Tang Yi said helplessly, knowing that their women were not soft when they bought things, but they didn't expect such an outrageous side.

"Then go!"

Poor Tang Yi suddenly became the most eye-catching "scenery" in the mall because of his full shopping bags. Everyone gave him different eyes. Of course, ouyangfei was the same.

If you are curious, you might as well be envious. Even if you have such economic strength, the key is that both people are so good-looking. This is a fairy couple.

"Dangdang! These are some nutritional products for you and your baby, as well as milk powder for pregnant women. They are all imported from abroad."

They skipped the greeting with an Yifeng downstairs. Anyway, he won't interfere too much with Luoxi's friends.

Moreover, an Yifeng knows that ouyangfei and Tang Yi are not ordinary people's children. The famous brands all over his body are about to catch up with an Chen.

Listening to the two words of the child, Luoxi and Anchen looked at each other, and there was also an embarrassed expression on her face.

"What's the matter with you two?"

Ouyangfei noticed something wrong with them, but Luoxi still looked like a pinch.

Tang Yi came out of the bathroom and saw the drugs Luoxi needed to take on their table. He took one and asked, "what's this? Who ate it?"

At this time, they looked at each other again.

Until now, ouyangfei's woman's intuition told her that Luoxi must have something to hide from her, so before they answered Tang Yi's question, she directly questioned Luoxi, "Xiaoxi, are you hiding something from me? Why haven't you seen me for so few days? You seem to be very spiritless. Is something wrong?"

Worry and anxiety seemed to appear on ouyangfei's face in such a moment. She really regarded Luoxi as her friend. They were also a little similar.

One is because of his noble status and dare not easily contact and make friends with people outside, while the other? I just came back from abroad and didn't have many friends around me.

Although ouyangfei is usually not good at words, she is really good to her friends, even though she has the same concerns as Luoxi.

Looking at the silent Luoxi, an Chen also pushed, and her eyes were also indicating that she could tell ouyangfei them.

As long as she said it, an Chen can guess what happened to Luoxi's abortion.

"Feifei, brother Yi, i... I had a miscarriage!"


Tang Yi and Ouyang Fei as like as two peas were surprised. "How can they miscarry? Is it not good enough for the first two days?"

Looking at an Chen here, Luoxi is also difficult to say. After all, this matter is strictly related to ran ya.

However, if you really want to blame Luoxi, you can only blame Luoxi for her carelessness. Ran ya just said a few words she didn't like to hear. Her psychological acceptance is really too poor.

"Say it quickly. You want to kill us?"

"I... I don't know what's going on. Maybe I'm too tired recently. Originally, my health is not very good, and this child is not planned by Anchen and me."

Although Luoxi's explanation sounds far fetched, it perfectly avoids ran ya. In this way, an Chen can't guess anything at all.

The sad expression appeared on ouyangfei's face. Fortunately, she also prepared so many things for the baby. Now it seems that these things are completely cumbersome!

As long as Luoxi sees them, he has to think of children! "Tang Yi, you took out all these things and threw them away."

Considering Luoxi's mood, ouyangfei asked Tang Yi to throw away all the things he had just bought. These words really sound incredible. They don't need money, but they don't have to waste so much, do they?

"No! There's no need to waste more money! I'm not very comfortable these two days and need to be recuperated. I eat these as supplements. Anyway, it doesn't mean that pregnant women eat cleaner than ordinary ones!"

Ouyangfei reluctantly agreed, but it happened so suddenly that Luoxi didn't know how long it took to get out of the shadow.

"By the way, Tang Yi and I have gone to choose a good dress today."

Now that the sad things have passed, we should look forward now. In order to ease Luoxi's mood, ouyangfei shared the two of them. Speaking of it, the wedding of Anchen and Luoxi is also being prepared now!

"Really? That's great. Hey! When are you going to have a wedding?"

"The time has been set, but it is estimated that it will change by then! Tang Yi is busy now, so it may change."

Yes, can Ouyang Zhenhua's harsh conditions prevent Tang Yi from being as busy as a dog day by day?

