Golf Course. When ye zhehan and Wang Ruoxin arrived, Wang qiangsen and Wang peipeipei had already arrived at the start. After one stroke, Wang peipeipei cheered up and clapped his hands and said, "dear, good, good, great, too strong, and went in again."

Wang Ruoxin was surprised when he saw Wang peipeipei and the man, and then returned to normal color. He really didn't expect to see her and That man, but look at her appearance, how does not seem to be a scandal ridden person, and this man will be the man in the scandal?

But isn't this man the mayor of T city? All the previous reports are that he and his wife love each other better than Jin Jian, how can it be? How can you get mixed up with Wang peipeipei?

Can he be the "a" in the news?

While she is looking at others, Wang qianglin is also looking at her. Is this the woman who stayed by Ye zhehan for the longest time? Is it because of this woman, ye zhehan, that Wang peipeipei is thrown away? Because of this woman

"Ye Shao, you are a little late." Wang qiangsen handed the club in his hand to the assistant on the side. He reached out and held Wang peipeipei in his arms. "I don't need to introduce it."

Ye zhehan raised his lips and narrowed his eyes. "Of course, Miss Wang, it's famous in the entertainment circle of T city. My woman, Wang Ruoxin."

When he said that, ye zhehan also held Wang Ruoxin tightly in his arms, and his eyes flashed over a vague meaning.

How can Wang peipeipei be a person who has seen the world? It's natural to say hello to ye zhehan. It's like nothing happened between the two. It's just an ordinary acquaintance. "Hello, ye Shao. I haven't seen you for a long time."

"What is long time no see? You can see me often. Other men are still rare." Wang qiangsen laughed when he spoke, and bit the tip of her nose gently.

"Oh, you hate it. So many people are here." Wang peipeipei's face was slightly red, and he pretended to be embarrassed and hid in his arms. He shook his fist and beat him gently in front of his chest.

"Ha ha..." Wang qiangsen chuckled and said, "Ye Shao is a person who has come here. Naturally, he will understand us. What are you shy about?"

Wang peipeipei with red lips twisted in his arms a few times, and then obediently came down.

"Ye Shao, have a round?" Wang qiangsen released Wang peipeipei in his arms, took over the club in the assistant's hand and raised it.

Ye zhehan eyebrows a pick, "good."

Two men played PK, Wang peipeipei and Wang Ruoxin sat at the table not far away from them. Their eyes were still following the man on the court at the beginning. After a short time, Wang peipeipei took back his eyes and said with a smile: "sister Wang, last time, goodbye, I really haven't seen you for a long time."

Wang Ruoxi nodded and gave a slight smile.

"Miss Wang, don't you have anything to ask me?" Wang peipeipei was waiting for a few minutes. Originally, she thought she would seize this opportunity to inquire about some news. However, she sat quietly and asked nothing, which made her feel a little surprised. "I think you will want to know something in terms of your occupation."

Wang Ruoxin cast his eyes on her face and straightened his back. "Miss Wang, I'm a gossip reporter. But every gossip reporter has his own professional quality. He doesn't want to gossip no matter when and where. I think you really want more."

"I don't want to know anything about your business and the location. If I have the chance, I hope I can interview you formally next time, just as we did last time."

"Ha ha, you are different from that man." Wang peipeipei heard her words can not help but make eyes at her, "I now some understand, why Ye Shao will eventually choose you."

"You've said too much. There's no end, and I can't be the last." Wang Ruoxin still has this self-knowledge, not to mention the half month period between her and him, and the past has passed.

"I heard that Su and I are classmates Wang peipeipei really didn't see that this woman knew so many powerful men. As expected, she was really a person who could not be judged by his appearance. "Last time I heard Su Da Shao talk about it by accident."

Su Da Shao?

That must mean Su Yixuan.

Wang Ruoxin nodded, "well, he's my senior, between us Not very familiar. "

The last three words are a relatively safe word she said after brewing.

The relationship between her and ye zhehan is more stable.

