The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

Hearing Beichen's question, Kuang San narrowed her eyes slightly.

This man is not simple, he knows more than she thought.

But she doesn't care.

What if he knows?

Can Beichen still kill her?

As long as there is a clone, she can't die.

"Hey~ The Eight Bullets can be used~"

"When I just fell out of the rift, all the clones disappeared, but it gave me a headache for a long time."

"Fortunately, there are a lot of high-quality nutrients here. I have plundered them well in the past year~"

Speaking, Kuang San grinned, stuck out his tongue, and licked the corner of his mouth.

With a few drops of blood on his face, he felt like a murderer.

Hearing this, Beichen was stunned.

He thought at first that Kuang San had just fallen out recently, but now it seems that it was not.

Kuang San had been here a long time ago, but she might just not be in Dongdu.

As for the high-quality nutrients in her mouth, it must be a supernatural person.

Beichen was not very interested in how many people Kuang San had killed. Now that he knew that Kuang San's clone ability was still there, things would be much easier.

So he clapped his hands and said to Kuang San:

"It's good that it can be used! So you do me a favor and use your clone to deal with the cat abusers in this city."

"As a reward, I will tell you the truth about your original world later. How about it?"

"Roar~" Hearing the content of the transaction proposed by Beichen, Kuang San's mouth corners rose. "What an interesting transaction! This..."

"Xiao Beichen, just call me Beichen, Kuang San." Beichen reminded.

"Ah, ah, ah~ You're really bold to call me by my name right away~"

"But I don't hate it~"

Licking her lips with her tongue, Kuang San said frivolously.

Seeing this, Bei Chen inexplicably felt a sense of being teased.

"Captain, do you really want to ask her for help? Although it's a bit arbitrary to say so, the situation at the scene shows that she is not a good person."

Seeing that the two seemed to have reached a deal, Yukinoshita reminded Bei Chen with some concern.

"I didn't say she was a good person."

Hearing Yukinoshita's words, Bei Chen waved his hand nonchalantly.

"According to my understanding, at least 10,000 people died directly at her hands."

Hearing this, Yukinoshita's pupils shrank slightly, and her body couldn't help but tense up.

"That's right~" Seeing Yukinoshita's little action, Kuang San added mischievously. "And, just now, I killed more than a thousand people!"

"Hey~ Beichen-san, can you handle it? I don't want to be wanted as soon as I get here~"

Looking at Kuang San pretending to be shy, Beichen pulled the corner of his mouth.

Even if her ability is weakened, with Kuang San's ability, if she can expose herself by killing some shady cat abusers in the island country, Beichen will never believe it.

Now that she has been discovered, there is only one possibility, that is, she did it on purpose.

She is taking revenge on herself.

Revenge that I know her secrets, but she knows nothing about me.

"I was actually tricked by a mere Kuang San."

Thinking of this, Beichen couldn't help but shook his head with some amusement.

"You don't have to be like this, anyway, I will tell you some of my situation later."

"Hey~ No way~ I was just careless~" Kuang San explained with a little grievance after winking playfully.

"Tsk, okay, whatever you say is what it is."

After smacking his lips, Beichen said nothing more, took out his cell phone, and called Hayasaka Ai.


[Hello, this is Hayasaka, what do you want from Xiao-san?]

Hayasaka's calm voice came from the microphone.

"Ah, I'm sorry to bother you so late, but I have something urgent to do here."

[You're welcome, Xiao-san, just tell me what you want.]

"Then I won't be polite with you."

[Please go ahead.]

"Here's the thing, a friend of mine just killed more than a thousand scums who abused small animals, maybe he didn't handle it cleanly enough..."

[Well, it's not a big deal, your friend is getting rid of harm for the people, I think everyone will forgive him.]

"I think so too."

[Also, is it convenient to ask what your friend's name is? I have to tell the eldest lady about your matter. 】

"It's convenient. Her name is Tokisaki Kurumi."

As soon as the voice fell, Beichen heard a series of clanging sounds from the other side, like the sound of metal utensils falling to the ground.

"What's wrong?"


! Nothing! Xiao just said your friend is called Tokisaki Kurumi? 】

Hayasaka's somewhat hurried voice came from the microphone.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

[What's wrong? Don't you know that she is from another world, or an internationally famous executioner? 】

"Uh, she is so famous?"

Beichen looked at Kurumi in surprise.

He knew that Kurumi was not from this world, but he didn't know that the girl was a wanted criminal.

After all, who has nothing to do these days to care about such things, let alone international ones, he has never paid attention to domestic ones.

Seeing Beichen looking at her, Kurumi smiled.

"Don't stare at me like that~ Beichen-san."

"I just accidentally killed more people."

The girl tapped her lips with a pistol and said uncertainly:

"Em... probably more than 10,000?"

"It's not much."

Nodding, Beichen didn't feel anything, just more than 10,000 people.

When he rushed into the enemy's lair and fought with others, the aftermath alone could kill millions.

He didn't feel anything, but the second lady beside him was frightened.

He quickly picked up Bapu, who was squatting on the ground licking his paws, hid behind Beichen, and stared at Kuang San vigilantly.

Looking at Bapu, who was being held in her arms and a little breathless, Beichen pulled the corner of his mouth.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether Yukinoshita was really scared or just wanted to hug Bapu.

"Ah~ Little sister, hugging a cat like this is not a ladylike thing~"

Kuang San, who is also a cat slave, was naturally a little worried about Bapu's safety when she saw that Yukinoshita was hugging it tightly, so she straightened her chest and reminded him "kindly".


The second lady was just a little flat, but she was not stupid. She could see that Kuang San was teasing her.

She was speechless for a moment and subconsciously loosened her arms.

Ba Pu took this opportunity to leap towards Kuang San.

"Ba Pu!" 『That was close! I saw my mother waving at me just now. 』

Seeing Ba Pu jumping towards her, Kuang San also subconsciously opened her arms and wanted to catch it.

For a moment, the scene suddenly became warm.

However, a big hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed Ba Pu's neck, interrupting the scene.

Holding Ba Pu in his hand, Beichen casually put it on his shoulder.

"Don't run around. The guy on the opposite side just cheated me, and you still run to show your courtesy. Believe it or not, I will deduct your magic core."


The process of hugging the cat was interrupted, and Miss Kuang San froze in place. It took a long time before she turned back to her body, her cheeks slightly puffed up, and she looked at Beichen in annoyance.

"What a bad heart~ Beichen-san!"


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