Rhis: The alternative story
13 Meeting Ray again
Name: Shiro Aversis
Level: 46 [22150/28700]exp required
Race: Human, Shinigami(?) / Class: Dragon-Blooded Frost Reaper
Soul Bound items: Hyorinmaru(lvl29) / Shinigami clothes (self repairing) / Durable hat
Blessings: 'Ray's Blessings' / Familiar Contracts: None
STR: 180 (+135) AGI: 200 (+130) END: 530 (+100)
INT: 165 (+120) LUK: 7 RES: 535 (+100)
Actives: Brinicle Shell / Ice Clones
Passives: Divine Mental Protection / True Regeneration / Cold Immunity / Silent Steps /
Fafnir's Blood Armor / Dragon Heart / Bondage Skills / Spiritual Energy Manipulation
"Thanks again man, I was honestly feeling under-powered before but now I think I can handle myself" Shiro thanked his crimson-haired counterpart
His experience so far on Rhis hasn't been so good. He thought he could be one of those OP transmigrators that destroyed all their enemies with cheat powers. But since he was left in this world, he's been dismembered, shot and sent flying. At least three times of near death experiences was enough to make him depressed.
"Not done yet." The red-haired shinigami said shaking his head "Eternal Sanctuary" he spoke out as the next thing the white haired Shiro saw was white light followed by large red eyes.
"Awesome" He said in awe as he looked up towards the giant Ice dragon
"Skasa wanted to talk to you" the silver-eyed crimsonette said leaving them alone as he left towards a fiery area
Turning his attention back to the Ice dragon, Shiro noticed her getting smaller. He watched in silent amazement as the 60 meter dragon shrunk down. When it was over, the turquoise-eyed shinigami took in the dragon's new form. A beautiful girl at around 5-6. She donned a dark blue dress that matched her forearms that were covered in ice that resembled claw gauntlets. There were two small horns still poking out of her blue hair.
"Pleasure to meet you Shiro." She gave a charming smile as the protagonist snapped out of his daze
"Ah- sorry it's just you are really cool and I really like ice dragons" he admitted scratching his head
Silence was all that was heard for a long moment until "KUAHAHAHHHAAHA" loud laughter reverberated within the field
"Ah come on, you don't have to make fun of me" he groaned covering his face
It took a minute for the laughter to die down "Ah hehe... apologies it's just, the other you said the same thing when we first met" She gave a smile as she reminisced
"But enough about that, I'm here to tell you that there's another me." She stated getting back on subject
"Another you?"
"Right, I could feel a connection to her when you summoned my friend over there" She directed towards the crimsonette who seemed to be playing tag with a giant bird of fire
"So what should I do?" he inquired
"Well if the world is still the same as my own was. Then you could manage to make a familiar contract with her." She smiled "Normally dragons would never make a contract with other races even if they were to die.
She moved closer as she raised one of her frozen hand-claws and lightly tapped Shiro's forehead as it glowed for a moment. "But I just left a bit of my will in there, the other me should be able to feel you if you get close enough. She's currently weaker than my current self, but she should be still powerful in this world's standards"
"How do I find her?" he asked as he rubbed his forehead
"In the past I ruled a mountain named Mount Thundermine." she answered "Although I am unsure if the name is still the same, however chances are I will probably be where the weather is coldest. Usually the north."
"Thanks" Shiro bowed politely towards the ice dragon
"Don't mention it." She smiled amicably "Honestly I think it would do the other me good to have a friend. Before I met the other you, I was honestly incredibly bored."
She faced the short white-haired shinigami "Please take care of the other me." She requested while bowing back
"You got it!" Shiro grinned as he gave a thumbs up
"One last thing before we part" the silver-eyed shinigami said as he pulled out a powerful looking sword and presented it to his younger counterpart
"This is Ascalon. Originally it was given to Issei in my world. But Issei seems to like using my fish more than this, so you can use it for xp" he explained as Shiro grabbed hold of the legendary sword
[Item of another world unable to be scanned] the notification lit up
"I guess I can't see the stats, oh well." he said as he pulled out his zanpakutou
The legendary dragon-slaying blade turned into white motes of light as it was absorbed into the zanpakutou.
