Rich Devil

Chapter 336: , old pilot


Hu Yanshuo's reply was so fast.

Not only Huang Penghan, but also Jiang Zhiying next to him was slightly surprised.

Their surprise was not without reason.

Because there are all kinds of functional drinks on the market, if you want to invest a lot of money in research and development, you need to consider a series of follow-up promotion issues.

Although co-promotion with a gym is a good question.


Even Huang Penghan and Jiang Zhiying are not very confident in the promotion of the gym.

Is Hu Yanshuo so optimistic about them?

As everyone knows.

Why is Hu Yanshuo optimistic about them, but he thinks that these things make little money, but Huang Penghan and Jiang Zhiying are both addicted to making money and left him in the cold. He finally took the time, and planned to take advantage of the Crystal Palace's position. Work hard to improve their appearance as much as possible.


They are obsessed with gyms and money-making projects one by one.

Hu Yanshuo was also speechless.

What about being a mistress happily?

Well, what about when I go back to Linxing when I have time?

How can everyone become a workaholic, how can I support you!

Is being obsessed with making money the thing a mistress should do?

I really don't want to say it too clearly, and I don't want to force the two of them. Hu Yanshuo can only let them indulge in the behavior of making money.

I just want to hope that they will soon destroy the gym industry.


Be honest and obedient to be a charming mistress!

The best friends may be able to create more projects and have more thrilling new breakthroughs.

If it really doesn't work.

There are not too many tricks, and the scale of stimulation is within the acceptable range!

"Let's get in touch right now, and try to make a beverage research experiment. After this time, we will combine it with the gym and promote it through the experiment..."

Soon, the voice of Huang Penghan returning to Jiang Zhiying was heard on the video, cheerful and ambitious, and at the end he did not forget to say goodbye to Hu Yanshuo: "It's getting late, we have to rest. We have to go to the gym tomorrow. Pavilion inspection, I love you, Mu!”

The video on the phone is pitch black.

Hu Yanshuo watched this scene and knew that Huang Penghan had hung up the video call.

A black line appeared uncontrollably on his forehead.

This pair of girlfriends are really two unreliable fake mistresses!

Where is there a reliable mistress training class, I really want to sign up for them all first.

Put down your 5G phone.

The sun shines brightly on the diamond-cased mobile phone.

An invisible wealth, a few dazzling local tyrants who flashed their big golden teeth, but they did not deliberately approach, after all, he is so handsome, so rich, so young, handsome guy, himself You may not get a good impression if you get too close!

Just glanced at it from a distance, and firmly remembered Hu Yanshuo's young and handsome appearance.

Hu Yanshuo, who was unaware, looked around at the parking lot of the private jet. The greening environment was well done. In some lawn parking places, stepping on these weeds gave a very comfortable feeling.

Hu Yanshuo, who was looking at the lawn, naturally didn't know that someone wanted him to help plant grass and green other people's lives.

When Huang Penghan hung up the video and went to rest, he was also a little bored waiting for Wu Wanyu and the two, waiting for them to return from their satisfied shopping.


He picked up his mobile phone again and called several people in the aviation town who were in charge of organizing the party.

Tell the truth.

Foreign countries are not only in dire straits.

Even people abroad are relatively indifferent, and neighbors are often relatively cautious. Coupled with the increasing number of shooting cases and other criminal deeds, every household is very insecure.

Fortunately, there are hospitable Chinese in the country.

I have taught people from abroad what hospitality is, and that is true hospitality. Otherwise, people in foreign countries would not even know what it means to visit.

Live in an aviation town in the US.

The law and order is a little better, so the crooked nuts here are gradually imitating.

Occasionally, I would say hello to Hu Yanshuo, a neighbor, to stop by.

After all, Hu Yanshuo's appearance is here, and most of the people in this town are rich. While having a strong sense of clinging, it will also be very interesting.

Therefore, occasionally, when I am idle and bored, I will find some people to get together with.

Especially when I met this American who would die if he didn't have a party.

The Chinese have always been courteous.

