hood had no worries, and he didn't have to be a husband waiting for his wife in the future.

Wei'an, who had taken the initiative to kiss Hood, was turned from defense to offense at this moment.

He was pressed against the wall of the cabin by Hood, who was a head shorter than him, and he couldn't breathe.

When Hood was satisfied, Wei'an felt his legs go weak.

It's terrible, the old aunt who was so stubborn was terrible.

Especially most of the ship girls have good physical fitness, and when they pressed him, they couldn't break free at all.

He could only be forced to endure Hood's tenderness, and then his lips were swollen.

"Hood, you..."

"I have agreed to be your ship girl, so I have to replenish the commander energy that I didn't replenish before."

Hood was a little excited and licked her red lips with her tongue, and blocked Wei'an's words.

She is the flagship of the E-United Division. She has become different since she was kissed by this bad boy.

She used to be a strong woman. She has been carrying the E-United Division on her shoulders since she woke up until today.

Now she wants to vent all her grievances, thoughts, and worries during this period.

Once the ship girl recognizes her love for the admiral, she will give 100%, but when this love is too much.

Can the amorous commander really take care of it?

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