Rich Devil

Chapter 307: , pick the stars


After this matter.

Hu Yanshuo discovered that he really had a talent for telling ghost stories.

After listening to ghost stories.

Sun Man was so frightened that his whole body was paralyzed, and in the end he couldn't even move a finger.

The whole person also looked very cute.

Needless to say.

Ghost stories are terrifyingly powerful.

It seems that scientific research has shown that listening to ghost stories has a very large impact on people's psychological and physical health. Such a research data result has its certain truth.

For example, if you scare yourself, you will not only frighten the people who listen to the story, but also the storyteller, who is too frightened to breathe heavily.

Looking at the strawberry imprints he and Sun Man left each other, Hu Yanshuo felt that it was really terrifying!

The third point is that horror stories can easily make the human body release adrenocortical hormones, make the heart beat faster, muscle contractions, and make people in a state of excitement. This is a primitive emergency response, an instinctive response of animals to quickly avoid danger. But if the degree of shock is too high, the muscle contractions are too strong, compressing the blood vessels, causing the person to faint due to insufficient blood supply.

How others do not understand, it is not clear whether the adrenal glands are released or not.

Hu Yanshuo only knew that his emotions were in a state of extreme excitement, and the most primitive emergency response was to shake this black and elegant "Black Fell".

Just these words, Hu Yanshuo felt that it was not a cause for concern.

The most real and scary thing is that the car actually moves by itself while the ghost story is being told.

Blacksfoll, who clearly showed no sign of starting, actually began to vibrate violently, scaring Sun Man into screaming waves...

In short, the more Sun Man screamed, the more Hu Yanshuo wanted to tell ghost stories, and the more excited he became.

This is probably the adrenal stimulation that makes the chicken hard.


In the black and elegant fashionable sports car, there is a breath of taste of ghost stories, and Sun Man's voice is close to death, "The moonlight tonight is so beautiful!"


"Otherwise we won't go back tonight and just enjoy the stars and the moon in the car."

"Just looking at the stars and the moon?"

One question and one answer.

Hu Yanshuo's voice is full of laziness, but he is not lazy. In this state, he is not only supported by his handsome appearance, but his voice is also very attractive.

"Then what more do you want? Are you too greedy!"

Sun Man's voice had a rippling aftertaste, and more of it was attracted by the charming voice. The words pretending to be coquettish were actually not very threatening, and then he heard Hu Yanshuo chuckle softly: "As a man , you can't be greedy, I'm embarrassed to say hello to people when I go out!"

"Bah, make excuses."

Sun Man couldn't help but spit, and as a result, he heard Hu Yanshuo say in a strange voice: "Yoyo, who gave you the guts to spit at me, aren't you afraid that my second-rate son will spit at you like you are a hooligan? ?"

"Who is your second-rate child!"

"It's called it, second child. It's the best at spitting, but it's sticky, but it has high nutritional value."

In the face of Sun Man's doubtful tone, Hu Yanshuo explained again seriously, it's okay not to explain, such an explanation made Sun Man unable to help but feel ashamed, "You, you, can't appreciate the moonlight with me, and talk about other things. Something?" Although none of the things that should have been experienced have been left behind, and there is still an aftertaste of what should be enjoyed, but the topic of Hu Yanshuo made Sun Man somewhat unable to express himself.

"What is this!"

"Why not, why are you not romantic at all!"

Facing Sun Manqiang's unreasonable words, Hu Yanshuo asked calmly, "Have you ever heard a word?"


"It's not that I'm not romantic."

Hu Yanshuo was very calm, and said without panic at all: "It's just that my romantic way is different from before, just before my romantic way was, I just want to see the stars and the moon with you, now my romantic way is probably , I just want to get you out of bed."

"Where did you hear such shameless words?"

Facing Sun Man's verbal rebuke, Hu Yanshuo was not angry, but said strangely, "Shameless?"


Sun Man replied, but she didn't know the answer was a bit duplicitous.

"Then let's put it another way."

