The more you go, the more you go.

For example, Yoel particularly likes to go to the Association of Extraordinary People to take private jobs.

The Association of Extraordinary People, as the name suggests, is an association that manages extraordinary people.

In addition to managing all extraordinary people in the country, the association also serves as a task hall.

Before meeting Beichen, Yoel took tasks here to earn commissions to support his brother's schooling and daily expenses.

It looks good, but it's actually not that good.

After all, the tasks that can appear in the hall are basically screened in advance by major forces.

The rest, which can be taken by individual groups like Yoel, are basically low-paying and high-risk jobs.

For example, going to the mountains to clear dangerous monsters, or going to the defense line to be a line filler, etc., all the money earned is from selling your life.

If Yor had a high level or special ability, she might be valued and recruited.

But unfortunately, her ability is relatively ordinary, physical enhancement, one of the popular abilities.

And her level is not high. When Beichen first came to Dongdu and met her, she was 23 years old and only level 3.

It's not that she has low talent, on the contrary, she has extremely high talent.

After awakening her physical enhancement ability at the age of 18, she became a level 3 extraordinary person in 5 years without consuming much resources.

It doesn't sound very good, just from level 0 to level 3, crossing 4 levels.

But Beichen knows how amazing this is.

Let's take a ready-made example, Nanami Aoyama.

She awakened her ability in the first grade of junior high school, and she also often used her ability, and she also didn't spend much resources to practice.

But the difference is that after 4 years, Nanami's mental power has just broken through to level 0.

Talent determines the upper limit, and resources determine the lower limit.

Although this is inevitably due to the fact that Yoel often fights, even so, it is still possible to see the terrifying nature of her talent.

So where did she spend the money she earned?

Of course, she spent it on her brother who also awakened the body strengthening ability.

The only small part was also used to maintain the family's daily expenses and physical treatment and equipment maintenance after the mission was completed.

Sometimes there was not enough money, so she just didn't treat it and just endured it.

It was simply brutal!

This situation did not improve until she met Beichen.

"What mission did you take this time? There is even a training camp?" Beichen asked.

"It's... just an ordinary, long-term guard mission."

Hearing Beichen's question, Yoel's eyes were a little erratic and her speech began to stutter.


"Of course... Of course! Can I still lie to Beichen-san?"

"Is that so..."

Beichen naturally didn't believe it, so he deliberately dragged out his tone to see her reaction.

Beichen couldn't help but laugh when he saw her body tense unconsciously and she looked like she was facing a great enemy.

"Okay, you're not a child, just be careful."

"Yeah, yeah!"

Hearing this, Yoel breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that she didn't want to tell Beichen, but mainly because she wanted to give Beichen a surprise.

After her heartbeat calmed down a little, Yoel asked Beichen about his experience today.

Beichen didn't hide much, and he told his experience today, excluding some parts that couldn't be told.

After listening to him, Yoel couldn't help but sigh:

"It was really thrilling! I didn't expect a level 9 monster to appear at the last minute."

"Fortunately, Beichen is very powerful, otherwise it would be troublesome today."

"Indeed, it took a lot of effort."

Beichen nodded in response.

After talking about Beichen's experience in the maze, the two began to chat about this and that.

Time passed slowly until a certain moment, as if he had thought of something, Yoel suddenly asked:

"Oh, by the way, Beichen-san, who are these two people in your room?"

Because she had been training these days, she did not come to Beichen yesterday, so she did not know the origins of Ram and Rem.

"Oh, I met them on Sigua Island, they fell from the cracks, and they came from an unknown different world."

Beichen explained the origins of the two to Yoel half-truthfully.

"Then...will they live with you in the future?"

"Yes, they will live with me in the future. According to their ideas, they take care of my daily life, and I provide them with housing and living necessities."

"Is that so? Aren't they maids?"

"No, the meaning of the superior-subordinate relationship of maids is too obvious. I am friends with them, and it would be more appropriate to say that we each get what we need."


Ah... So that's it..."

Beichen didn't understand why Joel looked a little strange.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah! Nothing, nothing." Joel hesitated for a while before continuing, "I was just wondering if I'll be needed to help clean up the house and buy daily necessities in the future?"

"It's up to you. If you have time, you can come over. It's a good opportunity to teach them and let them adapt to modern society as soon as possible. After all, they just came to Blue Star the day before yesterday."

"Hi! I promise to complete the task! "Hearing Beichen's reply, Yoel immediately raised his fist and hit his chest, causing the two balls of self-confidence to tremble.

As if he found that his behavior was a little inappropriate, Yoel lowered his head in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Beichen just laughed and said nothing.

It's not like he hasn't seen it before. Yoel was seriously injured several times during missions, and he was saved by his miraculous hands.

He saw everything he should and shouldn't see.

Even the dense scars on her body were repaired by him.


The quiet atmosphere in the living room did not last long before it was interrupted by a rapid ring.

Yoel woke up from the embarrassment , took the phone out of the pocket of her sweater.

"Hello, Yuli..."

After seeing that it was her brother calling, she hurriedly pressed the answer button.

Just as she was about to say hello, Yuli's ghostly howling voice came from the speaker of the phone, and even Beichen, who was some distance away from her, could hear it clearly.

[Naisan (sister)! Naisan! Naisan! Where are you? Why aren't you home? ]

[Did you go to Beichen's bastard's house? ]

[Didn't I tell you not to go to his house at night? That guy is not a good person. ]

[He is a scourge! What if he has bad intentions towards you! Naisan! ]


"Shut up!" Hearing his brother's words, Yoel was ashamed and angry.


"Shut up! I'll be back right away! ”

Knowing that he was too embarrassed to stay here any longer, Yoel quickly hung up the phone, then put the phone on his leg aside, stood up and kept bowing to Beichen to apologize.

“I’m sorry, Beichen-san, Yuri didn’t mean it, I’m sorry…”

Looking at the people’s hearts shaking up and down, Beichen quickly waved his hands.

“Hey hey hey! Don’t be like this, I’m dizzy… No, I mean, I don’t care, anyway, it’s not the first time he’s said bad things about me behind my back, I’m used to it.”

Yes, this is not the first time Yuri has said bad things about him.

It’s not that they have a bad relationship, on the contrary, Beichen and Yuri have a very good relationship.

What’s more, Beichen is Yuri’s lifesaver.

It’s just because of Yoel, Yuri has always regarded Beichen as a ‘rival in love’ and said bad things about him in front of Yoel behind his back.

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