The first time they saw the thief was on the cusp of a new life.

April 1, 2024, around 8 p.m.

When Nanami and Kitagawa walked out of the maze entrance hand in hand, they couldn't help but be a little dazed when they saw the stars in the sky and the surrounding environment.

The prosperous commercial street in their impression had long disappeared, replaced by a scorched earth.

Even though they had only been in the maze for a few hours, they felt as if they were in another world.

"Come out!"

"They come out!"

"Why are there two girls? Where's Master Zero?"

"Behind, what's the hurry?"

The noise of the crowd around them woke them up from their daze.

Only then did they notice that the cave entrance was surrounded by people.

Suddenly startled, the body could not help but step back a few steps, and happened to bump into Beichen who was just about to come out.

The two hurriedly bowed to apologize, but were stopped by Beichen.

After letting them step aside, Beichen walked out of the passage slowly.

Then the puppet and Rem team followed out of the cave, followed by Fiona.

"Hey, hey, hey, out!"

"Lord Zero! Lord Zero!"

"Lord Zero! I'm from the xx family!"

"Asshole! Don't squeeze! Don't you see that the heirs of the Shinomiya family are there?"

As the voice fell, the sound at the scene gradually became smaller, and everyone turned their eyes to the four people standing in the middle of the crowd, facing the cave entrance.

They are the eldest, second, third, and Shinomiya Kaguya of the Shinomiya family.

In fact, at the beginning, there was only Shinomiya Kaguya, but the information transmission speed at the maze scene was very fast, so the news that the leader of the Akatsuki organization, 'Zero', appeared in the maze quickly spread to various forces.

The other three people from the Shinomiya family naturally received the news. They arrived just one step ahead of Kaguya, and then took advantage of Kaguya's relationship and stood at the front of the crowd with her.

Several other chaebols were also at the scene, but they did not have the same convenient conditions as Shinomiya Kaguya.

"Hello, Mr. Ling."

"I didn't know that you were also paying attention to this incident. I didn't inform you of classmate Xiao's situation in time. Please forgive me."

Seeing the familiar black-bottomed red cloud windbreaker, Shinomiya Kaguya immediately stepped forward and bowed slightly, saying apologetically.

At this moment, Kaguya was wearing a black long dress, with long hair like a waterfall, falling on both sides of her cheeks, reflecting the moonlight, making her skin whiter than snow, beautiful and moving.

In the face of such a beautiful scene, Beichen was indifferent. At this moment, he just wanted to laugh three times.

As we all know, Tong Zhang... No, Kaguya's forehead is relatively wide.

Although it does not affect the beauty after matching with delicate and three-dimensional facial features, people like Beichen who are not normal in thinking will always be attracted by her forehead, and they will find it very funny every time they see it.

Especially in the moonlight, Beichen felt that if this was in a comic, Tong... no, Kaguya's head would definitely flash a light.

He couldn't help but laugh.

Fortunately, he is a professional and usually doesn't laugh out loud.

He was holding back his laughter, but the people around him began to whisper.

"Eh? Didn't they say that Lord Ling is Kaguya Shinomiya's guest of honor?"

"I don't know? It seems that Lord Ling doesn't want to pay attention to her? Is the information wrong?"

"No way, hasn't the Akatsuki organization been dealing with Kaguya Shinomiya for these years? Did they fall out? Or is there something else going on?"

"Don't tell me, it's really possible. After all, she is just a concubine's daughter..."

Just as everyone was talking about it, the eldest of the Shinomiya family suddenly stepped forward and said to Beichen with a smile:

"Oh, Mr. Ling, I am Shinomiya Huang Guang, the eldest son of the Shinomiya family and Kaguya's elder brother."

"I think you must be tired on this trip. My sister Kaguya is not married yet and is waiting to be married. It is not convenient to receive you. Why don't you go to my humble home?"

The eldest brother's words awakened the second and third brothers from their suspicion. The two looked at each other and hurriedly invited Beichen to rest with them.

Although they didn't know what the current situation was, the most important thing now was to win Beichen's favor.

After all, the strength Beichen showed this time was a real level 9, not the suspected level 9 before.

Is there any better condition than being on good terms with the number one person in the island country?

Seeing their behavior, Beichen's mouth curled up slightly.

The reason why he did not change his identity back in the underground maze, but chose to come out with others as "Zero".

It was to strengthen the binding relationship between "Zero" and Kaguya and help her.

The most

He didn't have this idea at first.

But he is a person who will repay a favor.

Seeing that Shinomiya sent someone to find him, whether she was sincere or just pretending, he had to help Kaguya and build momentum for her.

The reason why he increased the input of spiritual power and strengthened the visual impact was because of this.

He knew very well that the current Shinomiya family was about to enter the stage of power struggle.

And Kaguya's foundation was not stable.

Her special identity was only the superficial reason, and the most important thing was that she had no backers to support her.

Others didn't know, but Beichen knew very well that the Akatsuki organization and she were just mutually beneficial.

He threw the unwanted cultivation resources to the organization, and the organization asked the people of Kaguya Group to help ship them;

Kaguya intercepted some of them as good things, and used her power to help him collect other rare resources.

More importantly, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, 'Zero', had never admitted in front of everyone that he was Kaguya's backer.

The only person who had contact with "Zero" was Hayasaka Ai, and that was when she was sent to clean up the battlefield.

Therefore, it was not surprising that everyone had such speculation before.

Considering Kaguya's personality, after knowing that "Zero" appeared, she would rush to the scene immediately regardless of whether she could see "Zero" or not.

This gave Beichen a lot of room for operation.

As long as he ignored her a little when meeting her, someone would definitely jump out and offer his courtesy to him.

Then Beichen could show his appreciation for Kaguya through the identity of "Zero" and slap them in the face.

Not only could he endorse Kaguya, giving her an advantage in the future power struggle.

He could also show his status to Kaguya, making her feel in awe and help him work harder in the future.

A win-win situation is...

Seeing the crowd's commotion gradually grow, Beichen knew that the time had come. Without even looking at the three brothers, he slowly spoke to Kaguya who was still lowering her head:

"Miss Shinomiya, you're welcome. Please raise your head."

"Yes! Mr. Zero."

Hearing this, Shinomiya straightened up and looked at Beichen with a smile, as if she didn't take the previous snub to heart.

At the same time, she also showed that she turned a blind eye to the three brothers' poaching behavior.

Seeing her like this, Beichen couldn't help but marvel.

It should be said that before Shinomiya Kaguya became a fool, or even after becoming a fool, the girl showed an impeccable lady's demeanor in front of outsiders.

Of course, it would be better if the forehead was narrower, at least in this way, Beichen's mouth corners could be slightly flatter and not look so upturned.


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