Rich Devil

Chapter 80: Tentative


"No matter how good the idea is, someone has to work hard."

Hu Yanshuo waved his hand towards the driver with the suitcase, and said, "As for the money, you can treat it as my kindness rewarding you on behalf of God. I spend this little money, and my money is all from the wind..."

The driver brother wanted to call, but Hu Yanshuo received a mobile phone call.

"Honey, where are you? Are you coming back today?"

"I just heard a nice story..."


As he walked, he soon reached the door.

Hu Yanshuo turned back and waved to the driver's eldest brother in the distance. Then, after a few steps, several people came up, took his suitcase, and politely asked, "Sir, what car do you want to buy? "

"Thank you, it's cold, let's go in and talk."

"Feel sorry."

"It doesn't matter, you can introduce me to the car later."

Hu Yanshuo's figure entered a huge imperial car city. The driver's elder brother hesitated and waited at the door. He felt that even if Hu Yanshuo didn't want to take back the 20,000 yuan, if he didn't buy a car, he could still take him for a ride.

By the way, you can also be in the car, thinking about Hu Yanshuo's suggestion just now.

What happened today was extremely mysterious to him.

The driver brother thinks that this should be unforgettable, and it will pay off in the end!!

Thinking of Hu Yanshuo's reward instead of God, this should be a good deed, and God will reward it!

Imperial City.

After entering the imperial car city, Hu Yanshuo kept turning on his exploration glasses and began to scan around.

To be honest, when he was on the plane, he was very disappointed, because in the entire first class of the flight, he couldn't find a beautiful woman with a good looks. That kind of shock was called bad luck.

Although they are all about 70 points, but they can put on makeup that is not inferior to 80 points is also a master.

Unexpectedly, in Diche City, I met a beautiful woman with a face value of 84 points.

"Sure enough, the face value is high, and the luck will not be too bad."

Touching the face that has the hope of stepping into an 80-point face value, Hu Yanshuo said with emotion in his heart.

"What's your name sir?"

"My surname is Hu."

The two sat in an vacant booth, facing each other, with a small transparent glass table in front of them. After Hu Yanshuo answered the question, his eyes began to stare at the work card on each other's chest...

"Mr. Hu, my surname is Yang and my name is Yang Jingxuan. This is my work permit."

Seeing Hu Yanshuo's gaze, the beautiful salesman involuntarily shrank her upper body, introduced herself, and mainly reminded Hu Yanshuo that it is basic homework to suggest customers as a salesman.


Hu Yanshuo said angrily, "I saw it, my eyes are good."

Yang Jingxuan didn't expect Hu Yanshuo to say this, and her brows furrowed. At this moment, a man in the distance came over quickly and asked with unconcealed concern, "What's wrong? Are you alright? This is you. customers? Let's talk! I'm in charge of the configuration of the car..."

"You guys are all competing so much now!? Colleagues are going to grab orders, and there is no business rule?"

Hu Yanshuo interrupted the other party's words at this time, and shook his head pretending to sigh and said, "The last time I picked up a car in another imperial car city, I never encountered such a situation, tsk tsk..."

"You are talking nonsense."

Yang Jingxuan's male colleague blushed and said.

"I don't care if it's nonsense, but you're disturbing me here and affecting my mood to buy a car." Hu Yanshuo looked at each other calmly, and then looked at Yang Jingxuan as if she didn't want to speak, so he just switched to another salesman. member.

"Brother Chen, you go to Xiaolan first, I'll take care of it here." Yang Jingxuan said calmly to her colleague.

"Me." The male colleague blushed. However, he quickly said dejectedly, "Okay, if there is anything, just call me and I'll rush over..."

"Mr. Hu, are you satisfied now?"

Yang Jingxuan withdrew her gaze from her colleague's reluctance to turn back and stare at Hu Yanshuo from time to time, and then her eyes fell on Hu Yanshuo, with a questioning tone, as if Hu Yanshuo should not let her make trouble with her colleague. However, Hu Yanshuo seemed to have forgotten about this and began to chat with the other party.

"Are you angry? Why does it look a bit dark!"

"No! Where is it dark?"

Yang Jingxuan, who took out the makeup mirror to observe, said.


After hearing the announced answer, Yang Jingxuan frowned and said, "Aren't you a little white?"

"Where is White?"


"Then can I buy a piece of land with you?"

"What place? We don't have a cemetery here, we only buy cars here!"

Yang Jingxuan answered neatly, and Hu Yanshuo pretended to be helpless and said, "Well, in fact, I am a courier, please sign for your courier!"

"What courier?"

Yang Jingxuan asked suspiciously, thinking hard about what she had purchased online. Upon seeing this, Hu Yanshuo didn't answer. Instead, he took the opportunity to ask, "How long have you been working here, why haven't I seen you before?"

"I came here in my third year for an internship and have been here for two years. By the way, what express do I have?"

Yang Jingxuan frowned and thought while answering to Hu Yanshuo Then, unable to remember what it was, she looked at Hu Yanshuo and asked.

Hu Yanshuo replied calmly: "I want to know more about it."

"Go back to me."

Looking at Hu Yanshuo's face, Yang Jingxuan answered without hesitation, and made a request, "By the way, give a bad review!"

Hu Yanshuo had a black line on his head, and there was an embarrassment in his eyes.

But now at this point, Hu Yanshuo still wanted to know some things, smiled a little embarrassedly, and immediately changed the subject: "Okay! I'm not a courier, I want to go to the airport today, but the security check always fails, so I simply Come and buy a car and go back…”

"Have you brought any contraband?" Yang Jingxuan looked at Hu Yanshuo vigilantly and said.

Seeing her slightly guarded body, ready to get away and move away at any time, Hu Yanshuo smiled and said, "There are no shoelaces contraband, but the security check found that there is still one you in my heart, just buy a plane ticket and don't let it pass..."

"Mr. Hu, I'm going to work, please stop joking?" Yang Jingxuan said angrily when she heard this.

"Haha, don't be angry, I just want to get to know you!"

Hu Yanshuo raised his hands quickly, looked at Yang Jingxuan's attitude, and said with a bit of sincerity in his smile.

Yang Jingxuan took a deep breath, but did not continue to look angry, but said to Hu Yanshuo with a serious face: "Mr. Hu, if you want to flirt, we have many beautiful women here for you to choose from, but We are not suitable, if you want to buy a car, I promise to give you the most suitable price, then if you are still like this, I can only ask my colleagues to explain the information of the car to you..."

(ps, ask for collection, recommendation ticket, reward, thank you!)

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