"Not very familiar?" Wang peipeipei's face was covered with heavy make-up, and his thick black eyebrows frowned. He obviously didn't believe what she said. He still remembered that time when he had dinner with Su Yixuan, when he talked about Wang Ruoxin, he looked like he had a very good relationship. "It's not too familiar, it doesn't matter. It will be ripe after a long time."Wang Ruoxin did not speak any more. He took up the mineral water and took a sip. Wang peipeipei's words clearly meant something else. However, no matter what the meaning is, as long as she doesn't talk, it doesn't matter what she means.

Wang peipeipei obviously did not miss her meaning. "I still remember the last time I saw you was when I was interviewing. Now I see you again. I feel more beautiful than before. It is true that women have to be loved. Ye Shao loves you a lot."

Ye zhehan loves her?

Wang Ruoxin really did not feel out, he does not torture her is good, also loves her, where to heartache ah?

"Miss Wang laughs. You can see that Mr. Wang really loves you."

She was just a tentative question, and Wang peipeipei answered with a smile, "of course, he has always loved me, and our relationship has been very stable."

One day, I will be your mayor's wife.

Of course, she didn't say the last sentence in front of Wang Ruoxin. Naturally, she had her own plans. In front of Wang qiangsen, she always looked obedient and obedient. Sometimes, she felt that she was the real one?

Soon a duel of golf was played. Wang qiangsen and ye zhehan both took the clubs to the assistants beside them, and then went to the table where the women sat.

Wang qiangsen looked sideways and looked at him. He said in a vague way: "I think Miss Wang is really charming. Otherwise, how can ye Shao Mi be so fascinated?"

"Crazy?" Ye zhehan frowned when he heard these four words. "What does brother Wang say? It's just a woman. If you really have to say that, isn't Miss Wang peipeipei crazy for you?"

"Ha ha..." Wang qiangsen laughed out loud, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, then did not speak again.

Although Wang Ruoxin doesn't know how good the relationship between ye zhehan and Wang qiangsen is, she thinks it's not as simple as it seems on the surface. There's a sentence to say: the official business family should mean the two of them.

This time, Wang qiangsen took the initiative to ask ye zhehan. Before that piece of land which should have been photographed by him, he changed the candidate temporarily. His attitude towards Wang qiangsen was not as warm as before. It was not that he didn't want to, but he understood one thing: when using people, he was in front, when not using people, he put them behind.

When she saw the two of them coming, Wang Ruoxin picked up the mineral water on the table and took it to ye zhehan. In fact, she had no idea whether he would take it or not. However, when she thought about the half month period between them, she thought that she was outside now and had to get along with each other.

Ye zhehan raised his eyes and took a look at her. He took the water and took a drink.

Wang qiangsen stretched out his hand and twisted Wang peipeipei's nose tip. He said jokingly, "look at Miss Wang, how considerate she is to Ye Shao. You have no eyesight at all."

"Hum..." Wang Pei Du began to be reluctant to hum twice, "honey, do you dislike me?"

"Ha ha, of course not. I love you too late. How can I dislike you?" Wang qiangsen leaned down and kissed her lips for a long time.

Wang Ruoxin's heart is cold for a while. The two people who are impossible in the impression appear in front of you. When they are intimate, there is no other way in the bottom of his heart except for the cold.

She turned her head and didn't want to continue to look, because she couldn't.

Ye zhehan lip angle slightly Yang, stretched out the hand tightly to hold her in the bosom.

After golf, they go back to their homes and find their mothers.

Rolls Royce Silver Charm in the broad and fast gallop, half an hour time, back to Mingwen Road apartment.

When Wang Ruoxin got off the car, he received a short message from Li Ye, "have you got a piece of information to the moon? How come I haven't come back from work? I still want to sing karaoke with you in the evening

She immediately returned a phone call to Li Ye, "Ye, I have already sent the information to the chief editor, and the time is about to leave work. I will not rush back, but go home directly. It's about singing."

Speaking of this, she subconsciously looked at ye zhehan. About the issue of going out to sing in the evening, she felt that 80% of them would not be able to go out. Just as she was about to tell her, ye zhehan's mouth motioned to her to hang up the phone first. She blinked knowingly, "Ye, I have something to do now. Hang up first. Eat first. I'll give you a reply later Go. "

After hanging up, Wang Ruoxin looked up at him, "what's the matter?"

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