As Shiro continued to pick off goblins that were running towards the source of the chaos. His eyes caught sight of a certain little smug bastard. It was the goblin that thought he was all that when it taunted him earlier. The shinigami had a bit of a feral grin on his face as he instantly recognized the little bastard. He was sure of it, all the scars on that goblin's face and body were burned in Shiro's mind as he knows how to hold a grudge.

Perhaps the goblin sensed danger but it turned it's attention towards the shinigami. Before it could run, the turquoise eyes of the albino haired 14 yr old were already in front of the goblin. A vice-like grip lifted the goblin up by it's neck as it was unable to call out for help. A sickening crunch was heard as the goblin fell limp, it died staring at the terrifying gaze of death.


As Kargon kicked the goblin off the kid named Diz, he helped the child up only for another goblin to jump on his back ready to stab him. Blood spilled on Kargon's back as he turned to look at Shiro all bloody from his killing spree behind him.

"Well you look like you were busy" he remarked at the shinigami's appearance

"Yep" was the cheery response of the kid who killed nearly a hundred goblins in their sleep

"So what now?" Kargon asked as the rest of the group huddled up to face off against the rest of the horde

Shiro simply smirked as he yelled his battlecry "EXPERIENCE!!!"

Strangely enough the rest of the villagers no matter the age or gender all roared the same thing

"EXPERIENCE!!!" as they joined in on the shinigami's death charge with high morale

Shiro prioritized most of his attention towards the shaman goblins and archers. If there is one thing he hates, it's being out ranged. As he continued to cut his way through the slow shamans without their anorexic lions for mounts, he was forced to jump back as a large cleaver slammed down at the ground in front of him.

Looks like he'll have a second round against the hobgoblin sooner than he thought

"Well, let's see how you handle me this time now that I'm not level 1 anymore!" Shiro exclaimed as he closed the distance. This time however he stepped to the side, although his stats increased with his level. He wasn't completely confident he could deal with the big guy in terms of brute strength.

As the cleaver came down again, Shiro side stepped and jumped on top of the cleaver bringing his weight onto it.

He thrusted towards the hobgoblin's eye but it did something the shinigami didn't expect. It let go of it's weapon to back off leaving Shiro in disbelief. As Shiro lost balance in his odd footing on the cleaver, the wind was knocked out of him as he took on the full brunt of the hobgoblin's kick.

As the dust cleared, the disheveled shinigami was standing with his sword supporting him.

"Seriously, are you really a goblin? Weren't goblins supposed to be dumb?" he asked unsure of if the hobgoblin could understand him. His breathing was ragged but he could still go on.

[Host should enhance his body using mana.] The system's voice rang out stopping Shiro for a moment as the hobgoblin kept it's distance, waiting for the shinigami to make the first move.

'I don't have any skill for that!' he cried out in his mind

[In this world, that is simply mana manipulation. Everyone is capable of it, as it is one of the basic techniques people use. Even those villagers are capable of using it in their daily lives.] the system informed stunning his host

'Wait so it's not a skill?' Shiro asked dumbfounded

[No, simply try to focus your mana around your body or certain parts of it. This is not as dangerous as the Nasuverses version of 'reinforcement'] the voice instructed as it clarified it's safety

Shiro began to imagine his legs being surrounded by blue light. He felt a small drain on his mana supply within him. The ground beneath him cracked as Shiro lunged towards the surprised hobgoblin.

Unfortunately the shinigami had no experience with this, so he was unprepared for the burst of speed as he rammed right onto the hobgoblin. Luckily enough his sword was pointed forward as it slid right through the hobgoblin's heart.


As the last goblin was slain, the crowd let out a cheer of joy. Unfortunate they weren't able to stay happy for too long. Even though they were successful in turning the situation around, it cost the lives of a few more people.

"Let's bury the dead, then eat. I'm starving" Shiro said to the crowd as everyone agreed

"Shiro, thank you. If not for you we would have all been left to rot in those cages." Kargon said as he was digging a hole next to the shinigami

"Don't mention it, I was caught too. If anything I'm glad you guys fought back, if you didn't I probably would have just sneaked off by myself and left to feel regret that I didn't stay and fight" he admitted as he really would have just ran away. The odds were against him and if he were alone then victory wouldn't have seemed possible.

"Still, because you gave us hope. We thank you. Also Shavina would like to know if you are single." The man added on at the end

"Dude I'm 14" Shiro deadpanned

"People generally get engaged around 15, I have heard of some nobles engaging at around 13 as well!" he smiled slyly at the teenager

"I think I'll pass. I don't think I'll look for a relationship until I'm atleast 16 or 17." Shiro said as he shook his head

"A shame, she's beautiful for a woman in her 20s" Kargon said disappointed

"That age difference is a bit much for me" Shiro said not surprised as he did see the lady earlier. She was beautiful, shame he didn't feel like getting tied down.

Name: Shiro Aversis

Level: 11 [235/820]exp required

Race: Human / Shinigami(?)Class: Frost Reaper

Soul Bound items: Hyorinmaru(lvl4)/Shinigami clothes (self repairing)

Blessings: NoneFamiliar Contracts: None

STR: 48 (+10)AGI: 45 (+10)END: 38

INT: 32LUK: 7RES: 40

Actives: None

Passives: Divine Mental Protection/True Regeneration/Cold Immunity

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