The dinging that indicated levels continued until.
Shiro's breath stopped for a moment as his excitement peaked and the first thing he did was yell out
he immediately blacked out
"Ugghh" Shiro awoke feeling like his body had no energy "What happened?" he asked out loud
[Host attempted to use bankai without having enough Mana to support the form thus causing host to black out from complete mana exhaustion] the system explained
"Wait, but I thought I got a larger reserve after the dragon's blood thing." he said as he slumped to a wall behind him
[Host indeed has much more mana than someone without a magic core should have. However it still isn't enough to support the Bankai form]
"Magic core?" Shiro recalled the system telling him he could find those in monsters
[For humans, when they reach level 100 it is called the First Awakening. It is the stage in which a human would form their magic core in their body to allow for a much larger amount of mana to be generated. Currently Host's body actually has mana comparable to a person with a magic core, but the Bankai requires more]
"So... basically I just need to get to 100. Got it." He said tiredly as he took in his surroundings
it was incredibly dark but he could still see some holes that let a bit of moonlight in. He seemed to be surrounded by incredibly hard ice walls.
"How did I end up here?" he questioned
[Host's counterpart had to leave after Host passed out. So he placed the Host within an ice box for safety reasons]
"That makes sense but.... where's the exit?" There was no obvious exit. It was completely closed off on all sides
[Host should be able to escape by manipulating the ice with Hyorinmaru. A message from Ray for when Host is able to unlock shikai: "Meditate with your sword"] it relayed to the shinigami
"Well, not like I have the energy to do anything else anyway" he said lethargically as he got in a lazy cross legged position with his sword on his lap.
He closed his eyes and his vision went from dark to white.
"Incredible, I honestly didn't expect for you to receive help from your counterpart" Shiro heard a familiar voice as his vision began to clear up. He saw a familiar man wearing a blue robe, bunny slippers and a night cap.
"Ray! I didn't expect to see you again." he admitted, he didn't feel tired anymore. Perhaps it was due to him being in his soulscape.
He took a look around and noted that his soulscape didn't exactly look like his counterpart. His soul was a snowy area. Nothing else, no mountain, no tree, no volcano. Just a snowy field.
"Well this place is unsurprisingly still blank." Ray commented as he gazed around the shinigami's soulscape.
"Kind of depressing, will it always be like this?" he asked the deity
"Of course not. Your soul will change with you as you continue to live out your life. Don't look so down, this isn't completely blank. The fact that there's snow is something. Completely blank means it would just be a white void of nothingness" Ray said cheering up the albino-haired 14 yr old
"Well anyway, right now I'm here to pass onto you what you need to use your new powers. Come closer" he gestured as Shiro moved closer
Shiro wasn't able to react as Ray pulled out a stick out of nowhere and smacked him upside the head. He then fell to the ground as he felt an excruciating pain burn into his head. Like waves of information just flooding into his head and being seared into his mind.
To hid credit, after experiencing so much pain he had gained a sort of tolerance to it and didn't yell out much in the process.
Ray looked approvingly as the shinigami took it like a man.
"You should still be able to hear me so I'll continue speaking. In the world you are in, only few are actually able to use spiritual energy. However the main energy used is still mana. I doubt anyone will be able to use Spiritual energy as well as you in the future, for now you should be able to begin to use spiritual sense. It will allow you to feel out the area around you and in turn allow you to manipulate the moisture in the area."