Hu Yanshuo was not annoyed by this, and prepared to say another word with a smile, Sun Man said suspiciously: "Go ahead! But you are not allowed to say such rascals!"

For this so-called warning, Hu Yanshuo did not take it to heart.

What's the use of taking this kind of warning to heart? Since Hu Yanshuo is a man, he is very clear that it is his hand that should be taken seriously.

Smooth and delicate, rich and full of elastic touch, uploaded from the heart to Hu Yanshuo's hands.

Can't put it down.

This vocabulary perfectly explains Hu Yanshuo's feel and mentality.

Slightly pondered.

Black Furne was silent for a few seconds, and then he heard Hu Yanshuo's voice come out leisurely: "My romantic way in the past, maybe I wanted to take off all the stars and moons in the sky and give them to you."

"now what?"

Although I didn't see Sun Man's eyes, I could feel her eyes lit up from her tone. She was obviously attracted by Hu Yanshuo's topic and couldn't help asking curiously.

"The way of romance is naturally different now."

After a slight pause, Hu Yanshuo didn't mean to sway his appetite, but Sun Man couldn't wait to know the answer, so he hurriedly urged him, "Then what are you talking about?"

Hu Yanshuo almost rolled his eyes, can I say that I haven't figured out how to make it up yet?

"Well, now my romantic way should be to let you take it off by yourself!"

After thinking about it, Hu Yanshuo said this sentence, but Sun Man said angrily: "Are you guys like this, don't cherish it when you get it!"

Hu Yanshuo didn't panic at all about this kind of delivery proposition, and then asked in a calm manner, "How could it be?"

"Then why don't you help me pick the stars and the moon?"

Sun Man said confidently, and he was afraid that he would ask if he still loved her. However, Hu Yanshuo did not panic about such a super-probable problem, raised his brows slightly, and gave a little guidance: " Don't you think it's more fulfilling for me to let you take it off with your own hands?"

The focus of the topic of the guide quickly attracted Sun Man's attention.

Nodding his head, Sun Man said with some approval, "That's true, but why did you let me pick the stars and the moon?"

"I have two options here to choose from..."

Regarding Hu Yanshuo's suggestion that he could provide two solutions, Sun Man asked curiously, "What plan?"

"The two schemes are divided into Chinese style and Western style. The Chinese style method is to make a spaceship for you, as well as a space compressor. The spaceship can carry you into space, and the space compressor can compress the stars and the moon and become your toys. , what do you think of this method?"

"Wow, how much does that cost!"

"It doesn't matter how much money you spend, as long as you know that I love you."

Compared with men who may feel that it is impossible to achieve, such words are generally deceptive words, and women are concerned about how much such behavior will cost.

For this problem, as long as the brain is not accidentally pinched by the door.

It's basically impossible to say, "I can't do it", "I lied to you", "How can I possibly spend money" and so on...


After hearing this, Sun Man nodded again and again, and asked again with a smile on his face, "What about Western style?"

"Western-style is easier."

Hu Yanshuo said almost without hesitation: "Western style is quicker, almost in one step, as long as you do some preparations in advance, after lubricating, ahem, I mean, after you're ready, you can directly send you to the sky..."

"How do you send me to the sky?"

Compared to the previous large-scale creation of spaceships, sending them directly to the sky seems unreliable and simple, but Sun Man is a little curious about the way to send them to the sky.

"This needs to be prepared."

Hu Yanshuo said vaguely, and then, whether Sun Man wanted to or not, he said to her, "I'll show you how..."

Sun Man, who was soon gagged, understood what it meant to prepare in advance.


Hu Yanshuo explained to her with strength, endurance, and physique, the method and steps to send her to heaven...

"I will try both Chinese and Western styles."

Sun Man, who felt like he was about to fly into the sky, suddenly said this on a whim.

Western approach is ok.

After all, Western style is about abstraction, just like Western oil painting.

Chinese is not easy.

If you really agree, you can ignore the scumbag. An honest, pure, reliable, and capable man like Hu Yanshuo basically wants to go on the road of becoming a scientist!

Is this how the so-called scientists were born?

