The rain kept falling, and the atmosphere was awkward.

Beside the well, Sanhua Limi, who looked up with a look of astonishment, finally reacted after staring at Beichen for a while.

Her face flushed, and she immediately picked up the umbrella at her feet and rushed into the building.

Seeing this, Beichen also turned back to the air mattress, took out the camping light and lit it, quietly waiting for Sanhua to arrive.

Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, Sanhua Limi stood breathlessly beside Beichen.

"I... I..."

She opened her mouth to say something, but didn't know what to say for a while.

And it was the first time that Beichen looked at this girl head-on.

Long straight black hair with bangs, princess cut on the right, a flower-shaped hairpin on the left, soft facial lines, highlighting a beautiful girl from a small family.

I don’t know if it’s due to intense exercise or embarrassment and shyness that causes the red face, as tender as a freshly peeled lychee.

Looking down, it’s a pair of people whose hearts are fluctuating due to rapid breathing.

Slightly wet long hair scattered on the back straight to the waist, shining white under the light.

Just like a princess in a fairy tale.

"Tsk, no wonder everyone says 'People live for Sakurajima Mai, people die for Sanka Reiya'."

"This girl is really pretty, but it would be better if it was daytime."

"After all, a red dress in the middle of the night is a bit creepy."

After complaining in his heart, Beichen raised his hand to stop the girl from speaking.

"Don't worry, sit down and take a breath first." Beichen turned his back and handed the coat to the girl, "Also, your coat is wet, take it off and wear mine."

"Ah! Hi!"

Although she was a little surprised why Beichen was here, Sanhua still took the coat obediently.

After the initial rustling sound of changing clothes, the two sat on the two sides of the air mattress with their backs facing each other without speaking.

The venue returned to silence, with only the sound of rain outside constantly coming into the ears.

After a long time, Beichen noticed that the girl's breathing behind him was gradually stabilizing, and then he turned to look at the girl.

"You should be Sanhua..."

Before he finished speaking, Sanhua, who had originally turned his back to him, suddenly turned around.

Leaning forward, with his hands on the bed, his azure blue eyes slightly shining, looking at Beichen with hope.

"I... I can do anything... So, please don't tell anyone about what happened today... OK?" (ps: original lines, not written by me)

The girl's voice gradually became smaller, and when she finished this sentence, only the suppressed sound in her throat remained.

Looking at the beautiful face in front of him, Beichen's sight seemed to be pulled by some mysterious force, and it shifted downward for no reason.

Suddenly, a touch of snow-white flashed before his eyes.

"Wow! Good guy, it's all squeezed and deformed."

As if she felt Beichen's sight, Sanhua's face became more and more rosy.

Although her sight was a little erratic, she did not retreat, and even leaned forward.

Noticing the girl's actions, Beichen couldn't help but marvel.

Logically speaking, Sanhua, a lady who was usually shy when talking to strange men, should not have done such a bold thing.

But when he thought of the experience of the girl in front of him, he suddenly felt it was very reasonable.

After all, in the girl's view, the consequences of being known by her father are far more serious than losing her virginity.

It is really unlucky for Sanhua Reiya to have such a ghost father.

Sanhua Danichiro is Sanhua Reiya's father.

Because of his morbid psychology and his longing for his deceased wife, he has thoughts about Sanhua Reiya that he shouldn't have.

Not only did he send people to monitor her and restrict her personal freedom, but he also took improper birthday photos for her every year to record her "growth".

This made the girl very disgusted, but she had no choice but to survive in this desperate environment without freedom.

Putting aside the plot needs of "Sanhua Reiya", in Beichen's view.

Even if the male protagonist did not appear, the girl's ending would most likely be suicide.

After all, she drank the poison without hesitation at that time.

This fully shows that Sanhua had already developed the intention to die at that time.

The appearance of the male protagonist, to a large extent, only made the girl's death more magical.

"The hero who likes zombies ends up having his heart eaten by Sanhua who turns into a zombie."

"How should I put it? 'Confessing one's feelings to another'?"

Shaking his head, Beichen withdrew his thoughts. Seeing that the other party was still showing him the murder weapon, he couldn't help crying.


"Can't you change your posture? Isn't it tiring?"

"Also, you should know me, right?"

According to Beichen's understanding of his reputation, any second-generation family with some power should have known him more or less.

The fact is just as he expected. After hearing Beichen's words, Sanhua nodded and explained: "My mother mentioned you at dinner, and my classmates have also discussed you... Mr. Xiao Beichen."

"Well, since you know me, let's not talk nonsense."

With the mentality of cutting the Gordian knot, Beichen went straight to the point.

"It's fate that we met. As compensation for eavesdropping on your secret just now, I will give you two choices."

"First, I will help you kill your father."

"Don't worry, it won't be painful. It's just a matter of one knife. Maybe your father won't react before he's gone."

"No! Don't!" Sanhua refused subconsciously.

Beichen was not annoyed when his speech was interrupted. The girl's refusal was not unexpected.

"In that case, there is only the second option left. I will help you change his mind and get you out of his control."

Seemingly realizing what Beichen was going to do, Sanhua looked at Beichen in disbelief.

"You...are you going to help me?"

"Yes." Beichen nodded as a matter of course.

As for the ghost father, everyone can kill him.

Akizuki Kozo is at least the stepfather, so he took advantage of the opportunity.

This Sanhua Danichiro is simply not a human being, he even wants to kill his own daughter.

Don't think it's impossible. In fact, if those things didn't happen in the anime, maybe this would be the result in the end.

Moreover, with the control desire of Sanhua's ghost father, Beichen felt that even if Sanhua Reiya's biological mother was still alive, it would probably be the same.

Even worse.

After all, Sanhua's mother and daughter are basically similar, mother-daughter bowl, double happiness?

"Really? Then..." On the side, Sanhua was happy to hear Beichen was going to help her, but then she became depressed and shook her head to refuse him. "No, forget it."

Thinking that she had only gained some courage from Zhongdai, but it brought her misfortune in the end.

She was kind-hearted and didn't want to implicate innocent people because of her own affairs.

Beichen, who knew the girl's experience, naturally didn't take it seriously, so he continued:

"If you are worried about me, there is no need."

"Since you know me, you should know that your father can't do anything to me. In order to protect the family, he has to look at my face."

This is not Beichen exaggerating, but the fact is so.

The Sanhua family is at most a local tyrant, and the power controlled by Beichen is not at the same level at all.


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