The truth is that when the gate to the other world is opened, not only monsters invade, but sometimes there will be invasions from other world civilizations.

Take the gate to the other world in Dongdu as an example.

Although it is safe now, when the gate was opened in the winter of 2006, a large number of troops from other worlds rushed out from it.

Good guy! These troops burned, killed and looted in Dongdu, causing at least hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Therefore, people from other worlds are not very welcome in Dongdu.

If they are also human beings, everyone will tolerate it because they are the same species.

But Asians, who are obviously not species on the blue planet, will naturally be resisted.

Of course, their resistance cannot be said to be useless, but it can only be said to be useless.

Because today is the first day of the implementation of the law.

Those subhumans have begun to arrive at the designated families one after another and started a new life.

Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, Beichen retracted his sight and took out his mobile phone to read comics.

I don’t know how long it has been, but suddenly a shrill scream came from the direction of the square, instantly pulling his thoughts back to reality.


The voice was loud and penetrating.

The whole square fell into silence for a moment, and everyone seemed to be stopped in time and stood there in a daze.

Soon, the crowd began to boil.

With the screamer as the center, they retreated to the surroundings, revealing a young man lying on the ground with his body twitching wildly.

The man’s eyes were full of bloodshot, his face was distorted, and his hands were tearing the clothes on his chest outward, as if he wanted to tear open his chest.

Seeing this, the security personnel on the scene quickly squeezed through the crowd and walked quickly to the man’s side.

"Sir, what happened to you?"


"We'll be there right away..."

However, just as the security guard was about to step forward to check on the man, something strange happened.

Two black arms came out of the man's chest.

As they swung, they tore the security guard apart, blood and internal organs scattered everywhere, and he was killed on the spot.

Frightened by this horrifying scene, the people in the inner circle screamed and pushed toward the outer circle in a panic, trying to break out of the encirclement.

However, because their vision was blocked, the people in the outer circle were unaware of the current situation and were still crowding toward the inner circle.

The two groups of people suddenly became a mess.

They pushed and scrambled, desperate for survival.

Everyone was only concerned with escaping for their own lives, and the warmth and mutual help between people disappeared.

The screams of fear, the cries of despair, the heavy footsteps and the rapid breathing intertwined to form a sad and desperate symphony.

Just as the people around him were showing their ugly faces, the body of the man lying on the ground suddenly shook, and it seemed that he was not dead.

The body that was originally lying flat also twisted slowly, and finally turned into kneeling on the ground with his head down.

"Why... why... why, this is... not... different from what we said... agreed."

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, the man stared at his chest in astonishment, and questioned the owner of the arm with difficulty.

However, he was responded with a burst of wanton laughter and ruthless ridicule.

"Hehehe. Human! Self-righteous reptiles! I despise!"

The voice was funny, pretentious like a clown, and the expression was not easy to adapt to.

"Evacuate the crowd! Open the protective barrier!"

This was the patrol team that came after hearing the news.

The leader frowned and looked at the bloody and weird scene at the scene.

Although the cause and effect were unknown, from the current situation, something was about to drill out of the man's body.

And it was not a good thing at first glance.

In order to avoid escalation, he decided to strike first.

So he waved his hand and ordered the team members:

"Use long-range attack first!"

As soon as the voice fell, the team members who had been preparing for a long time took action and attacked the man with long-range means.

Soon, more than a dozen fierce attacks fell on the man.

While these attacks tore the man apart, a black mist also gushed out from his broken body.

It enveloped his body, making it difficult to see what was inside.

Just as more and more patrol officers rushed over quickly and were alert around the square, a black figure suddenly rushed out of the mist.

The speed was so fast that before everyone could stop it, the figure had broken through the protective barrier and flew into the sky, and its size gradually grew during the flight.

Until it hovered in the air, everyone

See its appearance clearly.

This is a monster with two pairs of wings, two arms and a tail growing out of its eyeball.

The monster is huge, and its wingspan even exceeds the diameter of the circular plaza.

Just looking at it, everyone will feel that their san value is dropping madly.

"Puhululululu--it's much easier to talk like this, I'm very grateful!"

After breaking free from the restraints of the man's body, the eyeball monster was obviously more excited and laughed strangely.

"Attack with all your strength!"

However, the patrol captain didn't care what it said at all. When he saw that its appearance was obviously not a good one, he immediately ordered everyone to attack it.

For a while, all kinds of long-range attacks were directed at the eyeball monster.

"Disgusting human!"

The eyeball monster roared, and a dark barrier appeared around its body, blocking all attacks.

Seeing the astonished expressions on everyone's faces, it nodded with satisfaction.

"The commotion, fear, anxiety, prejudice, and arrogance just now really satisfied me! I am very satisfied!"

Speaking of this, the eyeball monster turned his eyes to the sky and raised his arms high, as if he was singing something.

"Therefore, I will build a nest for the Lord here. Be happy for this! Ants!"

"I am very diligent!"

After the announcement, the eyeball monster raised his arms high and quickly pressed them down.

With its movement, a magic circle with a black glow appeared on the ground. With it as the center, it quickly spread to the surroundings and instantly enveloped the shopping mall buildings around the square.

This naturally included Beichen who was not far away.

As a fun person, Beichen teleported to a tree on the edge of the square as soon as the screams sounded, restrained his breath and watched the excitement.

At first, he didn't feel anything, until he saw the eyeball monster appear through the smoke, he realized that something was wrong.

"This big-eyed guy looks familiar~"

With a frown, Beichen jumped down from the tree and retreated to the back of the square.

No matter what, retreat first!

"Rem, come out quickly, outside... Shit!" Beichen was about to send a message to Rem through the spiritual mark.

But before he finished speaking, the magic circle spread to the vicinity.

Without waiting for Rem to reply, Beichen smashed the glass door of the lingerie store and rushed inside.

At this time, Rem also kicked the door of the fitting room and rushed to the door.

The two met halfway, and Beichen picked up Rem.

Without even looking at the screaming lingerie clerk beside him, he turned around and flew away from the square.

However, the disaster was one step ahead of him...

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