As soon as his mind turned, Hu Yanshuo panted and said, "Special love for a special you..."

"Then am I special?"

I have to say that women's brain circuits are not only special, but also their focus is different, as well as their intuition. This legendary intuition makes them extremely terrifying.

Obviously talking about romance.

How did it become a discussion about how to go to heaven?

Encountering such a brain circuit, is it really impossible to build a spaceship?

Hu Yanshuo is really embarrassed, even if we can use the way we are now, it is very immoral to force a man to become a scientist like this!

It is easy to create pressure on men, and there will be one more scumbag in society.

"I'm not special, am I?"

The lies that Hu Yanshuo blurted out were not able to be told in a row, and Sun Man took the lead in front of him with a woman's unique intuition, which made Hu Yanshuo feel so annoyed that he could not help speeding up his actions, which was bound to be inadvertently humiliated. His Sun Man was sent to heaven.

After all, at this time, even if the woman showed intuition or something, it was not the most important thing, but her behavior obviously made Hu Yanshuo feel humiliated.

A woman still has so many problems at this time, and she has the feeling of mocking a man for not being able to let her go to heaven as soon as possible.

Hu Yanshuo couldn't bear this situation.

The current situation is typical. When a soldier meets a scholar, since I can't tell you, can I still fail you?

"If you answer me, it's not impossible to introduce Qi Lin to you."

Seeing that Hu Yanshuo was working hard and swore to never give up unless she was sent to heaven, Sun Man felt that her heart was flying, but she wanted not only Western romance, Chinese romance or Western romance, she wanted it all, so She didn't mind turning her previous thoughts into a temptation to lure Hu Yanshuo to create this romance for her.

Even if this romance is ethereal, it is unlikely to be realized.

Sun Man also wanted Hu Yanshuo to promise her.

"Oh Well!"

Hu Yanshuo replied casually, and noticed that Sun Man's tone was a little off, so naturally he didn't have much anger and despair. From his experience, he naturally knew that Sun Man was about to pick the stars and the moon.

"Then help me think about it, what's so special about me?"

"In my heart, you are the most special."

In the face of a woman who wants to go to heaven, Hu Yanshuo naturally knows that he should be coaxed with good words, but Sun Man doesn't seem to buy it, and scolded: "Don't try to perfunctory me, you said that I don't have much water, several times I was sucked dry, so you have to tell me one of my characteristics, can't you even tell me what you like about me?"

You are a dog, do you hold revenge like this?

Hu Yanshuo was a little speechless when he heard this Especially he didn't remember what he said at all!

Could it be that I accidentally slipped my tongue this morning?

And why do you keep chasing after the problem, do SH women like to be aggressive so much?

"You must have suffered from heat stroke due to the hot weather, but it doesn't matter if Dr. Ben is here, just give you an injection..."

Since it's not clear what the reason is, Hu Yanshuo simply doesn't plan to reason with Sun Man. Being aggressive won't work for him. If she's not feeling well, she'll be comfortable after a while.

There is no heat stroke symptom that cannot be solved by one injection. If there is, then another injection is required.

Lu Xun once said that if you are dry, there will be nothing more to do.


Sun Man, who was suffering from heat stroke, let out a grunt.

Being forcibly sent to the sky to pick the stars and the moon, Sun Man fainted due to the unsuitable space environment.

Jiangnan Ancient Town.

Not as crowded as the city, nor your most popular old towns.

Not crowded and not the hottest.

It is precisely this pure scenery that completes the nearest ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Even if there is commercialization, it is a category that people who travel can accept in their hearts.

There is no need to worry about the crowds, the bustling crowd destroys the scenery of enjoying the scenery, and there is no need to worry that there are no villages in front of you, no shops in the back, backward play facilities, and you can't see any scenery after a walk around where it doesn't matter.

With the streets on both sides of the river as the center, tourists come and go, most of the shops are built along the river, and these shops are precisely restaurants.

Restaurants account for the vast majority.

There are many local specialties, and there are beautiful Jiangnan Old Streets on both sides of the river…

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