After he mentioned the yacht, Hu Yanshuo didn't hide it. Just before he went out, the neighbor heard the news and suggested to go out to sea fishing together. Naturally, he would not refuse this request.

After all, such a good thing really needs many people to have fun together.

The yacht is huge.

As a large yacht it can accommodate many people.

Therefore, Hu Yanshuo directly gave a few nearby neighbors the opportunity to invite people, and he was responsible for arranging the sea fishing. To be precise, Hu Yanshuo directly asked the hired captain to arrange these things.

All he needs to do is spend money.

His generous hand and amazing wealth are one of the reasons why Hu Yanshuo is loved by his neighbors.

It was discussed with the captain who was mainly in charge of the party going to sea.

I learned that the procurement of the sea party has been prepared.

Hu Yanshuo directly asked the captain to notify the neighbors, and by the way, asked if the things they notified were done, and then hung up the phone and waited for the return of Dong Huamei.

As for whether they would go shopping with Dong Thrushi's colleague Cui Lingling, they would forget the possibility of spending a whole day shopping.

Hu Yanshuo was not worried at all.

Because he just gave everyone a million dollar shopping allowance.

This kind of money seems to be a lot of huge wealth in the United States, the pioneer of credit cards. However, in this place in the United States, there are not many luxury goods. Although a million dollars can buy a lot of things, it will also It will run out soon.

As for Cui Lingling's boyfriend, he really ignored it.

I don't like slaps at all.

The other party insisted on bringing his face together. Hu Yanshuo didn't hit him too hard, but made it a little harder for him to pretend.

The next time we meet, Cui Lingling's boyfriend will definitely not pretend to be in front of Hu Yanshuo.

At least Hu Yanshuo can see that Cui Lingling's boyfriend has a little family background, however, he has not yet reached a particularly prominent level, so he has no urge to slap his face at all!

It's the children of his neighbors.

I sent Hu Yanshuo some hot beauty groups, and the **** and hot body attracted his attention. The neighbor's child said that he would invite these beauties to the yacht party!


The same is the neighbor's child, not all neighbor's children and other people's children will not be treated by others.

At least!

Such a neighbor's child.

Hu Yanshuo felt that as long as normal people wanted to fight again.

Holding a diamond 5G phone.

The fingertips swept across the screen quickly, and completed the reply almost without thinking.

After replying.

Hu Yanshuo put the phone back in his trousers pocket, and waited for the return of Dong Thrushi and the duo in a very bored manner again. While waiting, I naturally saw a lot of private jets landing at the parking lot.

One of the planes of a certain Saudi tyrant also landed.

Hu Yanshuo raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw that the local tyrants of Saudi Arabia used Boeing planes directly as private planes. Then, he heard a few pilots privately discussing the terrible price of such private planes. By the way, some people broke the news about this plane. The price of a private jet is about 1.8 billion.

This is only the price, and does not include the price of subsequent remodeling and decoration.


Most importantly, the flight attendants on these private jets.

While watching the flight attendant on the private plane, while listening to the pilot gossip next to him, the flight attendant on the private plane provided all kinds of enviable services to the local tycoons.

Many pink pilots showed longing expressions.

The old pilots imparted their experience, such as hard work, without haste, and there will be such opportunities in the future.

For the behavior of these pilots occupying the highway.

Hu Yanshuo didn't scold him at all, he just listened with gusto next to him.

Sure enough, pilots are awesome.

It's not that they can't drive, they just hate flying too low.

The pilots also discovered Hu Yanshuo. Although they didn't know which rich pilot he was, most of the gossips they talked about did not name names, and they were not afraid that these things would be spread out indiscriminately.

As for Hu Yanshuo's situation, they also saw that Hu Yanshuo deliberately put out the plane keys in order to get close.

So don't care anymore.

It is estimated that Hu Yanshuo's identity is a new face who drives a private jet for a local tyrant.

Looking at Hu Yanshuo's eyes, it was like a husky mixed in with wolves.

Constantly showing off to Hu Yanshuo all kinds of knowledge points about flying a plane, all kinds of fancy tail flicks, several flips in the air, and a dazzling operation is also included!