"Ofcourse this will require both mana and spiritual energy. In the future, try to practice with both. I even added kido spells for you to learn in there! It will take time, but you should know it will be worth it. Now I'll leave you here, as the information intake will take about another hour. Good luck" He waved as he disappeared leaving the shinigami writhing on the ground
Level: 46 [22150/28700]exp required
Race: Human, Shinigami(?) / Class: Dragon-Blooded Frost Reaper
Soul Bound items: Hyorinmaru(lvl29) / Shinigami clothes (self repairing) / Durable hat
Blessings: 'Ray's Blessings' / Familiar Contracts: None
STR: 180 (+135) AGI: 200 (+130) END: 530 (+100)
INT: 165 (+120) LUK: 7 RES: 535 (+100)
Actives: Brinicle Shell / Ice Clones
Passives: Divine Mental Protection / True Regeneration / Cold Immunity / Silent Steps /
Fafnir's Blood Armor / Dragon Heart / Bondage Skills / Spiritual Energy Manipulation
"Thanks again man, I was honestly feeling under-powered before but now I think I can handle myself" Shiro thanked his crimson-haired counterpart
His experience so far on Rhis hasn't been so good. He thought he could be one of those OP transmigrators that destroyed all their enemies with cheat powers. But since he was left in this world, he's been dismembered, shot and sent flying. At least three times of near death experiences was enough to make him depressed.
"Not done yet." The red-haired shinigami said shaking his head "Eternal Sanctuary" he spoke out as the next thing the white haired Shiro saw was white light followed by large red eyes.
"Awesome" He said in awe as he looked up towards the giant Ice dragon
"Skasa wanted to talk to you" the silver-eyed crimsonette said leaving them alone as he left towards a fiery area
Turning his attention back to the Ice dragon, Shiro noticed her getting smaller. He watched in silent amazement as the 60 meter dragon shrunk down. When it was over, the turquoise-eyed shinigami took in the dragon's new form. A beautiful girl at around 5-6. She donned a dark blue dress that matched her forearms that were covered in ice that resembled claw gauntlets. There were two small horns still poking out of her blue hair.
"Pleasure to meet you Shiro." She gave a charming smile as the protagonist snapped out of his daze
"Ah- sorry it's just you are really cool and I really like ice dragons" he admitted scratching his head
Silence was all that was heard for a long moment until "KUAHAHAHHHAAHA" loud laughter reverberated within the field
"Ah come on, you don't have to make fun of me" he groaned covering his face
It took a minute for the laughter to die down "Ah hehe... apologies it's just, the other you said the same thing when we first met" She gave a smile as she reminisced
"But enough about that, I'm here to tell you that there's another me." She stated getting back on subject
"Another you?"
"Right, I could feel a connection to her when you summoned my friend over there" She directed towards the crimsonette who seemed to be playing tag with a giant bird of fire
"So what should I do?" he inquired
"Well if the world is still the same as my own was. Then you could manage to make a familiar contract with her." She smiled "Normally dragons would never make a contract with other races even if they were to die.
She moved closer as she raised one of her frozen hand-claws and lightly tapped Shiro's forehead as it glowed for a moment. "But I just left a bit of my will in there, the other me should be able to feel you if you get close enough. She's currently weaker than my current self, but she should be still powerful in this world's standards"
"How do I find her?" he asked as he rubbed his forehead
"In the past I ruled a mountain named Mount Thundermine." she answered "Although I am unsure if the name is still the same, however chances are I will probably be where the weather is coldest. Usually the north."
"Thanks" Shiro bowed politely towards the ice dragon
"Don't mention it." She smiled amicably "Honestly I think it would do the other me good to have a friend. Before I met the other you, I was honestly incredibly bored."
She faced the short white-haired shinigami "Please take care of the other me." She requested while bowing back
"You got it!" Shiro grinned as he gave a thumbs up
"One last thing before we part" the silver-eyed shinigami said as he pulled out a powerful looking sword and presented it to his younger counterpart
"This is Ascalon. Originally it was given to Issei in my world. But Issei seems to like using my fish more than this, so you can use it for xp" he explained as Shiro grabbed hold of the legendary sword
[Item of another world unable to be scanned] the notification lit up
"I guess I can't see the stats, oh well." he said as he pulled out his zanpakutou
The legendary dragon-slaying blade turned into white motes of light as it was absorbed into the zanpakutou.
