The girl was wearing a white skirt, but she was still wearing a white skirt.

Between the skirt and the socks was a section of exposed leg skin.

The white hue not only did not cover up the girl's charm, but further highlighted the delicateness and whiteness of her skin.

The breeze blew, swaying the girl's pure white skirt, as if a bunch of blooming lilies were swaying in the breeze.

It seemed that a touch of pure white with a different material was vaguely seen, but it seemed to be an illusion.

This kind of mysterious feeling of being close yet distant is the characteristic of the absolute domain.

Even though Beichen knew that he was imagining it, he still couldn't help but want to pretend to fall to the ground and explore it carefully...

Thinking of the girl's hidden attribute, Beichen couldn't help but get a bad taste.

Quietly controlling the airflow, the wind around him increased slightly.

Because Beichen's technique was secretive, Kato did not notice the fluctuation of energy. He just thought that the wind speed had increased slightly, so he subconsciously raised his hand to cover his hat.

Without the cover of his hands, the white skirt danced with the wind, and the swing amplitude increased slightly.

The sharp-eyed Beichen felt that he seemed to see the girl's... white safety pants?

"How can I repair it!"

"Why is it the safety pants?"

"What about the most basic trust between people?"

Just when Beichen was secretly annoyed, a slender jade hand suddenly appeared in his sight.

"Beichen Jun!"

Although the girl's voice was still flat, after a few days of getting along, Beichen could still feel that there was a hint of shame in the girl's voice.


With a light cough, Beichen retracted the spell, and then pretended to be calm and said to Kato:

"This outfit suits you very well."

Beichen thought that no matter what the girl thought, he would stop her with nice words first.

Unfortunately, Kato didn't buy it and still looked at Beichen expressionlessly.

As a person who has not been paid attention to for many years, she is particularly sensitive to the gazes of others.

From just now, she felt that someone had been staring at her thighs.

Originally, she was going to find out where this gaze came from, but now seeing the change in Beichen's expression, she knew that the gaze came from the boy in front of her.

She even suspected that the evil wind just now might have been created by the boy, but because there was no evidence, it was not easy to directly ask.

"Hey-it turns out that Beichen Jun prefers this kind of dress~" As she said, the girl curled her lips slightly, revealing a faint contemptuous look, and looked at Beichen.

Say it's embarrassing.

Kato felt that she might be more shy.

She didn't hate Beichen.

After spending some time together, she also had a good impression of Beichen.

Moreover, as a little transparent, she wore this outfit today specifically for him to see.

It was just out of the girl's shame and some dissatisfaction with the other party's "gentlemanly" behavior.

"Hehe." Seeing the girl's attitude, Beichen laughed dryly and hurriedly explained: "Anyone can wear clothes, but the key is the person wearing them."

"If the Monkey King wears this, I'm unlikely to even look at it. But if Xiaohui wears it, I can just take off the eyes and stick them on."

"Hey! Beichen's idea is really terrible. I don't want Beichen's eyes."

Compared to the previous panacea-like praise, Kato couldn't stand Beichen's direct ball after all and was defeated.

He quickly changed the topic and followed Beichen's topic to support Hanabata Yoshiko.

"Also, you can't say that about Hanabata-san~ She's just a little lively."

Beichen didn't comment on Kato's statement.

Hanabata Yoshiko is from the anime "Dumb Girl".

In his opinion, the other party is not lively at all, but throwing tantrums.

In addition, Beichen called her the Monkey King not to belittle her, but everyone called her that.

Of course, this is related to Hanabata's ability.

Her ability is to transform into a giant ape with orange-yellow fur.

It's just that her level is not high now, and her combat power is not even as good as King Kong shooting down planes on the Empire State Building, not to mention those crazy Saiyan monkeys.

And maybe because she is in the anime, the Monkey King's transformation is not ugly.

Uh... Anyway, she is not beautiful.

If Beichen had to find an analogy, it would probably be equivalent to Salia who has not turned into a human form, has no two fangs, and has added several beauty filters.

(The heroine of "The Reality of Evolution ~ Embarking on a Victorious Life ~", if you are interested, you can go and watch

Look, the main focus is on Japanese monkeys? )

Beichen doesn't like this anyway, and can't appreciate the beauty of the Monkey King, so he can only let Akatsuki Akira do it.

Retracting his irrelevant thoughts, Beichen looked at the girl in front of him, and saw that her temper had calmed down, so he smiled and said:

"Okay, okay, she's just lively. It's rare to come out to play, let's not talk about the Monkey King."

"Let's go, while it's still early, I'll go shopping with you. How about it?"

Being a gentleman, Beichen also took a car to come here more than half an hour in advance.

When he just got off the car, he noticed Kato Megumi who exuded a negative aura not far away.

Looking at the girl who was in the sun but revealed infinite loneliness.

Beichen felt that if it was in the game, she would have to arrange a yellow exclamation mark to lure passing players to come forward and ask if they needed help...

Kato would naturally not refuse Beichen's proposal, and nodded in agreement immediately.

After all, it's not 11 o'clock yet, so it's definitely not suitable to go eat directly.

After getting the girl's response, Beichen immediately walked to the girl and walked with her to the mall.

Walking in the crowd, the two talked from time to time and shared their recent experiences with each other.

Although the surrounding sounds were noisy, as extraordinary people, their hearing was different from that of ordinary people, so they would not be affected too much.

However, with the surge of people, they were accidentally dispersed by the crowd when they passed the traffic light.

Kato frowned and looked around while constantly avoiding pedestrians.

Subconsciously stretched out his arms, trying to catch Beichen's figure in the vast crowd.

The girl's delicate fingers like green onions waved helplessly in the air, and each time she could only touch the corners of unfamiliar clothes.

Seeing Beichen's figure completely disappear, and passers-by kept bumping into her around her.

The negative mentality from before came to her mind again, and Kato felt an unprecedented loneliness and helplessness, as if the whole world was against her.

Her voice was stuck in her throat, and she couldn't shout out.

She even forgot that she was a superhuman and could sense her companions through her mind.

She just drifted with the flow.

Just when she was extremely depressed, a warm and powerful hand suddenly passed through the crowd and held her arm.

When she looked up, she saw only Beichen's familiar face.

His appearance, just like before, instantly dispelled the haze in the girl's heart.

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