Originally, I was just idle and bored, and I was thinking of listening to gossip.

Hu Yanshuo didn't expect that there would be so much knowledge, and all kinds of show operations could still be played like this, which increased his knowledge.

Silently write down these actions.

I almost kept nodding my head in response, and I wrote down everything I knew.

The old pilots were beaming.

He taught the common sense of a group of new pilots, as well as the sultry knowledge of various postures. He didn't care about Hu Yanshuo who listened carefully and never expressed his opinion, because they just needed this kind of Husky who mixed in with the wolves and listened carefully. Listen to them. A variety of knowledge points are imparted.

These old pilots had no idea that Hu Yanshuo, who was young and handsome with a harmless face, was a husky who got into a pack of wolves.

A little bit more horizontal than the ruthless.


The phone rang...

Picking up the phone to watch, Hu Yanshuo saw that the caller ID in the note was Dong Thrushi, showing a puzzled expression. Then, under the eyes of a group of pilots, he smiled and walked to the side to answer the phone.

But the call was not good news.

According to Dong Thrushi, Wu Wanyu received news from a securities company in Hong Kong, saying that her subordinates carried out illegal operations when she left, and she was found out and asked her to go back to deal with it.

Although he did not explain the situation, Dong Thrushi said that he would only impose a large fine.

The amount of the fine is related to Wu Wanyu's handling of the situation.

After hearing this, Hu Yanshuo was silent for a while, and asked Dong Thrushi to tell Wu Wanyu that she would keep in touch with him when she was dealing with it, and that he would provide her with various means of assistance.

Dong Thrushi said again and again that there was no problem: "Apart from these, do you have anything else you want to say to us?"

Hu Yanshuo naturally understood Dong Thrushi's words.

Providing so many means of assistance will naturally make Wu Wanyu very moved, and it is also implying that Hu Yanshuo has any excessive gameplay that can be brought up at this time!

As for whether it will be rejected, then it depends on the strength of Hu Yanshuo's support, or his request is too excessive.


However, in the face of such a hint, Hu Yanshuo pondered for a few seconds, and did not ask Dong Thrushi to convey any special gameplay to Wu Wanyu, but said in a slightly domineering and solemn tone: "Tell her, no one can bully me casually. woman, and I will not sit back and watch her being bullied."

The other end was silent for a long time.

Dong Thrushi's voice came again: "It makes people jealous! It seems that you have never been so kind to me!"

"You are really going too far!"

"But don't I will definitely convey this sentence. But are you sure you don't want to say something else? This is a special opportunity, it's a pity to miss it, according to my opinion With Wu Wanyu's understanding, she should compensate you severely, but I just don't know if she has any other beautiful girlfriends!"

Dong Thrushi pretended to be accusing, and there was a hint of envy hidden in his tone.

"Do you still want what I said to you?"

Hu Yanshuo pretended to be dazed and said to Dong Huamei, and heard Dong Huamei's angry voice from the other end: "You, how are you! If you don't say anything, don't say it, I don't care about you!"

Hu Yanshuo laughed: "Hahaha, but I miss you!"


Dong Thrushi made a disapproving voice.

"I'm telling the truth!"

Hu Yanshuo naturally knew what she was thinking, and as soon as the laughter stopped, he said seriously.

Dong Thrushi looked incredulous: "How real can you be?"

Hearing the other end of the phone, there was a faint smile, Hu Yanshuo knew that Dong Huamei was secretly happy, and seemed to pretend not to believe it, just to listen to him more.

Hu Yanshuo is even more aware of women's duplicity.


Naturally, Hu Yanshuo unhesitatingly used his trump card and said loudly, "As deep as your water is, I will be as true as I am!"


Dong Thrushi, who was listening attentively at the other end, did not expect Hu Yanshuo to say such a sudden sentence, and some of his ears turned red when he was caught off guard. His tone seemed to be spurning, but his voice was so glutinous that people couldn't help but want to tease him.


The response Dong Thrushi got again was naturally Hu Yanshuo's laughter that made her want to take a bite.

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