"Now when you get to the tail, in most cases you leave it out. Most beast-men's tails are sensitive so it makes a nice place to tease see?" The large man said as he stroked the bound cat-soldier's tail getting a reaction out of him.

"You said most, there are exceptions?" Shiro asked intrigued at the bondage lesson that's been going on the past 20 minutes. The cat soldier was gagged and tied up magnificently.

"Yes, you may encounter someone of the lizard tribe. Their tails aren't as sensitive, but you could still get a reaction when caressing it. Just be sure not to have them bound too tight or else they may lose feeling." He informed seriously making Shiro wonder what the lizard people looked like

"Bondage has predated back in the ages of old, it actually began as a military technique when binding prisoners. It was simply much easier to use rope back then and over-time they would begin to use it for theater. It has continued to evolve from that until you have what we know as bondage today." The man said as he opened the shinigami's view of the art of bondage itself.

"MMMHHNNN" the cat soldier let out a muffled moan as the man gave him a slap.

[Bondage skill gained from Bondage-master]

'Huh, so other people can impart skills to me' Shiro thought as he checked the passive Bondage skill in his status.

"Well this was an enlightening experience" the shinigami admitted "But I got to get going mister..."

"Mcwiggles, Sergeant Mcwiggles" Mcwiggles said as he introduced himself with a stage bow

"Ah well I'm a new recruit and I should be getting out of this fish costume. Do you know where the armory is Mr. Mcwiggles?" Shiro asked as he honestly didn't know where the armory was at.

"Right, you don't want to miss initiation. Head down the hall past the mess hall, then take a right and you can't miss it." Mcwiggles smiled as he directed the shinigami.

A thud was heard as Mcwiggles was knocked out by the fish-katana.

"Thanks Mcwiggles" Shiro said with a smile as he left the room after tying up his bondage-teacher

The shinigami casually walked towards the armory instead of trying to ninja it by sneaking around. Unfortunately he had to leave behind the fish-suit as it would have attracted unwanted attention. Instead he took the cat-guard's uniform, although it was a bit too large for him, it was better than the bondage teacher's size.

Reaching the door to the armory, the shinigami noticed two guards stationed there.

'Well I guess it was too much to hope that the armory would be unguarded' Shiro thought as he didn't plan for there to be guards

"Halt, state your business" One of the guards commanded

"I need your help, Sergeant Mcwiggles and another guard was found in the storage room tied up! I'm off to alert the commanding officer, can you two deal with them?" the shinigami spoke a bit frantically as to increase the gravity of the situation

"Alright, let's go" the man said to his fellow guard as they both ran off towards the storage room leaving the shinigami alone

'Hehe, that was almost too easy' he thought as he strolled into the room

Spears, swords, maces, bows and other weaponry were lines across the walls. Each weapon looked like they were copy-pasted as they all looked the same to their counterparts.

'All of these look like your average common weapon. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, guess I should start absorbing them.' he concluded as he got to work on feeding his katana

The two guards reached the storage room to find two tied up men hanged from the ceiling.

"Free Sergeant Mcwiggles, I'll free the cat" He ordered as he removed the gag and blindfold from the cat-soldier

"*Cough* *Cough*" The beastman hacked out "There's an intruder!" he exclaimed to the men who were removing their binds.


The sounds of his katana leveling up came to an end as he ran out of weapons to absorb. Disappointed that it stopped at 29, he supposed that quantity just doesn't win out against quality. Shiro basically stole an entire armory of hundreds of weapons for the guards and soldiers in the city. He sighed as he was just 1 level away from being able to use the shikai.

The door busted open revealing a group of guards pointing their weapons towards the shinigami.

'sigh well, I guess it's time to make my grand escape' Shiro thought as he held up his last 2 sticks of dynamite

A large explosion was heard across the city alerting everyone.

"SIR! The armory has been ransacked! The intruder is being pursued" an officer reported as the governor was surprised of what transpired. He didn't feel too bad about the current chaos, in fact he felt that it was an opportunity.

"Inform the commander that he may use any methods to locate the thief." he calmly said as he waved the officer to leave.

"Men, assemble" the governor spoke to nothingness as a group of black clothed men appeared kneeling in front of him.

"This is the perfect chance, we can no longer wait for Crawford. No matter what, you must make sure that the princess dies today! To those of you who die, I will compensate your families for them to live luxuriously for the rest of their lives. And to those of you who live, should you succeed, I guarentee you riches await you!" he exclaimed as blood began to rush within the stoic guards

"GO!" he ordered as the men disappeared as if they were never there

The sun was setting over the horizon as the shadows became longer. Mirrah and her retainers were alerted by the large explosion that everyone heard.

"What happened?" The princess asked as the armored man returned

"It seems someone has broken into the armory" Lolz said as he looked at the many frantic guards running around like headless chickens searching for the thief

The princess was surprised someone would be dumb enough to try and break into the armory of a city barracks "Did you find out who it was?" Rei asked interested in the thief

The man shook his head "All I know is that it is a boy with white spiked hair. Supposedly he snuck into barracks and tied up a Sergeant and a guard. Then he redirected the soldiers at the armory and used that time to take all the weapons."

"But why would one boy need all those weapons?" Mirrah asked in wonder. It's not like they would sell for much considering they were mass produced weapons for the average guard.

"I am unsure, however we shouldn't concern ourselves with it" the man said as it wasn't really their problem since they were just visitors.

The other two nodded as they agreed. Beneath the black armored man, his shadow became larger until it sprang to life engulfing him. The two girls watched as Lolz disappeared from the area with wide eyes. Rei immediately deflected a barrage of daggers with her twin crossed blades.

"Apologies but we don't have much time. Please don't make this harder than it needs to be for us." Came a voice from the shadows as a group of black-robed men surrounded the two.

Shiro could hear his heartbeat as he continued to still himself. While most would think that he would run the moment the explosion rang out, the shinigami simply hid himself in the same room. Two sides of the walls were destroyed as only a few people were around now inspecting the area. Shiro's disguise was destroyed in the explosion, it even took out a chunk of his body but he took his time to regenerate as he hid inside a crate.

What surprised him the most was that the explosion actually didn't kill anyone. He knew that if it did, he would have gotten experience from it. The plan now would be to wait until night fell, then he would sneak his way out of the area.

"Man, to think that it was just a single kid that did all this" A voice was heard near the shinigami. Probably just a guard stationed at the area, strange that they were stationed at a place that had nothing to guard since Shiro took everything of value.

"I feel you, what level do you think that kid was at to be able to do all this?"

"Probobly 50 maybe 60." he guessed

"What would a level 60 need with all the junk weapons?"

"Not sure, but the chances of him escaping the city are pretty much zero. The commander declared a lock-down on all entrances" this information made Shiro's face pale

"Guess the commander's pissed" one of them chuckled

"Well of-course he wouldn't be too happy if people found out a kid was able to infiltrate his barracks and steal an entire armory. It's basically a slap to his face" he stated.

He was correct, a child being able to do all that was basically showing that the commander was incompetent.

"Well, glad we don't have to run around looking for that ki-" A thud was heard as the other guard looked over to see his friend on the ground unconscious

"Wha- AGGH" Shiro cringed as this guard didn't immediately pass out as he had to smack him more than once.

"Hey what's going on here!?" a flash of light came over the area as the shinigami already left the scene

"Shit! Alert the commander about this!"

At least Silent Steps would finally come in handy tonight

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