The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

With the information provided by Tiewu, Beichen can't help but look forward to the trip to the other world.

But now is not the time to look forward to it. The most important issue at the moment is to handle the interpersonal relationships of the team.

It will be more than a month before we enter the other world, which is too early.

Retracting his thoughts, Beichen unfolded the letter with the text and quickly read it.

The main content above was as he expected, telling Beichen where the black dragon appeared last time and the source of the information.

Finally, he added a sentence, 'My little daughter Airu, please take good care of Beichen and don't let her get hurt. '

It should be said that Tiewu not only has vision, but also loves his daughter very much.

So, he spent money and effort to help Beichen find the whereabouts of the black dragon, just to let Beichen take care of Chitanda.

Perhaps in his opinion, since he failed to recruit her, asking Beichen to recognize Chitanda as his adopted sister was not enough.

He wanted Beichen to pay more attention to Chitanda because of his help in searching for the black dragon.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that if Beichen didn't care about Chitanda, he wouldn't have made protective magic tools for her.

Just like Menma's yellow mouse pendant, Remram's five-leaf clover headband, Yor's earrings, and Hiratsuka Shizuka's cigarette case.

Chitanda's is a plain-looking silver necklace.

Any woman who is special to Beichen has a magic tool specially customized by Beichen.

Not only that, every time his own cultivation level is improved, Beichen will refine these magic tools again, add some new materials, and improve the protection ability and lethality.

It can be seen that Beichen's feelings for them are quite special.

Although it may not be love, and Beichen would not care about daily bumps and bruises.

But no matter what, Beichen does not want them to die.

Just as Beichen was staring at the letter in thought, Chitanda also noticed his abnormality.

She wanted to say something, but was afraid of disturbing him. She swayed restlessly from side to side for a few times. Finally, she couldn't hold back her curiosity and stretched her head over to read with Beichen.

Feeling the right face being pressed against the head, Beichen's nose was filled with the faint fragrance from the girl's hair. He came back to his senses and handed the letter and the photo to Chitanda.

"Hey! Father is really, how could he trouble Nissan?"

Seeing the end of the letter, Chitanda blushed slightly.

Although she didn't say it explicitly, she always felt that her father was entrusting his daughter at the wedding ceremony, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"Being a parent~" Seeing the girl's strange expression, Beichen spoke up to cover up for Tetsugo, and then joked:

"Besides, I'm so happy to be trusted by such a cute Ichimodo! How can I find it troublesome?"

"Nissan~" Chitanda lowered her head and was a little shy because of Beichen's words.

"Hahaha, let's not talk about this. Don't you want to know why Uncle Tetsugo asked you to give up the original family business?"

"Hey! Please Nissan, please help me."

Talking about business, Chitanda quickly adjusted her mood, sat up straight, and stared at Beichen like a primary school student listening to a lecture.

"Don't be so formal." Seeing the girl's serious look, Beichen waved his hand, signaling the girl to relax, and then continued:

"You should reorganize Uncle Tetsugo's words. Because of the other world, your family's industry in Gaoshan will be greatly impacted in the future. This is the main reason.

"The secondary factor is the change in the eating habits of young people in Japan in recent years. With these two factors combined, he may feel that clinging to the original family industry can no longer escape the dilemma of gradual decline, so he will sell off Gaoshan's industry in advance. "

"Let you come to Tokyo, on the one hand, because of the exchange of different worlds, on the other hand, it is also because it is more cutting-edge. You can experience the living habits of the younger generation firsthand, so that you can gradually understand the current predicament of the Chitanda family and try more new paths.

"At this time, the position of the family heir will make you unable to let go and become a burden to you. Do you understand?"

After speaking, Beichen picked up the teacup and took a sip, giving Chitanda time to think.

He knew that the girl was not stupid, otherwise she would not be among the top students in the grade, mainly because she could not turn around.

When he saw the girl's pupils gradually regaining focus, Beichen knew that she had reacted.

"But why? Why will the future of the different world have a huge impact on Gaoshan's industry?


"What is the main industry of your Gaoshan?"

"Mostly food crops, with a small part of cash crops, and also includes the primary processing of agricultural products."

"What are the most basic conditions for planting?"

"Suitable environment, good seeds and people."

"That's it." Beichen clapped his hands.

"You may not know that we are going to the other world this time to prepare for the purchase of land."

"Once there is land, the chaebols will buy a large number of slaves from the local area, or directly mechanize the planting, and then select suitable seeds from the real world for cultivation. Isn't that all?"

"The mature crops can not only be sold to the natives of the other world, but also transported to the country to get rid of the problem of spending a lot of money on food imports every year."

"Of course, this is not something that can be achieved in the short term. It may not have much impact on local agriculture in recent years, but how long do you think it will take for everyone to have a large number of cheap and fresh fruits and vegetables on their tables? ”

“This is a huge impact on Neon’s agriculture, or all walks of life, and there are precedents in other countries.”

“Of course, more importantly, with the country and the chaebols making arrangements in advance, your family will not get much room for development.”

Beichen did not tell the deep-seated power changes and the island country’s preparation to flee to another world.

After all, Chitanda would definitely ask questions after he told her, so he only talked about some of the superficial difficulties of Chitanda’s family.

But even so, the impact on Chitanda was not small.

Looking at the girl’s depressed look, Beichen knew that her heart was very complicated.

After more than a decade of family education, she gradually regarded the revitalization of the family industry as her own responsibility.

But the result is good. Now her father suddenly asked her not to inherit the family business, and she relied on Her brother also told her that domestic agriculture was going to be cold, and the strong sense of gap made it difficult for her to accept it for a while.

But it was not a big problem. Beichen knew that Chitanda's psychological endurance was not weak.

While the girl was distracted, Beichen picked up the teacup and took a few sips.

After a long time, the girl seemed to be relieved and sighed softly, then pursed her lips and said:

"So that's it. I couldn't figure out why my father had been worried recently, why he suddenly changed his mind and let me go to Tokyo to study, and why he started to sell the family's property in Takayama. Now all this makes sense. So that's it, so that's it..."

"Well, it's good to understand. In fact, this is good for you, you can have more choices. As for the farmers who belong to your family, there shouldn't be any big problems with your father around, just rest assured."

After speaking, Beichen smiled and raised his hand to rub Chitanda's little head.

"Hi, thank you very much Nissan for clearing my doubts for me. "

Feeling the big hand playing tricks on her head, Chitanda did not avoid it. Anyway, she had been treated like this by Beichen since she was a child.

Seeing that the girl was still serious, Beichen increased the amplitude of the kneading and said in a disgruntled manner:

"We are all family, and you are still so polite to me. You want to be beaten! Take my head pat!"



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