The dinging that indicated levels continued until.
Shiro's breath stopped for a moment as his excitement peaked and the first thing he did was yell out
he immediately blacked out
"Ugghh" Shiro awoke feeling like his body had no energy "What happened?" he asked out loud
[Host attempted to use bankai without having enough Mana to support the form thus causing host to black out from complete mana exhaustion] the system explained
"Wait, but I thought I got a larger reserve after the dragon's blood thing." he said as he slumped to a wall behind him
[Host indeed has much more mana than someone without a magic core should have. However it still isn't enough to support the Bankai form]
"Magic core?" Shiro recalled the system telling him he could find those in monsters
[For humans, when they reach level 100 it is called the First Awakening. It is the stage in which a human would form their magic core in their body to allow for a much larger amount of mana to be generated. Currently Host's body actually has mana comparable to a person with a magic core, but the Bankai requires more]
"So... basically I just need to get to 100. Got it." He said tiredly as he took in his surroundings
it was incredibly dark but he could still see some holes that let a bit of moonlight in. He seemed to be surrounded by incredibly hard ice walls.
"How did I end up here?" he questioned
[Host's counterpart had to leave after Host passed out. So he placed the Host within an ice box for safety reasons]
"That makes sense but.... where's the exit?" There was no obvious exit. It was completely closed off on all sides
[Host should be able to escape by manipulating the ice with Hyorinmaru. A message from Ray for when Host is able to unlock shikai: "Meditate with your sword"] it relayed to the shinigami
"Well, not like I have the energy to do anything else anyway" he said lethargically as he got in a lazy cross legged position with his sword on his lap.
He closed his eyes and his vision went from dark to white.
"Incredible, I honestly didn't expect for you to receive help from your counterpart" Shiro heard a familiar voice as his vision began to clear up. He saw a familiar man wearing a blue robe, bunny slippers and a night cap.
"Ray! I didn't expect to see you again." he admitted, he didn't feel tired anymore. Perhaps it was due to him being in his soulscape.
He took a look around and noted that his soulscape didn't exactly look like his counterpart. His soul was a snowy area. Nothing else, no mountain, no tree, no volcano. Just a snowy field.
"Well this place is unsurprisingly still blank." Ray commented as he gazed around the shinigami's soulscape.
"Kind of depressing, will it always be like this?" he asked the deity
"Of course not. Your soul will change with you as you continue to live out your life. Don't look so down, this isn't completely blank. The fact that there's snow is something. Completely blank means it would just be a white void of nothingness" Ray said cheering up the albino-haired 14 yr old
"Well anyway, right now I'm here to pass onto you what you need to use your new powers. Come closer" he gestured as Shiro moved closer
Shiro wasn't able to react as Ray pulled out a stick out of nowhere and smacked him upside the head. He then fell to the ground as he felt an excruciating pain burn into his head. Like waves of information just flooding into his head and being seared into his mind.
To hid credit, after experiencing so much pain he had gained a sort of tolerance to it and didn't yell out much in the process.
Ray looked approvingly as the shinigami took it like a man.
"You should still be able to hear me so I'll continue speaking. In the world you are in, only few are actually able to use spiritual energy. However the main energy used is still mana. I doubt anyone will be able to use Spiritual energy as well as you in the future, for now you should be able to begin to use spiritual sense. It will allow you to feel out the area around you and in turn allow you to manipulate the moisture in the area."
"Ofcourse this will require both mana and spiritual energy. In the future, try to practice with both. I even added kido spells for you to learn in there! It will take time, but you should know it will be worth it. Now I'll leave you here, as the information intake will take about another hour. Good luck" He waved as he disappeared leaving the shinigami writhing on the ground
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