During this time, because of the company and Luoxi, an Chen didn't even have time to call Chen Jie to inquire about the progress of the wedding.

Richard's phone came. When they didn't pay attention, Anchen slipped out quietly, "did you find it?"

"Without president security, the memory card is too damaged, so it hasn't been repaired."

Originally, she was a little excited, but as soon as she heard Richard say so, Anchen was completely absent-minded.

"Yes, what's the matter with the company?"

An Chen's face immediately became serious. Since it was not about Luoxi, it must be the company. Otherwise, how could Richard call him.

There was a pause. "Mr. an, Miss Mu is back."

An Chen frowned, Mu Zhihui?

There was no way to hide the panic in his heart. An Chen looked back at the three people in the room and continued to turn his head to the phone and said, "how do you know?"

"She just called the company and I just went to the office to get the information."

What can I do now? If an Yifeng knew that Mu Zhihui had returned, he would be more indifferent to Luoxi. Now he has finally changed his attitude towards Luoxi because he has just lost his child.

However, even if Mu Zhihui comes back, he can't change an Chen's heart. He has fallen in love with Luoxi and has been with her. "Don't worry. If she calls you again, she will tell her about me and Luoxi directly."

In this way, if Mu Zhihui heard it, she might feel a little heartless, but if she hadn't left him recklessly because she disliked an Chen for nothing, maybe they would be very happy now.

An Chen can have all this now, not by an Yifeng, but by his own efforts, so he saw those who had opinions on him at the beginning.

"I think we'll go out when you're a little better. How about I be your guide and go abroad?"

"OK! I haven't traveled for years."

Luoxi is full of spirit when she hears about tourism. Since she left city a three years ago and later developed in city B, the word tourism has gradually drifted away from her life.

It used to be because we didn't have enough money, but now we have money but no time.

When all this is a little better, it's also a good way to go out and relax! You can also go with an Chen. They haven't gone out together yet!

"Anchen, then you have to arrange your time. Don't use work as an excuse, you know!"

Fortunately, when they looked back, an Chen had stood behind, otherwise Luoxi would think it was the company's business.

"OK, I'll listen to your arrangement then!"

A reluctant smile crossed an Chen's face. Mu Zhihui was still thinking silently in his heart. What would happen if she met Luoxi?

It was not easy for her to get out of the pain of losing her child. Would it be a greater blow to her?

The girl in the high-end Mercedes Benz business car is mu Zhihui, Anchen's ex girlfriend. Wearing casual clothes, she doesn't look like a golden lady at all. Her eyes behind sunglasses are also full of memories and longing for the city.

If her father had not been so opposed to her being with Anchen, perhaps they would not have become such the most familiar strangers now. But who is to blame? Didn't Mu Zhihui's heart shake at that time!

"Go and settle down!"

A lot of things are brought next to the seat for an Yifeng. I hope I can get his understanding with an Chen this time.

Although she has heard about Anchen's Luoxi, she still has the confidence to take Anchen back to her side.

"Then let's go first and have a good rest by yourself. You know what? Call me directly when you have anything."

When it was time to leave, ouyangfei and Tang Yi had stood up and said goodbye. After watching them all leave, ouyangfei bent over and whispered in Luoxi's ear: "I'll help you investigate the Li Yunzhe when I go back later. I was too busy a few days ago."

Luoxi nodded, "it doesn't matter. You're busy. Let's wait until you're free!"

Just after opening the door, ouyangfei and Mu Zhihui came face to face. At first glance, ouyangfei didn't recognize the woman in front of him, "Mu Zhihui?"

She pointed to Mu Zhihui and asked in surprise. Unexpectedly, this woman had the face to come back after so long?

She knows that there will inevitably be a war to settle down because of Mu Zhihui's arrival, but ouyangfei doesn't know whether she should continue to stay here.

It goes without saying that an Yifeng will definitely stand on Mu Zhihui's side, and may not stand in line according to an Chen's feelings for her before! In this way, Luoxi will become a lonely family?

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