Within a white room stood a figure in a blue robe, bunny slippers and a night cap as he waited for the ball of light that seemed to be watching the figure of the crimson haired boy disguised as a mariachi band player on the screen. The ball of light stayed silent as he continued to view of the crimson haired boy continue his journey through the multiverse. When the screening finished the man in sleep-wear turned to the ball of light

"Well, what do you think?" he asked for the ball of light's opinion

"Interesting I guess. So basically 'ROB' killed this version of me to win a bet against you and sent him to another world like one of those isekais." the ball of light flashed a bit brighter each time a word rang out

"Correct, again I apologize for taking my anger out on you. I realize you were innocent but I suppose I was just acting childish at the time" the man said embarrassingly as he chuckled

" Eh it's all good, quite frankly the only issue I have with this would be that I don't have a body anymore considering you destroyed it" the ball of light responded. If he had a face then his expression would be blank

"Still, not cool man. By the way what do I call you anyway?" the ball of light asked

"Since your counterpart refers to that other god as 'ROB'. I suppose you could call me Ray" Ray said as he tested the way his name sounded off his tongue

"Alright Ray, so what happens now?" the light ball asked

"Well how would you like to experience a similar experience as your counterpart?" he asked knowing the ball's answer

"If it gets me a new body again, then I'm all for it!" the ball said as it brightened up even more

"I must warn you first that I am not as powerful as the one known as 'ROB'. So your wishes will be limited quite a bit and I may have to adjust them to make it work." Ray clarified bringing the ball of light down a bit

"Don't worry about it, wishes are wishes so I'll try not to complain too much." the ball said. If it had a body then it would wave it's hand

"Well then, what are your wishes?" the god asked as he took a seat on the couch

"Infinite ma-" the ball began only to be cut off

"I am unable to give you infinite mana or a body that is completely invincible like your counterpart. Besides Infinite energy is overrated. 9 times out of 10 the person wouldn't even be able to fully use all that energy properly anyway" Ray said as he ranted

"Uh.... then could you give me the zanpakuto Hyorinmaru?" the ball of light asked hoping Ray could do it. The man is a god after all!

The god sat there in silence for a moment as if thinking deeply about it.

"I can, however it wouldn't be Hyorinmaru" he began. Before the ball of light could question what he meant, he continued "I am able to make a weapon be soul bounded to you that will mimic what the zanpakuto does. However there will be no spirit for you to communicate and bond with. For the weapon to become stronger, you must have it absorb other weapons. Is that fine?" he asked as he finished his explanation

"Uh, yah I could make it work I guess." The light ball acquiesced

"Well for my second wish, since I can't ask for invincibility... How about regeneration or mental defenses?" the ball of light asked

"That would be alright, the regeneration isn't instant but it will be noticeable and you should be able to grow back limbs, should the need ever arise. Will that be your second wish?" Ray asked

The ball of light was surprised "I can have them both in the same wish?" it asked hoping he didn't waste a wish

"Consider it me doing you a solid, as some people would say" the god said with a smile

"Sweet thanks, anyway for the third wish.... could I use it later? I honestly can't think of anything right now." he finally asked

"That's fine" Ray said snapping his fingers. The ball of light grew brighter until a new body was formed. Revealing a short spiked white haired child with turquoise eyes donned in shinigami attire.

"Sweet!" he said checking out his new body

"I figured you would be fine with looking like that since you wanted Hyorinmaru" the god said amused at the 14 yr old appearance of the child

"But enough about that, I need to explain to you about a few things before I send you off. First off, what will your name be?" Ray asked getting back to business

Finished with his nerdgasm moment, the white-haired shinigami put on a face of contemplation.

"I'm always terrible at coming up with names, I'll just use my crimson haired counterpart's name. Shiro Aversis" Shiro concluded as his naming sense was always terrible

"By the way, will I also be able to spawn in food and drinks like the other me?" the short kid asked

"The add-on for food and drink that was given to your counterpart requires a platinum buffet ticket from the gods of food and drink. 'ROB' had one to spare, I could request one for you, but no promises. Also you won't have a system that lets you travel the multiverse, getting permission for that is actually quite difficult unless you were 'ROB'." Ray said bitterly

"It's fine I'm just glad to have a body again. Oh wait for my third wish can I still have a system even if it's just the AI? I just want a guy to be able to explain things I may not know about in the world I'm going to." the albino haired shinigami asked

"It's not impossible, it's just unusual. Usually a system AI would come with at least a couple functions but if you just need a guide I suppose I can allow it." the man acquiesced as the shinigami fist bumped the air

"Now then, I will need to talk with one of the original deities of this world about you taking residence there. You may have to do a favor for the deity but she probably won't ask for much, so you don't have to worry about it. I'm sure the deity won't try to ask you to kill other gods or something ridiculous like that." Ray assured

"When you say gods, how many gods are there in this world?" Shiro asked a bit intimidated by multiple gods

"Quite a few lower gods, if you have any more questions then just ask your AI when you have the time. When I need to speak to you I will also relay my messages through your system AI. Now then let me get the teleporter set up" the god said as he pressed some buttons into a machine that came out of nowhere.

As Shiro saw the portal appearing he got over-excited

"LEEROY JENKINS!" the shinigami yelled as he charged through the portal

"Wait I need to calibrate where you will end up!" Ray tried to call out but failing to stop the shinigami

"Oh well, I'm sure he'll be fine" Ray shrugged as he went off to see about those buffet tickets

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